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Give you something to think about

Brian’s POV

I woke up the next morning and my mouth tasted like an ashtray, while my head pounded pretty badly added to my sickness.
I had no idea what happened, but I just wanted to bury my head back in the pillows and never come out again.

A thought stuck me and I quickly let my hand run over the bed, feeling a hot yet soft body beside me. I sighed in relief and pulled the little frame into my body, while I buried my face into her hair.

I inhaled deeply but the perfume that greeted me wasn’t the one I used to smell. I frowned deeply and finally blinked my eyes open a bit, seeing blonde familiar hair, and Ave’s naked form before me. I almost moaned at the sight of her, but why the smell was so different was still beyond me.

I tried to remember how we landed here the morning before, when suddenly everything came crashing back down on me, my bachelor party, the drinking, the strippers… AVE!

After the first hunger and lust was slowly vanishing from my mind. I could think a little straighter, alcohol was still making me see a little fuzzy and my movements probably weren’t the finest, but it was better than it had been before.

“What the hell were you thinking, Avery?!” I demanded using her full name that I only used when I was mad or disappointed. I couldn’t really define what I was feeling now, but it wasn’t the time for the lovely nicknames, that was sure.

“What do you mean? You dump us off on some stupid spa wellness thing, so we won’t find out what the hell you were doing, huh? How do you think Maya and I felt about that?!” Ave asked her eyes narrowed while she pulled her thong and that bra that I hadn’t seen in my life before back on.

Everyone in this goddamn club had seen my fiancé like that, more rage bubbled up inside of me, what had she been thinking!?

“What do you mean, Maya?! Is she here too?!” I asked in disbelief, it wasn’t only Ave who did this stunt but both of them together, of course, together, where one of them went the other did too… no matter how reckless or stupid!

“Yes, and don’t deny the lust I saw in your eyes, Brian! What if that hadn’t been me?!” Ave asked and she looked hurt, I tried to swallow the anger down and took a step towards her.

“God damn it Ave, I saw you in that woman. Only you… I missed you the entire day, and was feeling guilty about dropping you off at some spa. I was hoping to be done early with everything so I could surprise you and get you back early. I didn’t even know the guys had planned this party for tonight…” I told her and pulled her close. I laid my arms around her waist and Ave rested her head on my chest.

“Hear that heart beating?” I asked softly into her ear “It’s only beating for you, love” I whispered and when Ave looked up I placed a soft kiss onto her lips.

“I swear, nothing would have happened with any of these women, my eyes were glued on you, my thoughts were with you, you Ave are my heart.” I told her, looking deeply into those blue eyes and I lost myself in them.

“Maya and I… we were just… I don’t know.. with everything going on, the press… and when we heard this strip club, we freaked out… we wondered with those beautiful women around you would… what if you would get weak, with all the trouble we had recently…” Ave stuttered a little and I touched her cheek, letting my thumb caress her skin.

“You were jealous, huh?” I asked and I don’t know why, but I liked knowing that, only a little, of course but it showed me that I wasn’t the only one acting on emotions and riding that green monster from time to time, even though I would say we weren’t nearly as bad as Matt and Maya were. We still had limits, while those two…

“I love you. I want you, only you. We will marry in only a few weeks, Ave. I would never do anything to bring that in jeopardy, believe me.” I told her, my thumb running over her bottom lip and then placing another kiss there, god she tasted just too good to be true.

“Now, let’s get you dressed and out of here.” I searched the room for something that I could pull over Ave’s almost naked form.

“I have my clothes in the dressing-” Ave started but I shook my head. I didn’t want any of the guys, or anyone else, to see her like this again. So I pulled a blanket from one shelves and pulled it around her frame. I lifted her up into my arms, even though she protested, we made our way into the darkness and I brought her back to the hotel as quick as possible.

I brushed Ave’s hair from her face and she smiled at my touch. “Is it morning already?” Her sleepy voice greeted me and I had to smile, her makeup was more on her cheek then on her eyes and her lipstick was smudged, I bet I had red marks from it everywhere too.

“It is…” I murmured, I didn’t feel like going downstairs, wanted to stay in bed. Never wanted to face my friends again, knowing they had seen Ave in a way, they never should have seen her. I mean… fuck… I still felt anger building up mixed with jealousy of how freely Ave had shown her body, which belonged to my eyes only.

Ave’s stomach grumbled and I frowned, maybe I should call room service, but didn’t we have a meeting after breakfast, for the next appointments. Shit, I didn’t know… my brain felt like putty, I couldn’t form a coherent thought.

“Let’s shower and get downstairs” Ave turned onto her back and looked up at me. I began shaking my head, and she pouted already “I agree with the shower, because you smell like some other woman, and I want my Ave back… but let’s just stay and order breakfast to the room.” I smirked “We could make a mess on the bed” I wiggled my eyebrows but Ave rolled her eyes at me.

“No, lets quickly shower and get food downstairs, everything will be set up, that’s way faster” She rolled out of bed and I was trying to catch her but could only see her naked ass cheeks walking away from me and I groaned.

“Ave… please…” I tried again but the bathroom door closed behind her and I plopped back down on the bed.

If we really had to get out of this room, I would make sure Ave was covered from head to toe, no skin would be revealed, not after last night.

Had any of the guys noticed who had been dancing for them… and now that I remembered parts of yesterday, I hadn’t even seen Maya dance, not that I had looked out for her anyway, but-

A few minutes later while I had pulled some fresh clothes on and had found a decent enough outfit for Ave to wear my thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door “Ave?! You up?” Speak of the devil, Maya’s voice sounded through the door.

“She is in the shower… go away!” I yelled back and heard the bathroom door unlock and Ave pop out wearing a top and shorts. No way, in hell!

She opened the door and Maya walked in with Matt hot on her heels. Matt tried to push a jacket over Maya’s shoulders which she pushed right back to him “Matt, stop it! I told you I’m not cold. This is enough! Its freaking hot!” Matt looked a little stressed and I think I knew exactly what he was going through.

Maya wore a skirt stopping right above her knee, swaying around dangerously, while she wore a similar top to Ave’s when they both turned around I saw the V sign on it and cursed Zacky for his clothing line and taste, not that it didn’t look good, it looked amazing on both girls, but it was way too revealing.

“Babe, just put it on. Please” Matt insisted and I wanted to help him out. “Yeah downstairs with the air conditioning it’s not gonna be as warm as here, I’m trying to tell Ave the same” I motioned to the clothes I laid out for Ave, who in return looked at me with a frown and look that said I was probably the dumbest person on the planet.

“No, and that’s final. I’m good with what I’m wearing, I don’t understand why you make such a fuzz out if it now… Oh wait… you two… does that have something to do with yesterday?” Maya looked from me to Matt and lifted an eyebrow, oh shit, here we go, the bomb about to explode.

“I thought we talked about that already?” Maya took a closer step to Matt who let his shoulder slump down and sighed, he looked over Maya’s head to me as if looking for help, that I probably couldn’t provide this time.

“We did, and we are… I just- Brian…” Matt looked at me for help and I cringed “Well, what he tries to say is, we don’t want anyone to see you like we get to see you, okay? And I don’t exactly know what happened with you, but knowing Ave was there yesterday and wearing that ‘outfit’” I air quoted outfit, because that thong and bra, really didn’t count as outfit in my book.

“No one knows it was us, beside you two” Ave rolled her eyes at me again, and pulled the clothes away from me and back into her suitcase. I could barely hold the growl back, “Well-” Maya started but then clamped her mouth shut again looking guilty as hell.
“What?” Both Matt and I asked while Ave stared at Maya who took a small step back, bumping into Matt’s chest.
“I bet he forgot by now, they were all drunk and-” Matt grabbed Maya’s shoulders and turned her around when he seemed to get an idea, he opened his mouth “Jimmy” He said and Maya nodded.

“You told him? He knew it?” Matt demanded and both Maya and Ave shook their heads, “He must have seen it… he didn’t know.” Maya promised and I groaned, if Jimmy knew, all of the guys would know soon, if they didn’t already… oh fuck.

Matt rubbed a hand down his face and looked at Maya with a mix of frustration and love, did I look the same way when I had my eyes on Ave? With such love? It must be, if not even more.

Even if she was driving me insane with the stunt yesterday, I loved her even more with each hour. “Please, just please… put something over that top” I looked at Ave with my best impression of puppy eyes and she sighed “Fine… if that will make you feel better” She grabbed a small jeans jacket and pulled it over, it didn’t hide nearly enough but I knew I had reached the limits with her.

“See? Come on, babe” Matt handed the jacket to Maya again who finally shrugged into it. “Can we go downstairs now? I’m hungry…” She turned and walked towards the door leaving a sighing Matt behind “I couldn’t convince her to order room service, so you had to suffer too” Matt told me while we exited after the girls.

When we reached the elevator Matt and Maya grinned at each other, he pulled her into his arms and they kissed. I averted my eyes and looked at Ave, she stared at the doors as if willing them to open.

When we arrived at the floor I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her to me “Don’t you dare, sit anywhere else then beside me” I pulled her as close as possible, pressed to me and not willing to let her go.

As we rounded the corner I saw we weren’t the first but also not the last. “They are here” Johnny announced still slurring and I cringed, looking Ave up and down, making sure she was covered as much as possible.

I hated the thought that these guys had seen her dance, and look the way she did last night, that had been a view for me and my eyes only. Jealousy was starting to build up again and I had no idea how to temper it down again.

“Morning” Matt mumbled, pulling Maya into the corner and I did the same with Ave. She sat down while Zack came walking back with a few cups and poured coffee for us.

It was quiet around, everyone nursing their coffee cup and not saying a word. Were they thinking about Ave and Maya? Realizing now that they were the girls-
“Why so quiet?! Where is the party crowd from last night?” Jimmy’s shriek sounded from behind us and I heard a lot of groans from our friends, trying to block out Jimmy’s loud voice.

“Oh, I remember they went home early, didn’t they?!” Jimmy pointed a finger at me and then Matt, narrowing his eyes “At his legendary bachelor party, he went hommmmeee!” He yelled and every head turned into our direction. I pulled his arm and he fell into the empty chair beside me “Turn the volume down a little, we still need our rooms for the rest of the day” I hissed and Jimmy lifted an eyebrow.

“I am only speaking the truth” He lifted his chin and I rolled my eyes about to respond when Zack spoke up “Yeah, I don’t remember everything but… I can’t remember seeing you in the cab back home… and you neither” Zack frowned and then his eyes widened looking at Maya and Ave and I already cringed, pulling Ave further into me, almost spilling her coffee with my sudden movement.

“I’ll get something to eat, you want some?” Maya got up and asked Matt who shook his head. Maya walked off and I saw her brother crossing her way, they were talking and it seemed like Trevor wasn’t amused about something.

“I mean… you were in the cab, right? Or?” Zacky seemed confused and looked for help around, Johnny rubbed his temples “I don’t remember.. I must have passed out”

Matt and Jason Berry arrived at the table, plopping down next to us as well, taking a cup of coffee for them. I grabbed Ave and pulled her onto my lap, hated any distance between us, feeling slightly better.

“You don’t remember cause-” Jimmy started, just when Maya and her brother arrived at the table, when he saw Ave on my lap, he walked smiling towards her, giving me a nod with a frown and pressed a kiss to Ave’s cheek, way too long for my taste. I quickly cut in before Jimmy could finish “We all drank too much.. that’s it. Yeah” I said while Jimmy rolled his eyes

“Yeah yeah, we did… but that was the goal of this, wasn’t it?” Jimmy looked around “I mean the best thing was-” He started again when Jason interrupted “The whiskey, damn that was some fine drink” He said and laughed and Jimmy shot him a glare “You mean the whiskey and the women” MB added and I hoped someone would come up with a new topic and soon.

“Oh yeah.. the women” Zack sighed and leaned back in his chair, then his eyes turned to Ave and Maya “I mean.. nothing happened… right?” He looked a little uncertain when his eyes moved to me and Matt.

I frowned what the hell was he thinking we did?! “Of course, nothing happened” Matt spoke up and pulled Maya onto his lap too. Trevor looked between all of us back and forth, probably trying to find out what had been going on while he wasn’t around, and well… hadn’t we forgot about him completely, huh?!

“No worries, I know Matt and Brian were accompanied home by the most beautiful girls in that club” Jimmy smirked and I groaned. Ave stiffened while Matt shot Jimmy a warning look.

“You guys did what?” MB and Zack asked at the same time.
“We did nothing” Matt shook his head and all the eyes turned to Maya and Ave, sitting there all silent while Maya opened her mouth, but Matt put his hand in front of her lips, silencing her.

“They will know anyway!” Jimmy stood up “Let me show you the girls that accompanied the guys, we don’t want rumors to spread even more do, we?! Especially since apparently none of these assholes remembers anything correctly.”

Jimmy walked over to Maya, pulling her from Matt’s iron grip “Jimmy, I’m warning you” Matt growled but Jimmy didn’t seem to care because he then grabbed Ave off of my lap and motioning from Maya to Ave “Please give applause for Ms. Candy and Ms. Roxy”

Silence greeted us, all the guys stared from Maya to Ave and back and I felt jealousy and anger, now everyone was picturing how my girlfriend, my fiancé had been dancing and unclothing herself in front of them.

Murmurs started and I could only make out some starts “That’s not-” “That couldn’t be” “I can’t believe I-”

“I don’t want to hear any word about that ever again” Matt growled pulling Maya back to him and hissed some words.

“So it is true.” More murmurs were going around and I closed my eyes, this would never be the end of it and it would all come to start from now on, I could already use a drink!

Trevor’s POV

I couldn’t believe what those assholes had done. I had been doing their stupid work since fucking days and what happened?

I was just done with helping one of the Berry brothers, still didn’t know which was Matt and Jason, most of the time. We said to make a short break so I decided to head up to my room and take some rest and hopefully they would forget about me to help with even more work, but I never thought they actually would forget about me.

And realizing they did, I was on one hand pretty happy about it, thinking they were doing all the shitty work without me, but when I then decided to find the girls, or rather one of them- Ave, but knowing she was always hanging on my sister, both of them in the end, I had to realize that they weren’t to be found.

I mean, where had they just left off to?! And without letting me know?! I went to find the guys, I was still up to doing some more damage there as well, so why not start with them, but couldn’t find them either… I was working so hard on placing doubts into Jason and Matt Berry’s mind during work, that I almost forgot that I had to work on Haner and Sanders as well.

So why not catch two birds with one stone, finding out where the girls had left off to without letting me know, which would end in a major guilt trip that I would start as soon as they were back, and placing more trust issues into Haners and Sanders head.

Only problem had been, I wasn’t able to find those assholes either, they all vanished, not one fucking band member or crew member I could find. I had run up the whole hotel, the whole bus area, even the fucking stage set ups… none of them.

I grabbed my phone, shooting a text to Maya. No reply, I shot Ave another text, no reply.
I dialed Ave’s number, straight to voicemail, what the hell was going on here? Did they see through my plan?! Had I been not careful enough?!

I dialed Maya and it finally beeped but no one picked the fuck up, I tried to calm down, I couldn’t let my act slip now.

“Hey sis, it’s me Trev. I was wondering where Ave and you are… or to be more precise, where everyone is. We made a working break and it was really exhausting… so I took a quick shower and as soon as I went back everyone was gone. You know, I don’t wanna miss any work or cause a problem, but did I miss anything? And why can’t I reach you or Ave, this is really confusing… I mean, did you leave me behind for a reason? Did I do something wrong, I’m sorry… If I did anything to cause you trouble… just let me know… I don’t wanna lose you again… you and Ave… That’s all the family I have, please… give me a call… Bye”

I cringed as soon as I ended the call, I rather wanted to punch something then apologize to her or beg her to call me. I hated to act like this, but I knew it was for the greater good in the end.

Just a little longer, it was working out so good I had to convince her and the rest some more about my loyalty and that way break them all apart, leaving Maya all alone without friends and lovers… without anything… and having Ave to myself, when I had her in my bed, it would only be a small step to get her away from that weird relationship she was having with my sister, I would break them apart as well, but first steps first.

After no call arrived I finally decided to ask at the hotel, if they knew where the whole bunch of people had moved off to.
But besides giving me the information that a spa wellness day was planned for the girls and they left early, nothing came out of this talk.

And that the guys had left in a big group afterwards was the only info I got about the guys, which gave me no clue at all where to find them or where to look for them.
I hated this whole group and it made me even madder than before, they would be sure to get some trouble as soon as they arrived back.

And the anger didn’t subside as soon as I saw them the next morning, no one called me back, no one even searched for me. They all sat hung over at the breakfast table when I came walking down.

I grabbed a hold of my sister, my grip was a little too hard, but I couldn’t help it “Where have you been all day and night?!” I demanded looking at her with anger, that I tried to tune down a little.

“OH!” Maya’s mouth formed a big O, as if realizing that I was the only one left out. “Shit, I didn’t even realize you weren’t with them… I’m sorry Trev, Ave and I, we left early, I had no idea you weren’t informed about the bachelor party” My mind was reeling, bachelor party?!

That meant it was Haner’s bachelor party, Haner was the one getting married to Ave. I narrowed my eyes “Didn’t you hear my message, I called you and Ave!” I let go of her arm and she looked guilty, but that wasn’t enough.

“I thought… I really… nevermind, its my own fault” I turned away and Maya grabbed my arm this time “No no, its not. We didn’t know, we didn’t think about it.. I’m sorry, we will make it up to you. I promise!” She looked at me hopeful but I left her standing there and walked back to the table where a discussion about last night was in full swing.

The more I listened the more I had to grab the table hard. I heard about strippers and then was introduced to the event that Ave, my fucking Avery had done a striptease for Haner and all those fucking crew members on that club?!

They have all been there, watched her undress and dance?! How could Haner that fucking asshole allow that?!
I saw how angered he looked and how he tried to shield Avery, and Matt was doing the same to my sister, so they didn’t know… why the hell had the girls done that?! Was it a joke?

I had to get behind that topic and play it out for me… I didn’t like to know everyone had seen Ave like that, I didn’t care about Maya, she could do whatever the fuck she wanted, I didn’t give a damn, but sweet Avery…

I had to find out the club and play some contacts I still had, maybe I was able to get some private footage no one would know off… maybe I could even show Maya’s performance to the press and keep Ave’s private for myself… or if it came to the worst, show it both?!

An idea sprung to my head, I had to plan in some digging work, that was sure. I didn’t really keep track on the rest of the breakfast, but Matt and Brian seemed decently pissed off at all the comments and the way the crew members were flogging Maya and Ave.

Compliments here, Zack even apologized to Maya, while I saw Jason, if I am not mistaken this time was lusting after Ave more than ever.

When the table slowly cleared I saw Maya and Ave talk while getting some food and how the band disappeared for some meeting or something.
I followed them with a distance, I hated them for letting me miss Ave’s little show even more than before, and that was why I targeted them for my next move.

When the band started to clear off and Brian and Matt wanted to leave I walked in and chuckled. “Oh hey… so you had your party last night.. had fun, right?” I asked and both guys turned to me, looking at me with a lifted eyebrow.

“Yeah sure” Brian replied trying to walk away “I mean.. man those girls, they come up with ideas… did you know about the plan or was it a surprise act?” I asked really curious, maybe I was even up to get some information out right now.

“Hell, of course we didn’t know. Do you really think we would have wanted for everyone to see our girls like that?!” Brian cursed and I had to hide the smile, because, I mean my sister was in on that too, which should piss me off more, right?!

“No, fuck of course not. Thinking about Ave or my sister dancing for all those guys like that, how do they come up with that… fuck I mean… why would they want so many people to see them like that!” I said and saw Matt and Brian grumble something I couldn’t understand.

“They were afraid something would happen…” Matt said finally and I looked at him fully “Like what? You having fun? I mean.. it was a bachelor party, last day in freedom… that’s supposed to happen, right? And you are open for it, they are open, it shouldn’t be a big deal” I teased and both guys frowned at my words.

“What do you mean?” Matt asked and I waved him off “Nothing really, it’s not my business anyway… And since I talked to your roadies and all…” I trailed off and waited for them to pick up.

“Talked about what?” This time it was Brian to ask and I hid the grin on my face “Oh just the girls and… yeah the time on tour and how it is to be around them… I mean they are always there for them, when you guys are on stage and all…” I hinted and let them come up with the rest of my evil ideas.

I saw Matt frowning looking at Brian from the side but shaking his head “Hey, I gotta go.. we have a schedule to fulfill, we are behind already” He took a step forward and wasn’t that my idea to act on that, too. He was giving me just the opener.

“Ah right, that’s what Maya said” I said and turned away, I heard the door open and close, but knew Matt hadn’t left.

“What did Maya say?” He asked and I turned around “I mean.. not only Maya… We talked about the time they were in the UK, and how that was and all… and I don’t know if she never told you… ah no, you know.. I shouldn’t be telling you this, it’s not my story to tell” I turned back and headed for the other door, but an arm stopped me.

“Don’t start something and don’t tell… what is it?” Matt demanded and I licked my lips. “I’ll tell if you promise that you won’t say a word to Maya, that you got that from me, okay?! And you to Ave, they will not trust me if they know I told you… but maybe it will help… I mean, I want the girls to be happy.”

“So what did they say?” Brian asked and I shoved Matt’s hand away and started pacing, building up for my grand finale of the day.

“Maya said, when they were in the UK she really enjoyed, and I’m sorry to say this… the spontaneously acts from her boyfriend there, what’s his name… Benjamin something?” I asked and as soon as the word boyfriend left my lips, Matt’s hands balled to fists.

God this was too easy, “She said he always came up with ideas, and that she loved how he surprised her with those actions, she misses that… I bet she doesn’t really miss it… she just said it, it’s nothing against you I bet.” Matt frowned and looked angry but thoughtful.

“She misses spontaneous ideas? What? What does she want me to do? How can she miss that?!” Matt demanded and I shrugged. “She mentioned it, I didn’t really question it… maybe I’m wrong… or maybe, you should just try it… you know, out of the blue”

“And what about Ave?” Brian asked while Matt still seemed baffled by the idea and hurt I would even say, I made a great choice with saying that.

“Ave? Yeah… she was saying something along the line of… how creative Maya and she were while they were in the UK, she had so many ideas for clothes designs, had the time to be creative, and that Cassels guy, he inspired her… did she ever look at you and was inspired? Must have happened too, I mean.. she said it was so easy, they spent some time together and she had a new idea… amazing how creative she is, right?” I asked looking all amazed and Brian’s eyes widened, guess that hit a nerve, huh?! Not so inspiring is he?!

I saw both of the men in deep thoughts as the door pops open and we saw Johnny look inside “Oh here you are, we were planning to go out to lunch all together, you have any preferences?!” He asked and I saw outside how Jimmy and the Berry brothers were joking around with Maya and Ave, Matt and Brian’s head snapped up looking as well and I grinned, I think… mission completed.


Let us know what you think! :)

We need some feedback!! :D
Thank youuuu!


Such a fun chapter ;)
Can’t wait to read more!
And, am I the only one who kinda wants to read Jess & Jimmy’s wedding as well?

Holly Holly

So awesome!
also awesome that I subscribed to this story, and got the alert since the site is still acting kind of crazy. I would have been hella mad if I missed this chapter.

Buggaloo Buggaloo

LOVED this! Hopefully the honeymoon will be just as exciting! Can't wait for it!

Finally the wedding, they so deserve being happy together hope nothing can mess this up.

Rach Hell Rach Hell

Yay, Mattaya happened finally!! The vows actually gave me flashbacks about Riptide, gonna miss this!

Holly Holly