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Animosity In The Ranks - Comments, page 2

And add an 'about me' to your profile. I wish to learn more about you, dearest
@Miss Jimmy Sullivan
Oh my. . .
Really? Oh that is unbelievably amazing to hear! Oh wow! I think you just made me blush! Annnd my ego may or may not have temporarily swelled just the tiniest bit hahaha! But no, no it is NOT bad to have that feeling! I say unto you my dear. . . Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying that!!! I can't stop grinning. . .
Oh hey I know you hahahaha!!! And yes I do indeed use this site too!!! I've been on here a while. I was actually on here a while before I decided to add my story here as well (wanted to get a lay of the land hahaha!) Agreed, this site is really nice to read specific fan based stories! Though, at least for, there is still more of a selection of Mibba. But it TOTALLY agree!!! And hun, your comment made me spin in happy circles! It was SO nice to read! it completely made my day, and I LOVE to go back and reread it hahaha!!! And thank you for that compliment!!! I do try my hardest when it comes to my writing, and hey we all have our slum days, but reading something like your comment ALWAYS makes those days better! It's a great pick me up haha!

I'm glad you liked the pool party update hahaha!!! I needed evil filler and I wanted something cute and simple to write and since this tour of mine is currently on the East Coast I thought it would be perfect to have them experience humidity and then want to do something to live through it hahaha! So impromptu mini pool party it was!!!

I have one other story to update next (but it's allllll in note form so it shall be QUICK) and then I update again for this story! Which I also happen to have notes on and it should mega fun! So hold on tight and an update should be up soon!

<3 <3 <3 <3
Is it bad that I feel star-struck when you reply to my comments...?
@Miss Jimmy Sullivan

You SO win in my book.
So glad I could update for you!
More soon!!!
Hate is one of the strongest emotions, it's a visceral gut wrenching emotion. It makes people sweat, makes then queasy, makes you see red and want to hurt something or yourself. It drives people stupid. It's powerful. And to stir that in any form is quite powerful in a fictitious setting, and that's what I like to aim for. So while it is a "negative" emotion in some senses, it is also a very STRONG emotion. So I like to use it when I am writing because at one time or another in our lives we have all felt it, or something like it. So if it makes you feel upset while reading I can only feel glad, not because you are upset but because I can cause that sort of emotion with writing. That's what writers aim for, to cause readers to feel strong emotions.

And as I am in a sense "God" or a "Universe Controlling Deity" for this story I can write any character (even those I don't technically own) as I see fit. That is the glorious thing about being a writer. I can make people angels, I can make them total creepers or total asshats. It's my right as the writer. And not only is Zacky an asshole, but so is Kales. And I know this is a really awkward place to put this but thank you for getting on my case about Zacky! So many people are always like "Kales is such a bitch, she's always so cruel to poor little ol' Zacky!" which is NOT the case! BOTH of them are total ass rags! And that's what happens to two people who have a wound between the two of them that is allowed to fester over a decade with neither of them trying to fix it. It's almost as if the two of them feed off of the hate between them. Plus, if you read on enough sites, or traverse them enough, you will find PLENTY of stories in which Zacky is portrayed as an asshole. It's a common enough thing, I'm not the first to do so by a LONG shot.

All that being said I am glad that you will continue to read the story!
I don't plan on changing how I write or how I've developed my characters (both owned and not) ever in this story or any others but I CAN promise you that if you hang in there you will get what you have been hanging in for. Just stick with me for a little bit longer and you'll see stars and hearts I promise!

<3 Burnt xoxoxo
hey its awesome that you use this site! ive been reading this story on mibba for a long time. im "t0.live.eternally..." ive grown to like this site a little better. atleast when it comes to reading stories. so yeah, im glad my commet on mibba made you happy. you truly are a talented writer. and the little pool party was so cute lol ...anyway,i cant wait for the next update :)
burnitd0wn burnitd0wn

Hate is a very negative emotion to have, thus making me feel upset about the story. However, due to my dedication to the band, and to reading in general, I continue to read this story faithfully.

Zacky being portrayed and a complete arse hole, is unnerving, yet I will not give up on your story or your writing.
It is something I like to call faithfulness.

Continue the brilliant work my dear. I will be patiently waiting.

Love Magenta. xxoo
Magenta_6661 Magenta_6661
Oh I am well versed in "I Hate You" sex, and it can be a glorious and wonderful thing like you said... opening the doors to allow love in early. But that being said it can also ruin and destroy and future possibility of two people ever rebuilding a bridge together. It's never just the rough gutteral sex that leads to love, most of the time it just makes the situation worse or impossible. Now this isn't to say that this WON'T be happening in my story! Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't! I have this story outlined almost completely from beginning to end, with the exception of filler really, and things will happen when I've planned them to for biggest effect. So hang in there and know that good shit is a comin!!! Just you wait!!! ;)

Also as to what was said between the two of them, well you will learn that eventually too. You learn it from both of them as they do themselves. But this should be revealed shortly. And I'm glad that you're feeling the hate as well as reading it! That's what I like to hear!!! Hopefully I will keep a pace to your liking my dear, but we shall see.

It only bothers me, because as some people know, there is such thing called "I hate you" sex. From the information I gathered, it is rough and mean, and people get to take their frustration out in a healthy manner. as opposed to hospitalizing one another.
Also, this leaves room for those people to discover the love they have for the other, whether it be the deep love of a true friend, or the love shared between a couple...

I would also like to know what the fuck they said to one another to make them have so much pent up hate, and anger. It saddens my heart to read and FEEL the hatered they have. I beg of you to make thay disappear soon.
Magenta_6661 Magenta_6661
Well luckily for you this story isn't done, not by a long shot.
When I write short novellas or one shots then the sex happens right off the bat.
But as this is a very long chapter fic it doesn't happen right off the bat.
This is mainly because 1) they hate each other quite deeply and 2) that's not how it works in real life. And as I'm basing my writing style off of how things progress in real life for this the sex isn't instantaneous. Sex takes time, unless it is drunken and in the heat of the moment. But the hatred between the two of them is currently at a state that doesn't allow for that to happen between the two of them. If these two were best friends throughout then maybe I could have made them have sex quicker, but they're not so they aren't.

That being said, I do so hope I can bring you the kind of action you are looking for VERY soon my dear! I'm not going to elaborate but there should be interesting times soon to come. But I can understand your frustration.
Finished.... Not satisfied with the lack of Zacky/Kales sex that happened throughout the story....
Magenta_6661 Magenta_6661
Hahahaha I know right?
But you are only on chapter 45 my dear, there is still a lot to read even to catch up with what I have posted!
Who knows what happens in those chapters!
But you know, this IS a Zacky fic so there will be sex. Oh yes, there will be!!!
I'm at Chapter 45, and I was wondering....
Magenta_6661 Magenta_6661
Because Matt and Johnny are eeeeeeevil!
That and maybe the didn't want to pick up the itty bitty exploded pieces of the bus when Kales woke up the next morning next to Zacky hahahaa!!!
Ohmygoodness, ohmygoodness!!!
Holy comment Batman! Ugh why didn't this stupid site tell me I had comments!
So let me get to replying first. . . Ahem. . .
First off, yes. . . THANK GOD JEPH IS GONE!!! Finally right I mean who does this writer think she is for taking so damn long to get rid of Jeph! Hahahahaa!!! But I had to make him important enough to Kales that she wouldn't be able to get over it too quickly or too unscathed. I had to make him mean something so the crush was just that more intense. But yes, he's finally gone!!! Hooray!!! And I know right? Stupid Zacky didn't defend her after he threatened Jeph about hurting Kales. But why could this be? Is it just because Zacky is a douche nozzle? Or does he have another motive in mind? Who knows! Guess we'll have to wait and find out! Mwuaahahaha!!! And yaaaaay for drunk kisses!!! I had been wanting to write that for so long hahha! I just needed the right time ya know? I am so glad you liked it! And yeah, boo on Matt and Johnny for breaking it up! Though Kales just may have gone stratosphere if she had woken up with Zacky the next day ahaha!
And thank you for loving Katie!!! It's so hard sometimes with other character that are OC's when writing! Especially when they mean a lot to the story and to me as the writer. A lot of people just brush OC's off if they aren't the main character(s). So it's nice to hear ahhaha!!! And yes, both her and Jimmy seem to have this weird sixth sense indeed haha! I see them using their combined Spidey powers in the future!

Now, replying to your long update is done. Now this part!!!
. . .
I do so hope you get this but also get that I just updated a bunch of chapters!!!
And I will be updating more in a few days now that I have interwebs again!!!
I'm off to write more wee hoo!!!
@Miss Jimmy Sullivan
Holy COW I had NO idea how many comments I had from you!!!
It didn't tell me when I logged on!
Holy shyte Batman!!!
And yes, yes I did update! Holy Satan indeed!
Mwuuaahahahahahahahhaa!!! *insert evil face here*
I am so sorry for the long wait in updating, I didn't have internet for a long time.
And I am DOUBLY sorry for not commenting back on all your comments!
Just call me a shmuck! Jeez!

I'm glad that you got the updates! More should be up and coming in a few days, sometime by mid week since I have to work and update my other story as well.
Enjoy my dear!
NO NO NO! You cant just STOP before they ambush gorilla man and Syn! You must update soon!!!!!!!!