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Having a rough day and need to vent? Really excited about something and want to tell the world? Whatever your feelings may be, this is the thread to let it all out.

There is no topic and no requirements. Just get out what you need to get out.

Note: Bashing, insulting, and berating are not tolerated.
coward. coward.
Well this is completely random but....I work at a fast food place. I've been working there for four years. I know every position and procedure. I've been offered management several times but I turned it down because it's a lot of drama for a not very big money increase.  I enjoy my job for the most part it's just.....I can't stand when other co workers, particularly one, has to think she is better than everyone. She tries to act like she's high and mighty and knows everything about the place even though she's been there like 8 months. It's annoying to hear her constantly brag about herself, saying stuff like, "I run circles around these fools."

Sometimes I wonder if it's just an insecurity thing or if she's really THAT full of herself. Normally I just block people like that out, but when I'm forced to be in her vicinity on a daily basis, I'm just like.........gosh shut up already!
xMrs.Nightmarex xMrs.Nightmarex
I'm in the same sort of boat - working in a fast food joint, and I've been there for seven years now. I also would hate to become a manager because of the drama. I'm happy in my position - I'm head of the crew, and don't intend to change that.

But there was one girl I worked with until recently. She'd been there longer than me, sure. But she had control issues. If the managers needed to leave the floor for one reason or another, I was left in charge. A fair call, seeing as I was second in command in these situations. But being the control freak she was, she just had to take charge and start telling people what to do. Simply because she didn't want to do it herself.

She doesn't work with me anymore, thankfully. I would think it's an insecurity thing. But then, I suppose some people do think they're the greatest at everything.
Haylie Jaed Haylie Jaed
My boyfriend's lack of respondsibility is really grinding on my nerves and I've been with him for a year. I love him to death and can't see life without him. But he's 20 freaking years old and has absolutely no sense of responsibility. It's always about him, even if he doesn't say it outloud. All he seems to care about is boffering (a sort of LARPing sport), LoL, and card games. I mean, it's okay to like those things, but when your life revolves around that stuff... 
Red Hood Red Hood
Hmm well I'm just stressed over passing my senior year of high school I mean I'm not a bad student but I'm taking really hard classes. Than watching my out of control brothers, a nagging mom that saids everything I do isn't good enough, and dad that controls everything I do. But I'm still the good girl that does everything she told with a smile.
Crazydesi Crazydesi
I miss you so much it is beginning to seriously make me feel ill.
coward. coward.
my friend got kicked out and has been sleeping outside wearing the same clothes for days i just found out even though i told him this would happen i didnt want to be right. now he might run off to who knows where and hes gonna leave my toher friend broken hearted. he's afraid to take the next step with her which has already been killing her and him and even if he did now he might not stay here so theyd be screwed either way. we can't hide him in our basements forever and i really don't know what to do especially if we dont find him before the storm hits tomorrow
Zed_ Zed_
I'm really glad I got this job, but it's completely kicking my ass...
lulla-by lulla-by
Family issues they're just so overwhelming!I love my family but sometimes i just want them to go away and give me space.
Jellybean Swag Jellybean Swag
I've been waiting for you to talk to me all day.
PLEASE just message me and get it over with.
coward. coward.
I had a dream that I was at an Avenged Sevenfold show, after much confusion had gotten backstage and was waiting to meet the guys in a room that had looked like a small apartment. After going off and talking to an old friend that was there, I returned to the main room and saw the guys talking to the people that were there. I sat on a couch waiting patiently, but had become so overcome with fear, excitement, and nervousness that I had forgotten how to tie my shoe....and then I woke up without meeting the guys.

A dream like that makes me wonder if I will freak out like that if I ever get to meet the guys...Like "ZoMggg ZaCkY VEEE!!!! HOW DO YOU TIE A SHOE!?" XD

Okay now for an actual legit confession: I'm starting to really like him. I haven't even met this guy in person yet, but I know I will soon since we live just a few miles from each other. He seems like a great person, he's cute, hilarious, and we always have nice conversations. I can't wait to meet him, but then I wonder: if we meet, what will he think of me then since I'm not very attractive? He has seen pictures of me on Facebook, but that's not really the same...
Synyster Lisa Synyster Lisa
My friends all say you don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend because you’re a smart, strong, bold and energetic black woman and people are intimidated by that. Or you’re so chill with them that they just see you as a friend or a sister. But I feel like the real reason is that I’m just not pretty enough, my skin is to dark, my voice is to deep, I’m not skinny enough, I love creepy things and I don’t go out of my way to dress girly. And I know that I shouldn’t change myself to fit what other people like but it just kind of hurts to always be one of the boys or just a friend. Then to see all my friends with their boyfriends and girlfriends it just makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me. In the end I guess that I just want someone to call my own.
CyanideFire CyanideFire
I really want to meet some people on here that I can develop friendships with and maybe even go see an A7X show or something or roadtrip! I know its the so called scary interwebs~ or something haha but honestly, my city is such a lonely place, full of unfriendly people and I've always wanted to have friend that I can go to shows with and do crazy things and who will share my love for this band. Oh to dream right..?
sweetestsynner sweetestsynner

I know how you feel. I don't have very many "real life" friends that love A7X or many of the other bands I love so I'm always going to shows alone. =/

On another note: I saw my most favorite band ever last night. GUUUHHH So many happy feelz this weekend. And I got thanked by Papa Gates for my service in the Military, seeing as today is Veteran's day. GUUUUUHHH

Synyster Lisa Synyster Lisa
I love my friend to death but she can get on my nerves. It is like I can't do anything right and I don't have a reason to get mad, you know? It ticks me off when she calls me out on things she does herself :l. I try to bring this up but it always ends up with us fighting.

Also I get jealous, because she has a job and has this money. I know gas prices are high but she gets mad at me when I hang out with any of my friends. Especially when it's on a saturday and we are always on Skype video. I want a job but I can't find one at all. I feel likea moocher and I just feel like crap because I can't get people anything for Christmas and I just feel :l! So I'm just a mixed ball of emtoions and had no where to turn to.
M Shadows; M Shadows;
Also I am failing my discrete math class but acing my programming class
M Shadows; M Shadows;
@Synyster Lisa
oh wow congrats!! xo
sweetestsynner sweetestsynner