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He's Forbidden, as am I

Our Personal Hell

The warm water flowed steadily out of the shower head. Tammy let it wash over her hoping the filth she felt will go down the drain with it, but it never does. She took one last night after it happened, but it wasn't enough. It's was never enough. She shut off the water, and stepped out, wrapping a towel around herself. She wiped the fog from the mirror, and looked at her reflection with a sigh. There were new bruises to cover, just when the old had faded. He wouldn't hit her if she would cooperate with him, but she wasn't going to do that, EVER.

Tammy quickly brushed her teeth, and started the tedious task of covering the bruises. She finished her makeup, and walked to her bathroom door, unlocking it. It doesn't keep him out. He has a key, but at least this way she can hear him coming. Tammy opened the door, and glanced around her bedroom, stepping out once she knew it was empty. She quickly dressed, and grabbed her book bag before heading out of her room.

Opening the door quietly, she glance down both directions of the hall making sure it too was empty. Tammy stepped out, and quietly walked down the stairs to start breakfast, and make coffee. He likes to have it ready when he get up, and she had to do it. Every meal had to be ready when he wanted, and she had to keep up with the house work. These were some of the few things she did willing for him. Some things just weren't worth getting hit over.

It wasn't always like this. She didn't always have to constantly look over her shoulder, or lock her doors. She wasn't always afraid, but everything changed after her mother died. She use to be happy. Tammy remembers the day he adopted her. It was one of the happiest days of her life. She had someone she could finally call a dad, having never met her own. She use to trust him, even loved him like a father. Now she can't stand the sight of him.

Tammy turned the light on in the kitchen, and got a pot of coffee going. She pulled out things she would need to make breakfast burritos. He was going to want something he could take on the go. She actually didn't mind cooking. It was a common love shared with her mom. She owned her own restaurant and catering company, and taught Tammy everything she knew. She's even considered taking it up as a career herself. If she can get out of this hell.

Tammy wrapped up three burritos in foil, and filled Nathan's coffee mug. She set his aside, and put the other two in a paper bag to take with her to school. She was in a little bit of a happy mood today, even with what happened last night. It was Monday, and she liked Mondays. It was always busy at the hospital, so he was always gone quickly, and home late. She usually only had to deal with him for all of five minutes on a Monday. That, and Kimmie was staying the night.

Most people had best friends, besties, BFFs, whatever you want to call it, but Tammy had something more than that. Kimmie wasn't just her best friend, but her rock, the solid ground she had to stand on. She saved her life a year ago, and in the same night gave her a reason to keep going. She knows she would be six feet under right now if it was for her, and she couldn't and wouldn't do that now or ever again. They had a future planned. They were going to get out of their personal hells.

Tammy put the dishes she used into the dishwasher, wiped the counters down, and rinsed the coffee pot out. She jumped, and almost dropped it in the sink when she felt two arms snake around her waist. "Good morning, baby." he whispered in her ear as he placed soft kisses on her neck. Tammy felt her skin crawl, and her stomach churn. "Don't call me that." she said harsh, and pulled away. Nathan gripped her arm bruising tight, and whipped her around. He painfully grab her chin, forcing her to look at him, "Don't you pull away from me." he growled, his blue eyes burning into her hazel-greens.

He crashed his lips hard to hers, and forced his tongue inside. Tammy tried to push him away, but he kept a firm grip on her. She still had the coffee pot in hand, and thought about smashing it across his face, but that could end worse than this forced kiss that made her want to vomit. He pulled back, and gave her one more peck before releasing her. Tammy wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand before shoving the pot back into the coffee maker. Nathan smiled down at his awaiting breakfast and coffee. "Such a good little girl." he praised, grabbing the items off the counter.

