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Years Gone By Without You

Chapter 13

Zack was so happy that we were official. I felt a lot better now and I hope this feeling stayed this way. It was the next morning and I had gotten up pretty early. I just sat around the whole morning watching movies and eating ice cream. That was my favorite thing to do. Around two o'clock I decided to call Sarah to see if she was still mad at me.

"Hello," she snapped.

"Sarah why are you still pissed off at me," I asked.

"Because I'm obviously not your best friend," she said.

"Sarah you are my best friend okay so what I found someone at my work to hang out with. I didn't see you for days before that," I told her. She stayed silent. "Sarah I know you're still there. I'm trying to mend this friendship because there is no reason to be pissed at me. I also called to tell you me and Zack are official as of last night," I told her.

She huffed. "Why Zack," she snapped.

"Because we like each other. You haven't fucking been around lately to even know what's going on," I told her.

"Well I'm sorry," she said rudely.

"Fine be a bitch I don't care anymore. I was calling just to make things okay between us but now I know it won't be," I said hanging up.

I sighed and laid my phone on the coffee table and laid down on the couch and started watching ‘Queen of the Damned’. I drifted off into a sleep.

I felt something touching my face. I jolted up and found Zack and Jimmy standing there. "What the fuck," I said laughing.

"You left your door unlocked," Zack said. I laughed.

"Eh who cares," I said. They sat down on each side of me.

"So what are you doing tonight," they asked in unison.

I looked at them both. "What are you planning," I asked. The both gave me an evil grin and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my house. "Where are you guys taking me," I asked laughing. "I look like shit," I said.

"Na you look fine," Zack said. I blushed. We got in the car and Jimmy drove off.

I was looking around trying to figure out where we were going. Zack turned around and looked at me and smiled. "Where are we going," I begged.

"Matt's having a party," he said.

"And why couldn't you just tell me," I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "We figured you wouldn't wanna go cause of Brian," he told me.

"Zee I'm with you now. I could care less about him," I told him.

"Enough with the love bull shit," Jimmy said jokingly. Zack socked him in the arm. "Damn abusive," he said laughing. We got to Matt's. This was the first time I've ever seen his house.

"Wait a sec," I said remembering something.

"What," Zack asked.

"Is Matt still with Val," I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah," he said laughing.

"Holy fuck they've been together for fucking ever," I said surprised.

"Yeah well you and her were pretty close weren't you," Jimmy asked.

"Yeah I just haven't seen her in forever," I told him.

"Well then you'll be glad to see her," he said happily. We got out of the car.

"Lex come here real quick," Zack said. Jimmy continued to walk into the house.

"Yeah," I said.

"There is one little problem," he said.

"What," I asked concerned.

"I haven't exactly ended it with my other girlfriend," he told me. I instantly became pissed.

"What," I snapped.

"I'm sorry I was gonna do it right now. She hasn't been home and neither have I," he tried to explain.

I sighed. "You're lucky I care about you Zee," I said. "End it tonight please," I asked.

He nodded. "The guys already know not to say anything, including Brian," he told me.

"Okay I'll do the same," I told him. He gave me a quick kiss and we walked inside.

Matt's house was huge and really nice. It was filled with people. Some I knew, some I didn't. Zack looked at me and signaled me to walk that way. I turned the corner and saw Valary. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Lex," she squealed. I nodded. She ran up to me and gave me a hug. "It's been years. What the fuck Matt why didn't you tell me," she asked.

"I know I'm sorry," I told her.

"Well sit down we need to catch up," she said. We sat down and started to talk. I told her the reason I left and everything that happened in the past week, leaving out Zack and I dating. We were sitting there when the old crowd all came up to me. It was crazy seeing them all again. I missed them and they missed me. I was occupied for a couple hours by just talking to everyone. After everyone finally left me alone, I looked around for Zack to just go talk to him. I walked around and finally found him with this blonde chick. I was guessing that was his girlfriend. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Anger raged through me. I just turned around and tried to get the fact out of my head. I went to the kitchen and got me a cup of cranberry juice and vodka. I grabbed the glass and walked out when I saw Zoe and Brian. I choked on the little bit of drink I had in my mouth.

"Zoe," I said. She turned and looked at me. "What are you doing," I asked.

"Brian asked me here," she told me.

"Oh," I said walking away. Why was I so hurt by seeing Zoe with Brian? Tears started to fall out of my eyes. I walked quickly passed Zack and out the door.

I sat down on the porch and cried. I heard the door open. "Lex what's wrong," I heard Brian say. I looked back at him.

I shook my head. "Nothing," I lied.

"You're lying," he said sitting down next to me.

"It's nothing don't worry about it," I told him looking the opposite way so he couldn't see my face.

"It's Zack and Gena, huh," he asked. I started to cry once again. "I know we can't be together Lex, but I don't want you to get hurt," he said. "Zack is going to end it with Gena tonight he really cares about you," he told me.

"I just don't know anymore," I told him.

"And I know you're jealous of me bring Zoe," he said.

I looked at him. "How do you know that," I asked.

"The look you gave her back there," he said.

I sighed. "I'm sorry," I said.

"Don't be. I was jealous finding out about you and Zack it's bound to happen," he told me. The door opened.

"Whoa," I heard Zack say. "Am I interrupting anything," he asked.

"No we're just talking," I told him.

"Okay well bro, can you go inside," he asked. Brian jumped up.

"It'll be okay," he murmured and walked inside.

"I ended it with her," he said.

I looked at him. "I just saw you kissing all over her," I told him.

"I know you did. I saw you rush out and that made me end it right there. If you can't tell I have beer all over me," he said. He sat down. His shirt was soak and wet with beer.

"Oh I'm sorry," I said. He put his arm around me.

"Don't be sorry. We're finally together no more hiding secrets," he told me.

I smiled. "Thank god," I said. He hugged me. "I'm sorry Zee but you smell really bad," I said laughing.

"Oh sorry," he said pulling away.

I grabbed his hand. "Let's go back inside," I told him. We walked back inside. Everyone was looking at us. No one ever thought Lexi and Zack would get together. Despite the fact they were always together. They always figured Brian and I would.

The rest of the night went great. I had a few encounters with Gena and ended up breaking her nose. She left after that. Everyone was shocked that I did it. Even Brian. They figured I was all uptight now. I proved them wrong.

Jimmy took Zack and I back to my house around three that morning. We both were completely wasted. We stumbled in the house. I'm actually surprised we made it home safe because Jimmy was just as wasted if not more. We ended up passing out on the couch.

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache and I had to go to work. What was I thinking? I sat up and Zack woke up. "Fuck," he said.

I laughed. "Feel like shit too," I asked. He nodded. "I gotta get ready for work," I told him.

"Can you drop me off at my house," he asked.

"Of course," I said. "Let me take a shower and get ready," I told him. I ran upstairs jumped in the shower and got ready.


The Final Decision

The Final Decision

NC-17 Romance Drama


10.0 19 Votes


I had to reread this story so i could understand the sequel. Good story, a lot of crybaby whining tho lol going to start the sequel now.

mrsmshadz mrsmshadz
When I entered the new story on the website it has the area asking if it is a sequel and to what story. I clicked the story and when it was saved and everything it just showed up on the page. I hope I helped.

Thank you also for the comment :)
I LOVED this story!!! It was so awesome!! & I can't wait to read the sequel!!!

One question... what did you do for the sequel to appear on this same page? I finished my story but I couldn't linked the sequel with the original. Hahahha! I have no idea how to do it!

& I'm starting the sequel right now!
Nia_Flores Nia_Flores
Sad this stories over :( but yay for sequel!!!
I am in love with this :)
CrazyLoveA7X CrazyLoveA7X