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Many plans, little time...

Maya’s POV

The last couple of month had been amazing, and hectic and just a pure adventure all in all.
I have never felt this happy and excited about my life and my future and most of it, no honestly… all of it had to do with the amazing man that was by my side, and my friends… and me being the owner of one of the most wanted fashion stores in California.

I mean what Ave and I had done during this couple of months since our opening was in-fucking-sane.
We thought it was only the first opening that was a success through and through and afterwards it would subside and we should be happy as long as it last, but honestly, the customer flow never died down.

We were mentioned in fashion magazines, had even some famous people coming in, but we of course couldn’t name them yet… but they would let our name slip, at certain events. And maybe..just maybe we will get to mention a few of them throughout the next months, I’m just hoping they were satisfied and they would be coming back for more.

So not only our men were busy bees and wanted interview partners at the moment, no Ave and I were nearly as busy as them, which in return of course meant that we weren’t seeing our friends and better half’s as often as we wanted, but that was probably the price to pay, for being an owner of a store and for being the girlfriend of M.Shadows or Syn Gates.

But Ave and I planned, in order to at least get a little more time off, to up our staff members, we would be hiring someone to take care of the store while Ave and I would be concentrating on the designs, which was still one damn hard job, because we wanted to be unique and have something special, we wanted all our customers to feel like kings and queens when they wore out stuff, and that was not an easy task.

“We have another appointment tomorrow…” I heard Ave’s voice calling from the back room, while I was sewing another dress.
“I thought the last one had been today?” I frowned, wasn’t it today?
I was slowly going insane with that many appointments and things to plan and to concentrate on, it was really a wonder I haven’t thrown appointments in complete chaos by now.

“No, tomorrow, today was just a sales person” Ave answered and I sighed, “Okay, as long as you know who is coming and what for, I’ll be there.” I answered with a laugh, without Ave in all this I would have lost the track of appointments and time already.

“And later today is the press conference from the guys” Ave walked up behind me holding up another sketch for a new dress and this woman never creased to amaze me.
“What you think of this? I’m not quite happy yet” She frowned at her drawing that looked to me like pure perfection.

“It’s perfect Ave, I know just the right colors to go with it, just leave it here, I will fill it out and it’s done” I patted the table next to my waiting stock of ‘to do’ designs and Ave nodded with a smile.

When she turned away I saw her staring at her hand, and I had caught her doing that for quite often lately, but honestly who could blame her, she was freshly engaged since a couple of months, and she was still amazed by her soon to be husband, and well who wouldn’t be. When Brian was around he was carrying Ave on his hands, reading every wish from her lips before she could even say it and they were so disgustingly in love that it gave me tooth ache if I watched for too long.

“You should have gotten used to it by now, little gnome” I said with a chuckle and Ave turned to me, eyes wide.
“What?” She looked confused and I got up and walked over to her, grabbed a hold of her hand and held it to show her the engagement ring on her finger.
“This, shouldn’t you got used to it by now?” I asked with a smile, seeing my best friend so happy, was making my heart beat full of joy.

Ave laughed lightly and her eyes were shining with love “You should think that, right? Still it’s kinda unbelievable… but I guess you will find that out yourself soon, right?” Ave winked at me and I chuckled.
“We will see about that” I grinned and Ave shook her head “Don’t act so mysteriously, we still have to talk more about your pretty little plan, M.” Ave followed me to the front of the shop and I rolled my eyes.

“I know, but I just didn’t have that much time to think about any plans yet, Ave! I mean, I have some ideas, but I would need you to help me make it real… So one thing after the other… and you and your ring brings me to another idea… I still have to finish up my plans for your big celebration party” I grinned, my mind spinning with ideas for Ave’s bachelorette party. I wanted to go all out for her, I mean… hell it’s gonna be her last night as a free woman, we had to celebrate it in style.

I already informed all our girl- friends about the location and the date, I even shopped some of the decorations but everything else was still open, and I really really had to finalize that now. It was only a few more days before the party would take place, and also only a few more days before our boys headed out for their short festival tour to introduce their new album, hell so many things were happening at the same time now! No wonder I was getting confused.

“Will you at least tell me a little bit about what is gonna happen?” Ave whined and I shook my head at her, “Nope, sorry. But we can talk some more about your wedding plans, I mean… that is also only 6 more months to go… and what did you and brown eyes pick out by now? Beside the location? Nothing?” I asked and Ave looked near panic.

“I know!” She looked around as if she had to make every decision right now “We just didn’t have time to talk it all through, I started on the guest list and Brian added a few, but then we kinda both forgot about it… and other things started to get between it” She looked at me with panic “M, we need to do something, you need to help me”

I sighed “Don’t worry little gnome, we will make it happen. Let’s start easy, when we go to the conference with the boys later on, we can take some notepad with us and write some ideas down, afterwards we can look everything up online and order the things. Wasn’t soon the appointment to try the food on the location you picked out, too?”

Ave’s eyes grew wide “Oh shit, you are right! Wasn’t that in two days? Or three? Fuck!” She pulled her phone out and searched through her calendar until she sighed “Yes, the day after tomorrow, I just hope Brian hasn’t forgotten about it… and you guys will be there, too right?” Ave asked and I nodded “Sure, calm down, after the guys are done with the interviews, we can remind them about the important things, alright? You just need to make a list… or something, so we won’t forget”

The front door opened, even though it should have been closed by now “Where is my beautiful girl?” Matt’s voice sounded from the front door and I shivered only hearing his deep voice, damn that man just hadspell on me, no wonder I was thinking about popping the big question to him as well, even though…. I was a chicken when commitment was concerned with Matt, I just knew he was my Mr. Right. I wanted him, and no one else, but how would I ask him!?

With Ave’s wedding plans, the bachelor party, and the store I just had so many things up in my head that the planning of my proposal somehow went to the back of my head, even though I already had some ideas, I would need more time with Ave to finally make it a real plan.

“She is here” I said chuckling and Ave rolled her eyes “You two are the worst” She shook her head, even though she gaveMatt a hug and kiss to the cheek before Matt approached me and pulled me into his arms, he kissed me right away, his tongue slipping into my mouth and everything around us vanished.

“Can you two knock it off… please” Ave’s fake annoyed voice sounded beside us and I pulled away from Matt, but only to peck his lips quickly again.
“You just stared at your ring for minutes straight, leave us alone” I shoved Ave away a little and she stuck her tongue out to me.

“Ladies.. ladies, no need to fight” Matt grinned showing his dimples and I nearly melted, he was just that gorgeous.
“Are you here to pick us up for the interview?” Ave asked and closed up the front door.

“Actually, no. I’m a little early and wanted to head home quickly to redress. I went out for some sports with Dan and MB, and thought I stop by to pick Maya up. Gates should be home by now as well.” Matt said and gave Ave a wink, she quickly grabbed her bag and kissed both Matt and my cheek and had vanished out of the back door.

“That was fast” I said with a grin and Matt nodded “I would do the same knowing you would be home, babe” Matt began to kiss my jaw, moving lower down to my throat and I moaned lightly.
“So we have some time?” I asked nearly breathless and Matt just growled in reply.

“Good, because I really need to set some things for Ave’s party” I pulled away from Matt giving him a teasing smile over my shoulder, while grabbing my bag and leaving the shop also through the back entrance, only to hear a loud sigh from Matt and have him follow me with an annoyed look on his face.

“Babe, I really love how caring you are and that you are such a good friend to Ave, but-” Matt started but I pressed my finger to his lips, stopping him.
“I know, babe. We don’t see each other much, and you are leaving soon, and my heart already begins to ache just thinking of you going off on tour, but I just have all these things to do… I mean, you know it yourself, if I’m not busy you are on interviews, the studio, promotion tour…” I said and sighed and saw how Matt’s expression softened while he pulled me to his body.

“It’s a busy time, huh?” He asked against my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.
“I don’t want to think about the fact that you are leaving soon…” I said quietly, recalling the last time we were separated and how that went down.

“I mean remembering how-” I started but Matt silenced me with a kiss, so intense and full of love that I nearly drowned in it.
“Don’t even think that, M. Don’t fucking think that, nothing like that is ever happening again! You heard me!” Matt demanded, his eyes narrowed, like he had to fight some unseen enemy.

“You are right” I nodded “Let’s head home and enjoy the few minutes we have before leaving again” I smiled at him and henodded but not before kissing me again and pulling me into his side, where I felt loved and wanted more than ever.

Matt and I arrived home, enjoyed a shower together and what can I say, we just couldn’t stay away from each other. So after playing around in the shower and wasting more time than we thought, we had to shower again to get all cleaned up after some shared passion.

Matt was talking on his phone with someone and after he hung up he turned to me “We will be picked up by Johnny in 5 minutes, he is on his way already” I nodded absently checking the calendar.
“Matt? Next Tuesday, you know you gotta be out of the house right?” I asked and only heard a small grunt coming from behind me.

“Why would I need to be out of my own house next Tuesday, babe?” Matt deep voice sounded now next to my ear and I turned around in his arms.
“Because Ave’s bachelorette party is going to take place here… and you are not invited, big guy” I pecked his lips and Matt frowned.

“Wait… wait, here? And who is coming? What are you doing? Why don’t I know any about that?” Matt asked, but I turned around only with a sly smile “Sorry, babe. But that’s none of your business… so just ask Brian to meet up at his house, he will probably feel lonely that night anyway”

Brian’s POV

I must have been the happiest man walking on earth because the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and ever been with, was mine, she was wearing my ring and soon she would be also wearing my name.

Even though we haven’t talked about that topic yet, I wanted her to wear my name, Avery Haner, if that didn’t sound fucking perfect, I had no idea what!
And what else would there be, that was the only answer… so there wasn’t really a need to talk about it, either right…

Even though Zack tries to fuck me up with leaving hints of Ave wanting to keep her name… I wasn’t too sure if he was joking or just playing me, asshat!

Everything else was going perfect, Ave and I were spending every moment we could together, all the stress from before my proposal was forgotten, but sadly replaced by new stress, but that wasn’t as bad because we were together in this.

I could talk to Ave and didn’t have to keep a secret from her, she was the woman by my side and we would be from now on just walking together, never apart.
I was just so happy to have her, and I couldn’t believe that just in a few months she was officially mine, and for everyone to know.

I wanted to shout it out to the world now, but I knew that wouldn’t be the best idea, would it? I haven’t really thought about what Ave was thinking, I mean… I was just too happy that I wanted to tell everyone who that beautiful creature belongs to.

We still had many things to plan, problem was we just didn’t have time. Ave was busy with her shop and I and the Avenged guys just released our next studio album. We were in the full promotion process and starting a short festival introduction tour for the album in about a week.

I couldn’t really think about the moment where I would leave Ave behind and go on tour, even though it would be just for a few weeks I already hated to think about the fact that I wouldn’t be seeing her, wouldn’t be sleeping next to her, and did I now sound like a pussy?
Maybe, but I still had Ave as my fiancé.
I grinned to myself, fiancé, still couldn’t get used to it… and loved it at the same time.

“You remember we gonna meet at the press conference later today?” Zack asked while I grabbed my phone from my pocket having a look if Ave tried to call me, but just a message from Matt saying to get my ass home.
“Yeah sure, Ave and Maya are coming along as well” I replied, I had just discussed that with Ave this morning.

We had so many appointments lately that I asked her to at least come with me for a few of them, afraid we wouldn’t be seeing us at all before we would leave for the tour.
“Oh they are?” Zack looked at me with a smirk.“Yeah, we wanted to have at least a little time, they wanted to close the shop early today” I replied and Zack pushed a bottle of water into my hands.

“Oh great, haven’t seen them for a while, either they are in the shop or you and Matt are hanging on them, so we don’t get to share a word, ask Jimbo he is freaking going insane without his dose of the girls” He motioned with his thumb to the kitchen where Jimmy was just walking over to us.

“Don’t plant seeds into his head, man” I quickly replied before Jimmy was in hearing distance, the last thing I needed was for Jimmy to go with them on some wild goose hunting trip and screaming something about Knife master society into the neighborhood.

“What? You talking about me?” Jimmy looked at me and Zack with narrowed eyes but I quickly shook my head.
“Nope. All good…” I smiled and Zack nodded “I was just asking Haner how far he and Ave are with the wedding plans… I mean, with the album release, now the promo tour and all those interviews, you don’t have much time for the planning, right?”

“You have no idea… one evening Ave and I were starting to write the guest list, but I believe we both fell asleep in the middle of it… and since then I haven’t seen it again. We have our whole house full of different card designs for the invitations, different music ideas… It’s just too fucking much at the moment. I really have no idea how we gonna do that… and even worse it will be when I’m on tour and Ave is with all that shit home alone…” I sighed, I was partly happy to not be home with all the organization but then again, that means, Ave had to do it alone, and that wasn’t how it was supposed to be.

“Wasn’t next week the first trial eating or something?” Zack frowned and my eyes widened, “Fuck, yeah… I already forgot. See… how is a human man supposed to keep all this appointments in mind? This is insane!” I let myself fall back onto the couch and Jimmy patted my shoulder “If you need help, just tell me… And I bet Jess can help out too, she knows some people around.” He said and I nodded, Ave and I really needed to talk this through and what we need to still organize and what was already done, I honestly completely lost the sight of everything.

“You already got an idea for your suit?” Zack asked “I could suggest some nice bowtie and-” I held up my hand.
“I gotta wait for Maya to design Ave’s dress, she told me she will give me a hint about the design of my suit afterwards” I grinned. Maya and Ave made just such perfect looking outfits and knowing Maya was designing and sewing Ave’s dress was even more special, I trusted her to make my bride look perfect.

“I gotta go now… I hope to catch a few minutes with my fiancé at home” I said while getting up and saw both Zack and Jimmy roll their eyes.
“You have to say that now every time you see Ave, do you?” Zack asked annoyed and I grinned, “Oh hell fucking yeah… until I can call her my wife, you assholes are just jealous, so fuck off” I gave them a final one finger salute before closing the door behind me and making my way home.

We didn’t get much of these times together in our home town, especially since the most meetings now would be centered around the album and doing interviews.
So I had to use the time with my friends in normal circumstances as well as with Ave, as long as we had the time, we had to use it.

I drove home and many thoughts were running around in my head, we really had so many things to organize, even though Larry told us he knew a wedding planner who could take over some organization, I could almost bet that Ave wanted to do everything herself.

I should talk to Ave about the wedding planner idea again, maybe that wasn’t too bad, maybe that would give us some more relaxing time for ourselves. Even though relaxing would mean, I would be on tour doing festivals and Ave would be home, busy with the store.

I parked in the driveway and saw Ave’s car standing there as well, a smile spread over my face knowing she was home already.
We didn’t have much time but at least a little time was good, just seeing her and knowing she was close was all I needed.

I opened the door and immediately heard the shower shutting off, damn… Just missed the best part.
I quickly made my way over to the bathroom and tried the door handle, but it was locked.

“Love? Open up… It’s your fiancé” Okay, fine I did love to say that, and no wonder I was getting on someone’s nerves, but what the heck, I had this only for a short amount of time so I would use it as often as I could.

I waited and knocked again “Ave, open up!” The door flew open and revealed Ave already dressed in a short blue dress, her hair was on the top of her head held by a towel and she smiled up at me.
“Hey!” She smiled “Matt fooled me and said you would be home already” I leaned down and sealed her lips with mine.

“He sent me a text that he would be picking up Maya, so I should get my ass home earlier…” I said between a couple more kisses that I allowed myself to sneak in.
“We need to leave in 30 minutes, right?” Ave asked and I checked my phone “Yeah… damn those busy days… We should really plan a day or two off before we leave for the tour…” I knew that idea was ridiculous because we had so many things to do, but I really needed some time with Ave before I left for good.

“I know, babe” Ave sighed and pulled the towel from her hair, brushing it with her fingers and I watched how some water drops ran down her arms and shoulders, where her wet hair latched onto her skin, making my mouth water for her right away.

“But we still have so many things to do, we finally need to set some things for our wedding, Maya and I still need to find some more staff members… then we also have to plan her-” Ave’s eyes widened and she clamped her mouth shut looking panicked and I frowned.

“I know, I know… we have lots of things to do…Her making the dress and all that. I get it, but we still need to have time for us, I won’t let anything come between us again, love. Not like the last time…” I said and pulled Ave into my body, I inhaled her unique flower scent and sighed happily, this was it, her in my arms and nothing between us.

When we were on our way to the press conference I kept holding Ave’s hand until we arrived at the building and were ushered through the back entrance.
Johnny, Matt and Maya were already inside, and someone was talking to them, while Ave and I arrived with Zack and Jimmy on our heels.

“So the stage is there, you will be sitting there by this order: Johnny, Zack, Jimmy, Brian and Matt. From left to right.” The guy standing before Matt was saying.
“Okay, and where can our girls sit?” Matt asked motioning to his side and turning to motion to Ave with his other hand.

“Hmm.. there beside the stage on the right side, we can place two chairs and they have a good look on the stage but won’t be on the center of attention in any way.” He looked at Matt for approval and he nodded.

“Alright, babe?” Matt leaned to Maya and gave her a kiss “Yes, we will be fine. Ave and I have some things to do anyway, you do your interview stuff and we see us afterwards.” Maya tiptoed and kissed Matt, he pulled her closer and I rolled my eyes at them, not even Ave and I were this bad.

I looked around and suddenly felt Maya pull on Ave who in return tugged on my arm to get free of my hold and I frowned “What?” I asked confused and Ave grinned up to me “You gotta do the rest on your own, babe. I’ll be on the site of the stage doing some wedding preparations… finally.” She winked at me and I sighed. “Alright, but later… you are all mine, love” I pulled her to me and kissed her hungrily showing her just how much I would miss her and wanted her already.

“Stop that... We have work to do, and you have work to do… Now hush and go!” Maya pulled Ave away and I saw how they took a seat on the two prepared chairs and the girls pulled a laptop and notepad out, they really meant it, they wanted to do work, and I should better get my head back in the game, because we also had some work to do.

“Man, you look so disgustingly in love” Matt clapped my shoulder while we made our way behind the stage and I looked at him from the side “You look about the same, I would say… Did you think about popping the question to Maya? It’s been a couple of month since Ave and I got engaged, don’t you think it’s fine now to ask her?” I looked at Matt and saw how his eyes wandered to the side to the stage where Maya and Ave were sitting.

“Yeah… I mean… I want to do it, I just need to find the right approach. I’m still afraid she will go running for the hills if I ask her… So I have to figure out just the right way, and you have to help me, you owe me for all the work I put into your proposal.” Matt pointed his finger at me and I chuckled.

“Tell me about it and I bet we find the right way, and I wouldn’t worry too much, I bet Maya will be just as happy as Ave was… you should give her some more credit, man.” I smirked and Matt huffed out a sigh “I don’t know…”

“AVENGED SEVENFOLD!” Someone yelled and I looked at Matt, shit… it was already our turn, and had the others already taken the stage?!

Damn Haner, get your head back straight, you got work to do and a new album to promote, but that was easier said than done, because my eyes turned to Ave right away as soon as Matt and I entered the stage to take our seats.


You have been waiting long... we know but here it is finally!
The first chapterrrr!
Tell us what u think!!!

We will be slow with the updates, cause we got some other stories to write as well, but we promise that new chapters will be coming, just give us a little time !
And stay tuned of course!!


Such a fun chapter ;)
Can’t wait to read more!
And, am I the only one who kinda wants to read Jess & Jimmy’s wedding as well?

Holly Holly

So awesome!
also awesome that I subscribed to this story, and got the alert since the site is still acting kind of crazy. I would have been hella mad if I missed this chapter.

Buggaloo Buggaloo

LOVED this! Hopefully the honeymoon will be just as exciting! Can't wait for it!

Finally the wedding, they so deserve being happy together hope nothing can mess this up.

Rach Hell Rach Hell

Yay, Mattaya happened finally!! The vows actually gave me flashbacks about Riptide, gonna miss this!

Holly Holly