Tammy rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe how he could act so normal about this, like this is how people live their everyday lives. He was like a light switch. One minute he could be furious, and have her fearing for her life, and the next, completely normal, like nothing happened. It was like he was living, happily in his own twisted fantasy, and there was nothing wrong with it. He could be quite tiring, but then again, so can she. He may think he owns her, but in her eyes, he was so very wrong. "Have a good day at school, sweetie." he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek in passing. Tammy was again wiping her face as she watched him walk towards the front door. "Try not to wreck on the way to work." she said thick with sarcasm and a fake smile.

Nathan's smile vanished as he reached for the door knob. "Smartass isn't a good look on you." he said low. "What can I say? You have a knack for bringing it out." she said, full on attitude, crossing her arms. Nathan glared at her for a moment before yanking the door open, and slamming it shut behind him as he left. Her sarcasm can get under his skin, and he needed to leave before he ended up having to call her into school for the next week. Sometimes he couldn't control the rage she could ignite in him, and he has gone over board a couple of times shutting up her smart mouth.

Tammy let out a sigh, and grabbed the paper bag of burritos and book bag. She waited until she heard him pull away before grabbing her keys, and setting the alarm as she left. Tammy walked over to her car, and climbed in. It was something Nathan got her for her sixteenth birthday, but it wasn't the only "present" she got that day. If she didn't hate him so much, she would probably have loved the car, but she knew it was just his attempt to justify what he does. She started it up, and pulled out, headed to pick up the only other person that knows what it's like to feel completely helpless.

Kimmie yawned, rubbing her eyes as she pulled herself out of the warmth of her bed. She walked like a zombie out of her room to the bathroom across the hall. She turned the light on, and sighed at the sight in front of her. Kimmie walked in, and crouched down to her mother, passed out, hugging the toilet. "Mama." she said shaking her a little to wake her up. Victoria let out a groan, but made no attempt to move. "Mama." Kimmie repeated, shaking her a little harder. "Leave me alone." she grumbled.

Kimmie ignored her, and grabbed her arm, resting it across her shoulders. She helped her mother to her feet, and waited a moment as she steadied her legs. She started to practically carry her out of the bathroom, but Victoria quickly pulled away before emptying what was left from last night's drinking into the sink. Kimmie let out another heavy sigh as her mother threw up, knowing she was the one that was going to have to clean it up. Victoria wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and pushed herself away from the sink. "Move." she growled, shoving Kimmie out of her way as she drug herself out of the bathroom.

Kimmie put her arm out to keep from hitting the wall as her mother pushed past her. She rolled her eyes, and shook her head before grabbing the bleach from the cabinet under the sink. She cleaned up the mess her mom left for her before jumping into the shower to get ready for the day. She was thankful she didn't have to come back to this place after school. She wasn't in the mood to deal with her mom, and whatever fuck she brought home for the night.

A small disguised tear escaped as she let the water flow over her face. She missed her dad, and her younger brother. Kimmie could never understand why he wouldn't take her with him too. What did she do that was so wrong to cause him to abandon her like that? Victoria makes sure that she never forgets that she blames her for him leaving. She was always telling her how he never wanted her, how she robbed and ruined her of her life. It wasn't Kimmies fault, she never asked to be born into this family, and sometimes she wished she hadn't. Five years, and she still has yet to hear a word from him. Sometimes she couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. Did he really not love or want her?

Kimmie shut the water off, and wrapped a towel around herself as she stepped out. She quickly brushed her teeth, and applied her makeup before grabbing a bottle of aspirin out of the medicine cabinet. Kimmie ran across the hall to her room to dress before making her way downstairs to the kitchen. She opened and closed the cupboard doors, looking for something, anything to eat, knowing that there was nothing.

With a frown, Kimmie shut the doors with a slight slam before yanking open the refrigerator. Her eyes scanned the almost bare inside. Booze, booze, and more booze. She pushed aside some beer bottles, and spotted an almost empty loaf of bread. She tossed the two pieces that were left into the toaster before turning her attention to the coffee maker. The used grounds from the day before were still in there, and Kimmie knew they didn't have anymore. She didn't care though, she wasn't drinking it.

