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He's Forbidden, as am I

Literature 101

Brian pinched the bridge of his nose as he stared down at the papers on his desk. Scarlette Green was sitting on his desk right now trying to talk him into coming to the football game Friday night, and watch her cheer. She was giving him a headache, and really wished she would just stop already. "And maybe we could catch a movie after, or-" Brian started to rub his temples as he cut her off. "Can you get off my desk please, and take your seat?" he tried to be polite, but not once looking at her.

Scarlette ignored him, continuing to talk, and trying to touch his arm. The door to his classroom opened, and Brian looked up, a small thankful smile coming out. Saved by his favorite student. He stood up, and grabbed last weeks graded assignment. He gently, but firmly pushed Scarlette off his desk. "Take your seat." he told her again, finally looking at her, his eyes holding warning before walking away from her. She frowned, and crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing in a glare as they fixed on the person he pushed her aside for.

Brian's smile made it's way back out as he met his student halfway between his desk, and the door. "Afternoon, Tammy." he greeted. "Hello, Mr. Haner." she greeted back with her own smile. "Here's your assignment from last week," he said handing the paper to her, "Amazing as usual." he complimented watching her smile get wider. "Glad you liked it," she said pulling her gaze away from the A on her paper, "I'm really enjoying this poetry unit. It's been a wonderful escape." she said tucking the paper into her note book. "Well I think I might have a challenge for you this week," he said, pushing the wonder aside from her last statement, "Maybe lighten the mood in them a little." he told her tapping her note book with his finger. "Bring it on. Hopefully I won't disappoint." she said before heading past him. "Never do." he replied as she headed to her seat. He felt a little relieved taking notice that Scarlette finally went to hers as well, but that wasn't all he noticed.

Tammy had to pass the head cheerleader's desk to get to hers. She didn't miss the glare she got when Mr. Haner came up to talk to her, nor did she miss the foot that came out to trip her. "Owe you bitch!" Scarlette shrieked when Tammy kicked her ankle. "Don't put your foot where I'm walking." she said calmly as she walked on by. "Language, Scarlette." Brian warned with narrow eyes. "She kicked me!" she tried to defend. "You tried to trip me." Tammy shot at her as she sat at her desk. "Why would I do that." she sassed back. "Cause you're a cunt."

Brian sighed, "Tammy, language," he repeated before turning his attention back to Scarlette, "I saw you stick your foot out," he told her, and her eyes widened a little, "I suggest if you don't want sent out that door, this ends now, so I can start my class." Scarlette huffed, crossing her arms, and shooting Tammy another glare. All she got in return was a smirk and a finger. "Enough." Mr. Haner's voice sounded, giving both girls pointed looks. "Sorry, sir." Tammy apologized as Scarlette sat silent. Brian gave her a small nod in acknowledgement, before turning his eyes to the other. He rolled his eyes at her silence for disrupting the start of his class as he turned to his desk to grab his lesson planner, and stand behind his podium.

Tammy ignored the death glares she was getting every once in awhile from Scarlette as she listened to Mr. Haner lecture his class. She didn't really care much for the direction it was going as he talked about romance and love poems, but love and romance was the furthest thing from her mind. She noticed he kept his gaze away from the dumb bitch as he talked. He probably didn't want to give her any ideas, or false hope. Tammy found it humorous how he just blew off her and her advances with absolutely no interest whatsoever. She walked around like she was hot shit, and ruled the school, but she couldn't even get a second glance from her teacher.

It was stupid really, or more Scarlette was stupid. Yet another thing Tammy found humorous. Did she really think he would? Did she not know the consequences? He could loose his job, go to jail, and would probably have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. She should just give it up. She obviously wasn't worth it. How could she be too dumb to see that?

Sure Mr. Haner was attractive, so what. He was a teacher, an authority figure, and soooo off limits. That doesn't mean though, Tammy wouldn't admit to herself, or Kimmie, that she had a small crush on her teacher, but that's all it was. A school girl crush that would eventually fade as he became another person she would never see again after graduation. The only difference is, she would never act on it. Unlike Scarlette, she respected him to much to put him in a position that could cost him so much. He could do so much better than her anyway. Wasn't like she had a chance in hell, and apparently neither does Scarlette. He probably had a girlfriend anyway, a real woman. A man like that doesn't stay single.

Tammy sat at her desk, with a small smile, perfectly content with admiring from afar as she listened to him talk. He had such a relaxed confidence about him when he spoke that you couldn't help but to give him all of your attention, and she couldn't help, but to get lost in his words. That was until his assignment snapped her out of her daze. "Since we've started this unit, I've been letting you write freely, without any format to open up your creative minds. This is not going to be the case anymore," Brian said as he stepped out from behind his podium, and leaned against it, "This week I want a specific kind, a love poem. It has to have at least ten lines, and it has to rhyme." he finished, hearing a few students groan, and smirking a little as he caught a frown out of the corner of his eye.

