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See you again

James’s POV

We had buried ourselves in work lately. It was hard at first to concentrate on anything again, especially for Ben, but when the first stage was behind us, and we all learned the lesson not to once mention the name of Ave or Maya again it went up from there.

Well, up was maybe too much of a word… let’s say it didn’t get worse. We had started to write songs, had busied ourselves in creating track after track and guess what, we were at a good pace now.
When Ben really concentrated, he really could push out an amazing song, he just had to get to the point where nothing else counted and he forgot about his troubles, just as I had to do.

“I thought about the lyrics again, what do you think about these?” Ben pulled out his notebook and showed us the page with the letters and words he wrote down.
“Oh that’s a good one Ben, when did you do that?” Sam asked, we had been nearly at Sam’s home none stop, somehow his home became the main spot for our writing session’s.

And every time I showed up here at Sam’s home, Ben was already there, so good question, when had he written that stuff without Sam noticing?
“I stayed up after I went home yesterday night, thought about your ideas again and that’s what came out of it” Ben shrugged and I shook my head “Don’t overdo it man, I mean… It’s good that we get this done, but we have time… Maybe we should be doing some fun stuff… And by the way, where the hell is Danny? Shouldn’t he be here by now?” I asked frowning.

“He called earlier, said he wouldn’t make it… Don’t know, he said something about this girl… Fuck, what do I know” Cam answered and I nodded “Should we do something without him, or should we go home?” I asked and Ben shook his head “We don’t need Danny to write guitar parts, let’s get some work done” Ben said and I looked at Cam and Sam, Sam looked a little uncomfortable while Cam shrugged.

“Honestly, I have a-” Sam started when my phone started to ring and I held my hand up excusing me.
I pulled my phone out and frowned at the caller that was shown, Ave?
I was surprised seeing her name on my phone, but I knew I couldn’t pick up with Ben in the room, so I quickly made my way outside to get some privacy.

I didn’t really know why, but my heart began to beat a little faster, why would she call now? Had something happened? Had Gates fucked up already?

“Ave?” I said as soon as I picked up and walked a few feet away from the house.
“Hi James… Hey” I heard Ave’s voice and damn, it felt good to hear from her.
“How are you?” Ave’s soft voice sounded and I sighed “I’m good, and you? Is something wrong?” I asked a little concern bubbling up inside of me.

“No, actually… Everything is good, but-” Her voice trailed off and I frowned, what was that about?
“Ave? What but? You tell me if something is wrong, alright? No matter what, I told you I’m your friend and I mean that!” I said and just heard Ave’s breathing.
“Are you home?” Ave asked finally and made me now really confused, what does that have to do with anything?

“No, I’m at Sam’s we are mostly at his place, writing the album but why would you-” Now it was my turn to trail off, there could only be one reason, why she would ask me that.
“Are you coming over? Are you here?” I asked and this time my heart started beating a little faster again, while it hadn’t really calmed down since I read her name on the display.
I thought I was doing way better then Ben, but as it seemed that wasn’t the truth, still feelings bloomed up, even when I knew there was no hope for me.
But then why would she ask me if I was home?

“I-I.. We are yes.” Ave said finally and I sucked in air “Who are we?” I asked and Ave sighed “Maya, Matt, Brian and I” And with that my heart sank.
“We are already on our way actually, we both still have some things here to settle and some of our stuff at your and Ben’s home. We need that, cause we are opening our store soon and-” So that was it, they made it completely final, even though we knew it was final before, now it would rip the last piece of hope away.

But maybe that was for the best, maybe after all the things were gone, Ben and I could finally say it’s done? But did I want that? Did I want to say goodbye and never see you again?
No, I didn’t. Ave meant something to me, and I knew Ben was feeling even more for Maya.
I didn’t want to cross Ave and Maya off my friends, but I knew it would need time to make it a real friendship again, so maybe this was for the best, right?

“But you won’t let Matt and Brian come with you over to us, right?” I asked, having the last fight still in my head, Ben’s wounds had healed, still we didn’t need any more fights if you ask me.
“We got that figured out, I just wanted to tell you we are coming over and ask if you are around. I will write you a message when we are there.” Ave said and I nodded, knowing she couldn’t see me, so I quickly added, “Okay, I don’t know how Ben will react, but I’ll try to send him home.” I said looking back at the house and feeling like that would be a tough task, should I tell him what would be coming towards him, or rather not?

“Thank you, James. Until later” Ave said and I smiled “See you later, Ave” I hung up and walked back to the house, seeing Cam and Ben jamming on their guitars while Sam was talking on his phone.
“Who was that?” Ben asked frowning.
“Just a friend, you got something figured out?” I asked trying to distract the attention to something else, I still wasn’t really sure what I should do, warn him or rather not?

“Guys, I just got a couple more hours and then we gotta postpone the rest of the writing session” Sam came back and looked sheepishly.
“Ahhh we know that look, Sammy” Cam said “His pussy is coming over” He laughed loudly and I chuckled.
“Okay, so we better get work done, before our friend is throwing us out for a girl” I said and Sam didn’t even know how perfect his timing was.

Hours later I received a message from Ave saying they arrived at the nearest airport and would be at my home in about 30 minutes.
How fitting was it that Sam was already telling us that he needed us gone in 15, cause he still had to prepare some shit for his date.

Ben and Cam were talking about continuing at Cam’s home, but when Ben wasn’t listening I grabbed Cam’s arm and pulled him to the side, “You gotta send Ben home… Maya is coming over to get her stuff” I whispered so Ben wouldn’t hear.

“What?” Cam frowned and I sighed “That call earlier, that was Ave, she and Maya are here to get the rest of their stuff from our homes” I said and Cam winced.
“He was doing so good lately.” Cam said and I nodded “I know, man. But maybe that makes it final and helps him? I just didn’t know how to tell him” I shrugged and Cam nodded.

“I’ll make sure he goes home.” Cam patted my shoulder “Good luck, with Ave and send her my greetings” He gave me a wink and a smile and I nodded.
“Thanks, I will… I guess” I told him and he grinned “You should, I don’t have anything to do with your weird behaviors”

After that was settled I made my way home, I got there before anyone else was home, and quickly put some of the stuff away that was not meant for Ave’s eyes and thought about the fact how I would and should react towards Brian.
I really didn’t have a nerve to see Ave and Brian all lovey dovey again, but I wouldn’t have much of a choice would I?

Maybe Ave just came without Brian? Just Ave and Maya and they dropped the Avenged guys off somewhere, well that would be something, maybe we could even have a normal conversation, maybe we could all go together towards Ben’s and make it not so weird for him, but before I could really finish that thought my doorbell rang and I breathed deeply in and out, my heart made a jump, and I checked my hair a last time in the mirror, why the hell was I even doing that?!

I opened the door and looked a little perplexed to see not only Ave there, but Ave and Matt. What the hell did that mean?
“Ave, hey” I smiled and took a step forward to grab Ave in a hug but only to be held off in the middle of the attempt to hug her by Matt’s hand on my chest.

I looked at his hand and frowned “What the-” I started but was interrupted yet again by Matt,
“We came here to get Ave’s stuff” He said before Ave or I could say anything else, what the hell was going on here?!

“Matt… don’t!” Ave turned to Matt and frowned up to him “What?” Matt shrugged his shoulders as if he had no idea why she was looking at him like that.
“I’m just doing what I promised. Now, hurry we don’t have much time” Matt ushered Ave into my home and took his hand from my chest.

As soon as Ave was in my living room, I saw Matt looking around and I quickly took a step closer to Ave and took the chance of Matt being distracted to hug Ave “Hey” I finally said and caught the angry gleam in Matt’s eyes when I pulled away from her.

“You look beautiful” I told her and Matt stepped in between us “Alright, that’s enough. You tell us where her stuff is and then we are out of here” Matt said and narrowed his eyes on me “Enough of the compliments and touching, I don’t like to see that, and for this afternoon I will treat Ave’s as mine so you better keep those hands to yourself” Matt hissed at me, while Ave picked up her sketchbook from my table and I frowned.

“Why are you doing the job that Gates should be doing? Or was he afraid?” I asked, alright where did that come from? Shit, I should better control myself.
Matt lifted his eyebrow “Believe me, Brian would have loved to be here and have his eyes on you, but Ave and Maya decided it would be better not to let Ben and myself get near, as the same for you and Brian” He explained with distaste and now this made sense. Brian was with Maya at Ben’s home so not another fist fight started, but knowing Ben, if he wouldn’t get his way, it didn’t matter to him who was there to fight with and seeing Maya again, might trigger something in him, that he had tried to bury in the past weeks…

“James? Do you still have some of my stuff upstairs?” Ave’s voice sounded from the kitchen and I thought for a second.
“Yeah, in my bedroom” I said and looked with a smirk at Matt, now I really wished Brian would have been here.
“Oh… okay” Ave came back from the kitchen her cheeks flushed a little and I made my way over to her.

“Let me help you” I said and Matt shook his head “I will do that” He moved up to us and I shook my head “Sorry dude, this is my home and my bedroom is private. I will help Ave and you wait here” I took the steps behind Ave when I felt a hand on my arm stopping me.

“You won’t go into that bedroom with her, Cassells” Matt said looking at me with narrowed eyes.
“Why are you so pissed off? Ave and I are friends, there is nothing you have to worry about anyway, I don’t want Maya or anything, so what is this fuzz about?” I asked him and shook his hand off my arm, while Ave had already vanished into my bedroom, damn it, I just wanted a couple of minutes alone to talk to her, and Matt was making this more than difficult, he seemed to be even more persistent then Gates himself.

“Because my best friend is right now with my girl doing exactly the same for me and taking care of my girl while I am not around. I won’t betray his trust, no matter what your intentions are.” Matt said and then sighed “I have nothing against you Cassells, but right now, all I can think about is keeping my word to Brian and keeping you away from his girlfriend while my girlfriend is right now together with her ex-boyfriend which fucks me up pretty bad, so you might get that I am already on the edge, so how about you don’t make this any harder on any of us and keep your fucking distance, alright?” Matt said and I had to smile, he really was worried about Maya and Ben, was he?
Was there still hope? But my thoughts got interrupted from Ave’s voice, and I had to say, I liked that very much.

“James?” Ave voice sounded from upstairs and I grinned “Oh I think she needs me, how about you wait here and I’ll quickly help her get her stuff” I smirked before I quickly ran up the stairs and disappeared into my bedroom with Ave.

Maya’s POV

It felt weird to ride in the cab towards Ben’s home, it had felt like my home as well for a couple of weeks, but those times felt like ages ago already.
I knew it was hard for Matt to let me go, to let me go meet with Ben, but the thing was I didn’t even know if Ben would be home when we arrived there.

I had tried to call him and sent him messages, but the messages haven’t been read and the call’s were unanswered.
So I had no idea if he knew that I was coming, I told Matt the truth, I would get into his house, if he was there or not, but I would prefer to not just run around his home without him knowing. I wanted to talk to him a final time and really tell him that I would get my stuff from him, as hard as it would be.

“Maya?” Brian’s voice roused me from my thoughts and I frowned, looking at him from the side.
“You okay?” He put his hand on my thigh and I nodded “Yeah, feels weird, that’s all” I told him and he nodded.“How are you holding up, knowing Ave meets James?” I asked and Brian sighed loudly. “Better as Shads… but not much, I would say” He gave me a weak smile and I had to chuckle.
“James is a nice guy, Brian.” I said and Brian’s head snapped to me, I had to grin and then continued “Really, but that’s all… He was never anything comparable to what you and Ave have and had” I finished and Brian relaxed against the seat again.

“I know, and I know that I can trust Ave, I just don’t trust him. He says he wants to be her friend and that’s all, wanting to know she is doing good… but… fuck, what if that’s all just a lie, and he tricks her into the whole friendship thing and then-” I shook my head, and then patted Brian’s cheek.
“That’s ridiculous, brown eye and you know it. Ave loves you and James is just a friend, nothing more.” I tried to reassure him and he nodded finally.

The cab stopped in front of Ben’s home and I saw his car wasn’t home, shit… So he really wasn’t there, and I wouldn’t get a chance to see and talk to him again. I just didn’t want him to think I did this on purpose that I didn’t want to see him or anything.

I sighed and Brian had a smirk on his face “Oh what a shame he is not home, let’s leave him a note to pack everything up and send it to you by express” He said and I shook my head.
“I know where he keeps the spare key, we can get my stuff that way” I said and still had some hope that he might showed up, how bad would it look that I packed all my stuff and was gone without him even knowing, shit that thought really disturbed me.

We made our way to the front door and I was about to get the spare key out of its hideout when a car parked in the driveway. I turned around and saw Ben climb out of the car.
He didn’t seem to notice me and Brian standing there, but I heard Brian’s sigh and curse pretty clearly and then Ben’s eyes moved up and met mine and I smiled, my heart didn’t speed up like it used to do seeing him, but the smile I couldn’t keep from my lips.

I still felt for him, there had been feelings and I liked to see him and Ben seemed to debate with himself how to react.
He shut the car door and came walking up to me, only stopping a feet away “M? Hey, what…” He looked to the side, because Brian had coughed, making Ben aware of his presence and Ben’s eyes narrowed down on him.

“What is this? A Watch dog or something?” Ben asked sarcastically and I closed my eyes for a second.
“Hey Ben” I tried to concentrate his attention back on me, afraid something would get out of hand again.

“You want to get your stuff, love?” Ben asked and Brian coughed again “How about you call her by her name, Bruce”
Brian stepped forward and laid his arm around my shoulders and I rolled my eyes, Brian and Matt were taken their rules really serious, huh?!

“You are right, we need her stuff and then we are gone, as fast as possible” Brian said and Ben balled his hands to fists.
“Fine, come on, lov…M. We get your stuff, you can wait outside” Ben said and put his key in the lock, opening the door, I saw the way Ben was looking at me, his eyes wandering up and down my body but I stayed quiet.

“Hell no, Maya and I are both going in, or even better you put her stuff together and hand it over at the door, would work out too” Brian grinned and Ben flipped him off, cursing quietly.
He walked inside and I followed, Brian as well hot on my heels.
“How are you doing Ben?” I asked softly and I saw Ben’s shoulders stiffen. “Good” His short reply which earned a snort from Brian.

I shot Brian and angry look who just shrugged “Come on, I got some of your stuff here and the rest is upstairs” Ben motioned forward and I was surprised how good he acted. I just hoped nothing would trigger him off. I really hoped we could get along again, and maybe someday Matt would understand that, too.

We walked into Ben’s living room and I saw papers scattered around, empty bottles littering the floor and I felt bad again. No one was here taking care of him now “Are you writing on the album? Is it going good?” I asked and Brian shot me an angry look, apparently small talk wasn’t allowed either.

“We are in the middle, yeah… You want something to drink, love?” Ben asked and I swallowed thickly, he shouldn’t be using that nickname for me.
“Bruce” Brian said in warning “And no we don’t need anything to drink, we just want to get this over with”

“Brian” I said between gritted teeth, we didn’t have to rub salt into the wound, but apparently Brian had other plans “Matt and Ave are already waiting for us” He added and Ben narrowed his eyes at the mention of Matt’s name.

I could see he was really trying to stay calm but that wasn’t his strength, just as Matt and I were also hot tempered.
“Fine, why don’t you get your ass back into the cab and let Maya and me do this alone, that would get faster anyway, Gates” Ben said hissing and Brian just laughed “Yeah right, like I would do that.”

Ben turned around and grabbed a small box, in there was my laptop, a notebook with sketches and some of the swatch that I collected.
I looked into it and smiled, Ave and I could really use that as soon as we were back I had to show her my ideas for the swatch.

I looked up and met Ben’s eyes, he had an unreadable expression on his face and I frowned a little not knowing what to do. “Some of your other stuff is upstairs…” Ben said quietly and I nodded “Okay, let’s go.”

Ben, Brian and I made our way upstairs and Brian looked uncomfortable, “Where is the bathroom?” He asked and Ben got a smile on his face, “Down the hall on the right, take your time”

“I’ll be right back, you stay where you are, M.” Brian narrowed his eyes on me with a serious face and I rolled my eyes at him, what did he think I or Ben would be doing in the two minutes that he was gone?


Sooo... what do you think about the AA guys?!
How are they behaving so far?!

And how are Matt and Brian holding up?!

And what will happen now?!

Comments, lovely readers :)



Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2