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Secured Sevenfold - Comments, page 4

hahaha daaamn, yeah, you should definitely send joanne and her MO to the criminal minds writers...they will love to make it on the screen :P
and we can see the guys desperation having the meeting on the car, woow, must've been a little hard to plan and write all of this?? well, it would be hard for me... =p

i loooove your action girls, need more ;)

Leyla.lp Leyla.lp

Why must you insist on torturing me like this???
They were soooo close.... :( Should have started with the last door. Everything is always in the last place you look. Why would you keep looking after you found it :D

Okay I'm rambling.... I wanna know what the girls saw when they opened their door. Did they hear the guys? Ahhh you're killing me.
But I still love you <3
Now hurry up I need more :p

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

Aww man so close...just...so close...

I wonder if Jacky and Joe will be able to escape successfully without Joanne knowing. It would kind of help the guys not work too hard. But then again, she'd still go after the girls and probably be worse to them than she was before. Who knew she had all that money to have that many doors/rooms inside that house. Reminds me of a maze or fun house in a way. You open 1 door, it just leads to another, and so on.

LadyRevenge LadyRevenge

Oh they did not find the girls :( damn! But I knew it was kind of, too good to be true!
I think they did well in their searching, and it was a good call to go and plan everything again, better safe than sorry!
It must been hard for Brian to hear that the girls are there, but they haven't found them yet :(

Hope everything works out well! <3
ps: yeah, I trust you guys have written some amazing chapters for us ;) <3

Avenged7X_fan Avenged7X_fan

There´s more about what is behind door number 1, but I think it´s going to disappoint you... No aliens this time :P Of course it's not Joanne's fault she is a little crazy, but that makes it even more fun :P

He had it comin' apparently, will teach him better than to fuck with you.... Good for you, hope the hand feels better soon.

I LOVE this comment! Seriously, you went all out, and all you theories... very plausible ;-) No aliens in this chapter though, maybe next... I kinda hate that you mentioned the whole mysticaly beings things... way to ruin everything we thought of :P

I'm sorry, but we are not done with the tension and the suspense yet... Sit tight, we got something nice planned for all of you :D

The door chapter wasn't called 'The door' for no reason :P More excitement coming your way... Hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride! :D

Kimmie Kimmie

How could it not be aliens??? Its the only thing that makes perfect sense ;)

It has to be the girls behind the door. But it all still seems to easy. Someone is going to foil their plan. I can feel it and I CAN'T WAIT ;D

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

Well I warned the guy if he poured or throw water at me that there will be problems he thought I was joking, he did it anyways so I decked him so hard that everyone heard the impact my fist felt his teeth

MoMo_92 MoMo_92

That was just not nice....
I was there brushing my teeth and getting ready for work, my adrenalin was pumping... I was getting all excited... the girls were kicking ass. the boys were so stealthy... but then something told that was waaaaaayyyyy to easy. And then I get slapped in the face with an ending like that.... I'm so agitated I don't think I want to know what is behind the stupid door....
I was hoping that they would see each other and all run off happily ever after... But that just seems too good to be true..
I was thinking... maybe dean is behind all of this, or working with them. Or maybe Liv? or ::gasp:: Joseph? I am not 100% sure how Joseph would be a part of this, but just a thought.
Maybe this whole thing has been planned since forever ago and it was part of the plan for dean and liv to make friends with the girls so that way somebody would always have an eye on them and know what they are doing at all times... why? I don't know the full details yet but I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Or maybe it is aliens that are behind all of this?!?!? Joanne is really an alien and this is just part of a big plan of world domination!!!!! or Maybe Jack and Joe are some mystical being put on earth and were raised like normal humans and they don't know that they are so special, and Joanne figured it out and wants to harvest blood like unicorn blood (had to throw in a Harry Potter reference) so that she can live forever..... I don't know.. I'm just saying

Nessa.Christ Nessa.Christ

Could it be the girls?! Hmmm I'm not sure..that seems too easy :/ I'm still thinking this is going to go south :P although I really hope that I'm wrong!!! What are you going to prove to me girls? :P

Jacky's seduction...a good plan ;) And I loved how Arin found the alarm system to be too easy haha!
Oh damn I want to know more <3 you sure know how to create tension and suspense :P

Avenged7X_fan Avenged7X_fan

Who can resist a little seduction? I like Jacky's little plan. Whoa whoa WHOA THERE! Did they just happen to find the girls in the house behind that door? gosh I hope so. Though it all does seem to be a bit kind of too easy with how the guys got in without fighting off anyone. I have a sinking feeling Joanne may have a plan up her sleeve. Or maybe is too engrossed in wanting to see into Jacky's and Joe's minds and trying to get her hands in getting some of that money they got from daddy dearest.

LadyRevenge LadyRevenge

Look at Joe, playing the crazy lady. I see what you're doing there making her think you want to get to know her so she'll trust you. Sneaky, sneaky ;)

Still feel a little bad for her. I mean is it really her fault she's a few cards short of a full deck?

I can't wait till they get in there to get the girls. Bring on the action!!


xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

whwhahah 'his colt'... You are confusing fandoms my dear Leyla :D
Did you make it to your class in time?

It is kinda say huh, I don't think she is playing, she really is a little crazy.
Oh Anticipation is the third person in our little crazy trio, Mei, Kim and Anticipation :P
Let me just tell you... we are not really getting rid of our trio just yet :P

Uhhhhh we are very curius tooo!!! :P ;-)

Kimmie Kimmie

Woo they're finally getting the girls back! Their crazy sister may be smart though I don't think she'll be smart enough when she sees the guys. I'm curious as to what will happen once they have the girls back in the house. Dean quit your bragging! lol

LadyRevenge LadyRevenge

This chick is so delusional, it's kind of sad. Does she really think she can get her way by acting crazy????
Well... Never mind... That does work for most people....
Moving on...,
Here we go again with you two masterminds keep us filled with anticipation.... But I know it will be more than worth it in the end :)
I was also thinking. Since crazy lady is leaving this rescue may be kind of easy. Just run in, get the girls and done... But, again, my two favorite ladies are writing this story... Nothing is that easy :P
Can't wait for the next chapter :D

Nessa.Christ Nessa.Christ

Oh god this was a hell of an introduction huh? I could feel the tension at every word u wrote, every scene, every hug and sentence they shared...i cant wait a second more for the next chap :oo so frrakin anxious like the guys are xD
Oh and by the way...dean holding a gun...his character just got better here :33... I hope its the 'colt' hahaha ;)
oh and another by the way, dean and brian getting along is sooo freaking cuuteee i wanna hug them and do other stuff with tem but thats not the point :p
okay okay, im gona to class now, so fuckin late :p

Leyla.lp Leyla.lp

Thanks! I had a very quiet Easter, nothing special. We have like a second Easter day ;-)
Matt is doubting it just as much, but he is putting up a brave face, trying to get everything done. More tomorrow, we promise ;-)

Seriously? What did they do to my Mo that you had to punch them?
Be careful of your typing fingers, love :D

Hahaha, that might not really be the approach they are going for :P

It's still Easter here and we updated anyway, you happy now? ;-)
More action in tomorrow's chapter, we are trying to get the girls back, who knows how soon we will succeed :P

Kimmie Kimmie

And so it begins!!!! I'm so excited yet nervous... :/ ughhh!!

First of all I liked the fact how everyone got their heads in the plan, got up early and stuff...shows how much they want the girls to be back with them :)
Joanne got rid of the handcuffs, wow I didn't see that coming huh?! Maybe a dumb move?! It seems so...
It seems like Brian is doubting this more than Matt.. hopefully they get to their girls and everything goes smoothly!

Can't wait for the action to begin!!! I'm sure it's going to be packed with week ;)

Yeay for a day off huh?! ;) I had a great Easter ladies...hope you did too :) <3

Avenged7X_fan Avenged7X_fan

Ooooooooo I'm so excited!!!!!!

MoMo_92 MoMo_92

School is getting intense, I had to punch a douchebag a couple of weeks ago and now sometimes my knuckle hurts

MoMo_92 MoMo_92

I totally agree with xSilverpearlx, I need some action, Matt breaching doors, flashbang grenades, guns hot! I want seal team 6 action. Lol.