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We're in this together

Avery’s POV

As Brian slammed the door to his room, I completely crumbled. I felt like I was going to be sick. My heart painfully throbbed in my chest and I gasped for air, trying to breath through the sobs that racked my body. It was like every last shred of hope that I had was ripped away in an instant and I had nothing—no one. I was completely alone in all this and what hurt the most was that Brian didn’t believe me. He called me a liar and treated me like some common slut. Not to mention that he wouldn’t listen to a word I said because he made up his mind and I meant nothing to him anymore. The thought of all those things together literally crushed me, making it difficult to breath through my sobs.

“Oh god…please Brian!” I sobbed hysterically, my face in my hands. I couldn’t move or do anything—I was completely shattered and terrified. I had lost everything. “D-D-Don’t make me go through this alone…I n-n-need you…” but he never came back out.

It wasn’t long before loud music blared from his room and I knew he wasn’t coming back out. Brian had made up is mind. He was just going to leave me out here to suffer and deal with this burden all by myself, refusing to take any responsibility for his own actions. I was nothing to him and that left me crushed, terrified, and completely alone in all this.

I couldn’t move or do anything except cry and pull my knees to my chest, slowly rocking back and forth with sobs. What was I going to do?

I don’t know how long I lay sobbing in the hallway before Maya’s voiced sounded, though I barely processed it. My ears were ringing so loudly from the shock, fear, hurt, and intense crying that I couldn’t process anything. All I knew was that I felt like I was going to pass out and be sick from the panic attack that had taken over my body.

Oh god, what was I going to do? I couldn’t have a baby and raise it alone! Hell, I didn’t know the first thing about kids or being a parent! I was terrified and I had no idea what to do. And what was my dad going to stay when he found out? And I had to Brian to thank for that painful thought. His taunting words kept ringing in my ears. Why don’t you go back home and ask Daddy for help… Oh wait, does Daddy know about this already? I bet not… If Brian knew anything about me it was that it killed me to hid things from my dad and bring him up was a really low blow.

“Oh my god Ave…What happened?” Maya asked but I just cried harder. “Come on, little gnome breath,” Maya’s worried voice sounded distant from the ringing in my ears but I could feel her arms wrapped tightly around me. She was slowly rocking me back and forth but I barely registered it. I only felt the intense pain in my heart, the uneasiness in my stomach, and the burning sensation in my chest from panic. “Shit, we’ve got to get her back to the room…how long has she been here?”

“I don’t know I just found her here like this and I tried to get her to talk to me but she acted like I wasn’t even here,” a deep voice sounded. “What’s going on?”

“Just help me get her to our room so I can go fucking kill Gates,” and seconds later, my shaking frame was lifted into the air and pressed into a hard chest. The smell of Zacky’s cologne hit me and I instantly buried my face against the soft fabric of his shirt and wrapped my arms around him. The feeling of his embrace was comforting and I slowly started to calm down.

The next thing I knew, Zacky took a seat on a bed and pulled me into his lap, slowly running his hands over my hair. “Shh…. breathe, Ave. Tell us what happened,” he said as I gasped air, shaking my head.

“Ave…come on love breathe,” Maya said as she took my face into her hands, forcing me to meet her eyes. “What happened?”

I took in a slow shaky breath before I shook my head and looked up at the ceiling. The tears were just streaming down my face and I couldn’t stop them. This pain that I felt right was just too intense. “B-B-Briiaann…B-Briiian….d-d-didn’t…”was all I could get out.

“He didn’t believe you?” Maya asked incredulously. I nodded and she suddenly looked the most pissed off I had ever seen her in my life. “I’m going to fucking kill him! How dare he have the nerve to do that to you?! Is he a freaking idiot?” she said, getting up and storming toward the door.

Zacky carefully slide me off his lap before chasing after her, leaving me all alone again. I just felt broken and completely lost now. Everything was officially over and there was nothing I could do and that thought killed me. My emotions and thoughts were literally strangling me as I crumbled inside. I just wanted to shut it all off, go home, and pretend I didn’t exist and that I wasn’t pregnant. I didn’t want to feel worthless, broken, alone, and terrified over everything that was happening to me. I hit an all time low and never in my life had I felt so helpless and crushed at the same time. The worst part was that Brian knew and didn’t give a damn.