A love poem? Was he serious? Tammy has never been in love. She was only seventeen, and was pretty sure, not a single person in this class has ever really been in love. How the hell was she suppose to write a love poem? This must have been what he meant by "lightening the mood" in her poems. "Due at the end of the week!" he added over the end of class bell as students started to stand and leave.

Tammy gathered up her things, and put them in her bag before Mr. Haner's annoyed voice drew her eyes to the front of the room. "Don't you have to get to your next class?" Tammy looked up from her bag, and seen Scarlette still in her seat, making no attempt to leave. "I have time." she said, trying to send him a sexy smirk, and failing. Tammy rolled her eyes as she stood from her desk, and threw her bag over her shoulder. "Mr. Haner I have a few questions about this weeks assignment." she said, walking up to his desk. "Okay, just a moment," he replied with a small smile, "Get to class, Miss Green." he told her, smile gone, earning Tammy a dirty look.

Scarlette stood with an eye roll, "Whatever." she mumbled, bumping Tammy's shoulder as she passed to leave. Brian shook his head as she walked out the door before looking back to Tammy with a smile, "So what's up?" he asked, leaning against his desk, and crossing his arms. "Nothing," she said with a grin, "It just looked like you wanted to get rid of her." she told him, and he had to chuckle. "Well I thank you for that, but are you sure you don't have any questions?" he asked with a curious, almost teasing smile, "I saw that frown." he pointed out.

Tammy felt her cheeks heat up a little, and wasn't entirely sure why. Maybe it because he noticed something about her, even if it was a frown. "I'm not thrilled with the assignment, and it might take all week," she said meeting his eyes once her cheeks cooled down, "But I'm sure I can pull one out of my ass." she said with a grin before heading for the door. "Maybe work on that language too." he said with amusement in his voice. He didn't really care. Get him out of this school, and he was as fowl mouthed as they came. "Yeah, probably not." she said over her shoulder, hearing a chuckle as she walked out the door.

The smile was wide on Tammy's face as she made her way through the school to meet Kimmie at her car. His class always left her in a good mood. It was probably because he was one of the only people that actually talked to her. He seemed to genuinely like her at least as a student, and it seemed to piss off Scarlette which was always a plus in her book. Speaking of dumbasses....

Tammy stopped when she spotted the three stooges down the locker room hall. Kimmie had her problems with Grace, Tammy with Scarlette, but then there was their leach, Leah Jones. Another typical cheerleader that worshiped the ground these other two walked on, but never had a voice of her own, not that she could around these two. Constantly the butt of their jokes when no one else was around for them to cut down. It was obvious they only kept her around for their amusement.

A fire lit in Tammy's eyes when she seen just why they were gathered in the hall. "You bitches got a problem!" she snapped as she walked towards them. "Not one that concerns you!" Grace shot back before snapping her gaze back to Kimmie who just stared her down with not a hint of fear in her eyes. She didn't really have a reason to be afraid. She knew none of these girls had the balls to throw a fist, and she was pretty sure she could take them if they did get a wild hair up their ass. She knew definitely that with Tammy the two could easily take them, so she wasn't worried. "Stay away from him." Grace hissed at her. "Bite my ass." Kimmie said with a careless smile, crossing her arms.

"I have a problem." Scarlette said looking at Tammy. "Oh well allow me to explain something using small words, so you can understand," Tammy told her, closing some of the distance between them, "I don't give a fuck." she said teasingly slow to get her point across. "Watch your back, bitch." Scarletted hissed. "I wish you would do something." Tammy challenged getting closer to her face. She smirked at the fear that flashed in her eyes, and move around the bitch to join Kimmie's side, "Now if you'll excuse us smart people," she continued to taunt, linking her arm with a smirking Kimmie, "We get to leave. You better hurry to class, don't want to be late. I don't think your brains can afford it." she finished. "Have to have brains first." Kimmie pointed out with slight chuckle.

Scarlette glared at her, eyes blazing, "This isn't over." she seethed before tossing her hair over her shoulder as she turned heel to walk away the other two in tow. "Nice limp! You trip over something?" Tammy called after her, taking notice as she walked away. Scarlette stopped, and shot her another death glare, but didn't respond. Tammy gave her a wide smile, and a finger before being rewarded with a huff, joining in on Kimmie's giggling. It was so much fun pissing these girls off.

The two turned, and went out the side door next to the gym. "What was that all about?" Tammy asked as they walked around to the parking lot. "Grace has her panties in a twist cause Aaron was talking to me," Kimmie explained, "I don't think it helped that I hit her in the face with a kick ball either." she added with a smirk, and Tammy laughed. "I would have loved to have seen that," she said, unlocking the doors on her car, "Why was Aaron talking to you?" she asked once they were inside. "He wanted to know if we were really gay for each other." Kimmie told her with a grin.

