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Fake Reflection

Chapter 40

Richard's phone went off as he held it in his hand, cutting through the thick silence that flooded the Avenged mansion. "It's just a text." he said noticing all eyes were on him. "Well what's it say?" Jacoby asked. "It's directions to where they're at. He said there's two guards at the north entrance, but doesn't know how many inside," Richard looked up from his phone, "He's going in." Jacoby gave him a nod, and jumped up to his feet, "Sit tight." he said giving Chester a motion to follow him. "Wait, where the hell are you going," Kimmie asked, standing, and stopping them, "What are we going to do? We need a plan." she said anxious. They don't time to sit tight.

The two smirked at her. "Chill out, damn. We got this." Jacoby told her as the two turned away from her. "Woman's got fire up under her ass." Chester chuckled as they left the living room. "In a hurry to save lover boy I guess." she heard Jacoby as they walked out followed by their chuckles. Kimmie rolled her eyes, and plopped back down on the couch. She was getting real sick of their jokes. "Kimmie," she heard Richards disapproving whisper. "Don't," she said sharp looking at him, "I don't want to hear it right now," she told him resting her head in her hands, and her elbows on her knees, "Hard enough as it is." she whispered closing her eyes.

Richard let out a sigh, and sat back in his seat on the couch. He would let this thing with her in Shadows go, for now. Chester and Jacoby returned a few moments later, and dropped two duffle bags onto the coffee table. "Is that a fucking bazooka?" Shane asked, noticing the rather large weapon Jacoby was holding. "Grenade launcher." he told him with a grin. "You think we need that?" Richard asked. "Not them kind of grenades, smoke bombs." he said and Richard gave him a small nod. This was all still a little hard to swallow for him. He never thought he would be working along side criminals.

The three cops sat on the couch with wide eyes as the two leaders started unloading the bags. Handguns, assault rifles, shotguns, flash grenades, more smoke bombs, they had everything. "Are these night vision?" Shane asked picking up a set of goggles. "Thermal too." Jacoby said as he started handing out weapons. The sun was about to set, and it would be dark before they got there. "Do we really need all this?" Richard asked throwing an assault rifle over his shoulder. "He said come packing." Chester said with a shrug.

They loaded all the extra stuff into one duffle bag for the guys, and made their way to the front door. "How long's it gonna take to get there?" Jacoby asked as they walked out. "Bout an hour." Mike told him. "No way to shorten that up." he asked noticing Richard headed for his car instead of one of the two they were riding in. "That is the shortest rout." Mike told him. Jacoby didn't answer him, "Where you going?" he asked as Richard opened his door. "You wanna get there faster don't you?" he asked reaching into his car. Kimmie and Shane shared a grin. They knew what he was doing. Richard threw his round red light on the roof of his car, and climbed in. "Then let's get there faster." he said turning on his siren.


Boyd and McNicholes glared at each other before William took a surprising step back. His hands slightly in the air, but gun still in hand. The anger had seemed to wash away from his face. "I'm glad you're here," he told him calmly, "I was able to do what you and your cops couldn't. I told you they were working with Demarco." he said motioning towards him. Demarco looked at him with anger and confusion, "What the fuck are you doing?" he snapped. "Shut up." Boyd sneered looking at him with complete disgust. "Cut the shit," Kevin hissed, stepping closer to Matt, the key to his freedom tucked away in the palm of his free hand.

Boyd lowered his hands to his sides, the gun still tightly in it. "See you're wrong, my cops did do their jobs, and I know exactly whose working with Demarco." he said taking one last step closer to Matt. With one hand hidden behind Matt's back, and one holding the gun on Boyd, Kevin let the key slip out of his palm and into the waiting hands of Shadows. He moved between Matt and William, and glanced over Boyd's shoulder. Where the hell was Gates? "You're making a mistake." Boyd said low with a hint of warning. "Am I?" Kevin asked reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

Kevin's eyes never left William's as he let one of his and Demarco's phone conversations play through. Boyd's eyes burned with rage, "How did you get that?" he asked. Kevin smirked, "In a legal investigation. We just weren't expecting to find it." he told him. Williams eyes snapped to Shadows who had a matching smirk on his face, but he had other reasons to smile. His hands were free, and the key was slowly making it's way down the line. He was just waiting for the right time. "Where the fuck is Gates!?" Demarco's voice rang out followed by the shot that brought chaos.

Brian popped up from behind a conveyor belt, and took out three men around him before ducking back down as bullets started coming his way. Matt caught Boyd off guard, and tackled him to the floor. The Berry's and Jimmy were free, but the key didn't make it to Johnny. There was too big of a gap between him and Jimmy with an unconscious Zacky laying between them. The Berry's took off towards Brian, and Jimmy grabbed Zacky by the shirt dragging him behind the pallets, a still cuffed Johnny close behind. "Turn around." Jimmy told him ducking as a bullet bit through the pallets, and lodged in the wall behind him. Johnny quickly turned, and Jimmy unlocked his cuffs.