It wasn’t long before Maya stormed back into the room and pulled me back into her arms. From her heavy breathing, I knew she was pissed and that Zack must not have let her go after Brian. It was probably for the best anyway. She wasn’t going to change his mine, no one was, and he was pretty adamant about that.

“What happened?” she finally said after I had calmed down a little bit more, her fingers running through my long blonde hair.

“I-I told him e-e-everything,” I said shakily, trying to prevent the heavy sobs from returning. “And-and he said I-I was lying and was pretty adamant that it wasn’t-wasn’t his,” I cried. “He-he-he told me to deal with it myself because-because there was no way it-it’s his…” that thought crushed me because he was the only one I had been with, the only one I loved even after all this time. “Basically trea-treated me like some kind of slut looking for-for-for a handout,” I couldn’t stop the sobs from taking over again. It hurt too much. “He-He said he didn’t want me any-anymore and-and that we-we were over for good…”

My heart again squeezed painfully at the thought of being so disposable to him. And as much as I tried to tell myself everything was going to be okay, the more I realized I was wrong, at least where Brian and I were concerned. The proof was right here in front of me. He wasn’t even here to try and talk to me about anything. If he really did care, he would be here trying to fix things and support me with possibly carrying his child.

“That fucking asshole,” Maya hissed, pulling me into her more. “Oh wait until he shows his face…I’m going to—“

“What-what am I going to do? I-I cant do this alone…I-I-I’m terrified!” I interrupted with a sob. The panic was starting to rise in me all over again, my chest moving quickly.

“Shh…you’re not alone, little gnome. I’m going to be with you every step of the way and you don’t need his sorry ass anyway.” I knew Maya would be my side but it wasn’t the same. I had always pictured this being a happy process and going through it with someone I loved, not a huge mess. God this was so fucked up it wasn’t even funny.

“No-No…I can’t-I can’t do this…” I frantically breathed. “He-He-he hates me…you-you should have seen the look on his face…he really hates me and I-I can’t fix it…”

“Brian doesn’t—“

“But he does!” I cried. “He-he screamed at me…oh god I’m going to be sick…” I put my head in my hands, my mind swirling with thoughts that I didn’t want to deal with or thing about right now. I just wanted to feel numb and pretend all of this wasn’t happening.

As I cried I started to hyperventilate and Maya dragged me into the bathroom, stripped me down, and put me in the shower. The warm water instantly relaxed my body and my breath, but the rest of me was still in complete turmoil.

By the time I got out of the shower, wrapped a robe around me, and went back out into the main room, I was all alone again. I had no idea where Maya had gone to but I knew she wouldn’t go far, not when I couldn’t stop the tears from falling down my face. I slowly climbed into bed and pulled the covers over me and let down my walls again. God his words and the look on his face hurt so badly.

“Ave?” Maya’s voice called some time later. I felt her sit at the end of the bed and I pinched my eyes shut, not really wanting to deal with anything right now. “Brian is here… “ With those words, my heart instantly started to race in my chest. What was he doing here? Did he come to scream at me again? I had heard enough early and I didn’t really need to be crushed all over again just because Maya made him come talk to me. “He wants to talk, should I stay?”

“No, it’s okay. Won’t be long anyway…” I said sadly as I sat up and pulled the blanket firmly around me. I refused to look at him because I knew that would just cut the wound deeper.

“I’m in the lobby, if you need me. I have my phone with me, alright?” Maya assured me as I felt a mass sit done beside me. I shifted away, not daring to get to close. Not to mention that I was both angry and hurt.

“I don’t need you to scream at me some more, it’s enough.” Ave I scoffed, my voice breaking at the end. Come on, Ave hold it together in front of him. Though I didn’t know what it mattered, I was already crying. Actually I hadn’t stopped since he started yelling hours ago. Was I running dry yet?

