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Final meetings

James’ POV

I was glad when we all went out tonight, somehow I had a feeling since the graduation party, something wasn’t going right between me and Ave.
Well, okay not only a feeling, it was more than obvious, and sadly I think I knew what was behind all that:


He had confused her but I didn’t know how, what had he said that made her over think everything, I mean… she hadn’t really told me what had been going on between those two in the talk, but he couldn’t have said anything to make her want to go back to him, right?!

I watched how Maya and Ave stood together on the bar, getting new drinks, while Ben was sitting on the bench beside me and Danny, Cam and Sam and his girl were lost in the crowd somewhere.

“You and Maya alright?” I yelled over the music and Ben looked at me from the side a small crease between his eyebrows, before he rubbed a hand over his eyes and nodded, but then shook his head.
Well, welcome to the club, buddy.

“No idea, man.” Ben finally yelled back “Hope so” He added with another glance at Maya and I nodded.
“I know.. Ave is behaving strange, too. I have no idea what happened between her and Gates” I yelled and Ben nodded.

“We ran into Shads yesterday again, while I took Maya out to dinner and then saw her standing there talking to him, he was full on trying to seduce her, I saw the look in his eyes, man.” Ben leaned further to me and I nodded, I told him from the start, that Ave had mentioned, things weren’t done between those two.

“I hope when those fuckers leave, it will get back to normal. I’m not going to lose her over this, you know” Ben said and I saw the intensity in his eyes, he really meant that, Maya did mean a lot to him, and that was something, we didn’t know from Ben before.

I moved my eyes back to the bar and caught Ave’s eyes, I gave her a smile, but she quickly turned away. I somehow had a feeling she was trying to avoid me.
I looked beside me where Ave had been sitting, there stood still a bottle of beer, only a few sips left and she had another drink in hand, also still nearly full, wasn’t she feeling well?

I shrugged,and when the girls came back setting the drinks on the table I heard Ben immediately say, “You wanna dance, love?” He stood up and grabbed Mayas waist, before she could even answer Ben had brought her to the dance floor and left me with Ave alone.

“You enjoying the night?” I yelled into her ear and Ave gave me a smile, but somehow she wouldn’t meet my eyes.
“Yes, it’s nice to be out…” She added and I nodded “You wanna dance?” I asked and took the glass from her hands.
“I-I.. oh okay” I had her already by the hips guiding her towards the dance floor, we met up with the rest of the guys and enjoyed the dancing for a song or two.

Maya and Ben were dancing close, while her and his eyes were closed, the loud music not seeming to disturb their private moment, but were they both really with their head in it, I knew how much Ben wanted it, but did Maya, too?

“Let me have this dance with Ave” Danny pushed his way between me and Ave and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her close and making me frown, what the hell.. Is that guy, like for real?

I was about to move away, when I felt a hand on my wrist, “We all exchange” Sam’s girl was standing before me and Sam shrugged his shoulders motioning to the bar, while I heard the same conversation between Cam and Maya now.
Cam began twirling Maya around, while Ben moved together with Sam to the bar, getting another drink.

After one song my eyes wandered to Danny and his hand was moving dangerously low on Ave’s back, and hell if I let him touch her like that. I excused myself and cut in before Danny could make his final move “Another drink, babe?”

Ave nodded and I led her away from the dance floor and apparently Maya and Cam decided on the same, so we all met back on our table.
“A round of shots?” Cam asked and I nodded, along with the rest of the guys while both Maya and Ave looked not too happy, what was that about?

“You joining, right, love?” I heard Ben asking and Maya nodded, giving him a smile “Sure… but nothing too disgusting, please.”
“Honey, I’m the one getting the drinks, you and Ave should know I am the tasty one.” He wiggled his eyebrows earning a chuckle from the girls before he left.

“I’ll head to the restroom real quick” Ave kissed my cheek, but I pulled her back and tried for her lips, she didn’t even really kiss me all evening, did I say something to upset her?
Just when my lips met hers, she turned to the side, and I only kissed the corner of her mouth, making me frown even more.

“Be right back” She quickly left, followed by Maya and I sighed, should I ask her what’s wrong?
But I didn’t wanna ruin the whole party, but what the hell.. maybe she wasn’t feeling into going out… when another idea was forming in my head and put a smile on my face.

Maya and Ave took a while to finally come back, we all waited for them with our drinks in hand, when they arrived Ave looked a little uncomfortable, moving to her bag while Maya waited.
“What’s wrong?” I asked looking between the girls back and forth.
“Nothing, I just asked Ave to lend me her phone real quick.” Maya explained and Ave fumbled in her back pulling her phone out uncertain, what was this all about?!

“Shit.. sorry M. Battery low… it shut off… Damn it.” Now Ave looked really upset at her phone and I frowned, alright, I really had to talk to Ave, something was not right.
“Here take mine.” Ben handed the phone to Maya, also having listened in on the conversation and Maya took it, “Thanks babe” She gave him a quick kiss and Ave still stared at her phone as if she could will it to get back on again.

I took it from her hands and she flinched back a little bit when I touched her “Ave? You alright, babe? We can charge it as soon as we get back home… We just have to decide where to sleep, yours or mine?” I gave her a wink and she nodded absently.

“Yeah, right.. No, all good…” She set the bag aside and looked longingly at it, and I thought I should cheer her up, so I would tell her my idea now.

I pulled her into my side while we all lifted our drinks and drank together in honor of this great evening together as friends and I think I saw Ave’s glass was still half full when she set it back between the others but maybe I was mistaken.

“Hey… I get that you don’t really feel like partying tonight, how about we won’t be staying too long… and will have a nice breakfast tomorrow. I saw this nice little shop down town at the Square; we could enjoy the morning together, eat something and talk… You are kind of distanced to me and I don’t like that… I want my Ave back.” I told her honestly and saw Ave’s eyes looking a little panicked if I had to name it.“No, I’m fine really… Just been a lot lately… but sure, I’d love to go have breakfast together, yeah we should do some talking, I think you are right” Ave smiled and I pulled her back into my side, my arm around her shoulder, maybe we could settle it all tomorrow and go back to where we were.

Maya’s POV

On the party I had been torn, between drinking a lot like normally, when it was a party, or holding back a little, always with the thought of meeting with Jimmy in the morning.
I couldn’t wait to see Jimmy again, would he bring Jess with him?! I couldn’t wait to see her either!

So I held myself a little back on the drinking part, so I would be ready and able to get up on time, which I was right now.
I got dressed and snuck quietly around Ben’s house, I planned on not ending the night here, so he wouldn’t notice me being away, but somehow we did end here, and now I had to move around without waking him, because he was drunk or had been yesterday.

I think everyone was beside me and Ave, I got to talk to her again finally and I noticed that something was weighing on her mind, she wouldn’t come out of her closet yesterday but I would get her to tell me about it, even though we haven’t spent as much time lately, as we used to, she was still my number one and I was hers.

I knew I must have hurt Ave with my thoughts of staying here for a while longer, and that never was my intension, if it came down to it, Ave must know she and I were being first, no matter what. And I really had to talk with her everything through, the situation was not easy for the both of us, and I had to know what was going on that I wasn’t involved in, and maybe Ave could also help me with my confused state on the Matt situation…

Everybody of the guys seemed to be having fun yesterday, well James looked a little absentminded but I think that had more to do with Avery and Sam had asked me if between me and Ben was everything alright, so maybe there was something noticeable about it, but I just didn’t know what to think at the moment…

After a couple of more drinks and talks everyone was cheered up and the whole ‘is there a problem thing’ forgotten, which was good, we weren’t there to discuss those things, we were out to have fun.
And Ben was a funny drunk by the way, and I really had enjoyed the evening then, but the thought of seeing my friends again was overweighing anything.

I left a short note on the kitchen, that I’d be back later on without further explaining, he would probably think I was with Ave, if I didn’t say anything else, and maybe that was for the best for now, but if he would ask I would tell him the truth, but I didn’t have to point him in the direction, right?
Or he wouldn’t even wake up before I got back, that would be the easier version anyway.

I headed to my car and drove down towards the bakery where Jimmy and I would be meeting now, just hearing him on the phone had on one side broke my heart and then healed it right away knowing we got to meet finally.

I walked into the bakery and then got immediately pulled into a tight hug before I could even see what hit me. I was nearly being crushed but didn’t care, I slung my arms around Jimmy, not caring what anyone thought of us.

“Knife Girl… god, I missed you.” Jimmy yelled way too loud but I could only chuckle.
“I did, too. So bad, Jimbo.. and I’m so sorry for the party thing, really sorry. I just didn’t want anyone to get hurt, please understand” Jimmy nodded into my hair, still not letting go, while other guests tried to wiggle around us.

“We should better have a seat” I slowly pulled away, but Jimmy latched onto my hand, and guided me towards a corner with a table set already.
“Oh nice..” I saw the filled glasses, one orange juice, one with champagne and smiled “You came prepared.” I chuckled and Jimmy looked a little uncertain but then smiled it away “Yeah, why not.”

I frowned but then ignored that comment and just moved on “Really, Jimmy I’m so sorry for how this went down on the party, I never wanted to kick you out, I was just afraid that-” He held a finger to my lips stopping me.

“Ssshh… forgotten. Now tell me, when are you coming home with us? Jess and I miss you and I don’t have to speak about a certain someone going insane without you right?” He said and I felt a ping of hurt starting in my chest, knowing he said he missed me but I wasn’t too convinced about that after the run in last time.

“Jimmy, I-” I started but again he interrupted shaking his head “I know you love him, don’t even try to lie to me and whatever you have with the guitar boy form Asking is not what you want or need, but you will figure that out by yourself, why don’t you listen to what Matt has to say, I am just asking you, to M. As a friend, and even if you don’t come back together with Matt for some unknown and fake reasons, I still need you as my friend, my Knife girl… you belong with me, even though you think you don’t belong to Matt” He finished and I sighed, there was no way of denying that guy anything, was it?!

So I changed the topic and would think about it again, maybe Jimmy was right even though Matt had apparently something with that woman, which I also knew before… I still owed him some answer, even though it would hurt even more now to tell him about it.

We talked for good two hours and the time was just flying by like old times, without a pause or anything to be bored about, Jimmy told me about his suspicious about Dan and I gave him tips to spy on him, Jimmy had looked at me like a proud Dad and I had to smile, when his face suddenly turned down and he closed his eyes on a sigh muttering “I fucking knew it”

“What is it? Something happened? You gotta go?” I asked taking Jimmy’s hand back in mind, stroking it a few times and he opened his eyes, his blue eyes searching in mine “Don’t run away, okay?”
He got up and walked around the table, I frowned and followed him with my eyes when I saw the reason, “Matt” I swallowed thickly seeing him standing there with Jimmy, he must knew I met Jimmy and now came to talk to me.

And why did my heart make a stupid jump, when I saw him there, it shouldn’t be doing that, I was taken… and he was otherwise occupied.

I turned around and waited for what happened next, when I felt lips on my cheek and Jimmy’s voice in my ear I knew what was about to happen “Just talk… and then figure it out by yourself. I’ll see you again soon, sweet cheeks. We have some missions to accomplish”
And with that he was gone and in front of me stood Matt, his black eye still visible, but even that little flaw didn’t damper anything of his handsomeness.

“I couldn’t stay away, knowing you were here, babe” Matt said softly and still stood beside our table.
“I ordered the table for you, hope you enjoyed the breakfast” He added and I nodded, so that’s what this had been about, Jimmy not knowing about it.

“Matt, sit down please.” I finally said not wanting to let him stand there even longer in between everything.
“Okay.. I wasn’t sure if you really wanted to see me” He added and I nodded while he said down next to me, his thigh brushing mine “I didn’t… I mean, not yet.”

“Can I explain what happened two days ago?” Matt asked and I nodded “It’s okay, Matt. I can’t blame you for moving on… You are free to do what you want... I just didn’t... expect to run in on that. And I’m sorry for.. the way I reacted, I shouldn’t have done that.” Kissing Ben directly in front of his nose, must have hurt him, as had the show from DJ with him.

“No… Listen, Maya. I didn’t move on, okay? What I did is, I tried to distract myself, I wanted to get rid of the pain… I have been stupid and started this thing with DJ, I should have never done that, I didn’t help, it was just making it worse… I still couldn’t forget you, babe. I stopped it right away, its been over for months, she just wanted to make a joke the day before yesterday, there wasn’t anything going on anymore.” Matt said and I inhaled deeply hearing him talk about him and her was hard “You don’t have to explain.” I said and Matt shook his head “I know but I want to… I need to.”

“Okay, thank you.” I didn’t really know how to react. “I owe you an explanation as well, and another apology” I looked up, and Matt was staring at me, I fumbled with my hands, not knowing where to begin and how to end.

He took my hand in his, making this so much more intimate but I didn’t pull away “I am sorry, that day, 6 months ago… I’m just sorry for that, I thought it would be the best way… I was feeling miserable… and I knew you were feeling miserable as well. I wanted to give you back your happiness, Matt. I didn’t want to tie you down, I didn’t want to be the reason you were feeling sad… I knew you wouldn’t have understood my reason, that’s why I told you… what I said back then” I couldn’t say the words now.

When I looked up Matt looked at me shocked “What? You thought I was miserable, because of you?” He asked finally and I nodded “You were, damn Matt.. I could hear it when we talked… and I couldn’t handle that… I couldn’t handle my pain and yours… I knew I was the cause of it. I was making us both feel that way and it was too much for me. It was my fault, because I couldn’t handle this distance relationship thing, and if that is my fault, I couldn’t drag you down with it… I loved you too much, babe”

Tears were starting to form and even before I knew it I was in Matt’s embrace, his arms around me his unique scent wavered into my nose and this one time I allowed myself to inhale deeply, just to feel how it was back then when everything was still right.

“Babe, not you were making me feel this way, the distance was… I wasn’t angry at you, the only light I had was when I could speak to you, which had been way too less, I know that… I would change that now, we could start this all new, everything is different now, you don’t have your college anymore…” I pulled away from Matt, he was already talking like everything was settled but it wasn’t.

“That doesn’t change anything right now, Matt.” I whisked the tear form my eye and Matt looked a little sad, like I just popped his bubble on how this would go on.
He seemed to think for a second and then his phone started ringing and I had put mine on mute, but hoped that nobody had tried to call anyway.

“What’s up Zack?” He answered his eyes never leaving mine, and so many thoughts and emotions were floating through me right now.
“Shit, already? We are the first… god damn… yeah, don’t worry. I’ll be there” He hung up and I felt sad that he had to leave now, and again I shouldn’t feel that way.

“Babe, how about you will think about everything… Just remember us. I love you, Maya. I want another chance, we still have some talking to do. We have some more tour dates, but I will be back in Huntington in a few weeks, we should meet back home… You and I, or you could visit us together with Ave… I just, please think about it…” Matt leaned in and placed a small kiss right in the corner of my mouth and I didn’t pull away, his lips so soft, so many more emotions rushing through me.

“Will you?” He asked while his head was still so close to mine, his mouth directly next to mine and I nodded “I will, I promise”

Brian’s POV

I checked my phone like every minute, every freaking minute until I had to go on stage. I was sure, Ave would write me after my message.

I mean I had told her all I could in one small message, that there were open things we had to discuss, yes. That I knew I fucked up big time, but that I also wanted to make up for it.
That I still loved her, that she was my every thought, so how could she not reply?

Was she maybe too stunned?
Haven’t she been thinking I would write her?
Or was something else behind it?

But Zack had been pretty clear, that Ave would reply, maybe she just didn’t have time yet, or her phone with her, I mean…

“Brian, we need to head on stage” Zack’s voice roused me from my thoughts and I had to take my eyes that were glued to the display away finally, “Shit…” I replied, willing my phone a final time to show a test message or a call but nothing, so I handed it over to the waiting Matt Berry, who took care of all our phones during the show.

“I’ll take good care, don’t worry, Gates.” He clapped my butt and I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah yeah” I replied and took my guitar and running after the rest of the guys, for another show.

It was a fun show, but again I felt more distracted then ever and when we final were done and went off stage, getting a drink, I searched for MB to get my phone back, when I had finally found him and he handed me my phone it was around midnight but I was finally rewarded with a text.
I begged and prayed it was from my girl, come on… Ave… please.

I looked at the image, seeing Ave on the screen smiling, oh god, how good it was seeing her face on my display and while her message was making me feel all different kinds of emotions, like guilt and joy at the same time, but the most important part was hope.

Only these few words were making hope bloom within me again, meaning I did have another chance:

I will give you another chance, but you will need to prove yourself to me before I can hand over my heart again.
When are you available to meet before you leave?

When I was available, hell I would drive over to wherever she was right fucking now, if that’s what she would want.
But instead I wrote her something back that made more sense, she probably wouldn’t be reading the message now, so I had to give her a little time in the morning.

That is all I am asking for, a talk between you and me.
I will make you see that I will never let you go through any of this again.
You are precious to me, Ave.

This morning at 10 Madison’s Square, I can’t wait to see you again, love.


I hit the sent button as soon as I could, waiting if she would reply, but she was probably already asleep, but at least she would get it in the morning and then I would see her.

I had seen this little bakery while we drove towards the concert arena for sound check, and it looked like Ave could enjoy it, I didn’t know why, but I had immediately thought of her when I saw it.

I couldn’t wait to see the smile on Ave’s face, hopefully she would smile at me when I would meet her there, I would try to be there early, so I could see her approach me, take everything in from the distance until she would be standing right before me.

“Gates? You coming?” Johnny asked and I shook my head, “What?”
“You coming to the party now?” Johnny said, making a ‘Duh’ motion, like I was the dumbest person on the planet.

“No, gotta get up in time tomorrow. You have fun, I will go right back to the hotel” I said and Johnny waved me away and muttering something “Not him as well…” I frowned but in the end didn’t care at all.

I went to bed early, to a peaceful sleep, knowing tomorrow I would make everything right again, this night finally wasn’t a complete mess.

I woke up before the alarm even began to ring, I went into the shower, shaved, put some cologne on and dressed into a shirt I knew Ave loved seeing on me.
I made sure, my hair looked perfect and that everything was right in place. I wanted to look my best when I met Ave again, impress her… make her fall for me right away again, not even really knowing why, but I just wanted to show her how she made me feel, whenever I saw her.

It was nine when I left the hotel, I went to get her some flowers and then positioned myself near the entrance waiting for Avery, when another idea hit me, I went to the shop to get her another small present, and when I just walked back out I was still in time, but she could be there any second.

I looked the street up and down and couldn’t wait for Ave to show up somewhere, she wouldn’t be late would she? She did get my message right?

She hadn’t replied, so I was getting nervous when it was finally 10 and she still wasn’t around, I checked my phone and was about to call her number, when I saw her at the end of the street, she came out of one of the houses and a huge smile spread across my face.

How much I had missed her, god she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I straightened my frame and looked back into her direction, she was still a couple of feet away, not looking into my direction, when she then turned around and someone else appeared beside her.

I not only that Ave wasn’t alone, but it was worse, she was there together with that guy, Cassells.
She looked up to him, laughing at something that he said and he laid his arm around her waist, pulling her into his body, and she let him… she fucking let him.

The present I bought slipped from my fingers, her favorite candy, now scattered all over the sidewalk, while my other hand had a death grip on the flowers, crushing them in the process.

I took a step towards them, when I saw James leaning down, kissing Ave, and that’s when I was done with this, she said I needed to prove myself, I was the one begging?
I was the one doing all wrong? I was the one to blame? And she? What was she doing?

She wants to meet with me? Wants to give us another chance and then she is running around with her new boyfriend making out in public?
Did she want me to see this?! Was she doing this on purpose?!

What the actual fuck! I wouldn’t look at this for one more second, I turned around, and threw the flowers into the next trash bin that I found, before storming off…

Ave and I… that topic was done, for good!


Ohhoooo... what a twist is that?!
What did we do?! :P

U guys thought this would happen?!




Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2