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My Bloody Idiot

High as a kite

Saint’s POV

„Mmm, that smells delicious,” Matt cooed sneaking up behind me and connecting his lips with my shoulder, „What are you making?”

„A caramel cheesecake,” I replied with a victorious smile as I topped the freshly made cheesecake with caramel sauce. This was my first attempt at making this sugary goodness and if I can say so myself, I fucking nailed it. „and my special pasta carbonara.”

„What’s the occasion?” Matt moved to take his Call of Duty mug from the cupboard and went to make himself some coffee. „Don’t get me wrong, I love when you’re cooking for me, but usually it’s only after a long yelling session.”

„It’s not for you,” I replied simply as I moved over to the oven to spread some cheese over the pasta in heating up in the pan. Just because I was with the guy for two years, didn’t mean all my life revolved around him.

„Huh?” I knew he frowned not even having to look at his face. That was just how well I knew him. „If it’s not for me, then who are you cooking for?”

„Riley,” I picked out a plate from the cupboard right after I had turned off the oven and served Matt his lunch. „Or have you forgotten how my best friend nearly died at that stupid party you threw?”

Matt sat across from me at the kitchen island, sighing right after I put the plate in front of him„Well how the hell could I’ve known she’s planning to explore the depths of the pool?”

„That’s so not funny...” I shot him a glare right as he moved the fork to his mouth. „She could’ve died...”

„And that’s my fault?” He looked up at me as he took a mouthful of his coffee.

„You said it’s gonna be a simple barbecue party with friends, not whatever the fuck it was...” I walked over to the sink to do the dishes, since nobody in this house would move a finger to do something useful. But you know, as Matt says, there’s no need to remind a guy to fix something every half a year. He’ll do it. Eventually. Didn’t really want to believe that.

„So my friends brough their friends. What’s the big deal?” He spoke, boosting his elbow on the island and resting his head in his hand as he chewed on his food, „It’s not like you had to clean up afterwards.”

„Matthew,” I took a deep breath, abruptly stopping with a freshly done plate in my hand. He cocked an eyebrow, amused hearing me call him by his full name, „I swear to God, you’re driving me fucking nuts.”

„Oh come on,” he waved me off, returning to his dish, „you’re stressing over nothing.”

„My best friend has a concussion because of your moronic friends!” I smashed my fist against the surface of the island right after I had rinsed the soap from the last plate. „If it wasn’t for Gates—„

„Gates?” He frowned, „What does Gates have to do with anything?”

„He saved her fucking life!” I exclaimed. How dense can you actually get, Sanders? Where was he when Brian—oh. That black eye actually explains a lot.

„I thought Brooks took her to the ER,” He said, before shrugging, „whatever, what’s important is that she’s alive and well.”

„Why do you hate her?” The question simply slipped out. Curiosity killed the cat, Ariel...

„Who? Riley?” Matt nearly choked on a piece of tomato, „I don’t hate Riley... I just don’t want to get in the middle of some stupid drama which I know will come eventually. That’s why I keep distance.” I squinted my eyes on him. „Fine, to show you I don’t hate the girl, I’ll go with you and see how she’s doing.” He sighed heavily.

„She lives next door!” I cried out, „It’s not like it actually calls for any effort. You sighed like I just asked you to get me a pair of new boots on a sale on Black Friday.”

„Well, at least then I’d see a point in putting on pants...”

„I made you your favorite food – stop wining you big baby...” I waved him off as I took the washcloth and cleaned the top of the kitchen island.

„I’m not whining. I just had planned I’d stay home today, that’s all.”

„It’s right there!” I exclaimed stretching out my arm and pointing out to the big house behind the window. I took a deep breath, getting really fucking annoyed as my eyes narrowed on him and then traveled through the adjoined living room and landed on the big plasma tv where he had just started up COD. „Oh I see what’s going on here... You wanted to sit all day in front of the tv and play Call of Duty. Fat chance, Bucko.”

„Shouldn’t you be at Johnny’s today?” He asked annoyed, forking the remainders of his bacon.

„What... so I’d leave you alone and you could be a slob all day?” I crossed my arms over my see-through shirt. „No. Unfortunately, I work only Thursdays and Fridays. Now if you’re done, go put some pants on.”

He got off the stool and came towards me with the plate in his hand and a grin on his face, „you know, you look really fucking sexy when you’re angry,” He smirked, putting the plate in the sink. He took my chin with his thumb and index fingers and raised my head to look up at him. „Thank you, honey, it was delicious.” He pecked my lips a couple of times, before resting his forehead against mine. „I love you, Ariel... and I’m gonna go get dressed, before you’ve killed me.”

„Smart boy.” I smiled, kissing him lightly on the lips.

Riley’s POV

„Listen, Justin,” I had just about to lay down the biggest argument of why he can’t work with Jenifer while I’m not in the studio, but my attention from the tv screen where I was gracefully crashing a car in GTA V was brought to the front door behind my back. I managed to look behind my back maintaining my comfy position with a controller in my arms and the phone pressed between my shoulder and my ear and see Saint and her escort come in.

„I’m listening Vex, you were saying?”

„Don’t get smart with me, Lee,” I freed one of my hands from the tight grasp I had around the controller and pointed towards my phone and gambled myself for a second. Saint simply waved me off, allowing me to take my time. I thanked her with a thumbs up. „Listen, the Jennifer chick is put on hold for now. I don’t trust you jackasses with her.”

I heard him sigh and I could imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose, „I get you Riles, I really do... Man... You think I don’t know we fucked up royally? I mean this is a complete shit-show...”

„You can say that again,” I agreed as I kept on steering my car around the desert in the game. „But I sense there’s a ‘but’.”

„Your spidey senses are tingling?” I couldn’t bare, but roll my eyes on his question, „she has to open some charity show with a song in only two days.”

„Bloody hell...” I cursed both because of the situation and because I just failed the mission. I threw the controller on the couch next to me and took the phone in my hand.

„Yeah...” He exhaled heavily.

„Well what do you think she could do? I mean no tricky vocal challenges so her beloved Aguilera is completely out of the picture.”

„You’re thinking of doing a cover?” He asked right as Matt flunked on the couch right beside me and took the controller.

„Of course I’m thinking of doing a cover!” I exclaimed. Wasn’t that obvious? „The girl can hardly put together a sentence, let alone write a song...”

„Have any ideas?” He asked, desperation prominent in his voice.

„Try Azalea’s Fancy. If she can’t do that, I really rest my case.” I said as I saw Saint bringing two plates with cheesecake, bringing an instant smile to my lips.

„I’ll see what I can do. Talk to you later, Vex.”

„Bye.” As soon as Justin hung up, I switched my phone with the plate, my eyes landing on the tv where Matt was doing the mission that seemed almost too impossible for me. „I fucking love cheesecake, man...” I said as I brought the fork to my mouth.

„Yea, I know,” Saint smiled warmly as she got herself comfy in the armchair right next to the couch, „So how are you feeling?”

„Have a concussion, my lunges feel like they’re on fire still, but all in all – just peachy.” I replied, the cheesecake melting on my tongue. This was pure orgasm for my taste buds. „Oh my goodness, this is so good. Wait, why aren’t you eating?”

„I’m not hungry,” She stated.

I frowned. „You don’t have to be hungry to eat this,” I pointed to the half eaten slice of cake on my plate, „It’s cheesecake for crying out loud... It’s not a cake, it’s a hug.” I took another bite, before my eyes slipped to Matt sitting to my right, „Right, Sanders?”

He shrugged, before replying, „it’s okay.”

Okay? Only fucking okay? It was way more than okay. I wouldn’t be lying if I said I was in love with the cheesecake. I waved him off, returning back to Saint. Sanders obviously didn’t get life. „So, I guess I have to thank you for setting me up with Brooks, he really is a cool dude.”

Right as I finished up my cake and placed the empty plate on the coffee table, Saint’s face changed. And not for the better. „Uhmm... Not the reaction I expected,” It was almost as if someone had hit all the air out of her lunges. „I thought you wanted for me to hook up with his drummer,” I pointed towards Matt.

„I-I’m cool with whatever makes you happy,” She said and smiled a small smile. I squinted my eyes on her tan face. Yeah, enough with the bullshit, Saint. I really wasn’t able to follow her train of thought, at one moment she thinks and wants one thing and at the other she wants exactly the opposite. Make up your mind, girl! „So... you did the dirty?”

„Absolutely not,” I replied casually, not minding Matt being present when speaking about my private life, even more knowing his attention was glued to the screen and he probably didn’t hear anything. I smirked at Saint as I traced those cupcakes on my pajama pants with my index finger. „I’m a good girl.”

„If only bullshit could float...” A masculine voice spoke from somewhere behind me. If Matt’s here, then... I looked over my shoulder to see Brian Haner closing the front door behind himself.

„How did you get in?” A deep crease formed between my eyebrows.

„The door’s unlocked,” He said like it was oh-so obvious.

„And you just decided to march in?” My eyebrows raised way higher than I knew to be possible. Look at that, my forehead is botox free again. Kids, never do botox – worst feeling ever. If you wish to raise your eyebrows a month after the procedure – you can forget it, ‘cause that shit’s not gonna happen.

„Relax. I’m looking for Shads.” He said pushing his hands in the pockets of his dark denim’s. „Shads?”

„Huh?” What Matt let out was barely a sound. He was exactly that deep in the game. And I thought he played only COD, but look at him go.

„A word? Outside?”

Matt let out an angry sigh, before he paused the game and walked towards Haner.

„Don’t let the door kick you on your way out! Bye!”

„You know, you could give him a chance,” Saint spoke just as the front door had closed with a loud thud. Wh-wh-whoa, hold your horses girl... What kinda magic brownies had she eaten this morning? „He’s not a bad guy...”

Deja vu, anyone? Can people simply rest my case? I’m not gonna be friends with the guy, let alone give him a bloody chance. That. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen. „Girl, I have the concussion, but it seems like you’ve got bashed in the head.”

„Just saying,” She raised her hands in defense, „you don’t have to be so hostile towards him.”

„Me? Hostile?” Now that was the best thing I’ve heard all week. I exploded in laughter, „It’s not me who has a couple dozen witty insults up my sleeve each time I meet him.”

„Yea- you kinda do.” She nodded, as if agreeing with herself.

„Fine...” I exasperated throwing my hands in the air, „maybe I do, but just because I have to be prepared for—„

„For what? World War III?” I considered the thought. Seemed pretty accurate. Yup. „Why can’t you answer to his insults with some... kindness?”

I blinked a couple of times, not sure I heard her right. Excuse me, but what the fuck did she just say to me? I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it right after. She had left me speechless. I got up from the couch, picking up the empty plates and walked to kitchen, a deep frown engraved in my physiognomy. „Answer with kindness...” I muttered to myself as I placed the plates in the dishwasher. I boosted my hands on the surface of the cupboard, trying to regain from the shock. Why would I ever answer to something negative with something positive?

My hand went to open the drawer where mum kept all her smokes only to realize it was empty. Tough luck. I walked back to the living room. „Are you okay? Vex?” And I just kept walking towards the front door, taking my car keys from the table right before opening the door to feel the heat of California hit me straight in the face. I quickly passed Matt and Brian as I went to the driveway and stopped by my Camaro.

„Where are you going Vex?” I ignored Matt’s question as I unlocked the car and got in. There has to be a cigarette somewhere around here...

„Babe, I think I broke Riley,” I heard Saint’s voice in the distance as I checked the glove compartment only to find empty packs of cigarettes. Although the trip didn’t turn out completely fruitless, I did find a neatly rolled joint.

„How long have you been sitting there, huh?” I spoke as I leaned back in the leather seat and lit up the little magic tube.

„Is she smoking weed?” I heard Brian ask as I took a big inhale.

Suddenly Saint appeared standing in front of the open door. I offered her the joint which she gladly took, but just seconds later dropped to the ground and put out with her shoe.

„Hey! It’s puff-puff-pass, not puff-puff-stomp-angrily...”

„What exactly are you doing?”

„Well, I came here in hopes I will find a cigarette, but instead I found Mary Jane, which you just killed with no apparent reason...”

„You have a concussion, Vex. Are you stupid?”

„Actually, a bit of cannabis is good when you have a concussion,” Brian chimed in. Suddenly they all the attention was on him. I got out of the car to look over the sad view of the squished blunt, before Brian continued with his speech. „It’s scientifically proven.”

„So I just—„

„Yeah, who’s the stupid one now...” I smiled my biggest smile as I got out of the car, „Tho my lunges feel like I just inhaled lava.” My hand traveled up my chest right before I coughed, resulting in even worse pain.

„Clarke, you simply never learn,” Brian shook his head disapprovingly. So what else was new?

„If Vex learned from her mistakes, she would’ve crossed you out of her life a long time ago,” Matt added. Whoa, where did that come from? Haner frowned as his eyes fixed on his friend.

„Excuse me?” Brian looked genuinely dumbfounded. Surprised. Shocked. Hell, I’d be surprised too if I hadn’t just had a good chat with my dear friend MJ. „Shads you may want to repeat that, ‘cause I didn’t seem to catch that.”

„You heard me, Gates,” Matt sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, before turning to look at Saint, „You see what I was talking about?”

„But... You just...” It seemed Saint was as confused at me and at a real loss for words.

„Nah, you know what Shads? The thing that we talked about earlier? Forget it. It’s off.” And just like that Brian stormed off to his black BMW, which had been parked on the street in front of Matt’s house.

„What thing?” I managed to whisper as my confused stare followed Brian’s car speeding off in the distance. What the hell just happened?

„Yeah, what thing, Matt?”

„And what did he get so mad about?” I added, not being able to comprehend the situation.

„I think I already said enough,” Matt shot a significant look towards Saint.

„Speak. Now.” Saint roared.

He lifted his head towards the sky. No, chap, he’s not gonna save you from Saint's wrath if you leave her hanging like this. „Gates... He...” He took a deep breath, before he continued, „He asked if he can’t live with us at least until his divorce is finalized, okay?”

„He’s getting a divorce?” But I haven’t even met the girl he married! That’s such baloney!

„Yeah,” Matt mused, pushing his hands in his sides.

„Well what did you tell him?” Saint ushered, hitting his upper arm.

„I said ‘yes’ if he agreed to stop bickering with you,” Suddenly his eyes fixed on me. Me? What did I have to do with anything? „I told you, babe, not to get me into this mess... Just look what happened...”

„But it’s your fault!”

For a good minute they kept going back and forth with who was to blame for pissing Gates off, when in all honesty Gates was to blame for pissing himself off. He didn’t have to react the way he did, but hey, I had a plan. „I could offer him to stay with me...”

„What?” They both exclaimed in unison.

„Well, Saint, wasn’t it you who told me to be kinder to the guy?” I suggested as I started off towards the house.

„That’s not what I meant!”

Right as I walked inside the house and went to pick up my phone from the coffee table, Matt stopped just a couple feet from me and looked deeply in my eyes. „Vex?”

„Hmm?” I murmured as I searched for Brian’s number in my contact list.

„How high are you?”

I raised my eyes back at him with a wide smile plastered on my face. „As a kite.”



Yes! I love this ending! It's so realistic! If read a sequel, but I seem to be in the minority of liking this just how it is. You're writing is awesome and I've enjoyed your unique characters. If you do make a sequel, I think she should be with someone else so Brian can know what it's like to be hurt and jealous. But honestly I'd read anything you write!

AJDWriter AJDWriter

Oh no, Brian just had to fuck up didn't he? :(
I'd love a sequel, this was such a sad ending and Riley didn't deserve it.

Holly Holly

Holy hell, woah! This hurt...really really hurt. After everything...Honestly, even though this was unhappy, I'm glad you went with that ending. It definitely felt fitting. BUT I would really love a sequel! I feel like there's definitely more to this story!! Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful piece of work! <3

LiveLoveLaugh LiveLoveLaugh

Ohhh mannn, Brian you fucked up so bad, WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?
PLEASE write a Sequel, my heart sank when I saw this was the ending, this is my favourite fic on this site </3