They stayed low to the floor, and Jimmy looked around spotting a duffle bag. He crawled over to it, and grabbed it. A wide smile crossed his face when he pulled out a shotgun, and a handgun. "We need to get him out of here." Johnny said taking the handgun. Jimmy nodded before popping up and taking out to men coming towards them with the shotgun. He quickly ducked down, and looked along the wall they were against. "That door over there," he said pointing to the very door Kevin came in, "It's open."

Johnny nodded, and suddenly raised his gun at Jimmy. "Duck." he said, pulling the trigger as soon as he did, and dropping the guy coming at them. "Here trade me." Jimmy said swapping guns. He wrapped his arms around Zacky, and hoisted him over his shoulder. "Watch my back." he said receiving a nod. With deep breaths the two stood and made a break for the door. Bullets hit the wall as they ran, Johnny taking out two more men as Jimmy flung the door open. He fired two more shots before following Jimmy through the door. Johnny kept an eye on back, Jimmy on front as they ran down the dark hallway. They stopped dead in their tracks when the door they were running to flew open. Jimmy raised his gun in the dark before he relaxed at the sound of the familiar voice that flooded his ears. "Jimmy don't shoot!"

William's gun fell out of his hand when Shadows speared him to the floor, and skidded away. Matt sat up, and gripped his shirt, landing two hard punches to his face before the butt of someone's gun met his temple. Matt flew off him, dazed as his vision faded in and out. All the noise around was causing his ears to ring as he started to feel dizzy. Matt gripped his head in his hands as he lay on his back trying to block out all the sound, until a loud bang outside brought complete silence through out the plant.

Matt opened his eyes at the sound of glass breaking, and as if it was almost in slow motion, he watched a smoking canister smash through a window and land right between him and Boyd. Their eyes met just as another loud bang sounded, and another window broke. Matt rolled away from Boyd as the main entrance door flew open, and shots began to ring out again. "Shadz!" Brian's voice rang out. Matt spotted him and the Berry's all armed with dead men's weapons. "We'll cover you!" He took off towards them, bullets hitting the floor following him.

The room started to fill with smoke, and the guys stayed low. Brian handed Matt a gun from one of the men he killed. Matt took it, and peaked around the machine they were behind. There were men shielding Boyd as Demarco helped him up. Matt popped up, and started taking out men around him. He dropped back down when they started shooting back at him. The gunfire started to die down, and Matt peaked around again. Boyd gabbed his gun from the floor, and the two started making a break for a south side door. Four men covered them as they ran, then Boyd did something that shocked even Matt. William pulled open the door, and without warning or hesitation put a bullet in Demarco before disappearing through it. Matt tried to get a shot on him, but one of his men stepped in the way, and took it. He would let him go for now, but this was far from over.

The gun fire faded out, and the smoke started to clear. Matt, Brian, and the Berry's sat, holding their breaths, waiting for any kind of sound. "Shadz!" Jacoby's voice rang out. A wave of relief flowed through the four men as they came out of hiding. Smiles came over them when they saw three from Papa Roach, Dan and Cam, and, "What are you guys doing here?" Matt asked seeing Mike and Chester. "Got an auction to go to." Chester told him. "Is it Boyd's?" Brian asked, anxious rushing up to him. "Yeah it his." Mike said. "Good then we have a back up plan," Matt said taking notice of three more people standing behind them, "Whose with you?"

The three stepped forward, and Matt felt a uncontrollable wave of mixed emotions crash through him as his eyes met the blues ones he's gotten lost in so many times. The tension was thick as the two stared at each other not saying a word. "What are they doing here?" he finally growled not tearing his gaze from Je-Kim. "We needed them." Jacoby told him. "Chief got us here in record time." Tobin added. They made it just shy of a half an hour with "police escort". Vehicles on the road just moved out of their way.

Matt didn't respond to them. He was to busy trying to control what was going on inside of him. Silence fell upon them again, the tension still thick in the air. Kimmie wanted to say something to try to convince him to forgive her, but when she took a step towards him, and he took a step back, all that came out was a pleading whisper. "Matt." Her heart sank at the fire in his eyes. "Its Shadows." he said low, feeling his own heart break as he watched the pain and tears fill her eyes.

Silence again as they stared at each other, a silent tear escaping down Kimmie's cheek. "I hate to interrupt this," Richards voice cut through, "But where's McNicholes?" he asked. Matt's head snapped up, and his eyes widened as he whipped around. He forgot, with everything that happened in such a short time. He forgot the shot that came from Boyd's gun. The shot that brought the chaos.

Matt ran over to were Kevin lay, a small pool of under him. "Dan, Cam," he called out to them as he ripped open Kevin's shirt, "Don't you fucking die on me," he whispered when Kevin's droopy eyes met his, "Johnny!" he yelled as the other two joined him. Nothing, Matt started to panic, "Johnny!" he called again noticing McNicholes was wearing a vest. How is he bleeding? "Where the fuck is Johnny!?" he asked just as Jimmy came bursting through the door they went out. "He's outside with Zack," he said as he tried to catch his breath, "Jerry's coming." he said just as he appeared through the door too holding a medical bag.

Matt stood and backed away as Jerry came over. He took off Kevin's vest and threw it aside. "Armor piercing bullets," Matt heard him mumble, "The bullet is lodged in there somewhere. We have to get him out of here." Jerry told him as he wrapped up the wound in Kevin's rips to stop the bleeding. "Get them both to the hospital," he ordered the three, "Don't let him die." he told him as Dan and Cam picked up McNicholes. "We'll try." Jerry gave him the best he could, but there was no guarantee.

Matt watched them carry out McNicholes before turning to Chester. "Where's the auction?" he asked. "San Diego, day after tomorrow." he told him. Matt nodded, "Gives us some time," he mumbled. "You don't know that," Brian started to panic, "She escaped, and after what happened here, what's to stop him from killing her when he finds her?" Matt could see the swirl of emotions in Brian's eyes, and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Cause he needs her to get to us." Brian relaxed a little knowing it was probably true. Boyd was greedy, and would stop at nothing to get what he wants, and what he wanted was them dead.

"Don't suppose you know where he's holding them?" Matt asked, and both Chester and Mike shook their heads. "We need to get back to the house." Matt said turning to head for the door, but stopped. "Not you." he said low looking back at the three cops. Kimmie shook her head, he was not going to leave them out now. "No, we wanna help." she said. Matt narrowed his eyes at her. "You've done enough."

Without another word he turned away from her, and walked out. He didn't want her around. She clouded his thoughts, and he needed a level head right now. Her being around would just make this harder. Kimmie fought back the tears as she watched him possibly walk out of her life. She turned to Shane and Richard once everyone had left them, and pushed her pain aside. "We're not done." she whispered, and they nodded in agreement. He was going to get their help whether he wanted it or not. Even if he didn't know it.

Matt climbed into one of the SUV's parked outside, and slammed his door closed. He tried to push her out of his mind, but she was being difficult. Jacoby drove, Brian not really feeling up to it, and soon they headed back to the mansion. The ride was quiet, and not nearly as fast as before, but Jacoby didn't have the Chief in front of him this time. Matt had his elbow rested on the window, and his head against his hand zoned out in his own thoughts. "She loves you." he heard Jacoby whisper next to him. "It doesn't matter." Matt said. "Do you love her?" Jacoby asked, but Matt didn't respond, and Jacoby knew why. "I think it does." he said before dropping the subject.

They pulled down the drive, and parked. They drug their worn and tired bodies to the door, and the ears were flooded with a ringing as soon as they opened it. Phones were pulled from pockets, but no one had a call. Jimmy took off down the hall, realizing exactly were the ringing was coming from. He opened the door to the computer room, and sure enough the landline on his desk was ringing. Jimmy answered in on his computer. "Hello." he said into the mic on his desk. Nothing came through the speakers. "Who is it?" he heard Matt question behind him. Jimmy shrugged and tried again. "Hello." still no answer.

Everyone pushed their way in, and Jimmy turned up the volume on the speakers. "Listen." he whispered. The room fell silent but the sounds coming through the speakers. Gunshots, yelling, it was all so distant. A smile slowly started to make its way out on to Jimmy's face, "Tammy you sweet, sweet Angel," he praised as he started tracing the call, "She must have found a landline, and left the receiver off the hook. I'll have a trace in no time." he said. "Are you sure it's her?" Brian asked hopeful. Jimmy didn't get a chance to answer before a voice came through the speakers. No one was speaking through the other line. The voice wasn't loud, but it was clear...... his voice. "Synderella," he sang, "Come out, come out where ever you are."


Hmmm to kill or not to kill McNicholes.....
We'll check and see what Tammy has been up to in the next chapter :)



Thanks i'm glad to be back :)
Well i got married then we went the US for our honeymoon. LA, Anaheim, Vegas, New York and Washington. Had an amazing time over there but now it's back to normal.
Thank you!
Well i just finished what is up so far and i am loving it! :)
I'm going back over the draft i wrote of that new story i was going to write and i'm tweaking a few things and then i will post it as well as continuing the other one i have on here.

Deeks27 Deeks27

Hey!!! Glad you're back :) :)
I was wondering where you disappeared to.
And Thank You happy you liked it. Hope you like the next too :)

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

I got married and had my honeymoon so the last few months i've had no time to come on here. Today i come on and i got to read the last six chapters and i absolutely love this story! Beginning to end it was such a great story and the ending was perfect! I've started reading your new story now. :)

Deeks27 Deeks27

THANK YOU!!! I have a new story started too, if you wanna check it out. Would love to see you there :)

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

just finished this story, both were awesome ! you're amazing at writing. glad I came across this and the first (: