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When I Was Your Man

The Accident

“Come on, Johnny,“ Matt whined in frustration, “you’re behaving like a kid!“ He flipped him the bird, then placed a bowl of cereal in front of him. “I asked you one thing,“ his bass player pouted, “and you couldn't even get that right!”

“Cinnamon Bits are better than Cocoa Puffs anyway,“ Karma tried to back him up, and Matt had to grin for a second. He slept so well after she left, so much better than he had in years. Somehow, he didn’t mind not having a second pillow anymore, well, maybe because of the amazing sex he had last night.

Was it right to sleep with her? Again? Did she want it as much as he did? She did, right? Matt was so uncertain when it came to Karma. She was right, he did think too much these days
He looked around at his bandmates, wondering what they would say if they knew. Johnny and Zack would probably say “about fucking time“, Brooks wouldn't say anything since he didn't know them too well, but Syn?

Matt knew for sure he couldn’t be in love with her anymore. Still, he wouldn’t like the thought for a different reason. Avenged. Matt sighed silently, knowing that it wasn’t the smartest decision concerning the band. One thing he had to hand to Brian, he was a smart man. He made his decisions on a rational basis. Even though he'd liked Karma more than he should all those years ago, Matt knew he was against their relationship because of the band, not because of his own feelings.

“Fuck you, I’m gonna go into town to grab some Cocoa Puffs in the afternoon,“ Johnny announced with a fake annoyance, and the same Brian Matt had just been thinking about grinned. “I’d come along, too. They have this special Big Bear schnapps and I really don’t wanna miss that.“

Matt rolled his eyes at the thought of the disgusting brown liquid. To him, it tasted like cough syrup, and while Jimmy had been taking the latter for fun, he couldn’t enjoy the taste. “You guys are seriously gonna go grab that poison?“ He laughed, knowing there was no way to talk them out of it anyway.

Zack wiggled his eyebrows. “Sure! I fucking love that shit. And eh, we didn’t get shitfaced in almost a month!“ Brian grinned, “yeah Mate but that hat one time at Matt’s was enough for two, especially for you, Zack.“ Zack showed him the finger. “Fuck you, I wasn’t that drunk.“

Karma and Matt burst out laughing at his blatantly false statement. “Dude, you danced with Matt’s hat tree!“ Matt couldn’t help but add, “and then you wanted to throw it into the pool because apparently it fucking betrayed you.“

Zack laughed. “Okay okay, I probably drank a little too much.“ Karma raised her eyebrow. “And by a little you mean like… ten beers too much?“ He nodded.

“Alright,“ Brian said, “then if Mr. Seward over here would finish his Cinnamon Bits we could get started, then we can have a break for grocery shopping in the afternoon.“ Johnny made some disgusted noises while eating his cereals. Matt put his bowl into the dishwasher and started it before heading to the studio.

Some hours later, they had made great progress. Since their conversation had drifted to various topics such as space, God, and machines the day before, they had all agreed to make those interesting subjects to the concept of the new album. Matt was pumped. They didn't make a real concept album so far, and he couldn't wait to see how it would turn out.

After all the work they got done, all of them were starved. Matt started the water and put four packs of spaghetti in it while Johnny heated up five glasses of pasta sauce. It was their unwritten rule to only eat “college food“, as they called it, in Matt’s cabin.

“Got any cheese?“ Brian asked while he got the grater out of the shelf. “Yup, fridge.“ Everyone helped prepare. Matt smiled as he looked around, pleased with how much it felt like being an Avenged Sevenfold family again.

After they were done, Brooks volunteered to do the dishes, and Karma helped him. Matt was glad about it, seeing as it usually always came back to him.

“Alright guys, see you in a bit, just grabbing some groceries,“ Zacky informed them, then Johnny and him walked out the door. “Feels good to be alone, huh?“ Brian asked as he sank down onto the couch. “Yeah man, totally. And I’m so glad I don’t have to do the dishes today,“ he grinned.

Some minutes later, they were joined by Karma and Brooks. “God, I swear I’m never doing those again,“ Brooks said with a fake annoyance, “someone somehow managed to smear sauce underneath their plate. How do you even do that?“

Matt laughed, knowing exactly it had to be Johnny. “Yeah sometimes it feels like being around a bunch of kids,“ he agreed. Karma threw him a grin. “Except for you’re one of them, too. At least most of the time.“

Suddenly, the sound of Matt’s phone broke the silence. “God, I swear if it’s Larry for the second time today I’ll choke him again,“ Matt ranted as he walked out. He faintly heard Brooks ask if it really happened. And then of course, Karma and Syn answered simultaneously. “He had that coming!“

An unknown number was displayed. Wondering who it might be, Matt picked up. “Hey there sweetie, it’s me,“ a female voice said.

Fuck. Sarah? What the hell does she even want?

“Uh yeah?“
“I was calling to see if you miss me as much as I miss you. And your juicy hot cock inside of my…“
“What the fuck?“ Matt furrowed his eyebrows as they spoke. He hadn’t heard of her in a year.

Even before that, their interactions were pretty one-sided with Sarah sending him texts and him answering whenever he wanted to. Eventually, he decided not to return her texts anymore simply because she was nothing but annoying and kept making comments about their past sexual encounters. To say she didn’t take it well was an understatement.

God, she didn’t call in almost a year. Why now, of all times? Now that I’m trying to win back Karma…

“I really want you,“ she purred. Oh God, seriously? I didn’t do her in almost two years. “Yeah sorry, not interested,“ he mushed. “Oh really? Are you seeing someone? Someone important I mean,“ The honey sweet sound of her voice was suddenly replaced with an icy bitterness. The way she pronounced the word important set him off, as if she wanted to stress that she was able to make him cheat when he was with Karma. As if Karma was nobody important. Matt balled his fists.

“Last time I checked it was none of your fucking business, Sarah. I haven’t been returning your calls for a reason. You really thought getting me to answer by getting another number would change that? You’re fucking pathetic,“ he said, sounding more agitated than he wanted to.

“You will be sorry for that,“ she spat. It sounded like a threat. But Matt knew better than to be afraid of her. “Oh yeah, so what you wanna do?“

“You know what I have on you, and your pretty little superstar sweetheart,“ she whizzed, and Matt felt his jaw clench. “Oh yeah, so ruining our relationship back then wasn’t enough? I hate your guts, and you’ll never get me back. Ever.“
He heard a stifled laughter at the other end of the line. “Well, we’ll see about that. You’ll like me again if your pretty little gemstone doesn’t want you anymore. Have fun in Big Bear and don't forget we fucked in every room, and in every position.“ With that, she hung up.

Matt rolled his eyes in annoyance. Even though Sarah had threatened him a lot of times, it concerned him that she seemed to know what happened with him and Karma. And how the fuck does she know where I am?

“Everything alright over there?“ Brian’s voice sounded through the open door to his living room. “Yeah sure, be back in a sec,“ Matt replied. He blocked Sarah’s new number, then returned to his bandmates.

“Who was that?“ Karma asked with a curious smile. Ah come on, fuck. I wanted to be honest to her! “Some random guy from an insurance company,“ Matt replied. You asshole. You lied. The bad conscience started to strike immediately, and it felt like a little green man was nagging at his neck. It was bearable, but uncomfortable. It didn’t hurt, but it surely made him feel bad.

“Ah man, I get so many of these calls lately,“ Brooks said, and Brian nodded his head in agreement and said, “Must be a new trick or something, happened to me, too.“
Once again, Matt’s phone interrupted their talk. I swear if this is her again I’ll rip off her fucking head, and if it's the last thing I'll do. But Zack’s number was displayed on the phone screen.

“Hey there man, it’s Johnny. Zack can’t talk and my phone… We had an accident, Matt. And you’ll never believe who caused it…“

I swear to God, I’m gonna kill her.
“How did you know? Anyway, sorry but your car is totaled.“ Matt groaned in frustration. “Can someone come pick us up? Right where the supermarket is, you'll see us from afar. And you probably… well it’s better if you don’t come. That woman is crazy.“

Matt smashed the phone against the wall with an angry growl before he even realized what happened. His whole body trembled as he quietly sunk down onto the floor.

She ruined my fucking life and I didn’t even know she had it all planned. This can’t happen again.


So, Sarah's back with a heist and Matt started lying to Karma again, how bad is that?


I'll be away for two weeks from now on, won't have internet :) hope you liked this chapter and let me know what you're thinking. <3



Please update!!!


HereticBlood6661 HereticBlood6661
Aww Shadz, ya growin' uppp

Nek minnut, miracle baby.
Well, we'll see...