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Years Gone By Without You

Chapter 20

"You did what!" Zack yelled. I looked at him in disbelief. "How could you just go and fuck him," he yelled.

"Well you shouldn't have kissed Gena," I snapped.

"I didn't she kissed me," he yelled.

"How in the fuck am I supposed to believe that," I got in his face.

"How could you do this to me? Give me the ring," he yelled.

"Fuck you if you are allowed to cheat and I can't I don't need you in my life," I threw the ring at him and stormed out in tears.

"Hello," Val answered.

"Val oh my god," I said crying hysterically.

"What the fuck is going on," she asked.

"I'm coming over I can't... I c-c-can't talk," I stuttered.

"Okay be careful," she said concerned.

"I will," I hung up and drove over to her house. I got out and walked up to the door and knocked on it. Val swung it open and grabbed me in her arms.

"What is going on," she asked.

"I cheated on Zack last night completely by accident," I forced myself to say.

"Lex why the fuck did you do that," she asked.

"I don't know Val I was pissed off at Zack for kissing her and I went to Brian's and he kissed me and just one thing led to another," I explained.

She sighed. "I understand Lex. I'm your best friend we'll work this out," she said. "He'll come back," she told me.

"He took the ring back," I told her.

"What," she said shocked. I nodded in disappointment.

"This wouldn't of happen if it wasn't for fucking Brian," I snapped and walked and sat on the couch and put my face in my hands. Val walked over and sat down next to me and started rubbing my back soothingly.

"It'll be okay Lex. He'll come back. He loves you," she tried to make me believe.

"I doubt it," I said pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. "I fucked it up," I said.

"Let me call him," she said. Val pulled out her phone and dialed his number.

"Hello," Zack answered.

"Zack what's going on," she asked.

"Lex fucking cheated on me," he snapped.

"Zack she only did it because she thought you cheated on her. She wanted revenge. You know she wouldn't have done it if she didn't see you sucking face with Gena," she told him.

"Val what the fuck am I supposed to do. If Matt came home to you and said he just fucked your best friend what would you do," he asked.

"You kissed Gena beforehand," she emphasized.

He sighed. "I didn't mean to kiss her. She kissed me. I didn't even kiss her back," he told her.

"Oh really," she asked sarcastically.

"Yes fucking really," he snapped.

"Well I think you’re lying Baker. She loved you enough to forgive you for your doings why can't you forgive hers," Val told him.

"I didn't fuck Gena I KISSED her," he yelled.

"Whatever Zack be a dick but you know she doesn't deserve it," she hung up. "Don't worry he'll call back," she told me.

Hours passed and no sign of Zack. He hasn't called or anything. Matt came walking through the door and of course had me tell him everything. He also thought it was a pretty fucked up idea of him to get pissed off when he kissed Gena beforehand.

"I don't think he's gonna call Val," I sighed. I was laying on her lap and she was stroking my hair.

"Don't worry about it. We all know he will," she said. A knock came across the door.

"I'll get it," Matt jumped up and answered it.

"Brian what the fuck are you doing here," Matt asked. I sat up.

"Is Lex here," he asked frantically.

"Yeah bro what's going on," he asked. I got up and walked over to him.

"Bri what's going on," I asked concerned.

"It's Zack. Why the fuck did you tell him," he said.

"What's fucking going on Brian tell me now," I demanded.

"He's fucking in the hospital," he said.

"What," I asked.

"He got in a car accident. He's in bad shape Lex. He's in a coma," he said. I started crying. Why the fuck did this have to happen to me? I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I jumped in my car and sped to the hospital.

I got there in five minutes due the fact I was speeding. I ran inside to the desk. "Ma'am how may I help you," the lady at the desk asked nicely.

"I need to know what room Zack Baker is in," I told her frantically.

"Okay yes hang on one sec," she said. She started typing on her computer. "He's in room 204B," she told me.

"Thanks," I smiled a fake smile and hurried away. I frantically searched for the room. Finally I found it. I walked in and the sight was unbearable. Zack looked horrible. He looked helpless. I broke down on my knees in tears. I heard footsteps from outside. Next thing I knew I was being held by Brian and Val.

"It'll be okay Lex," they tried to tell me.

"No it won't this is all my fault," I cried.

"No it's not your fault it's mine I shouldn't of done what I did," Brian told me. I pulled away and walked over to Zack. I grabbed his hand.

"It'll be okay baby. You'll wake up. I'll be here until then. I love you," I kissed him on the forehead.

A few hours passed and all the guys came in and saw him. Of course, I was the only one that was going to stay. After they left I cuddled up next to him. I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating. Tears fell from my eyes. "I love you Zee. I know I betrayed you and took away your trust but I promise you when you wake up it'll be different," I told him. I drifted off to a sleep.


Two weeks have passed and Zack showed no sign of recovery. I hoped every day that it would be today he would wake up. I didn't leave the hospital except for to take a shower. Val and the guys always brought me food and things so they were sure I would be okay.

"How's he doing today," Jimmy asked.

"The same as every other day," I told him in a sad tone.

"He'll come out of it Lex. Stay positive," he tried to tell me.

"We'll see," I said. I climbed back in his bed and cuddled up to him. "I love you Zack," I whispered. I felt his arm wrap around me. "Zack," I lifted up and looked at him. His hazel green eyes were looking back at me. "Oh my god he's awake," I said excitedly and jumped out of the bed to get a nurse.


The Final Decision

The Final Decision

NC-17 Romance Drama


10.0 19 Votes


I had to reread this story so i could understand the sequel. Good story, a lot of crybaby whining tho lol going to start the sequel now.

mrsmshadz mrsmshadz
When I entered the new story on the website it has the area asking if it is a sequel and to what story. I clicked the story and when it was saved and everything it just showed up on the page. I hope I helped.

Thank you also for the comment :)
I LOVED this story!!! It was so awesome!! & I can't wait to read the sequel!!!

One question... what did you do for the sequel to appear on this same page? I finished my story but I couldn't linked the sequel with the original. Hahahha! I have no idea how to do it!

& I'm starting the sequel right now!
Nia_Flores Nia_Flores
Sad this stories over :( but yay for sequel!!!
I am in love with this :)
CrazyLoveA7X CrazyLoveA7X