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Single honeymoon



"Let me fucking explain!" I growled angrily as I backed her into the corner right next to the bathroom door. "You're not going to say another goddamned word anymore. You know as well as I do that I'm not leaving until you fucking listen!" I felt the artery on my neck swell from the loud screaming. That girl has to be deaf right now, I thought. She was hardly less loud.

I was lucky her parents weren't home, they would have thrown me out. For minutes I'd been chasing her around the house, minutely changing from begging her to listen to angrily trying to force her. The second option worked better, though. "Just fucking go away," she cried, "I hate your guts! Leave me alone!" She shoved me just in the right moment and I almost lost my balance.

My heart winced in pain as it heard her say those ugly words, but I knew she didn't mean them. I used my whole body to press her against the wall. Under other circumstances, I would have certainly gotten a boner. "Fuck you!" she screamed as she slapped my face hard and started to kick me, almost hitting my crotch. Damn that feisty bitch. Should have seen that one coming, though. I grabbed both her wrists and pushed them onto the wall over her head. "You. will. listen." I commanded angrily.

"Sure, lie to my face, do it," she whizzed, "but do it quick, I ain't got time for your fucking bullshit." Just in case, I took both her wrists into one hand so my other one was free. I'd have to cover her mouth if she tried anything more funny. It wouldn't be the first time she spat at me.
Damn, how can I love such a hot-tempered mess when I'm one myself? And how do I manage to always get my shit together when it's with her?

"It's not bullshit," I growled so loud she winced, then changed to a softer tone. "I gave a fucking urine sample. I'm the only possible donor of us for Jimmy. I didn't, and do not plan on screwing anyone else. I don't. You're just throwing a tantrum for fucking nothing..."

Her expression was unreadable. "Are you giving him a kidney?" she finally asked. "I would, they just didn't call me back yet." She took a deep breath. "I'm scared." I just wanted to hug her, tell her everything was going to be alright. "Cat," I heard myself say, "Why were you so upset when you thought I banged someone else?"

She looked shocked. Damn you, mouth. You're screwing everything up once again. Thank youuu. "I don't know," she hissed, "maybe because two days ago you tell me you love me and now you pretend it never happened?" It hit me like bullet train. She did want me to take care of her, after all. And I thought she wanted to keep it a secret, wanted some time alone, wanted to take care of herself and Jimmy first.

It had been hard for me to completely ignore my feelings and leave her alone as much as I could for the past two days. To me it seemed she didn't even want to spend time with me alone or find out what was happening between us. I thought she didn't even want to have anything other than friendship between us right now.

"Cat," I said softly and looked into her beautiful green eyes, slowly letting go of her wrists, "I didn't want you to think ... I ... It's just ... everything's so much right now ... I thought ... I mean ... I didn't think you wanted people to know ... I mean ... Not even we know what this is. I mean, I do, but ..."

She stared at my lips as I spoke, and I knew exactly what it meant. Slowly, I lowered my head to meet hers and lightly brushed my lips against hers. Fuck, she tasted just so good. She kissed me back instantly, melting into my touch. We stood there for the longest time, in a close embrace, our lips joined, our tongues slowly, lazily playing with each other. My insides danced with joy.

It was the greatest thing in the world to feel her sweet lips, to inhale her addictive scent. When we pulled away, I couldn't help it. I stared at her beautiful face and just whispered, "I love you." Her face lit up as she heard it.

She may not have said it back at that time, but I thought I knew. Our fingers entwined as she led me to her car and drove to the hospital. She said Jimmy could have a visitor, and she wanted to know who was going to give him their kidney.


I shoved my thoughts about Matt and me away as I entered the hospital room. Now was not the time or place to think about this wonderful kiss we just shared. I was looking forward to finally seeing Jimmy, to talking to him for a bit maybe. I was also kind of anxious. What if he didn't recognize me? What if he was so weak he couldn't even speak?

He was lying on his back, motionless. Again, the whiteness and cleanliness of the room and his skin overwhelmed me. His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful. The constant beeping of the machine and the regular life line were the only signs of life. I took his hand and was almost surprised how warm it was.

"Cat," he said with a weak voice. He's awake! A rush of joy overwhelmed me. "I'm here, Jimbo. I'm here." "Alone?" Jimmy asked. "Yeah. They only allow one visitor." He smiled and opened his eyes half way. "Then I'm glad it's you. How was your trip? I'm sorry you had to cancel." I grinned because it was so typical of Jimmy to care about himself the last.

"It was nice," I simply said, "it's okay. How are you feeling? Are you going to be alright?" He shot me another smile. "Yeah, I think so. I'm not in pain. Whatever they're giving me, it's good. By the way, what time is it?" While I still wondered what made him ask this question, I answered automatically. "It's almost midnight. 11.56 pm."

"Okay." he said. I stroked his hand. "Do you know what's happening?" I asked. "Yes," he said, "I need a kidney. They found someone. I'll get to see her tomorrow. I thought it was you. The surgery is tomorrow, too." I was surprised. How could it happen so soon? It's obviously not Matt, either...

"Did you and Matt do it?" Jimmy asked and his eyes were a little more open. "Uhm," I said blushing. "I knew it," he grinned before he closed his eyes again. "I saw your hickeys. Solid. Don't break his heart, okay? He's even more fragile than my tiny winy Catty Cat..." Jimmy mumbled. That's probably right. I watched his chest steadily going up and down as he breathed.

"Cat?" he said with his eyes closed.
"Happy birthday." And with that, the clock over his head displayed 12 am.

Wait? It's my birthday? I couldn't care less. I'd completely forgotten about that matter. Still, it was so sweet of Jimmy that he thought about me.
"I love you, Jimmy."
"I know," he said, "I heard you earlier." In that moment, the nurse came inside the room and told me my time was up.

"It was an exception we let you come at this time of the day," she explained, "Mr Sullivan insisted on it. He kept telling us to ask you to come when you call."
"That's sweet of him," I smiled. "Cat? Goodbye. I'll see you soon," Jimmy mushed. "And by the way, your present is in the top drawer of my desk."

"So, can you tell me anything about the donor?" I asked the nurse as we left the room.
Her smile faded as we reached Matt and a red haired girl in a hospital gown. "I'm sorry, Miss. But no. She might do it herself, though. Have a good night." She left us standing there all alone on the empty floor. Who? The girl?

"Cat?" Matt said, "This is Lizzie. She's giving her kidney to Jimmy." The red haired girl smiled and said, "Hi Cat, it's a pleasure to meet you."



Oh my God! You're back! How I missed your comments! I can't believe this story has been finished for over five months :D Glad you're back. I wrote three stories after this, and I'm currently posting a new one. Feel free to check them out my friend, and a warm welcome back to you <3 Really glad you liked my first story :)

seventhtrumpet seventhtrumpet

After being busy for a long time, I finally managed to catch up and finish this story. Overall amazing!

LadyRevenge LadyRevenge

Oh yay, u remembered me!!

Holly Holly


Thank you guys so much for your comments, I'm really glad you liked my story. I feel like you've been there forever and it was always a pleasure to read your comments.
I'm about to post the very first chapter of my new story "Strawberry Fields Forever" so make sure to check that out, too.
Take care guys <3

seventhtrumpet seventhtrumpet