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Shattered Heart


Mary's Pov

I woke up , not sure where I was. But my left arm was hurting me bad. And it felt heavy. I felt someone head on my huge boobs and my right arm must be around that person. Who bed was I in bed? I felt I was on my back. I opened my eyes to see sunlight creeping threw the curtains. I was in hotel room. I looked to see who was sound asleep on me, using my boobs as a pillow. It was Brian, he looked so damn cute sound asleep on my boobs. he had his arms around me.

Okay that is weird. But I did notice were both naked. Shit when he wakes up he going throw me out again, telling me to get my fat, ugly , naked, ass out his face. Why I don't get he always wants to fuck me, but in the morning he cant wait to throw me out. But this time it was just seemed different, since he never once held like this or even put his head on my boobs to sleep on them. What the hell happened yesterday.

All I remember I was mad , at Brian and wanted him to think I hated him and was going to quit, due to him. That when he wanted to talk to me about some bet and told me loved me I refused to believe him and walked off. Making him mad, that he hit with a golf club and we got into it bad, and then when he yelled ' come her you fucking bitch' I got so scared I ran and ended up tripping on his big feet and was in so much pain, that I cried out for him.

Why I don't understand, why I'm in cast and sleeping in his bed, naked. That we must had sex yet again. The pain in my arm was so bad it was making me cry. I didn't know what to do I knew if I woke him he throw me out again naked and toss my clothes at him.

But it was just to damn much I need answers and needed his help. Even thought I wanted nothing do with him any more, but still love him but just couldn't let him back in my heart because how he been treating me the past month. Between the pain in my arm and me feeling like I want throw up. I had to wake him up.

I tried to wake him up poking him with my right arm. He wouldn't wake up just mumbled “ I love you Mary”

“Bull shit Brian” I yelled hoping he wake up.

I so wanted to relive he did love me, but the way he treated me I just knew it was bull shit. Which I never understood why he changed on me the last month, when the first month and half he was so sweet, always loved me around him. Always wanted me to sleep in his bed in hotels and on the bus. Always buying gifts leaving around the bus for me to find just to make smile.

He bolted up almost making me get thrown from the bed. He looked dazed , he must been in deep sleep and dreaming about me but why?

“Baby, what's wrong” He said looking at me.

I wish he stop calling me that, acting like I was his and he loved me. But when I looked into his sexy brown eyes, they did look like he did love me and was worried about me.

“What the hell happened, and my arm it hurts worse then when I gave you my virginity. What the hell happened yesterday” I cried out trying not to scream from the pain I was in.

I noticed this time he didn't pick me up to toss me out his room, telling me to get my ugly fat ass out his face.

He bolted out of bed and I got a nice view of his huge penis, oh god how love his penis and love to look at it. When he walked over to the dresser across from the bed I got a nice view of his sexy ass. I need to look away. I hate him, I cant let him to see I still loved him, that I still wanted him and didn't really want out of that contract. I just couldn't just loved to look at that sexy man and stare at him for hours.

He came over to the side of the bed I was laying on back on. Put some pills on the night stand next bottle water, that must been one I was drinking from last night, since looked half empty.

He helped me sit up on the bed and handed me the bottle water and I saw he had four pills in the palm of has hand. I looked at him puzzled.

“Baby, the doctor said you have take one pain pill in the morning and one at night. The other are vitamins you have take daily so your broken arm heals better” he said, giving me one pill at time to take, since it was hard to do so with only one hand. Since my other one must be broke.

“I'm going to be sick, I need the bathroom now” I said trying to get up. He took the bottle water from me and put the pills back on the nightstand and helped me to the bathroom, I ended up throwing up in the sink since couldn't get to the toilet fast enough.

He took me to the shower and cleaned me up, I wanted to push him away not let him take care of me, but liked he wanted to , just wonder what he was up too. Why he was being back to how he was when I first meet him and it was the start of the tour. He tool me back to the bed and I let him feed me the pills since was so hard to take the pills with only one arm working.

