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Shepherd of Fire

Coming Home

We were all gathered once again in the Throne Room around the fireplace, enjoying some family time. Shadows told incredible stories, adding flurries of magic to add to them--one arm draped around me and the other one going to my stomach at times. I could tell He was elated with our newest pregnancy as He kept me close and fawned over me cutely.

That Heavenly white light flashed and almost blinded all of us before we could see Synyster and Anteros standing there with an angel that was extremely pissed off--gagged and hands tied.
“Gates??” I stood up, armoring up on instinct.

Synyster pushed the angel towards me, holding onto the arms tied behind his back, and forced the angel onto its knees before me. The bright blue eyes burned up at me. It was my old nemesis, Zenith.

“I will always feel like I could've stopped your kidnapping, Diem. So this is me trying to make it up to you.”

Shocked, I stared at the thrashing angel for a moment, “Gates, I--I don’t know what to say...you, you went to Heaven--for me?” I looked up into his deep black eyes.
He only asked flatly and deeply, “What would you like me to do with him?”
My eyes finally broke his gaze and met angry blue, “Dungeon.”

I could feel Gates’ gaze on my and when I looked up again, his shoulders slumped, “You’re pregnant, again?” The sad look in his dark eyes pleaded with me. I nodded ever so slightly and he looked up at Shadows angrily, “Seriously? She just fucking birthed a dragon. You couldn’t give her a fucking break?”

The Devil narrowed his eyes and growled lowly, His red eyes flashing without answer.
Syn shook his head and made to pull the angel behind him when the free angel stopped him.

“Synyster, you are bound to your obligation.” Anteros folded his arms.
Gates turned, “Here?”
“Fine.” His large shoulders slumped and moved towards the vampire, whose eyes suddenly widened. My face turned to shock, along with everyone else's, as the ancient one took the young one’s hand in his.

“Zack, I'm not sure what it is about you, but the second I laid eyes on you I’ve been under your spell,” Syn’s black eyes looked down into electric green as he set his embarrassment aside, “Despite how long I’ve been around, I’ve realized my time with you has been exceptional. Watching your ruthlessness and power and the way you look back at me had me from day one. So if it gets the fucking angel out of here, I fully admit it. I’m in love with you, Zacky Vengeance.”

Glowing eyes searched black for moments as we all didn’t even breathe watching for his answer. The signature teasing smirk began to play at his plush lips before he realized Anteros stood over them, arms still folded, finger tapping impatiently on a large bicep. The angel got a weird, miffed look from Zack.

“Why are you still here?” The vampire asked.
“You have to respond. Either you are as well, and I leave in peace, or you aren’t and I murder you and then leave.”
Everyone inhaled in shock that an angel would go around murdering anyone, but he said it simply as a statement of fact.

A smile spread over the plush, double-pierced lips as he looked back at Gates, who was now arching an eyebrow down at him, impatiently waiting.
“Well I guess that settles that,” Zacky jumped into Synyster’s arms and pressed their lips together, “I’m in love with you as well, ancient one.”
The moment we applauded and laughed at how ridiculous they looked together, Anteros was gone.
Synacky kiss.

At the same time as he left, though, the bright light had us all groaning about what always followed.
Gates dropped Zack and had his sword unsheathed in a flash--immediately between me and the flash of light. Shadows stood between it and our children.

The angel that had arrived unfolded its wings as the room went completely silent. It was a beautiful female, with piercing, pissed off blue eyes. At that moment, Zenith’s restraints cracked and he tore the gag out of his mouth, standing up and getting into a battle stance next to the other, sword forming in his upraised hands.

The male angel seethed, “She’s pregnant.”
My eyes narrowed when I figured out the only reason he woud say such a thing. I pulled out Nex from my back and set my feet, weapon raised in defense of our newest creation. I heard Shadows armor up and saw the glint off His dark blade in my peripheral.

The two angels had matching tattoos on his right arm and her left, and once I could see how perfectly paired they were--easily fighting together, the way they stood next to one another, their armor even matching--I figured out they were lovers.

Suddenly an overprotective Father, Satan flashed all the young ones out of the room as we readied for a fight. I loved fighting with Zenith, I knew his every move--but fighting both of them would’ve proven difficult if there hadn’t been three of us.
Still, they apparently put up a good fight. Both charging, we all yelled out as heavenly and hellish steel clashed. The female barely kept Shadows distracted as Gates and I fought her partner.

“Bad idea to bring me here, Gates--” Zenith breathed out heavily as he impressively warded off both of us, “Now I know she’s with child. I can’t kill her but sure can make her not pregnant anymore.” Despite the obvious move, he lunged quickly from Syn towards my middle and Nex quickly stopped him.
“D, get outta here!” Syn yelled.

Gates tried to place himself between me and the angel, but I didn’t want to make him fight on his own. Synyster screamed loudly and upped his game, Zenith’s sword clattering to the floor as Gates’ blade pressed against his neck.
“Zenith!!” The female angel called as she fought, eyes desperately glancing at her lover in between thrusts. Her look turned to frustration, followed by a moment of surrender as they were both gone in another flash.

Shadows and I grinned at one another, loving a great fight, as Gates rolled his eyes. Satan patted him on the shoulder as we all sheathed our swords.
“Maybe don’t do that again, Gates.” Dimples fired as Syn’s cheeks colored.


“Anteros, where have you--” Michael stilled when he saw the color of his first born’s wings, “You have a lot of explaining to do, son.”

The younger wasn’t having any of it.
“So do you, Dad.”
Michael eyed his son curiously, “Seriously, where have you been?”
“On a mission. In Hell.”

Michael swallowed hard, “Why would you have a mission in Hell?”
“Synyster Gates has fallen in love with a young male vampire. It took them awhile to admit it to one another, but now that they have, here I am,” Anteros folded his arms and stood tall, looking down at his father, “I met Pandora. And Johnny."

Michael’s eyes widened as his breath caught.

“I know you can only have sex when you and the other person are in love, so what the H, E, double hockey sticks happened between you two and it is so creepy that Mom looks just like her!! Tell me everything, Dad, or I’m telling Mom.”
'Teros is pretty happy with himself.
The elder ran a hand through his own hair. Anteros was going to drag this out--leaving the story about Deiros for later.
“First, son, you tell me about your wings.”

The tall one shrugged, “Okay. Synyster Gates took my virginity.”

“WHAT?!? You made love with a demon?!”
“First of all, why not? You did.” Anteros couldn’t help himself and smirked, but kept going, leaving Michael baffled, “Second, it was not making love, it was definitely fucking,” The younger leaned down into his dad’s face, grinning wide, “And it was fantastic.”
happy Anteros
Michael grabbed his son by his thick blonde hair and pulled hard, “You take that back, right now, Anteros!! You’re the angel of unrequited love, do you understand what that means?!?”

Squirming out of his grasp, the son stood up and puffed out his chest, “I do, more than ever now. Love is a wonderful thing, Father, but it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with sex. I’m not sure if I’m even meant to have a mate for life, but if I am, I’ll be faithful to them when the time comes. Until then, I get to fucking come whenever. I. want.” Anteros haughtily thought to himself that his Dad should try that on for size. And when Michael began to protest, he shook a finger in the air, “Nuh-uh. Story.”

His father sighed as his shoulders sagged. Walking out to the veranda, he slapped the seat next to him, realizing his relationship with his son would never be the same after this.

“An oh so very long time ago…” Michael drug his fingers through his wavy brown hair, “The Devil’s name was Matthew and he was an angel, my brother so to speak. One day he started getting curios and together...we discovered, or created, sex. As a result, He was the first fallen and I can only make love and only when I’m in love. And, every single time, I procreate.”
“Hence Deiros.”
“Who?” Michael finally looked over at the taller one.
“Dragon wings, mohawk of scales instead of hair. Your son, with Shadows. He’s a full grown man now.”

The look in Michael’s eyes made Anteros feel a little bad, so he patted his father on the knee, earning him softer eyes.
“Dad, he's a dad already. His son is this adorable little dragon. He’s the god of fear.”

Michael’s eyes brightened a little at hearing anything about the one he’d had to give up, “Yeah? Wow….so who’s the mother?” He chuckled, “Did he copulate with a dragon??”
Anteros laughed, “I guess it’s actually something he, Shadows, and Diem made together. From what I understand it was like it was destiny or something, the dragon is his bringer of fear.”
They laughed a little awkwardly together before silence took over for a moment.
“Tell me about Pandora, Dad.”

The ancient angel rubbed his temple with his fingers, having no idea how to start.
“‘Teros...Shadows and I have a long, complicated relationship. We’ve been enemies for eons. Sometime He has the upper hand, sometimes I do. When Diem came around, I took advantage of the fact that He cared for her. In trade for the cure of a spell we had her under, Shadows promised me their next child, which was Pandora. She’s a, um, well--”

“She’s a fuck demon.”
“Will you stop saying that word?!”
“You asked.”

“Anyway...I tried to change her. To show her what love was, that she didn’t have to be the way she is. But Shadows and one of his sons got to her and she fell anyway. In revenge, I killed their unborn child. In revenge for that, Pandora seduced me.”
“But...you can’t…”
Michael laughed sarcastically, “Yes, she didn’t see that coming I’m guessing. But she fell for me as well and we had one beautiful night together and as soon as it was over, she was gone--pregnant with our child. She didn’t belong here and it took me a long time to accept that….I was hurt by her betrayal, so I kidnapped Diem while she was pregnant. My plan was to make her have the child here and use it as leverage after Pandora gave birth. But everything changed when Diem gave birth to the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen--your mother.”
Anteros blinked in disbelief.

“I guess the Fates finally decided it was my time to have someone,” The smile on his face said just how in love he was, “You’ll have that one day, son. But I’m really concerned about you having sex before then.”

The butterfly wings slowly moved with understanding, “I’ll figure it out, Dad. I’ve gotta learn this stuff on my own. I’d say I feel bad that you can only have sex when you’re in love, but my guess is that it makes it a completely different experience for you. Just know that we’re different angels and just because you understand life one way doesn’t mean my way is wrong.”

Michael’s blue eyes filled with shock and then a little pride, “Wow, son. That was quite eloquent.”

With the young one’s statement, the formerly darkened wings lightened again and his father began to wonder why.



So why did they whiten?? ; )

I seriously couldn't find an effin' gif where Bomer was running his hands through his hair. I tried, guys!
Googling the gifs for this chapter was truly mouth-watering. Good god fuck.


A year?! No way! Sooo sorry guys! I do love this story but man am I stuck! Other stories have captivated my attention, plus I'm trying to re-write Blinded into an actual story to try and get printed :)
I will consult with Overneath, she's really great at jumpstarting me sometimes!

violetvictoria violetvictoria

A year, Shade. A whole year. I've been patient. Please?

Buggaloo Buggaloo

It's been 2 months. I'm pouting over here. I need more.

synology synology

Haha, thanks for the reminder! Good to know this is still being read, lol!!

I need moooore.

synology synology