Brian slowly moved closer but I wouldn’t let him. I couldn’t let him break me anymore. “Ave, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said all the things I did… I should have listened to you. Will you...” Brian said with a shaky tone as I pulled my knees to my chest. “Will you tell me… again?”

“Just for you not to believe me in the end?” I whispered harshly. I didn’t need to relive that again, once was enough, thank you.

“I promise you, I believe you,” Brian continued softly and my eyes snapped up to look at him for the first time. He continued to tell me about how hurt he had been about seeing me with James that morning and I again clarified the situation. Nothing had happened between James and I and nothing ever would, not when I loved Brian as much as I did.

“I didn’t see that… I just saw him leaning down, the way he pulled you to him, making you laugh… I was jealous, Ave… I thought I lost you forever, damn it” Brian said with a curse before he pulled me onto his lap. My body instantly melted into his and I couldn’t deny the instant comfort that gave me.

“Maya said you haven’t been with anyone else… and I was just so hurt that I didn’t even think of the possibility that you haven’t moved on, after I hurt you like that. I mean… what man wouldn’t want a piece of you.” He continued but I just kept staring into his eyes, trying to let every word sink in. So he did still care and didn’t want to give up on us? My heart swelled a little bit at the thought but I couldn’t get ahead of myself because I was still really hurt over everything that had happened between us. We couldn’t just fix everything so easily but right now I need his comfort.

“Avery, I am so sorry for the things I said. I couldn’t form a coherent thought… I just had in mind that you were out of my life… And I was so dumb not to realize what you just told me. Is it… I mean…” Brian’s voice ran off and my breath hitched in my chest when he put his hands on my stomach. The thought of something growing there that we made was terrifying and I had no idea what to think. I hadn’t even really accepted the idea myself yet. I wasn’t ready for any of this.

“I don’t know… I am overdue, and we made tests but… they were positive and negative. I am so scared. I am not ready for this... and without you… I just…” I stammered, the tears falling again.

“Ssshhh… It’s gonna be okay. We will manage, we’ll take another test… and when we get back to Huntington Beach in a few weeks I’ll take you to a specialist. We will go to the best doctor that I can find.” Brian promised and pulled me into his protective embrace. I cuddled into his strong arms as he gently ran a hand over my back. Why did his touch always make me feel better?

“But-But what about my dad,” I cried. “And your band... and my shop…and everything?” I didn’t know how to deal with everything that was running through my head. And most importantly, I didn’t know where we stood. Were we still over but he was here because of the ‘issue’ or was he back for me? Could I trust him? “How are we going to do this?” Brian frowned but quickly masked it.

Brian gently took my face into his hands, whipping away my tears. “Listen to me, love,” he said softly and my heart fluttered with the use of one of my pet names. “Let’s just take this one step at a time and find out what’s going on first, okay? There’s no need to tell people if you’re not actually…you know…” he said, moving one hand to my stomach again. It was almost like he was afraid to say the word and I didn’t blame him. I was too and saying it would only make it real. I wasn’t anywhere near ready for this to be real. “We’ll get this all straightened around and I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he promised and nodded slowly. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

Brian’s calloused fingers slowly ran over my cheeks and I closed my burning eyes, enjoying his touch. It seemed like forever since someone made me feel so alive with such a simple motion. I slowly opened my eyes to see those beautiful dark brown orbs staring into my soul. My breath instantly caught in my throat and my heart palpitated.

“We’re in this together,” he whispered. His lips were so close to mine now that I could feel his warm breath. I slowly breathed in, becoming overwhelmed by Brian’s mouthwatering aroma of his cologne, smoke, and spearmint toothpaste.

“But-But…are you sure you want this?” I asked quietly, looking away from his eyes. I didn’t want to see the truth or the possibility of him lying hiding there.

When we dated before, I got really good at reading the subtle changes in his body language and eyes, telling me everything I needed to know without him saying a word. He had the same ability with me but did he still care enough to use it? And this was honestly the first time that I couldn’t handle knowing the truth, not right now with everything else going on.

Brian took a sharp breath followed by a scoff and my teary eyes slowly looked back up at him. “Do you want this?” His eyes looked so serious that my throat seemed to close off.

“No…but I don’t really have a choice do I?” Brian’s face feel and I knew that my words hurt him. But why? He could walk away from all this and leave it all on me, not having to worry about a thing. I didn’t want that by any means. I needed him to be with me in this but I didn’t want to let my guard down—I was too fragile right now. I had to be sure I could trust him…

Brian shook his head and looked at me, still cupping my face. “How can you say that, Ave? This is my responsibility too,” he said, his voice soft but stern. “Do you really think I would abandon you and our-our…” His voice broke off at the end and I just closed my eyes.

“I don’t know…” I whispered so softly that I wasn’t sure he heard me. I closed my eyes as the tears burned underneath the lids. I was so scared of this pregnancy thing, being left alone, losing Brian forever, or even worse, getting hurt all over again.

“Ave…” Brian sighed after a moment, firmly pulling me into him and running his calloused fingers over my cheeks. “I meant what I what I said. I’m here for you with this…with all this,” he assured me, his voice soft. When I opened my eyes, I could see the truth in his. “We are in this together. You and me, babe. I’m not going anywhere…”

My heart exploded with joy. It seemed like I had been waiting forever to hear him say those words again. And without even thinking, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, feeling an instant spark. I gasped and immediately opened up to him, getting the taste that I had been longing for. Brian tasted even better than I remembered and in this moment, I couldn’t get enough of him.

Brian’s lips moved against mine gently and passionately, sending chills up my spine. He had kissed me many different ways but nothing ever like this. This kiss full of promise, love, and assurance and all the fears I was holding onto slowly drifted away.

“I promise I’ll be with you, love,” Brian whispered again as he pressed his forehead to mine. I could see the truth in his eyes and for the first time that evening a small smile came over my face. It was like those simple words meant everything was going to be okay.

Brian leaned in again and captured my lips in a slow kiss. He was so gentle and yet I could feel everything that he had told me, both his pain, love, and promise. As our tongues danced, he put a hand on my cheek and let his thumb move over the soft skin. I felt fireworks explode inside me and let out a small moan. Damn I missed this man.

The kiss lasted a long time and when he finally pulled away he stared into my eyes and laid us both down. I cuddled into his side as he put his arm around me and hugged me close. Just having him back in bed with me by my side was a good feeling and I knew from that moment on that things were going to start changing again. Was this a new beginning?

Matt’s POV

“Whatever short shit,” I laughed, walking with Johnny and Dan back to the elevator. “Just remember to put your money where your mouth is!”

It was around two in the morning and after Gates fucking ruined my night I needed a drink. I couldn’t believe that I planned out the perfect evening for nothing! I had dinner reservations for us and then planned to take her dancing at a club down town that I knew she would love. But Gates had to ruin it all. What the hell was going on with those three?

“You’re just pissed because Dan beat you in the shot game,” Johnny slurred and I rolled my eyes. Okay, so maybe I was a little off my game tonight but who could blame me with Maya here? My thoughts were clouded with her and I couldn’t focus on anything.

“I took it easy on you, no offense, Body,” I said, noticing Maya sitting on the other side of the lobby. What was she doing down here? It was way too late for her to be down here by herself. Had something happened between her and Ave?

Without thinking twice, I headed straight for her, ignoring the guys calling my name as the elevator door shut behind me. They’d find their way back to their rooms without me, or at least that’s what I hoped. Johnny and Dan were completely shitfaced while I had only had a round of shots. I didn’t want to get too messed up in hopes of meeting up with Maya in the morning before anyone else could interfere.

“What are you doing here all alone, babe?” I asked when I stopped in front of her. She was on her phone but the small frown on her face told me that she wasn’t very happy about it. Was she still with that Bruce asshole? I would have to find out, but now wasn’t the right time. “It’s nearly two,” I continued when she didn’t say anything. She just blinked up at me a few times and I needed to get to the bottom of this. Why did she come out here? And though it hurt to think about, I was slowly realizing it wasn’t for me…

“Why are you really here, M?” I asked, trying not to let the sadness and hurt into my voice, but it wasn’t working.

“Ave needs to discuss something with Brian… “ Again with the fucking Gates thing! What was going on? Well, at least that kind of explained Avery’s state when I picked them up from the airport. “…And I wanted to see you guys.” Maya looked up at me through her lashes with a small smile and my heart jumped in my chest. So there was hope after all? Or was she talking everyone in general?

“Yeah, as I heard the guys have some big plans for you and Ave already…” I said, trailing off and trying not to get my hopes up. I suddenly felt Maya’s hand on my thigh and my eyes instantly met hers. She looked right back at me without wavering so I took a chance and put my hand on top of hers. The moment our skin touched I felt a little buzz of excitement. So she was here for me too? Come on Sanders, don’t get ahead of yourself, you don’t know if she is even available. Though, when had that ever stopped me before? Maya and I belonged together and we both knew it.

“Maybe we could also spend some time together? Old times sake?” I asked soflty, pushing my luck a little further. Maybe we could slowly work our way back to what we had before.

“Maybe breakfast in the morning?” She asked and I nodded “To start off with,” I added with a huge grin and Maya laughed. Damn that was such a beautiful sound that I hadn’t heard in month. This was a good start!

“Should I bring you to your room?” I asked, standing up and looking down at her. “It’s damn late, and I don’t want you to miss our breakfast together… Even though I might have to take you out somewhere, cause Jimmy will be hard to fight of in the spending time with you department.” I laughed.

Wasn’t that the truth? Jimmy freaked out when he realized Vengeance pulled Maya away to help with Avery. It took everything in my power to convince him not to run after her and thank goodness Jess is his voice of reason. Though when I took the elevator up with hi and Jess, he was already scheming plans with Jess. I couldn’t let him have her first, not when I knew I needed to fix what we had first. I had to take her out to have some alone time.

“I can’t go to my room… I mean… Ave and Brian are in there and they were supposed to call me when I should come back... and that was 2 hours ago,” Maya sighed. “ So it’s either don’t want to go in there…or I cant because I forgot my key card,” she clarified and nodded my head. Shit, there was no way I was going to leave her down here all night. So I came up with the only solution that I could think of.

“Alright, then you’ll come with me…” I said simply, holding out my hand for her. She looked confused and I just laughed. “Come on, M. I’m not letting you stay down here in the lobby for the rest of the night. You can take the bed and I’ll sleep in the chair or something,” I said, though the chair was the last place I wanted to spend the night. Though maybe if I played my cards right, I could sleep on the other side of the bed. Would she be okay with that?

“Matt…I can’t ask you to do that,” Maya chewed her bottom lip as I pulled her to her feet. “Don’t you have a show tomorrow night?”

“Nope, it’s the night after so I’ll be fine. Come on,” and with that I took her hand and dragged her toward the elevator. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I pushed the button. This night may just be working out better than I thought.

“You really don’t have to do this,” Maya said as we rode the elevator to the sixth floor. “I would have been fine.”

“Nonsense, babe,” I pushed her fear away and lead us down the hallway toward my room. “I heard Jimmy say something about a party tomorrow night and we can’t have you too exhausted to miss that. He would kill me,” I said and Maya sighed knowing I was right. “So come on in make yourself at home. Don’t mind my mess,” I completely forgot I left a pile of clothes lying around but it shouldn’t be anything knew for her.

I quickly moved them back into my suitcase as Maya looked nervously around the room. Was she afraid to spend the night here with me? That thought took me a little off guard and I frowned. Was she afraid that I was going to do something to her? “You okay, M?” I asked, taking a step towards her and handing her one of my t-shirt so to sleep in.

“Yeah…it’s just I-I…” Maya stammered. My eyebrows pulled together in concern, knowing it was out of character for her to be nervous like this. Had I done something to offend her?

I gently ran my hands over her arms in a comforting manner, trying to sooth her anxieties. She shuttered lightly before her eyes met mine. “What is it, M?”

“I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea, Matt,” she said with a sigh and I felt my heart drop a little bit. What did she mean? Was she not interested or was it because of something else?

“Because you’re still with him?” I asked softly, already knowing the answer. She nodded and I took in a slow deep breath, trying not to let my frustrations out. I just didn’t understand the whole thing. “How did you end up with him?”

Maya sighed and moved away from me to sit on the edge of the bed. “Well…” she frowned. “Ave and I got invited to a party and it just so happened to be theirs…and we just kind of hit it off…and…”

I nodded and walked over to the chairs, not wanting to hear anymore. My heart was screaming in my chest but I couldn’t let her see the pain that it caused me. I just didn’t understand how she could drop what we had and move onto Bruce of all people. That fucking playboy was nothing but bad news in my opinion and he was the last person she should be dating, especially since she belonged with me!

I carefully moved two of the chairs together and grabbed the extra blanket and pillow out of the closet as an awkward silence settled between us. “Matt I never meant to—“ Maya started after a moment but I just held my hand up and shook my head. I didn’t want to hear that she was sorry. I just wanted to win her back and make her see exactly what it was we had together.

“I know,” I softly interrupted. “And it’s okay. I just want you to know that I am here for you…as a friend…” I said, not believing the words that came out of my mouth. But maybe that was exactly where we needed to start so that I could win her back. I had to get her to truth me again by earning her friendship. Then we could build from there. That had to work right?

Maya gapped at me for a minute before I shook my head again, a small smile on my face. It seemed like she didn’t believe it either so maybe it would be easier than I thought. “You better go get ready for bed so you don’t miss breakfast,” I teased.

As soon as the bathroom door shut, I sat down in the chair and ran my hands over my face. I had to be her friend before I could move forward, right? But could I do that? Could I sit by and watch and listen to her be happy with Bruce? Well, maybe it wouldn’t come to that. But it seemed like right now the only choice I had with her was to be a friend or not have her at all, and not having her at all wasn’t an option.

By the time Maya came out of the bathroom, I had uncomfortably settled myself in between two of the chairs with a pillow and blanket. It was going to be a long night like this and I was half considering sleeping on the floor.

Maya let out a musical laugh when her eyes landed on me and I couldn’t help but smile. It was such a beautiful sound. “You look ridiculous,” she giggled and just shrugged with a dimpled grin. I could just imagine seeing a 6’1’’ man of my build laying between two small arm chairs. It must have been a sight to see, and let me just stay it wasn’t comfortable at all.

When Maya stopped in the short hallway, my eyes instantly traveled up her body. Damn she always looked good in my shirt. Her legs looked like they went on for miles, not to mention the beautiful tattoos on her thighs. Did she have a new one? I would have to ask later but judging by how far down the tattoo went now, I bet she did. God she was beautiful and it was a shame when she climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her. What I would give to be over there with her, feeling her warm skin against mine…making her feel good….making her mine…

“I can’t let you sleep like that,” Maya sighed, resting her elbows on her knees as she looked at me. “That cant be comfortable.”

“It’s only for a night,” I yawned. “I’ll be fine,” I instead, enjoying her concern for me.

Maya shot me a pointed look and then sighed. “No you wont and I don’t want to listen to the other guys complain because you’re being an ass because you didn’t get enough sleep,” was she serious? “So get over here, big guy.”

Well she didn’t have to tell me twice. I struggled to get out of the chair and carefully made my way around to the other side of the bed with a small smile. Okay, so this was a good start right? She still cared about me so I just had to get her to understand the rest too…but as friends of course.

“Don’t forget about breakfast in the morning,” I said as she closed her eyes. She had shifted all the way to the other side of the bed, almost like she was afraid that she would touch me. Why was she afraid of that? Was it because she knew that if we touched we wouldn’t stop? I smiled lightly at the thought as I watched her from the corner of my eye. Damn I had missed her in my bed.

“I don’t think you’d ever let me forget,” she said sleepily. “Good night, Matt.”

It wasn’t long before her breath evened out and her facial features relaxed. She was just so peaceful and beautiful that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give her a gentle kiss, just enough to get a small taste.

“Good night, M.” I whispered before placing a soft kiss on those perfect lips.


So Brian and Avery are back on the right track, right? Let's hope so and Matt kissed Maya before she went to sleep?!

We would love some more comments and votes! Let us know what you think! Anything you'd like to see? :p



Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2