She filled the pot up with water before dumping it into the machine, and starting it. Kimmie grabbed a small plate when her toast popped up, and she set the pieces on it. There wasn't even any butter to put on it. It would be nice if her mother bought food once in awhile. She hasn't eaten since Saturday night, and that was only because Tammy fed her. Kimmie would probably starve if it wasn't for her. She always makes sure Kimmie gets at least two meals during the week, bringing her breakfast when she picks her up in the morning, and making sure her lunch account always had money on it at school. The weekends were the worst, but they couldn't always be with each other then.

Kimmie turned from the counter when she heard her mother come in, and sit at the table. Her hair was a mess, makeup ran down her face, and still in last nights clothes. Kimmie grabbed the bottle of aspirin, and filled a glass of water. She set the items on the table in front of her mother before walking back over to the counter, and pouring a weak cup of coffee. She picked up the plate of dry toast and coffee cup, and set those down in front of her mom as well.

Victoria looked up at the daughter she despised with a frown before looking down at the items in front of her. She took a sip from the coffee, and immediately spit it out. "This tastes like shit?" she snapped, shoving it away. "It was made from yesterdays grounds." Kimmie told her. "Why the hell would you give me that? What good are you? Can't even make a decent cup of coffee, and this toast is dry." her mother ranted. "It's all we have," Kimmie told her, growing angry with her mothers ungratefulness, "Maybe if you bought more than booze we would have something else." she snapped back.

Victoria glared at her. "Maybe if I didn't have such a worthless daughter, I would give a shit." she hissed. Kimmie fought back her tears at her mothers words as she watched her mom stand up, and toss the toast in the trash. She would have eaten that last night if she had known she was just going to waste it. "I'm not worthless," she said softly, "You're just selfish and ungrateful." she said earning a smack across the face.

Kimmie touched her burning cheek as she looked at her mothers burning eyes, "What the hell do I have to be grateful for? You ruined my life! My husband left because of you!" Victoria started to go off on her, "Why don't you do me a favor, and leave just like your father did!" Kimmie suppressed the sob that wanted to escape, she didn't dare let her mother see her cry. She felt a wave of relief flow through her when a car pulled up, and honked. Tammy was here.

Kimmie grabbed her book bag and threw it over her shoulder before heading for the door. She took one last look at her mother as she reached for the knob. "One of these days, I am going to leave, mama. Maybe then you'll regret the things you say to me." she told her before walking out of the house. A rare smile made it's way across her face when she seen Tammy waiting for her with a smile of her own. It quickly vanished when the front door flew open, and her mothers words pierced her ears. "The only thing I regret is having you!"

Kimmie squeezed her eyes shut to block the tears before opening them again to see Tammy glaring at her mother. She was so thankful to have her. She was her rock, and didn't know where she would be without her. Kimmie shook off the morning, and climbed into the car the awesome smell of Tammy's cooking filling her nose, making her stomach growl instantly. Her smile came back out when Tammy handed her a paper bag, and she opened it seeing the two burritos wrapped up inside. "God I fucking love you." she said, pulling them out, and handing her one. "I know," Tammy told her with a grin taking the burrito from her, "I fucking love you too." she said earning a chuckle.

They drove down the road in silence for a moment as they stuffed their faces. "Rough morning?" Tammy asked once they stopped at a red light. Kimmie let out a huff, "You could say that. Drunk bitch can't appreciate anything I do for her. Don't know why I bother anymore." she mumbled. Tammy gave sympathetic smile before the light turned green. "Because one of these days she will." she tried to comfort her, not really believing it herself. "I doubt it," Kimmie said with a sigh, "What about you?" she asked.

Tammy gripped the wheel a little tighter, "Last night was worse." she said softly, trying to control the anger boiling inside of her. Kimmie frowned, know exactly what she was talking about. "I'm sorry." she whispered, grabbing her hand. Tammy smiled sadly at her as she pulled into the high school parking lot. "It's not your fault," she told her as she parked letting a smile come out, "It'll all be over soon anyway, and then we can get on with our plans." she said, earning a wide smile from Kimmie.