Tammy let out a chuckle as she started the car. "You tell him hell yeah, I ruined you for all men?" she asked as she pulled out of the parking lot. Kimmie chuckled and shook her head, "No, dammit. I wish I would have." she said. "Why the hell would he want to know that anyway?" Tammy asked. "I don't know, but he winked at me." Kimmie told her feeling her cheeks heat up again as she thought back to gym class. "Really?" Kimmie nodded, "Yeah when I told him no. He said, good to know, and winked at me." Tammy glanced at her quickly with a cocked brow. "Oooo, maybe he likes you." she teased a little, nudging her.

Kimmie shook her head, and chuckled a little, "I doubt it. He has Grace anyway." Tammy let out a huff, "You're way better than her any day," she said glancing at her out of the corner of her eye as she drove down the road, "Prettier too." she added earning a smile. "So what was up with Scarlette?" Kimmie asked hoping to change the subject. She didn't really want to get her hopes up that maybe someone had an interest in her. He was out of her league anyway, and she knew that, but it was still a little confusing. "She tried to trip me, and I kicked her." Tammy said as she pulled into her driveway.

It was Kimmie's turn to laugh as they climbed out of the car. "What the hell did we do to them?" she asked as they walked up to the house. "Nothing. Their just shallow bitches," Tammy told her as she unlocked the door, and pushed it open, "I don't think she liked that Mr. Haner-" Tammy stopped mid sentence, and Kimmie felt her grip her hand tightly, stopping them both just as they entered the kitchen. Kimmie followed her eyes, and stepped protectively close to her when she seen him. "What are you doing here?" she heard Tammy whisper.


Sorry guys, I'm lazy...
But they say the first step to recovery is acceptance, and admitting you have a problem, so here goes...
Hello everyone, my name's Tammy, and I'm a procrastinator :D


This totally made up for the wait :)

First Brian. He's just not use to having to hide something like this like Tammy has. She's had her crush for awhile and is use to hiding secrets and actions. Some of what he does is completely innocent, just trying to make her feel better, but the other he just doesn't know how to deal with or control it. But like I said in a previous comment...someone is about to gum up the works.

As for Tammy turning on the bitch switch with Kimmie, she knows she fucked up. First day back was an uncomfortable shock to her and she took it out on the wrong person. But I think the little pep talk she got from her favorite teacher will help.

And finally Matt. What can I say about this poor broken man? It's going to take some time for him to get over this. The love of his life is gone now and he just doesn't know how to deal. It's not something someone just gets over. Eventually he's going to see though that there's someone else out there that can love him just as much if not more :)

always love you long comments Hot Stuff <3

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

OK first, I'm sorry I'm "sooooo late" with my comment ;-) :P
Here goes! Get ready!

Brian, my friend, you are getting onto thin ice. Getting in between a funny back and forth between friends? Asking for a HotStuff (don't be jealous of the girl friends man, not cool), checking to hear if you are still hot? Putting your hand on her thigh? HOLDING HER FUCKING HAND?!!?! Brian, you are soooo deep in right now. And you fucking know it. If you really aren't ready to admit yet, you shouldn't even get in everything I mentioned before and try to pretend to be a grown up man who doesn't have a quickly developing crush on his fosterchild. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for him to fall of the wagon, but for the storysake and the "it's all wrong"-sake... you should at least pretend :P

Okay, I can skip the school stuff right? I mean, she doesn't want to move away from Brian anyway and everything else was just.. well.. maybe she'll make it anyway, but who cares... I have more important stuff to get to.

For the first time this story I kinda didn't like Tammy. She was selfish instead of supporting her friend. I don't really like Aaron, but for now he is nice to Kimmie and so are his friends. I get all the issues Tammy always had, but she had no right to go off on Kimmie like that. That's just mean. I know I know, she had her reasons. I know she's been through a lot, but I still didn't like it. Kimmie didn't deserve it.

Oh, one thing more about the school day... I do love all the sarcastic remarks. But you know... that's your writing. You make it seem so effortless and I know it's not, but just take the compliment, okay? You make it seem so so damn lifely, and I really feel like being there. Like standing there watching the scene. It's amazing.

Allright, let's get to my man Matt. My heart breaks everytime you write about him. I know it's too soon to get better, but I really want it to. I hate seeing him hurt like this. Trying his best over all his grief. I really can't stand seeing him like this. But I love how Kimmie knows this baby stuff. How she so easily gets the baby to be quiet and calm. And what I like most about it is that she isn't solving it for Matt, but teaching him how. But damn, just fix the man soon, I can't take it.
And here's a small peek of the fangirl.. I can't wait for Kimmie to spend more time with Matt and Aiden, taking care of the small guy.

I hope this comment makes up for me being not here on the first day. I'll just end with what I always do.. Please, Please, Please write! I'm begging you, this story makes my day, my week, my life. I want to read more now things are looking up!

Love you lekker ding! <3

Kimmie Kimmie

Tomorrow, I promise

Kimmie Kimmie

:'( :'( :'(

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

Thank you!! Are you my new subscriber? I've been trying hard to get back into this so updates can be slow going. I have some finished stories to occupy your time if you want to check them out. Just click on my user name :)

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx