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He's Forbidden, as am I

Is This Okay?

Kimmie walked into her house a little dazed, and a blank look on her face. She wanted to stay with Tammy tonight, but Brian wasn't having it after what she said to Michelle. Someone was in trouble, so Jimmy gave her a ride home. A ride that was a lot quieter than Kimmie had expected. He didn't say a word the whole way except for a somber "you're welcome" when she thanked him for the ride. It was odd for him. This must have really hit them all hard.

Victoria sat up from the spot on the couch where she fell asleep, and rubbed her eyes when she heard the front door. "Sweetie," she was instantly awake at the look on he daughters face, "what's wrong?" she stood, and walked over to her. Kimmie looked up at her mother with mixed emotions in her eyes. Sadness, pity, worry, this was going to change them all. Especially Matt. She had no idea what this was going to do to him. She's never seen him look so broken. "She's gone, mom. She died." Victoria scrunched her brow in confusion. "Who, sweetie? Who died?" It couldn't have been Tammy. She would be more hysterical than this. "Val. She died having the baby." Kimmie told her with sad eyes. "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry." Victoria hugged her daughter, not really knowing what else to do. It wasn't like she was close with this woman, but she could tell she liked her. "Poor Coach." Kimmie whispered as the two pulled apart.

Outside looking in, it was a moment you could tell they were mother and daughter. The same deep thought look on their faces, lost in their own minds. However, it wasn't the same man that was swirling around in there as they silently went off to their own personal destinations. Victoria sat down on the couch, and opened the small drawer on the side table. She pulled out the small white card with two numbers on it she has yet to call. She flipped the card over, and with shaking fingers, slowly dialed the number. "Victoria?" Zack's voice sounded through after about the fourth ring. "Is everything alright? Do you need something?" he asked when she didn't respond right away. Victoria smiled a little at the concern in his voice. "Actually, I was wondering the same about you." she finally spoke, hearing a sad, heavy sigh on the other line.

Kimmie opened a door, and flicked on a light at the top of some stairs. She walked down into the basement with her camera dangling in her hand by the strap. See, when it was mentioned earlier that Tammy got her everything she needed for her birthday, that also included a room in the basement to do everything from digital to dark room developing. Complements of Dr. Douche Bag's credit card. That one really pissed him off. Kimmie opened the door, and turned the light on. She set her camera next to the computer, and took out the memory card. She went digital this time. It would be easier to resize, and crop the photo's for the collage she already had completely planned out in her mind. She set out some crafting paper, and gold and silver metallic paints on another table. She liked to hand paint boarders. A one of a kind personal touch she puts on each framed photo. The silhouette picture would go in the middle. She was even going to add the one Jason photo bombed. Hopefully it made him smile. Kimmie liked seeing him smile.

She hoped Matt would like it. Kimmie just wanted to do something nice for him, and she didn't know what else to do. "Kimmie, you down here?" Victoria's footsteps could be heard on the stairs. "In here." Kimmie called back as she uploaded the pictures. "Wow, this is quite the set up you have down here." her mother's voice was behind her. Kimmie turned in her chair to face her. She usually keeps this place locked to keep her out, but she probably doesn't have to do that anymore. "What's up?" she asked noticing she looked like she was going somewhere. "Zack's picking me up and we're going to go hang out for a bit." Victoia told her with a slight blush.

A small knowing smile came out on her daughter's face. "Well have fun," she said as s turned back to the computer, "I won't wait up." she added with a giggle, hearing an "Oh my God," from her mother as she left. Honestly, she was happy her mom finally called him She needed someone good in her life. Now if she could just get her to call Johnny. If he can get Tammy to open up, surely he could do something for Victoria.

Tammy sat quietly in the backseat of Brian's car as she endured the most uncomfortable ride home. Johnny was next to her, mindlessly watching the scenery pass by. They both knew Brian was pissed at them for the Michelle thing, so it was probably best that Zack took the front. They all road together, had to ride back. A ringing from Zack's pocket cut through the thick silence as they turned down their road. It took him a minute to fish out his phone, and they were pulling in by the time he got to answer, recognizing the number immediately. "Victoria?" Zack didn't notice the questioning, narrow eyes from the girl in the back as he climbed out of the car.

Tammy quickly jumped out, wanting to hear as much of this conversation as possible. "Is everything alright? Do you need something?" A small sad smile came out on her face as she watched him over the roof of the car How sweet, his friend just died, and he was putting someone else above him. Zack got in his car, shutting the door, and Tammy frowned. So much for that conversation. She was going to have to ask Kimmie about this later.

Tammy looked around noticing Brian had went in the house, but she wasn't alone. Someone else was also observing the conversation. "Sorry for getting you in trouble." she told Johnny as Zack pulled away. "Don't worry about it," he gave her a weak smile, "I was already in trouble for prescribing you marijuana." he told her as he headed to his car. "Sorry about your friend." she added, stopping him as he reached for the handle. Johnny let out a heavy sigh as he looked down at the ground. "It can go the other way too you know," Tammy's voice brought his eyes back up, "we don't always have to talk about me." Johnny gave her another smile. "I'll keep that in mind." he said as he opened his car door, and climbed in. She watched him pull away before letting out her own sigh as she looked back at the house.

She wasn't sure what kind of mood Brian was going to be in. He hasn't said a word to her since Kimmie got them from the hallway. He told her she couldn't stay the night, and asked Jimmy t take her home, but that's all she's heard from him. She opened the door, and walked into the dark house. Brian must have went strait to bed. She debated whether she should go talk to him, or just leave it for the morning. Of course, that's just going to make it difficult for her to sleep as her mind over analyzed his possible feelings, and made the situation seem worse than it probably, actually was.

Tammy locked up the door, hearing hiving around upstairs. He was still awake. Maybe she could get this out of the way tonight. She slowly walked up the stairs, her heart pounding with the dread and anticipation. She hated awkward conversations, especially when she was in the wrong, and had to apologize. She hesitated a moment outside his closed bedroom door, almost turning away before just deciding to knock. Better to get it done and out of the way. "What?" Brian's voice was sharp through the door. "Can we talk?" Tammy asked, not liking the way he sounded. "No. Got to bed." he was still just as sharp. "Please?" her voice cracked a little. She didn't like this, not at all She knows she crossed a line tonight, but she had this really bad habit of not being able to control the shit that spewed from her mouth. It was something she needed to work on.

There wasn't a response right away on the other side of the door. Tammy almost turned to walk away when she heard footsteps coming to the door. Brian flung it open, and she coward away from him a little at the sudden movement. His angered and annoyed expression instantly softened. No matter how upset he was at her, he hated to see the affects from that piece of shit excuse of a man. Brian let out a sigh. "Go to be," he repeated more gently, "We'll talk in the morning." he told her. Tammy gave him a small nod, and he watched her walk away, disappearing into her room. He just wasn't in the mood to talk right now. Seeing Michelle, the shit Tammy said, Val....
It was a little much for one night, and he needed some time.

Brian walked back into his room, and sat on the edge of his bed. He dropped his head into his hands, and let a few tears escape. Tears for one of his best friends, for a baby boy without a mother, for one of the most genuine people he has ever known lost to this world. He wiped his cheeks, and plopped back onto his bed. What was this going to do to Matt? They've been together since high school. They were the power couple, the two that were going to stand the test of time. Now she's gone. This was going to destroy him. Then there was Michelle. Brian still cared about her, and now she just lost her sister, and not just a sister, her twin. They were so close. Brian rolled onto his side, and shut his eyes. It was late, and he still had to work tomorrow. Matt wouldn't be there. Hell, he could take the next six weeks off, but Brian knew he wouldn't. He would never be able to stay at home that long. He would go stir crazy by then.

Tammy changed into some shorts, and climbed into bed. She didn't want to go to bed like this. She wanted to apologize for what she said. She hated him being mad at her. How was she going to make this right? Tammy tossed and turned for a good hour, sleep not coming easy while her mind raced with uncontrollable thoughts. She really messed up this time. When sleep finally graced her with it's presence, it didn't last very long. That's where her mind liked to fuck with her the most.....

And Queue Dream Sequence...

Tammy woke with a jolt to the sound of distant voices. Her bedroom door was open, and a light from the hallway dimly lit the room. She tossed back the blanket, and froze as soon as her feet hit the floor. The room, it wasn't hers, well not anymore. How the hell did she get back to this fucking place. Tammy jumped up, and ran for the door. She was getting out of here as quickly as possible. However, when she reached the banister of the open hallway, she froze once again. There at the bottom of the stairs was him, but he wasn't alone. Brian was here. Good, maybe he was going to get her out of there. That's what she had hoped anyway, but her world came crashing down when their conversation floated up to her.

"Thanks for bringing her home. You're making the right decision here." Dr. Ross said as he shook Brian's hand. "I'm just glad it wasn't too late. I didn't realize what a mistake this was going to be." Brian told him. "Well she can be quite a handful, not many people can handle that." the puke said. "Tell me about it." Brian mumbled with a shake of his head. "Brian, don't," Tammy suddenly appeared next to the two men, "please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." she begged him not to leave her here. He looked at her with little to no sympathy in his eyes. "It's too late. You crossed the line, and I'm done with you." he told her with the coldest look she had ever seen. "Please," Tammy's voice cracked as her eyes filled with tears, "I'm sorry. I'll never do it again. I'll do anything. Please don't leave me here." the tears streamed down her face as she grabbed his arm, and dropped to knees, begging.

Brian yanked his arm away from her. The look of udder devastation doing nothing to faze him. "You had your chance." and with that he tuned away from her to head for the door. "BRIAN, NO!" Tammy yelled, jumping up to go after him, only to be stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist. "It's okay, Sweetheart," Dr. Ross cooed as he pulled her back, "You're home now." he whispered in her ear. "NOOO!" Tammy tried to pulled herself out of his grasp. "BRIAN!" she called after him as he walked out the door....


Tammy dripped sweat, sitting strait up, her heart about to pound its way out of her chest. She wiped her cheeks of the tears from her dream as she looked around. It was her room, her room now. She jumped out of bed, and left hurriedly. She had to make sure it stayed her room. Tammy rushed down the hall, and into Brian's room without knocking. Brian woke with a jolt at the sound of his door opening. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tammy hurried out as she practically ran to the side of his bed, dropping to her knees for real this time, "please don't send me back." Brian rubbed his eyes as he sat up on the edge of bed. "Tammy," he started as he grabbed her upper arms to stand her up, but he stopped as soon as he felt her. She was shaking, terribly. "I would never do that," he said, face full of concern as he stood, bringing her up with him, "I would never send you back." he assured her as he cupped her wet , tears streaked face. Drying her cheeks with his thumbs. "I'm sorry." she repeated softly, closing her eyes at his touch.

"I forgive you." Brian whispered back, fighting a strong urge to hug and kiss her fears away. He gave into the hug, and held her close to him, feeling her trembles roll through him. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to kiss the top of her head before resting the side of his face there. The shakes softened, but didn't cease before he decided to pull away a little. "What brought this on?" he asked as she looked up at him. "I had a dream." Tammy said softly as she looked down at the floor. It just didn't feel like it. "It was only a dream." he told her. "But it was so real." she buried her face in his chest, and hugged his waist tightly. She was sure he would disappear if she let go. "Look at me," Brian pulled her back, and cupped her face again, "Nothing, absolutely nothing you say or do would ever make me send you back there." he assured her with so much sincerity in his eyes, she couldn't help but to believe him.

Tammy gave him a small nod before finally letting him release her. Brian sat back down on his bed, and looked up at her when she made no attempt to leave. "C-can I sleep in here?" she almost looked embarrassed to ask. "I don't think-" he was going to turn her down, but she cut him off. "Please?" her voice cracked again, and he could see the desperation in her eyes. Brian let out a sigh, and flipped the blanket back on the other side of the bed. "Yeah, come on." he said, laying back down as she quickly crawled over him, and under the blanket. Tammy rolled to face him, and snuggled as close into him as she could get. Brian naturally wrapped his arms around her, and allowed one more innocent, comforting kiss on her forehead. No, he didn't know if this was okay, but as he felt her shaking cease as she drifted to sleep, he knew one thing for sure. If this is what he needed to do to help her, then he was going to help her. Because no matter how upset he was with her, he hated seeing what that man's done to her.


Sorry for the long wait on such a short chapter. I just could not think of anything else to add and Im a little mad about that.

So I started a new job a few months ago which also a reason for the wait. It's seriously cutting into my writing time lol.

Well hope you like it, and we'll check in on Matt in the next chapter. <3<3


This totally made up for the wait :)

First Brian. He's just not use to having to hide something like this like Tammy has. She's had her crush for awhile and is use to hiding secrets and actions. Some of what he does is completely innocent, just trying to make her feel better, but the other he just doesn't know how to deal with or control it. But like I said in a previous comment...someone is about to gum up the works.

As for Tammy turning on the bitch switch with Kimmie, she knows she fucked up. First day back was an uncomfortable shock to her and she took it out on the wrong person. But I think the little pep talk she got from her favorite teacher will help.

And finally Matt. What can I say about this poor broken man? It's going to take some time for him to get over this. The love of his life is gone now and he just doesn't know how to deal. It's not something someone just gets over. Eventually he's going to see though that there's someone else out there that can love him just as much if not more :)

always love you long comments Hot Stuff <3

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

OK first, I'm sorry I'm "sooooo late" with my comment ;-) :P
Here goes! Get ready!

Brian, my friend, you are getting onto thin ice. Getting in between a funny back and forth between friends? Asking for a HotStuff (don't be jealous of the girl friends man, not cool), checking to hear if you are still hot? Putting your hand on her thigh? HOLDING HER FUCKING HAND?!!?! Brian, you are soooo deep in right now. And you fucking know it. If you really aren't ready to admit yet, you shouldn't even get in everything I mentioned before and try to pretend to be a grown up man who doesn't have a quickly developing crush on his fosterchild. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for him to fall of the wagon, but for the storysake and the "it's all wrong"-sake... you should at least pretend :P

Okay, I can skip the school stuff right? I mean, she doesn't want to move away from Brian anyway and everything else was just.. well.. maybe she'll make it anyway, but who cares... I have more important stuff to get to.

For the first time this story I kinda didn't like Tammy. She was selfish instead of supporting her friend. I don't really like Aaron, but for now he is nice to Kimmie and so are his friends. I get all the issues Tammy always had, but she had no right to go off on Kimmie like that. That's just mean. I know I know, she had her reasons. I know she's been through a lot, but I still didn't like it. Kimmie didn't deserve it.

Oh, one thing more about the school day... I do love all the sarcastic remarks. But you know... that's your writing. You make it seem so effortless and I know it's not, but just take the compliment, okay? You make it seem so so damn lifely, and I really feel like being there. Like standing there watching the scene. It's amazing.

Allright, let's get to my man Matt. My heart breaks everytime you write about him. I know it's too soon to get better, but I really want it to. I hate seeing him hurt like this. Trying his best over all his grief. I really can't stand seeing him like this. But I love how Kimmie knows this baby stuff. How she so easily gets the baby to be quiet and calm. And what I like most about it is that she isn't solving it for Matt, but teaching him how. But damn, just fix the man soon, I can't take it.
And here's a small peek of the fangirl.. I can't wait for Kimmie to spend more time with Matt and Aiden, taking care of the small guy.

I hope this comment makes up for me being not here on the first day. I'll just end with what I always do.. Please, Please, Please write! I'm begging you, this story makes my day, my week, my life. I want to read more now things are looking up!

Love you lekker ding! <3

Kimmie Kimmie

Tomorrow, I promise

Kimmie Kimmie

:'( :'( :'(

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

Thank you!! Are you my new subscriber? I've been trying hard to get back into this so updates can be slow going. I have some finished stories to occupy your time if you want to check them out. Just click on my user name :)

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx