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Wild and out

Avery’s POV

I squinted my eyes at Jimmy as I tried to follow his incredibly fast words and logic. Why was everything so fast right now? Okay, so maybe that was the alcohol’s dirty trick but what was he even talking about? Get the Berry’s to come to our side or get ride of them? I still didn’t have any idea what we were actually doing since the mastermind of this operation got us all drunk and was speaking in riddles. I mean come on, riddles were hard enough to solve when I was sober!

“Alright, the decision is up to you…” Jimmy said, his blue eyes staring into mine.

Wait a minute, he didn’t mean that I was in charge of everyone’s fate, did he? That was never a good idea, especially when I was drunk. I mean, I was having a hard enough time standing on my own two feet with the way my head was spinning. Not to mention that there were three Jimmies standing in front of me, all swaying back and forth in unison? Now that had to be the alcohol because one Jimmy was enough for the world to handle.

“I’ll get the equipment and you tell me when I get back how we will proceed… I’ll be back in a minute, then I need to hear the plan,”Jimmy said and then suddenly threw himself onto the ground, crawling all the way back to the car leaving me blinking after him. What the hell just happened?

I shook my head and looked back at the girls, stumbling into Maya in the process. Okay, note to self: only slow movements since I was apparently drunker than I thought. Though

The next thing I knew, Jimmy had thrown himself on the ground and was crawling and rolling back toward the car down the block.

“Wait? What?” I gapped, shaking my head after Jimmy’s retreating from and nearly falling over in the process. Okay, note to self, slow motions in my drunken state. “Decide what? And what equipment does he need?” I asked, looking around at the girls confused. Hopefully one of them could follow him because my brain was failing miserably right now. Damn you, special drink!

“From what I understand, he wants to sneak into the Berry’s house to get some things and we need to distract them,” Jess explained, helping to steady me on my feet.

“So we need to decide if we are going to lure them out or trick them up front right?” Maya asked, looking between us. Well, they both had more information than I did right now, so I would just go with whatever they decided.

“It would be easier to just get them in on the secret mission…that is if they don’t tell the other guys,” Jess mused and I nodded. It would be fun to sneak around with the Berry’s or at least have a few more drinks with them while Jimmy did what ever he planned to do.

“Or we could just distract them and head up with drinks…pretend to be celebrating the opening of our shop tomorrow,” Maya suggested and I nodded my head in agreement.

“Yeah, let’s just distract them so Jimmy can get in and out. That seems like the best plan,” I said, looking at the girls who nodded in agreement. Now we just needed to know what Jimmy wanted to get in the house. Though something told me that he didn’t even know what he was looking for and that he was making up this secret mission as we went along.

“What did you decide?” Jimmy’s voice suddenly sounded over my right shoulder, making me jump and gasp aloud.

“You scared the crap out of me!” I gasped, holding my heart as I looked back at him as everyone else laughed. That was so not funny! My heart was racing a mile a minute and it took everything in my power to slow it down as Maya and Jess told Jimmy the plan.

Jimmy nodded his head as he listened, occasionally letting out a silly little excited giggle. “That’s perfect. I knew I could leave this up to you Knife Mistress, Knife Girl, and Little Gnome…that’s why you’re the Knife Angels….yes…Jimmy and the Knife Angels,” he mused with a smile. “But no time for that…we’ve got a job to do.” He continued and we all nodded in agreement. “You distract him and my queen will give me the secret signal when the coast is clear. Got it?”

“Got it,” we all agreed before Jimmy handed Jess the backpack of booze.

“Just remember, don’t let them go back in the house. Take them to the dark side. I will honk the horn three times when it is time to go,” Jimmy said before he nodded and slunk back down to the ground. “Operation Little Piece of Heaven is a go…”

I frowned as I took hold of Maya and Jess’s arm and started toward the Berry’s back patio door. What kind of secret mission name was that? Did that refer to….I blushed madly at the thought just as Maya knocked on the door.

“Just a minute! We’re coming, we’re coming!” Jason’s voice called, making me blush even more. Would he get the wrong idea with us standing at his door with a bag of booze and weed? “I thought you were going to get your dick waxed Body…didn’t expect you—“ Jason yelled, but froze when saw who was actually standing at door. “Shit…sorry ladies I-I thought—“

“We heard what you thought,” Maya giggled, as I bit down on my bottom lip to stop mine from erupting. God these guys were hilarious.

“Who’s here now? Is Body back already? He get locked out of heaven?” Matt’s voice sounded behind Jason as he opened the door and stepped out onto the patio. “Oh…hello,” MB said, looking just as surprised as his brother did. “What do we owe this pleasant surprise? Are they guys with you?”

Maya smiled and looked between Jess and I. “Nope it’s just us,” she lied and I was glad it wasn’t me talking right now. I was the worst liar on the face of the earth and Jason could read me like a book. All I had to do was keep my drunken mouth shut so I didn’t ruin Jimmy’s plan.

Only Maya’s words seemed to confuse the brothers. “Well, what’s up then?” Jason asked, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting up but not without handing one to me first. “What brings you beautiful ladies to casa de la Berry?”

“The guys were busy recording so we thought we would come see if you two wanted to have some celebratory drinks with us,” Maya explained and I nodded my head in agreement as I blew out a cloud of smoke. Damn this Marlboro tasted good!

MB threw his head back with a laugh as he pulled out a patio chair for Maya. “Of course we will party with you girls. You don’t have to pull our leg,” he chuckled. “But what’s the special occasion?” He asked only to get elbowed in the ribs by Jason.

“They open their shop tomorrow, dick head!” Jason teased, causing each of us to laugh as Jess opened the bottle of the special drink Jimmy had mixed up and poured it evenly into five glasses. Just before she put the bottle down, I noticed her flash the quick hand gesture down the ally. So that was the secret signal….I’ll have to remember that….

MB hung his head and then looked between Maya and I with a sheepish look on his face. “Sorry…I forgot with all the Jimmy drama going on. Speaking of which, have you heard from him Jess?”

Jess casually shook her head and tried to play innocent, though she wasn’t much better at lying then I was. “Not since last night. He’s been locked up in the studio,” she said and then took a drink. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t a total lie, right? “Do you want me to try to call him?” she asked and I looked over at Maya in panic. Was that the best idea?

“Nah, that’s okay. The guys just wanted to make sure he was alright and the past few times I’ve driven over he hasn’t answered the door,” Jason explained, kicking his cigarette butt. “But enough about that, let’s raise our glasses to toast the new and highly successful M&A clothing line!”

“Here here!” I agreed before all five of us downed our drink and got a refill. “So what are you guys up to on break from tour?” I asked, trying to maintain some sobriety as I heard a loud crash from inside the house.

Jason and Matt both stood up and looked toward the house and then back at us with a raised brow. “Did you hear that?” MB asked, looking between us suspiciously and stupidly all three of us said ‘no’ at the same time. Yeah, like they weren’t going think that was suspicious.

“I mean, it was probably just a truck down the street or something,” I nervously laughed, trying to cover up the hole we were digging but I was only making it worse.

“Do the guys know you’re here?” Matt asked and I swallowed thickly.

“Of course they do,” Maya said with a smile, casually sipping her drink with ease. “Why?”

MB and Jason looked at each other again before they both sat back down, obviously sensing that something wasn’t’ right. Hell, I could tell that even in my drunken state, which really said something. “Just wondering if maybe you were on one of those secret adventures….”

“What?” I laughed, though that didn’t work either. God I just needed to shut my big mouth but I couldn’t stop myself. And to make matter’s worse, my phone started screaming from the table with Brian’s picture flashing on the screen. Shit! What was I going to do? I couldn’t exactly answer it right now…not when we were on the mission—that was Jimmy’s number one rule.

As I looked down at the screen biting my lip, I caught Jason watching me with a confused expression. Shit! I had to do something but what?! My heart raced in my chest as I quickly pushed the call to voicemail and stuck it back in my pocket, earning a raised brown from Jason. Okay, so maybe it was odd for me to not answer him but I was so confused what to do on the mission that it wasn’t even funny. I didn’t want ruin Jimmy’s plan.

“What do you boys say about a little smoke?” Jess asked with a smirk, pulling a big fat Mary Jane from the pack as a distraction. And thank goodness that worked because as soon as the pot was out, there were no more questions about our intentions here. I sighed and relief and finished my cigarette, comfortably leaning back in the chair.

After what felt like and hour of drinking and smoking that delicious joint, the car horn sounded in the distance, signaling the end of this portion of the mission. And without even thinking about how odd it would look, Jess, Maya, and I packed up our stuff, earning odd looks from the Berrys. “Where are you girls going?”

“Yeah what’s the rush?” Jason asked, his hand moving on top of mine with a concerned look in his eyes. “I thought we were celebrating….” Was it just me or did he look suspicious again?

“I just remembered that I am supposed to meet Matt for dinner in twenty minutes and Ave is dropping me off,” Maya slurred and nodded my head in agreement, not even thinking about how stupid that sounded.

“Wait a minute…Ave isn’t driving anywhere. She care barely stand up on her own,” MB said, shaking his head and I mentally cursed. Shit he was right.

“She means that that honk was our taxi,” Jess clarified and I nodded again. “Sorry for the confusion.”

“And we need to make sure Jimmy got everything,” I muttered to Maya but Matt seemed to overhear me.

MB held his hands up in the air, shaking his head and looking utterly confused. “Wait a minute, I thought you were going to meet Shads. What does Jimmy have to do with any of this?”

Maya and I looked at each other but Jess was the first to speak. “Nothing besides that I am supposed to go over to his house tonight. That’s what Ave was talking about,” she said. “But if we don’t go now, we will miss our taxi.”

“Yes, and thanks for the drinks,” I giggled drunkenly, quickly giving both Matt and Jason a kiss on the cheek. “We’ll see you tomorrow,” I slurred and with that the three of us made our way back down the dark ally way toward the car.

All the way back the car, the three of us stumbled down the street in silence, careful to listen to make sure we weren’t followed. We knew the Berry’s were suspicious but hopefully they didn’t act on it. And if they did, hopefully we were long gone by that point in time.

“PST! PSST! Over here!”

I blinked my eyes a few times to see Jimmy standing against the street lamp, impatiently tapping his foot. He didn’t look too happy by the expression on his face either. “Phones now,” he said, holding out his hands as soon as we reached him and I sighed. So he did see the near mishap with my phone? “What took you so long? Are we being followed?” he asked, looking behind us suspiciously.

“I don’t think so,” Jess lightly slurred, though she held herself like she had never had a drop to drink in her life. I couldn’t say the same for myself. “I think we distracted them well enough.”

“Let’s hope so…” He mused, looking everywhere but at the three of us. He must have been deep in thought. “But we’ve got to move. We are behind schedule…”

“So what’s next, Jimbo?” Maya asked, taking the backpack and putting in the car before Jimmy started to lead us down the street on foot. That was probably for the best considering that I was now very drunk and high from the first part of the mission.

“Now we need to infiltrate the Dan’s house and see what secret data they have collected on us…plus I think my spare drum set it there since it wasn’t at the Berry’s,” Jimmy said seriously and I blinked. Wait, the last I knew the Berry’s were on Jimmy’s spy radar. How was it Dan all of a sudden? Had I missed something?

“Wait, I thought you said the Berry’s were spies? Now it’s Dan?” I slurred, feeling very confused and trying not to trip over my own feet.

Jimmy dropped his head, shaking it slightly as he pulled me along. “Where have you been living for the past six months, Little Gnome? Under a rock?” He sighed, giving me a look of disappointment. What? How was I supposed to keep up with all of this when I was drunk and trying to open the shop with Maya? “Of course Dan is the spy! The Berry’s have been cleared and he is the only one left, though the Berry’s could be helping him… How the hell do they know everything?!” Jimmy laughed, pulling his hood and his aviators back up. “Now we need to sneak in and no one…I repeat no one can see us. If they do… You. Are. Dead.”

“I don’t think we should go that far, love,” Why did Maya sound perfectly fine? Hell, she didn’t even look tipsy. She smoked and drank as much as I did, so why was she fine? I bet she wasn’t starving either. She must be storing energy and food in her extra six inches of height she had on me. Damn it to hell for being short! “But we will stay quiet…and follow directions.”

“That means no fraternizing with the enemy…that means Gates, Shadows, and the Berry’s tonight, do you hear me? I don’t care if you go them to our side…we still have to make the music and find out what Body knows. Our mission goes until sunrise…” Jimmy said as we reached a small little housing cul-de-sac. All the lights in the houses were off, which made sense even in my drunk and high state. What time was it anyway? Brian had to be worried….

“Love we cant go until sunrise, we need to open the—“ Maya said but Jimmy interrupted her, pulling the three of into the grassy area to the left of one of the houses.

“Shh…make no sounds…we cannot get caught, stay low.” Jimmy suddenly dive rolled to the ground and Maya, Jess and I had to cover our mouths to prevent from laughing. This was a lot of fun, especially when I stopped worrying about getting in trouble. I should really do this more. “This way,” Jimmy mouthed as we crept along the backside of a very tall house.

As we passed a window, I paused momentarily to see my reflection. Damn, I really needed a hairbrush and look there was a car coming down the road. Was it getting slower as it reached us and why did it look familiar? Was the alcohol playing with my imagination too? “Look it’s a car!” I said a little too loudly to Maya in my drunken state. “I think someone’s following us!” I said waving my hands before getting yanked down to the ground.

“Are you crazy?!” Jimmy said, pulling me down to the ground. What? I didn’t do anything besides point out the creeper car. “Shit!” he hissed looking back around the corner of the house. “We have to lose that car….it’s not according to plan. How did they find us? They. Can’t. Know. We’re. Here!”

“Who?” Jess asked, looking over her shoulder as Jimmy moved us around the backside of the house.

“No one important and Maya I’m counting on you to keep track of Little Gnome,” he said though his eyes looked like he was on another planet. Had the alcohol gotten o him to or was he just thinking? “We have to move,” he continued, grabbing my hand and pulling me on.

“Sorry, I’ll keep a better eye on her,” Maya giggled just as she and Jess helped me maneuver around a very tall row of bushes.

“You better or else we the mission will be in jeopardy!” Jimmy hissed, his eyes twinkling lightly as stopped at a tall fence. “Yes…this is it….I’m positive…just like I remember…”

“I know I saw them go this way! Come on, Matt! Just help me look!” a familiar voice called through the silence. Wait was that Jason? Why couldn’t he join in our fun? But just before I could call out to him, both Jimmy and Maya covered my mouth. before I could call out to him. “Avery? Maya? Jess? Jimmy? Is that you?”

“Quick, this way!” Jimmy hissed only to see flashlights coming our way. “ Quick over the fence! Dive dive dive!”

I suddenly felt my body be pushed up over the fence before I dropped to the ground like a rag doll and it took all Jimmy and Maya’s hands to keep my laughter from being heard. “She is going to get us killed!” Jimmy mouthed, only making my giggles worse. Oh, everything was funny when you were high.

“Do you see anything, Jas?” Matt Berry called. I glanced over to see Maya chewing her bottom lip with that longing looking in her eyes. Good, so I wasn’t the only one who wanted to pass the fun onto the Berry’s right now. I mean they were our friends too, so why couldn’t they join us?

“No…fuck. Where are they? I swear they guys are going to kill Jimmy in the morning,” Jason sighed. “He knows it drives them crazy when he just up and disappears, specially when it’s with their girls. How did we get on rescue mission anyway?”

“Because we were with them last and beside the girls have to open their store tomorrow and Jimmy needs to record. Maybe he’s got some ideas now,” that was Matt, always looking on the bright side of things. “But trust me, he will get another long talking to about taking the girls. I just hope they don’t end up in fucking jail or dead.”

“But why aren’t they out here looking?” Jason asked, and now I wasn’t the only one giggling. “Not that I mind…just wondering why Gates isn’t out looking for his girl…”

“You should know the answer to that,” MB laughed. “Trying to find the Rev is like find a needle in a fucking hay stack, besides they are recording and Gates said he needed to talk to Larry about something tonight,” MB said and I froze at the mention of my dad’s name. Shit, I forgot about him. What would he say if he saw me out like this? Oh, he would never forgive me…but more importantly why did Brian need to talk to him? It was probably just band stuff right?

I looked over to my right to see Jimmy chuckling and shaking his head. He was loving this secret mission and I had to admit, so was I. This was honestly the most fun I had in a long time. There was just something exhilarating about jumping fences and hiding from your friend’s flashlights…though I still didn’t understand why they couldn’t join in the fun.

“Okay, I’m going to make the next round to see if the cost is clear,” Jimmy said once Matt and Jason’s voice disappeared. “If I’m not back in five minutes, sneak around the front of the house to see if I have been captured.”

“But Jimmy—“ Jess said standing up and taking his hand. “Let me come with you…I’ve got the extra gear in my bag.”

Jimmy smiled down at Jess before he pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “You’re brilliant…and remember…five minutes…”

“Got it, five minutes,” Maya said and I nodded, looking at the lavish pool in front of us. Damn what I would do to go for a swim right now…I would be floating on top of the world surrounded by the warm water. My mind instantly flashed back to my time with Brian this morning and I sighed. Damn I missed him and I hoped he wasn’t too worried about him.

“How you holding up, little gnome?” Maya’s voice interrupted my thoughts and I slowly lay down on my back and looked up at the stars. God I hadn’t done this in forever and in my inebriated state, it was certainly interesting.

“I’m great…” I slurred with a stupid smile on my face. “It’s been a great fucking night…we had the special drink…trick the Berry’s so Jimmy could get in their house… and now we’re fence hopping! Can you believe that Maya?! And then we got high and drunk on the way here …and now we are playing hide and seek from our friends…oh they are going to be so pissed in the morning…”I laughed, not seeing a problem with anything that was coming out of my mouth in word vomit. “So much fucking fun…I could even use another drink. Maybe Brian could bring us some?”

“No, I think you’ve had quiet enough, little gnome. And don’t worry, the guys wont even know we’re gone when we slip into their beds early in the morning,” Maya promised and I just smiled. Ah a bed with Brian sounded amazing…and all the things I wanted to do to him. I wanted to go back to those strong and sexy tattooed arms, and lets not forget those amazing brown eyes. But before I could even register what happened, I was sitting up staring directly at Jimmy.

“Come on, this way,” Jimmy whispered, pulling me to my feet and dragging me toward our next location. I undoubtedly had cuts, bruises, and dirt all over my body but I didn’t care. I couldn’t feel anything right now. I was feeling so good that it wasn’t even funny.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we approached another tall fence, only this one was iron and there was no climbing over it.

“Shhh…stop asking questions and watch carefully,” Jimmy said, letting go of my arm and taking out a screwdriver and a bobby pin. Oh, now I knew what he was doing.

“You’re picking the lock!” I practically shouted with delight in my drunken stupor, stating the obvious. “But wait…this is someone’s house…isn’t that illegal?” I hissed, the severity of the situation hitting me hard. Oh god, we could go to jail if we got caught! What would Brian say or worse…my dad?

Maya and Jess chuckled and looked at each other. “Only if you get caught,” they said in unison as the lock clicked in Jimmy’s hand.

“Exactly…AND I’ve got it!” he shrieked, jumping to his feet as I started to giggle excitedly. “And the next lock is yours little gnome.”

My giggles suddenly stopped and my jaw dropped as I looked at Jimmy. “You mean….to the-the house?” I gasped, looking between my three friends in shock before a huge smile spread over my face. “That s so cool!”

“Okay, who are you and what have you done with Avery Jacobson?” Maya laughed, teasingly reaching out and touching my head. So maybe this was the alcohol and the pot taking over my senses but this seemed like a good idea. I would probably think differently in the morning but tonight, I was all for this very bad idea.

Jimmy threw his arm around me, smiling down at me like a proud father. “You have come a long way, Miss Jacobson and just wait until we are making music!” he said, though I had no idea what he was talking about. It had to be well after midnight now and we were in a stranger’s backyard—how on earth were we going to make music.

And as if on cue, I heard my phone sound from Jimmy’s pocket. Oh yeah, I forgot he took that away from me when it when off at the Berry’s house and almost cost us the mission. Was that Brian looking for me? Was he worried or hadn’t he noticed that I wasn’t home? I honestly wouldn’t be surprised with either considering his odd behavior lately. I mean, sure he was still affectionate toward me but something was off. He seemed distance and kept stepping out to take odd phone calls…but what did that mean? Was he not happy with me anymore?

“Shit!” Jimmy hissed, passing my phone to Jess. “Turn it off and meet us at the back door! We are on a tight schedule and we don’t have time for Gate’s obsessive behavior right now!” and before I could even question what he meant, Jimmy was dragging both Maya and I toward the back door around a giant pool. “Now, let’s finish off the rest of the Mary Jane before we head inside…he should be out tonight from what I gathered in the first part of the operation…something about a girlfriend…” Jimmy mused as he passed me the joint and I took a long drag.

As I exhaled, my vision blurred and my world started to spin again. Whoa, this was some strong stuff that he had tonight. So strong that I didn’t even remember picking the lock because the next thing I knew, I was standing in the middle of a lavish living room. And was it just me or were the paintings moving and waving at me? Holly cow that was fucking awesome!

“Are you sure this is Body’s house?” Maya giggled as I waved at one of the cherubs in the picture to my right. He seems like a nice little boy…though Maya was right, I never pictured Dan to be an angel kind of guy, but then again you learn something knew everyday. Or at least that’s what everyone says…

Jimmy frowned and spun around in a circle, looking for something. “It has to be…it’s right were I remembered it to be….but then again it could be the one on the other side of the street…” He mused, but I was to busy spinning around and circles giggling at the colors and pictures moving around me. Damn this was one of the best nights I’d ever had! “You girls stay here, Jess and I will be right back. We are going to check one more thing…”

“You want us to stay in this house that might not be Dan’s?” Maya half giggled, the pot obviously hitting her too. Man her eyes looked puffy and look at that purple hue coming off her…I want to touch it. Only I ended up petting her shoulder, which to anyone else might look like assault.

“We are just going to check across the street,” he assured us. “You stay here and keep out of trouble. My Queen and I will be back with a report,” he ordered and suddenly they were gone.

Maya let out a long sigh and sat down on the bottom step of the grand staircase as I continued to spin without a care in the world. “Damn, I wish I had my phone…” Maya sighed and frantically nodded my head in agreement, which wasn’t my best idea while spinning. “I hope Matt isn’t too upset…”

“I’m sure he’s fine,” I giggled. “If he is having anywhere near as much fun as we are, then he is all set….and at least he noticed. My brown pools of wonder have been….distracted lately…” I sighed, stopping in my tracks.

Maya frowned and tilted her head to the side. And I had to say, even though she had puffy eyes, she really didn’t act high or drunk. Damn I wish I had the same tolerance level she did…I would be like wonder woman or something…yeah. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, leaning against he banister and watching the painting move again. That pot really had to be laced with something else… “Just we’ll be doing something and then all of sudden he gets a phone call and leaves the room…but at least I get to watch that fine ass…”

“Ave do you think he is screwing around?” Maya asked, causing me to snap my head in her direction. She looked beyond pissed at the thought and I quickly pushed it away, not even wanting to think about it right now.

“No…but you know what is more fun…” I giggled, starting to spin again. “Chasing these crazy colors! Where do they even come from?!”

“I don’t know but Ave, you cant just push that away. What if he’s—Ave watch out for the—“ Too late! Right at the moment, I toppled sideways into a statue that went crashing through the window as I fell to the floor laughing in hysterics. And as if on cue, a loud alarm sounded accompanied by a flashing light.

“Shit what is that?” Maya asked, jumping to her feet as I rolled on the floor laughing. Oh, the look on that statue’s face was priceless! I’m sure I had some kind of cut from where the statue hit my head, but I couldn’t feel anything right now. I was on cloud now and the drugs were talking now. “Fuck we’ve got to get out of here!” Maya yelled over the alarm, pulling me to my feet but my legs seemed to have stopped working. “Come on, Ave stop messing around! We have to get out of here!”

The next thing I knew, Maya was dragging me down the front steps of the house and I was starting to feel really dizzy. What happened to the fun spinning feeling? Where did that go because this new feeling was nauseating. “What the hell is going on?” a voice called as I felt my body be scooped up into a strong pair of arms.

“It’s a long story…” Maya’s voice giggled. I could feel her soft hands moving over my face. “Miss klutz tripped and fell into something and an alarm went off…but what are you doing here?”

Who was she talking to? I had no idea because my eyelids suddenly felt really heavy. “Shit, she’s bleeding…” don’t I know that voice. “Brian is going to kill Jimmy…where is he by the way?” Brian? Was he here?

“He went somewhere with Jess….” Maya giggled again. I carefully peeked out of one of my heavy eyelids to see her being held up by familiar form. Was that Matt Berry? Though I didn’t have time to ask because right at that moment, the police sirens started to sound in the distance.

“Shit, we’ve got to get out of here before all of us end up in jail,” Was that Matt Berry talking now?

“What about Jimmy?” Maya asked as a car door opened and closed around me.

“He will manage on his own trust me…besides Ave’s got a pretty good cut on her head. We need to get her home to get looked at,” the person holding me said, their voice rumbling in their muscular chest.

“Mmm….big brown pools of wonder,” I giggled, looking up to see brown eyes and immediately thinking they were Brian. “Mr. Gates…you’ve missed all the fun…” I giggled again, my world spinning faster and faster by the minute.

“What the hell did she take?”

“Just some alcohol and weed…thought that Mary Jane was laced with something….”

“The guys are going to be so pissed when we get you home…”


Sorry for the long wait for the update! Real life is taking over again! Ugh, tis the season! Hope you enjoy! Let us know what you think and thank you so much for all your comments! We love reading them! :) ~Kay



Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2