They climbed out of the car, and Tammy hit the button on her remote to lock it. They looked at the school no enthusiasm. Its wasn't as bad here as it was at home for them, but it was still no picnic. "Let's get this day over with." Kimmie said before they started walk to the entrance of the hell they shared together.


I know I'm probably going to regret posting this now, since it's the only chapter I have written right now....
I have all the patience in the world, but when it comes to things I get excited and anxious for, well all that patience flies out the window
So here it is the start to my new story. Hope you guys like it, and don't be shy, I would love you to drop a comment :)


This totally made up for the wait :)

First Brian. He's just not use to having to hide something like this like Tammy has. She's had her crush for awhile and is use to hiding secrets and actions. Some of what he does is completely innocent, just trying to make her feel better, but the other he just doesn't know how to deal with or control it. But like I said in a previous comment...someone is about to gum up the works.

As for Tammy turning on the bitch switch with Kimmie, she knows she fucked up. First day back was an uncomfortable shock to her and she took it out on the wrong person. But I think the little pep talk she got from her favorite teacher will help.

And finally Matt. What can I say about this poor broken man? It's going to take some time for him to get over this. The love of his life is gone now and he just doesn't know how to deal. It's not something someone just gets over. Eventually he's going to see though that there's someone else out there that can love him just as much if not more :)

always love you long comments Hot Stuff <3

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

OK first, I'm sorry I'm "sooooo late" with my comment ;-) :P
Here goes! Get ready!

Brian, my friend, you are getting onto thin ice. Getting in between a funny back and forth between friends? Asking for a HotStuff (don't be jealous of the girl friends man, not cool), checking to hear if you are still hot? Putting your hand on her thigh? HOLDING HER FUCKING HAND?!!?! Brian, you are soooo deep in right now. And you fucking know it. If you really aren't ready to admit yet, you shouldn't even get in everything I mentioned before and try to pretend to be a grown up man who doesn't have a quickly developing crush on his fosterchild. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for him to fall of the wagon, but for the storysake and the "it's all wrong"-sake... you should at least pretend :P

Okay, I can skip the school stuff right? I mean, she doesn't want to move away from Brian anyway and everything else was just.. well.. maybe she'll make it anyway, but who cares... I have more important stuff to get to.

For the first time this story I kinda didn't like Tammy. She was selfish instead of supporting her friend. I don't really like Aaron, but for now he is nice to Kimmie and so are his friends. I get all the issues Tammy always had, but she had no right to go off on Kimmie like that. That's just mean. I know I know, she had her reasons. I know she's been through a lot, but I still didn't like it. Kimmie didn't deserve it.

Oh, one thing more about the school day... I do love all the sarcastic remarks. But you know... that's your writing. You make it seem so effortless and I know it's not, but just take the compliment, okay? You make it seem so so damn lifely, and I really feel like being there. Like standing there watching the scene. It's amazing.

Allright, let's get to my man Matt. My heart breaks everytime you write about him. I know it's too soon to get better, but I really want it to. I hate seeing him hurt like this. Trying his best over all his grief. I really can't stand seeing him like this. But I love how Kimmie knows this baby stuff. How she so easily gets the baby to be quiet and calm. And what I like most about it is that she isn't solving it for Matt, but teaching him how. But damn, just fix the man soon, I can't take it.
And here's a small peek of the fangirl.. I can't wait for Kimmie to spend more time with Matt and Aiden, taking care of the small guy.

I hope this comment makes up for me being not here on the first day. I'll just end with what I always do.. Please, Please, Please write! I'm begging you, this story makes my day, my week, my life. I want to read more now things are looking up!

Love you lekker ding! <3

Kimmie Kimmie

Tomorrow, I promise

Kimmie Kimmie

:'( :'( :'(

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

Thank you!! Are you my new subscriber? I've been trying hard to get back into this so updates can be slow going. I have some finished stories to occupy your time if you want to check them out. Just click on my user name :)

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx