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I'm Not Insane (I'm Just A Natural Born Killer)


Syn's POV

So off me and Matt go, him toying with the large knife and me keeping one hand tightly wrapped around his, the other lightly clenching the insides of my pocket. It was the first time we had been out for quite some time. Nobody wanted to come out and talk with us anymore because of Matt's dangerous behavior. I tried my best to explain to everyone that he would be okay, but nobody listened.

I watch lazily as Matt tried to put the knife in the pocket of his black and red surf shorts, the ones he always likes to wear. He seems oddly disappointed., as if he had expected it to fit. Honestly though, despite earlier events, I don't really have any interest. I'm overwhelmed with tiredness, due to Matt's new habit of waking up at 5am and violently attacking me with every bit of strength in his muscular body. He keeps convincing himself that the Devil is trying to have sex with me, how He keeps trying to possess me and turn me against Matt. As much as I love him, it gets a bit much sometimes. I often find myself locked away in my own private room, not wanting to return.

"Babyyyyyy" Matt whines, knocking me right out of my thoughts. I look up at him with my tired gaze, which results in him returning a worried expression. For a man who can't tell imagination from reality, I swear he's looking after me more than I'm looking after him...

"What's the matter Matt?" I merely mumble, hardly looking up at him. I feel that he knows something's wrong. No matter how hard I try, he always knows how I am. I guess that just comes with dating for 3 and a half years...

"We're here!" He hoots excitedly, but I barely manage a smile. I instead let out a quiet yawn and a small nod before almost walking into the door. Instead, I walk straight into the side of the blade on Matt's knife.

"Fucking hell dude, you trying to kill me?" I grumble, backing away slightly from the blade. Matt's quick to apologize, and I can tell it was an honest misunderstanding - He, from what I can gather, assumes the knife is something more like a large metal baseball bat, and he intended on stopping me from walking face first into the door.

I lazily push the door open, barely managing to open it enough for myself to walk in. Matt quickly grabs it and holds it open like I'm the king of some imaginary kingdom., kneeling and bowing his head to me as I walk past. I dismiss this, causing him to shoot a glare at me. I apologize and scan the room, hoping to see the 3 men who I'm meant to be meeting up with. I find them in the corner of the room, keeping themselves to themselves. I lightly grab Matt's sleeve and half heartedly dragged him over to the small table before I let go of him and slump in my seat. Honestly, I have no clue if I even sat down at the right table. I gaze down at the table, which was almost smothered in beer mats, glasses and their contents. I'm snapped out of my empty daydreams by Matt, who's tugging on my shirt to get my attention. I look up at him, squinting my eyes as light beamed into them. He's pointing at something. I turn my head around to see everyone staring at us, as if he had just gone and murdered someone.

Question was, did he? Is it possible I had dozed off and Matt had gone on a rampage?

No. It didn't happen.

What had happened, however, is that everyone had suddenly become concerned about me. I exchange looks with a few other attendees in the bar. They all have the same, concerned glare as if it was me who was insane. I let a sigh escape my lips and I slouch in my seat, not even bothering to remove my patched up jacket.

"Dude, Brian... Are you okay?" A voice questions. I barely register the question, and a mumble is all I'm able to answer with. I don't even bother to raise my head to glance at the other side of the table, which is occupied by a smaller man with raven black hair, emerald green eyes and skin painted with various tattoo designs. Beside him, was a much taller man, which crystal blue eyes and long black hair that draped down the sides of his face. Like the smaller man, his skin was decorated with tattoos. Finally, opposite the taller man was the shortest of then all. A man with a jet black mohawk and deep brown eyes, hidden behind a pair of shades. While I couldn't see them through the leather jacket, I knew his skin was similar to the other men - smothered in tattoos.

I could feel their eyes, shooting piercing glares directly at me. I wanted to run, to hide from their stares. Even Matt was staring at me with his perfect hazel eyes. While I adored them, I wanted it to stop. everyone had stopped worrying about Matt's issues and they had began focusing on mine. After all, I was the man in charge of Matt's care... If I suddenly couldn't look after him... He'd be placed in an asylum... I'd never see him again.

The man with the crystal eyes rises to his feet and head's over to my end of the table, his drink abandoned at his seat. He gently lifts me out of my seat, which causes Matt to momentarily panic and snarl at him. He informs Matt that we're just going outside, which somehow works on him and he parks his backside in my seat. I watch as the taller man carries my body in his arms and out the doors of the bar. He places me on my feet once we're outside, then he places his hands on my shoulders and locks me in a grip I can't escape from. He removes one hand and gently raises my chin, forcing me to look directly into his eyes.

"Brian... What's going on buddy?" He asks, his tone soft and soothing. His hand begins to massage my shoulder lightly as he encourages me to speak.

"I'm... I'm really struggling to cope, Jim..." I admit, almost fighting his hand for my ability to hang my head and gaze at the floor. He resists, and pleads for me to tell him everything that troubles me. I speak of Matt's behavior, how in the day he's what I would deem perfect (Considering his mentality) and how at night, he's restless, agitated and convinced that the demons are coming for me. I explain his strange behaviors, such as attacking me at 5am, beating the shit out of inanimate objects, talking to the air, having debates with food and a few other things. The list is just too long.

"Brian... I know this is the toughest job in the World for you, looking after a person who can't tell apart reality and imagination. I just want to say, however, that you're doing an amazing job for him. You've kept him going and mostly smiling, and even through we're all scared shitless that he'll kill us, you've kept him on his best behavior. You're doing an amazing job, and I beg you to please, for his sake, continue to do what you do. If you ever need me just to watch over him while to get some well needed rest, just call me. You hear me?"

"I hear you Jimmy. I hear you" I answer.


Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter!
If there any mistakes in this, please mention it! I wrote this chapter when I was really tired so I may have missed out things or whatever.
Feedback is really appreciated!


I feel so bad to see Matt in this state :(

DaphneG DaphneG

It breaks my heart to see Matt so helpless. The doctors at the hospital never should have let him out. He clearly needs assistance with his mental illness.


You will find out in the next chapter

Matt's out. He caught a ride with a friend. What the hell? And Brian had no clue about Matt leaving? What kind of hospital just lets a crazy person leave without consulting their family first?!?! Who is this new friend of Matt's?

I'm writing the next chapter tomorrow morning expect some twist and surprises