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He's Forbidden, as am I

Gym Class

Kimmie set her tray down on the lunch table, and took a seat next to Tammy. "I will be so glad when this day is over." she mumbled before taking a bite of her cheeseburger. "You and me both." Tammy agreed as she just picked at the bun on hers. "At least Mr. Sullivan's class was fun." Kimmie said, shoving some fries into her mouth. Tammy's eyes went a little wide with surprise, and Kimmie choked a little when his voice sounded in passing. "I'll let that slide, cause we're not in class." Jimmy said with a grin, lunch tray in hand as he made his way to the teachers lounge.

Kimmie took a drink of her soda to wash down the fries, and coughed a little, "Sorry, Jimmy, it slipped." she apologized, nudging Tammy with her elbow as she giggled next to her. "Everybody gets one." he told her, the grin still present as he disappeared into the lounge. Tammy let out a laugh as soon as he was gone, and Kimmie couldn't hold back her smile as she let out a sigh of relief. "Better not let that happen again." Tammy told her. "It slipped." she repeated, before taking another bite of her cheeseburger.

Jimmy was the Advanced Science teacher, and one of the few classes they lucked out, and had together. It was a general science class that dipped into everything, and he always had some crazy experiment that was setting off the fire alarm, and evacuating the students. He probably wouldn't have a job right now if everyone, including the students didn't like him so much. He made it clear the first day though, no one was allowed to call him Mr. Sullivan. That'll get you a zero for the day, and those zeros can add up. He gave everyone a week to get use to it, but that week was up a month ago.

The girls sat in silence for a moment while Kimmie ate, and Tammy picked. "Got my allowance yesterday." Tammy finally spoke up. "How much are we up too?" Kimmie asked. "Just under seventy-nine thousand." she told her. Kimmie gave her a nod as a frown made it's way out. "What's wrong?"
"I just hate that you stay for this."
"It's our ticket out. We just have to make it worth it."

"Is it worth it?" Kimmie asked with sad eyes. "For our freedom, our future," Tammy gave her a small smile as she grabbed her hand, "Yes." Kimmie returned her smile, and squeezed her hand a little tighter, but didn't let go as they finished lunch. It wasn't a rare sight to see for the two of them. There's even a rumor going around about them being lesbians because they're often seen holding hands at lunch, or as they walk through the halls. They didn't care. They knew they weren't. It was more of a comfort thing. It was something that would just happen when they would talk to each other about their problems and life. One of them would always grab the others hand for comfort, and they never stopped. Besides, none of these people mattered to them around here. They would never see any of them after graduation anyway.

The bell ending lunch rang, and the girls got up to throw their trash away. "You want any of this before I pitch it?" Tammy asked pointing to her uneaten food. Kimmie grabbed the fruit cup and banana, and stuffed them into her book bag before they dumped their trays, and headed to class. Their mood were on a steady climb as they walked down the hall. They didn't have class together, but they had their favorite classes, and then they were done for the day. Most of the kids still had another class, but these two had a free period, and could leave early. They didn't have a class they needed to take to fill that spot, and both well on their way to graduating early, but it was all part of the plan.

The girls reached where they needed to part ways, and looked at each other with grins. "See you after school, babe." Kimmie said, her grin wide. "Later, love." Tammy replied with a wink before they blew each other a kiss goodbye. They stifled their giggles as the parted to their separate classes as people stared and whispered. Okay so maybe they fueled the rumors a little, but it was funny sometimes to listen to these people talk. There wasn't a single person there that took the time out to get to know them, but they all seemed to be experts on their lives. Kimmie and Tammy found out new shit about themselves almost everyday.

Kimmie walked into the girls locker room, and quickly changed into her gym clothes. Most girls in this school would never tell you that gym was their favorite class, but she wouldn't hesitate. The physical activity was a great escape for her. You'd be surprised how much aggression you can get out smashing a ball with a bat. Sometimes she got lucky, and could knock Grace Taylor on her snooty ass while "blocking" a shot in a game of basketball, or when the bitch would try to challenge her at home plate in a game of softball. Kimmie had no problem putting her shoulder into it, and knocking her ass back a few feet to get to home. It wasn't like the bitch was any good at sports anyway. Her and her friends just liked giving Kimmie and Tammy a hard time.