“Let's get you dressed and go get something to eat. So we can just have time with us before the guys come and start shit about that damn bet. I rather lose the bet, then you. I love you , Baby. I know you love me too. You told so many times yesterday at the hospital and in bed last night, when I made love to you for hours” He said as he was going threw my suitcase deciding what he wanted me to ware.

Made feel like I was helpless and need him to take care of me. Which I wasn't sure if I liked it or hated it. But knew I was pissed off at him and still wasn't sure if did hate him.

Why don't I remember telling him I love him and if we had sex for hours, he always calls it sex or fucking , never once called making love. Why did he say that now? Why dose he keep saying something about a bet.

“Bullshit you love your self, and you never once called it making love to me, you call it sex or fucking, like you wished you never fucked me at all. Once I figure out if I can get out my contract Gates, you can kiss my fat ass good bye I hate you and your dick too” I yelled. Not caring if came off as bitch and if made him mad.

“Knock it off , I know you love me and I love you. But if you leave I will take to family court and you be wishing you never left me” he said with such a harsh tone it sacred me.

Why did he say family court. He turned around and gave that I'm pissed off at you look that I use find so sexy on him but I was scared, like how I was yesterday and ran from him. He came over to and just started to cry thinking he was going to hurt me.

“Baby , I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. I love you damn it and you just keep pissing me off. Just stop it” He yelled at me, which made cry even more.

He came over to me, sat on the bed and hugged me tight, which made me stop crying.

He told me about the bet and why he was being such an asshole to me the past month.

I just looked at him as he got me dressed.

“Your full of shit Brian, I don't believe you! Since I don't fit the mold of the rock stars girlfriend, that the very thought of the guy or the fans seeing you with me will destroy your image .your rock star ego has made you a fucking asshole. Their is no damn cookie cutter on what the rock star girlfriend, should be. Stop with the bullshit” I yelled at him.

“ You stupid fucking bitch, get the fuck out” he yelled at me and He walked off to the bathroom slammed the door and I heard the shower go on.

Damn he was pissed of at again , maybe he was telling the truth about that bet he had with the boys, and really did love me. I just didn't want to believe it. But why else would he be so pissed off at me if he didn't love me. I tried to get up but couldn't and I just sat on the bed crying again over him. I heard a knock on the door and the bathroom door opened , Brian glared at me, he was still pissed off at me.

He was dripping wet and just had a towel wrapped around his waist , that I so wanted it to drop to look at his sexy naked body, that it made stop crying thinking about him being naked.

But when he yelled “what” as he opened the door. I just back to crying and looked at purple Doc Martin boots, not wanting him to see me crying over him again.

“Stop fucking crying you damn bitch” Brian yelled at me. which made me cry even more. Yep he was beyond pissed at me.

“Brian! that was me mean ! Just stop it. She hurting! Its all our faults. I think you gotten so use to being mean to her you don't know who to show you love her”I heard Zack yell at him.

I looked up to see Zack, Jimmy, Johnny and Matt all in the hallway looking in the door at me, with worry in their faces.

“Leave us alone, were fine!” Brian yelled as he slammed the door on them and went back to the bathroom and slammed the door.

They keep banging on the door for me to let them ,but I was having a hard time getting up. Since only had one good arm and the cast made feel so off balance,when I finally did get up. I saw my purse on the dresser, grabbed it and headed to the door and opened it.

I looked at the guys.

“I don't care if you like me our not. I quit and tell Brian to go fuck him self, that I will never let him in my heart ever again. I'm done. I don't give shit what he dose with my suitcase. Kiss my fat ass goodbye and I'm no longer a fan I hate all you” I yelled hoping Brian heard me as tried to walk away from them , but they wouldn't move at all.

“Shit guys we fucked this up bad, we have fix it.” Matt said looking at the guys. They still wouldn't move.

I looked at them to see which I could kick in the crotch to make run for it, but the way they had me corned I couldn't since if did kick Matt, Zack would be able to stop me from running.

“Lets go get breakfast, let Brian cool off, he dose love. You just been pissing him the past few days and our fault” Johnny said.

“I don't care get out of my way, short shit.” I yelled as I saw my chance and kicked him hard in the crotch and ran down the hallway to get away from them. I heard they running after me, the chains from the wallets ratting as they keep yelling “Mary don't dose this, he loves you it will kill him if he loses you and be all our faults”

I had to find a place to hide but were? Then I saw a maid leave a room she was cleaning and knocked over her cart so she have to pick it up and ran into the room. Letting the door slam.

I slid down the back of the door just crying over Brian not wanting them to find me and take me back to him , then I heard them by the door .

“Shit were she go” Matt yelled.

“I don't know I thought she went that way” Johnny yelled.

“Guys be quiet I think I hear her” Zack said.

I stop crying.

Then some banged on the door, I hope to god it wasn't the maid who will give it away I ran into that room. Who ever was banging on the door wouldn't stop.

“Sir, there is no one in that room, I just cleaned it” the maid said she sounded German, had thick accent.

“Open the door, we saw Mary go in their” Jimmy yelled.

Oh shit I need hide but were. I had a hard time getting up and was glad the maid was having a hard time trying to get the door to open. I didn't know were to hide and just headed to the bath tub and hoped , the maid never got her key to work.

Then I heard nothing. But stayed in the tub to scared to look if It was safe.. I must of dozed off when I heard banging on the door again. Since it woke me up and had me so scared I just started to cry.

“Mary, you come out here now” I heard Zack scream threw the door, shit he was pissed. Now I had him pissed off at me too. I went into fetal position in the tub so scared. I never had Zack ever pissed off at me and he sounded like he wanted to kill me, just like pissed I got Brian yet again not wanting to believe that Brian did love me. Now two guys I care for are pissed off at me. One I love like my best friend the other I was in love with. I just couldn't stop crying and knew they heard me .



Looks like Brian got Mary one hell of an expensive ring--to let everyone know she's no longer on the market. And, it came as a big shocker for nearly everyone when he had to tell the guys that Mary's his fiancee.

It was definitely funny how Mary got Jimmy back.. by making those cupcakes--and slipping something in them without anyone watching. I also find it kinda funny on how Zacky and Matt are looking at Brian and Mary... whether it's fear--or whether to laugh or not.

Loved it. :)

megan20089 megan20089

Poor Johnny. That prank was hilarious! XD I wonder who Mary's gonna get next?

Looks like Brian proposed to her--and told her she's pregnant too. It's a good thing she loves him, because it looks like she took the news well. And, accepted his proposal too.

Loved it. :)

megan20089 megan20089

I wonder when Brian's gonna work up the courage to tell Mary that she's pregnant? And, it looks like everyone (while except Jimmy and Johnny) are angry that Brian and Mary are having sex..and they aren't.

And now everyone's scared that Mary and Brian's getting ready to prank them (all because he told her everything)--and that the first victim is Johnny. I think it'll be a bit interesting to see what happens to Johnny(after the first prank is over).

Love it. :)

megan20089 megan20089

(Chapter 5 Review)

Looks like whatever Mary did to get Brian to wake up worked. XD I think it's sweet how she's treating that carving he did on his arm (that probably almost killed him). Ooh, it looks like Mary finally heard what Brian had to say about that bet--and must be planning some payback for what the guys did.

I do find it funny that Jimmy did fart in the room where Brian and Mary were--while she was trying to get him to wake up.. Can't believe that Matt is not letting anyone have sex on the bus because Elle isn't letting him have any with her...

Love it. :)

megan20089 megan20089

(Chapter 4 Review)

Well... looks like Brian finally got Mary to listen to him---and in a twisted way too. And by cutting her name into his skin. And, it looks like it got her to break down and finally admit that she loves him.

And--oh, crap--it looks like Brian almost died too.. Which Mary probably wouldn't have forgiven herself for if he had died.

Loved it. :)

megan20089 megan20089