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He's Yours

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I was woken up by I giant boom of thunder and a quiet whining from the room near mine. Is it supposed to storm in June? I heard another boom and another whine. I sighed and kicked the covers off of me, I stood up and stretched cracking my back. More whining. I was going to be hearing a lot of that soon noting that my mom was pregnant. She’s one or two months because she’s not showing. I did the math in my head as I pulled on pajama pants is she’s one month the baby will be born in November is she’s two December. I dropped the thought and walked out into the hall realizing the whining was coming from Blaze and Zayleigh’s room. It only took me a few strides to get there, I opened the door and Blaze was fast asleep but Zayleigh was cowering under her comforter. I looked at the clock on her nightstand, two-thirty in the morning and it was now officially Friday.
“Zayleigh are you okay Hun?” I asked kneeling down beside her bed.
“I had a nightmare and now it’s storming. Jim I don’t like storms.” She whined
I kissed her gross nasty sweaty forehead and she was still running a fever.
“I’ll be right back.” I said
She nodded and I walked out into the hall and into the bathroom, I grabbed the liquid Nightquil crap that is gross but I knew it would help her sleep through the storm and feel a little better. I poured the right amount for her and walked back into her room.
“Take this.” I said
She took the liquid and handed me the cup back. She made a gagging sound.
“Look Z I know it’s gross but it will help you sleep.” I said
She nodded and laid her head down on my leg as I sat in her bed.
“Sing to me Jim.” She said
“What band and what song doll?” I asked
“Sleeping with Sirens and Roger Rabbit.” She whispered
I nodded and tried to remember the lyrics
“Is there a right way for how this goes? You've got your friends and you've got your foes, they want a piece of something hot; forget your name like they forgot. Ain't that something?” I quietly sang
She snugged into my thigh and I ran my hand through her hair, which may I say was oddly brushed.
“Some wanna see you crash and burn criticize your every word, I'm trying to keep from going insane ain't that the way of this whole damn thing? Trying to be something……. More……. Nobody's gonna love you if you can't display a way to capture this. Nobody's gonna hold your hand and guide you through, it's up for you to understand. Nobody's gonna feel your pain when all is done and it's time for you to walk away. So when you have today…… You should say all that you have to say……. Say all that you have to say.” I sang.
Her breathing had evened out so I knew she was asleep.
“Don’t worry Z storms aren’t scary it’s just Uncle Jimmy rocking out with God.” I said
I leaned my head up against the wall hoping to fall back asleep.
“James get up.” I heard my mother protest.
I groaned and realized I had fallen back asleep in Zayleigh’s bed.
“I’m up mom.” I said
“You’re going to be late for school Hun.” She said
“Shit.” I said She just looked at me.
“It slipped.” I said
She smiled and helped me up from under Zayleigh’s head.
“There was a storm last night and she was a little freaked out and she had a nightmare.” I said
“How’d you calm her down?” She asked
“I sang to her and then told her the exact thing you told me when I was younger.” I said
“Storms aren’t scary it’s just Uncle Jimmy rocking out with God.” She said
I nodded and noticed she was tearing up at bit.
“Mom it’s okay don’t cry.” I said
“It’s still hits me hard Hun.” She said
“I guess it doesn’t help that I’m his carbon copy?” I asked
“It does help.” She said
“How?” I asked
“Because it lets me know that there is a little piece of him still alive and I have the honor of calling it my son.” She said
I smiled and hugged my mom.
“Go take a shower you stink.” She said
“Then I’ll be late.” I said
“Being late to first period study hall won’t kill you son.” She said
“You’re a cool mom.” I smiled
“Aren’t I?” She smiled
I walked into the bathroom and started up a warm shower, when I was done I scampered to my room with a death grip on the towel so it didn’t fall down. By the time I was done school had already started, I walked into the kitchen and mom was making something on the stove.
“Whatcha cooking?” I asked
“Some breakfast for your sickling sister.” She said
I laughed and grabbed the peanutbutter out of the cabinet and spread it on some bread.
“I’m heading out ma.” I said
“Don’t get peanut butter on the steering wheel.” She said
I laughed and walked out the front door noticing that see had moved her car for me. I got it and pulled out of the drive way. I plugged my iPhone into the radio and started playing Blinded in Chains by Avenged Sevenfold … What? I like my dad’s band. I ate while I drove to the high school, I pulled into the parking lot and parked next to my friend Oliver. Oliver was leaning against his car.
“Sup Jim?” He said giving me a head nod
“Why aren’t you in class?” I asked
“I don’t feel like going to History.” He said
“Oh well I’ve got to get into study hall.” I said
“I’ll see you in Math my nerd friend.” He smiled
I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my sandwich.
“You’re late Mr. Sullivan.” My study hall teacher said when I walked in.
“I know, I’m sorry Mr. K.” I said
“Whatever take your seat.” He said
I walked over to my seat and finished my sandwich. Today was going to be a long day, after the bell rang I went to math and took my seat in between Oliver and Ava.
“Hey Jims.” Ava said
“Hey.” I said
She smiled and then the teacher came in, I paid some attention to the lesson but I was busy doing my Chemistry homework that I had fallen asleep during. Two papers landed on my desk, I looked over at Ava and she smiled. One of the papers was her Chemistry homework.
“Are you actually letting me copy you?” I asked
She nodded. This was weird she was pretty against letting people copy her papers. I copied it down and handed hers back to her. I had Chemistry next and she has it the last period of the day.
“Read the note.” She whispered
I nodded and looked at the time, three minutes left of this class and then I don’t see her until lunch which is sixth period and it’s second now. I opened the note and read it.
Hey you’re not going to like this news but I couldn’t tell you out loud but I’m moving to Maine and we’re leaving today.
I looked up at her in disbelief, her brown eyes were watering.
“Why?” I asked
“My dad’s job.” She whispered.
I nodded and the bell rang
. “I’ll stop over and say goodbye tonight.” She said before we went our separate ways in the hall.
I nodded and walked into my Chemistry class.
“Good morning Mr. Sullivan why so sad?” My teacher asked
“I’m just tired Miss. DiBenedetto.” I said
Yes I know my Chemistry teacher is Val Matt’s girlfriend but I couldn’t tell my mom that because for one she called my mom a whore yesterday and they hate each other.
“Got your homework?” She asked
“You knew didn’t you?” I asked
“Knew what?” She asked
“That Rev is my real dad.” I said
She nodded.
“Then why’d you tell me some bullshit story about my mom being a whore? She wasn’t even with dad at the time.” I asked
She shrugged and I walked to the back of the class and glared at her. The final bell rang and I was worried about Ava, she wasn’t at lunch and her car wasn’t in the lot. I shook any bad thoughts because she said she was coming over tonight. I walked to my car and Oliver and another friend Jessica were hanging around it.
“Sullivan do you want to go get wasted?” Oliver asked
“No thanks.” I said
“Why not Jims?” Jessica asked
“Don’t call me Jims and because I don’t want to and I have plans.” I said
They nodded and I got in my car and drove off to the cemetery. I got out and walked to the headstone I was looking for and I sat down.
“Hey Uncle Jimmy. My mom told me all about me being your son yesterday I hope it’s okay with you that I still refer to you as Uncle Jimmy. I mean I was raised calling you that and called Zack dad. I hope you’re okay with that, I think you are. So I found out Ava was moving to Maine and she’s leaving tonight, I don’t know what to say about it she’s my best friend. She has been since we were about six. I just came here to tell you that I know about you being my actual dad but you’re easy to talk to. Is that weird since I’m talking to a piece of Marble? Well not to me I’m talking to you even though you can’t answer I know you’re hearing me. Zayleigh and Blaze were here last time but they didn’t have a clue what to do.” I said
I heard a crash of thunder.
“Dad you’re rocking out with God again aren’t you? Well I have to get going I’ve got two little sisters that are scared of storms. I always tell them that storms aren’t scary because it’s just you rocking out with God. Mom used to tell that to me all the time but now that I know you’re my real dad it has a whole new meaning. I’ll come back again I promise. Love you Dad slash Uncle Jimmy.” I said
I got up and got to my car before it started to rain.


The next chapter will be back in Brice's Pov


Thank you.
Mrs.Sullivan Mrs.Sullivan
Ok nice and good luck at school :)
I'm seventeen.
Mrs.Sullivan Mrs.Sullivan
Thanks and i hope you do well at school and i was wondering how old are because im fromm the uk and i get confused with american school years.
I'm going to try and get a few of my other fanfictions finished before I star the sequel to this one if I decide to write one. I've got to do good this school year since I'm a senior but I will get around to it. (:

I love your user name by the way
Mrs.Sullivan Mrs.Sullivan