Most of the kid stood in small groups, socializing in the gym as they waited for the teacher to get there. Kimmie stood alone in her assigned spot as she waited. They all had assigned spots to stand in when class started, five rows, six students in each row. It made it easier to see who was there and who wasn't. The gym room doors opened, and a smile made it's way out on Kimmie's face. "Line up!" he deep voice echoed as kids scrambled to their spots. The escape wasn't the only thing that made this her favorite class. It helped that Coach Sanders was nice to look at too. Of course she wasn't the only one that felt that way.

Kimmie would never openly flirt with her teacher like some of these girls around here do. Yeah he was good looking, with the muscles, the tattoos, the dimples, the honey hazel eyes....Need I go on ;) But he was her teacher, and she would never dare make a move, not that she felt he would even look in her direction if she did. Hell he would never even look in the direction of the girls that did flirt with him. It was obvious he wasn't interested in throwing his life and career away for these high school girls. Kimmie couldn't understand why they even bothered. They just make themselves look easy.

Coach Sanders went down the lines, checking students off as he saw them until everyone was accounted for. He tucked his clipboard under his arm, and looked at his students with a smile. "Going outside today," he started before being interrupted by Grace's piercing, whiny voice. "Do you know how humid it is out there? It's going to totally frizz out my hair." she complained. Kimmie rolled her eyes, and was half tempted to walk over to her, and mess it up herself. "I think your hair will survive, Grace," Coach Sanders told her, and Kimmie smirked at the annoyance in his voice as he continued, "Playing kickball, and I'll be picking the teams," he finished, standing at the start of the first row of kids.

Kimmie internally groaned once she saw how he was picking teams. Every other row which meant her and Grace would be on the same team. Looks like she was going to be on the loosing team today. Coach Sanders grabbed a red kickball from the utility closet, and everyone followed him outside to the baseball field. The rules of the games were the same except you kick a red ball rolled at you instead of hitting one thrown at you. The day wasn't really that bad. It was warm, but there was a soft breeze in the air, and not a cloud in the sky. It was actually a beautiful day.

The teams took their positions, Kimmie's team outfield first, and soon the game was starting. Of it wasn't long after before Grace started grinding on Kimmie's nerves. She had never seen some one so afraid of a ball. "Oh Jesus Christ." she mumbled in annoyance after Grace squealed and ducked out of the balls way for the third time since they started. It was like the other team was aiming for her knowing she'll let it go right past her. "What was that?" she snapped placing a hand on her hip as Kimmie went after the ball. "I'm sorry did I stutter, or did you just not get the cum cleaned out of your ears this morning," Kimmie snapped back with a smirk, "Jesus Christ," she started to repeat herself, "Quit being a fucking pussy, and catch the damn ball. I realize it's not bouncing off your chin like you're use to-"

"Girls!" Coach Sanders voice rang out "Break it up!" he warned from his spot behind home plate. Grace gave Kimmie a snobby smirk before jogging over to home plate. "Coach Sanders, Kimberly's being mean," she started to pout, and Kimmie cringed a little. She hated it when people used her full first name. "Can I switch teams?" she whined, folding her hands in front of her as she tried to push her nonexistent boobs together, batting her eyes as she looked up at him through her lashes.

Matt masked his eye roll with a head roll as he looked at the team currently up to kick. Several of them sent him pleading looks, silently telling him not to let her. "Kim!" he called out, and her eyes went wide. Shit she hoped she didn't just get herself into trouble. Kimmie jogged over to home plate, her heart racing. "You're on the kicking team." he told her, an amused smile coming out when he heard Grace huff next to him. Sometime he couldn't help it. She got on his nerves with the flirting she does. He was happily engaged with a baby on the way. There was no way he was going to throw that all away for a student.

Kimmie mocked the snobby smirk she got from Grace earlier before heading to join the other team. "Dyke." she heard her hiss as she walked away. "Grace, get back to your spot." Matt told her not at all amused. Kimmie turned and place two fingers in front of her mouth in the form of a V before flicking her tongue out at her. Grace looked at her with disgust as she stomped away, and Kimmie gave her the finger. "Not helping, Kim." Matt told her, trying to hold back his smile, but the amusement was clear in his eyes. "Sorry." she apologized, not really meaning it, before joining her new team.

Matt let his smirk come out as she walked away. He may not have any interest in any of his students, but that didn't mean he didn't have favorites, and Kimmie was definitely on that list. She participated, didn't flirt, and didn't take any shit from some of the snobs around here. He may have problems with her and Grace from time to time, but usually Kimmie was just standing up for herself, and he admired that in a student. It wasn't easy for most students to do that, and it showed some courage, and self respect.

Kimmie walked to the end of the line to wait her turn to kick, and heard one of the guys in passing, "Thank God." he mumbled. Kimmie cocked a curious brow at him, and he chuckled a little. "We'd rather have you on our team than her." he told her as she moved to stand behind him. "Isn't that your girlfriend?" she asked already knowing. He was a jock, Aaron Ward more specifically, plays varsity football and basketball. "Doesn't mean I want her on my team." he told her with a chuckle, and Kimmie couldn't hold back her smile. She was a little surprised he was so openly talking to her. The guys weren't as bad as the girls. At most they just ignored her and Tammy, or joined in on the laughter when their girlfriends were being bitches to them. It really surprised her when he turned to face her.

He looked at her with a curious smile, but it was genuine. "Can I ask you a personal question?" he asked, and she had a feeling she knew where this was going. "Can't guarantee I'll answer." she told him, and he chuckled a little. "Fair enough." he said before continuing, "You and that other girl, the red head-"
"Her name is Tammy." she cut him off a little sharp.
"Right, sorry. Are you two....You know really...." he trailed off not really sure how to get the words out. Kimmie couldn't help, but chuckle at his nervous, uneasiness. "No, we're not." she answered his question, and another genuine smile graced his face. "That's too bad. Would have been so hot." one of Aaron's buddies said from behind him where he was eves dropping.

Kimmie let out another chuckle when Aaron turned and punched his friend in the shoulder, "Shut up, dude," he grumbled before turning back to Kimmie a little embarrassed, "Sorry." he apologized. "It's okay." she said, feeling a flutter in her heart when he smiled at her again. Why the hell did that happen? He wasn't by any means unattractive, with his deep blue eyes, and sandy blonde hair. He was tall too, not as tall as Coach Sanders, but not much shorter, and had a bigger build than most of the guys at school, but then again he was an athlete. He was definitely out of her league, at least in her eyes. "So nothing going on there with you two then?" he asked again just to make sure she knew what he was really asking. "No." Kimmie told him again with a slight shake of her head.

Aaron's smile turned into a smirk that for some reason she found extremely attractive. "Good to know." he said with a wink before he left her, and her red cheeks to take his turn. Kimmie felt her cheeks burning as she watched him kick the ball out into the open field, sending three people to home plate. Did he really just wink at her? And more importantly, why? He has a girlfriend.

Kimmie's eyes caught Grace's glare as she stepped up to take her turn. She didn't seem to happy about her boyfriend talking to Kimmie. A mischievous smile made it's way out as Kimmie watched the red ball roll towards her. She took a slight jogging start as she met the ball at the plate, and kicked it hard in Grace's direction. She took off towards first base, but stopped in her tracks when the ball nailed Grace in the face, and knocked her on her ass. Kimmie tried hard to hold back her laugh as she finished her trek to first base. That worked out better than she had hoped.

Matt jogged out onto the field, and helped Grace up. "She did that on purpose." she shrieked, holding her nose. Matt suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. "I'm sure it was an accident," he said, moving her hand, and seeing there was no blood. He knew there wouldn't be. This ball was meant to hit people, it was one of the ones used for dodge ball. "Then she should apologize." Grace demanded, crossing her arms. "Sorry, I was aiming for your stomach." Kimmie piped up, not hiding her grin, hearing her from first base. Grace's mouth dropped, and Kimmie caught a glimpse of Aaron trying to hide his laughter from second, but he wasn't the only one she noticed. Coach Sanders was chuckling as he jogged back behind home. Another smile made it's way out across her lips, and she found herself wondering if Tammy was having this much fun in her class.


And we will see if she is in the next chapter :) And meet Mr. Haner ;) Zacky and Johnny will appear later. They won't be teachers. I have different roles for them...
I was going to put both of their days in one, but this was long enough, and it gets another chapter out of me for my awesome readers :D
Sorry for the delay. Had a mishap and lost my internet for a little bit :( But now it's back on, and all is good :)
Hope it was somewhat worth the wait <3


This totally made up for the wait :)

First Brian. He's just not use to having to hide something like this like Tammy has. She's had her crush for awhile and is use to hiding secrets and actions. Some of what he does is completely innocent, just trying to make her feel better, but the other he just doesn't know how to deal with or control it. But like I said in a previous comment...someone is about to gum up the works.

As for Tammy turning on the bitch switch with Kimmie, she knows she fucked up. First day back was an uncomfortable shock to her and she took it out on the wrong person. But I think the little pep talk she got from her favorite teacher will help.

And finally Matt. What can I say about this poor broken man? It's going to take some time for him to get over this. The love of his life is gone now and he just doesn't know how to deal. It's not something someone just gets over. Eventually he's going to see though that there's someone else out there that can love him just as much if not more :)

always love you long comments Hot Stuff <3

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

OK first, I'm sorry I'm "sooooo late" with my comment ;-) :P
Here goes! Get ready!

Brian, my friend, you are getting onto thin ice. Getting in between a funny back and forth between friends? Asking for a HotStuff (don't be jealous of the girl friends man, not cool), checking to hear if you are still hot? Putting your hand on her thigh? HOLDING HER FUCKING HAND?!!?! Brian, you are soooo deep in right now. And you fucking know it. If you really aren't ready to admit yet, you shouldn't even get in everything I mentioned before and try to pretend to be a grown up man who doesn't have a quickly developing crush on his fosterchild. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for him to fall of the wagon, but for the storysake and the "it's all wrong"-sake... you should at least pretend :P

Okay, I can skip the school stuff right? I mean, she doesn't want to move away from Brian anyway and everything else was just.. well.. maybe she'll make it anyway, but who cares... I have more important stuff to get to.

For the first time this story I kinda didn't like Tammy. She was selfish instead of supporting her friend. I don't really like Aaron, but for now he is nice to Kimmie and so are his friends. I get all the issues Tammy always had, but she had no right to go off on Kimmie like that. That's just mean. I know I know, she had her reasons. I know she's been through a lot, but I still didn't like it. Kimmie didn't deserve it.

Oh, one thing more about the school day... I do love all the sarcastic remarks. But you know... that's your writing. You make it seem so effortless and I know it's not, but just take the compliment, okay? You make it seem so so damn lifely, and I really feel like being there. Like standing there watching the scene. It's amazing.

Allright, let's get to my man Matt. My heart breaks everytime you write about him. I know it's too soon to get better, but I really want it to. I hate seeing him hurt like this. Trying his best over all his grief. I really can't stand seeing him like this. But I love how Kimmie knows this baby stuff. How she so easily gets the baby to be quiet and calm. And what I like most about it is that she isn't solving it for Matt, but teaching him how. But damn, just fix the man soon, I can't take it.
And here's a small peek of the fangirl.. I can't wait for Kimmie to spend more time with Matt and Aiden, taking care of the small guy.

I hope this comment makes up for me being not here on the first day. I'll just end with what I always do.. Please, Please, Please write! I'm begging you, this story makes my day, my week, my life. I want to read more now things are looking up!

Love you lekker ding! <3

Kimmie Kimmie

Tomorrow, I promise

Kimmie Kimmie

:'( :'( :'(

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

Thank you!! Are you my new subscriber? I've been trying hard to get back into this so updates can be slow going. I have some finished stories to occupy your time if you want to check them out. Just click on my user name :)

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx