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Chapter 24-- No News is Good News?

I rushed pass several doctors and nurses and burst into Rae's hospital room. Laura turned to me. She was tough as nails, but even her eyes were red like mine.

"She's in surgery," she said and came over to hug me. "It doesn't look good."

Nodding, I sat down. "What does that mean, Laura?"

"They don't know if she'll be able to return to combat. They don't even know if she'll have full function of her arm." Laura started to pace the room. I'd never seen her like this. If she was nervous, it wasn't good.

"That's not good, is it?" Sarah asked as she entered the room and set some yellow roses on the bedside table.

Laura shook her head and looked out the window. She was going slightly catatonic, and I couldn't blame her. Rae was the strongest of us all and if she was in bad condition, we all were.

Maeve entered the room with balloons. "She still in surgery?" Maeve had changed since the last time I saw her. She'd finally become a pilot and gained confidence. We were all happy for her.

"Yes, she is," I said.

The girls nodded, and we all sat and waited. I imagined the girls were doing what I was and playing the worst case scenario game. I couldn't help but hope she was going to pull through okay. She had to.

"Laura, how bad is it?" Maeve asked. She twiddled her thumbs and looked at our tall friend.

"The doctors refused to tell me anything because I'm her friend and HIPPA. Does that tell you what you need to know?"

It did, and it meant it wasn't good.
Jimmy rubbed my back as I entered my apartment. The nurses had asked us all to leave before Rae had come out of surgery. We'd reluctantly left, fear and frustration our only emotions.

"I had no idea she was one of the soldiers that went missing," Jimmy said, closing the door behind him. "Syn, Maeve, Christ, and I flew by the compound she and Sanders were in. We bombed it."

I turned to look at my boyfriend. "What? You knew soldiers were missing and didn't try to find them?"

Jimmy held his hands up and looked at me. "Babe, I can only disobey direct orders so many times. If they had been at the compound, it'd have been different, but they weren't."

I sighed and sat down. "Sorry. One of my best friends is fighting for her ability to use her arm. I'm upset."

He kissed my cheek. "I know."


Hi all. I have had a rough three weeks. After bouncing around from doctor to doctor, they found out that I have no known ailment. While my joints and ovaries still ache, I have no signs of rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ovary cancer, PCOS, thyroid problems or even autoimmune. While this is all wonderful news, it doesn't explain my pain.

I know this is more information than anyone needs, but my pain is directly affecting my ability to write. The pain is located primarily in my finger and wrist joints. They haven't checked for carpal tunnel, but I pray it's not that.

Anywho, I am moving this Saturday, and will be back sporadically. The story is far more a story about Shadows and Rae, but I am okay with that? I may also be starting another story soon. Please enjoy, and I am sorry for my absence.

Writing is always hard, but it's made worse when your body is fighting you. I hope you are all doing well. I'm also sorry for the filler. Hands hurt.

Please rate and comment and even subscribe....

Heretic Blood



HereticBlood6661 HereticBlood6661

@HereticBlood6661 Im from a back woods area.. If it's ok I'll send you a private message give you a few more details on the area..

BeccaBearSc BeccaBearSc

They'll look at you in horror but a deathbat will always find you

HereticBlood6661 HereticBlood6661


If bands like Fall Out Boy scared some of the other patients at a dr. office I go to.. (I wait for transport outside an usually play music) Wonder what they are gonna think when Im blasting A7X on my Bluetooth speaker. :D

BeccaBearSc BeccaBearSc

Well welcome! We love all the fans and can definitely get you engaged in A7X!

HereticBlood6661 HereticBlood6661