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Friends 2 Lovers

New Year's Eve

“I was wondering if you wouldn’t show up anymore.” Brian complained when Matt and Jimmy arrived at the Bar.
“Sure, we are coming…” Jimmy smirked at the double meaning.
“Oh hell yeah…” Matt high-fived him while Brian just rolled his eyes at his best friends.
“You know that you suck, right? Since you are serious with these women, you get worse and worse…”
“Says the one that is A-L-O-N-E” Jimmy taunted him while plopping in the chair next to him.
“You don’t have to freaking spell that for me, okay?” Brian grabbed his drink of the bar and downed the rest of the bottle in one go.
“Why not do something about it, Brian?” Matt asked a mischievous grin on his face.
“I know someone, who knows someone… I mean I could even call that someone right away, and I think even more that you know who I am talking about…” Jimmy began making Brian even more annoyed and knowing exactly that he was talking about one of their best friends.
Her name began with a T and ended with ammy.
Brian had been way to obvious in his crush about her and his friends now were way too occupied on him doing something about it, but it was just not the right moment for that.
“Can you freaking stop that… I would do something about it, if I wanted to… I just don’t wanna end up being such pussies as you two… And why are you so interested in my sex life anyway?”
“We are not really interested in your sex life, since there isn’t much happening lately…” Another high five between the two men “We want the happy ever after for you too, Haner.” Matt laughed while clapping Brian on his shoulder.
He shrugged his hand off, but not able to hide the smile on his face.

“So what’s planned for tonight?” Brian was finally able to change the topic, or rather trying to.
“Oh he is soo not able to get him some if he is still in the denying phase…” Jimmy began again, not able to let out a chance to fuck with his best friend.
“Stop it. This night isn’t about me!” Brian shoved Jimmy of the chair next to him, maybe he should have better spend his evening alone, then with these two friends of his.
“But Brian, you could bring the best thing ever to this night…” Jimmy’s grin got bigger and bigger as he looked down on his friend and then poked him in the chest “You, Bri-Bri, you… it would be the cheapest present ever”
“STOP! IT!” Brian replied again to his friends.
“Stop it or?” Matt began but was interrupted by a female voice.

“Stop it or I will just turn around and leave again.” Kim’s voice sounded from the entrance, she was accompanied by Mei and Tammy, the three ladies were only rarely seen alone.
“Babe, you arrive just at the right moment.” Matt announced.
“To save Brian from your stupid jokes?” Mei asked and walked towards them with a smile on her face, since it was always funny having these guys around.
“No, we were just thinking what we should do tonight, seeing it’s a special night and all, so ladies what’s your plan? Don’t tell us you just stopped by, we really need some female company here.” Matt looked from Kim to Mei and stopped at Tammy.
“Please.” He put out his bottom lip and pouted like a little kid. Tammy knowing Matt for so long, being best friends for years, still couldn’t say no to his pleading puppy face.
“Fine.. we wanted to make a girls night, to celebrate my new year’s eve, but if you really need us here… I guess we could, postpone the girly pillow fight we were about to do… with nail polishing and-” Tammy was stating in a serious voice making Kim and Mei burst out in laughter together with Matt, who knew Tammy better than that.

“Are you fucking with us? Because I would really love to see you girls in action doing a pillow fight, just in underwear or something, right Brian?” Jimmy elbowed Brian in the side. Brian was staring at Tammy with eyes wide open, he could already imagine Tammy in nothing more than her bra and panties, on his bed, having his pillow in hand, only waiting for him to push her shoulders down and burry his face between her gorgeous breasts and making her moan his name-
“Yeah right, as if I would do something like that! You should know better than that, Jimbo.” Tammy slapped his shoulder playfully.
“Okay okay… So what’s the matter we just hang out together?” Matt asked.
Getting nods from the group while Brian looked rather uncomfortable, still having the image of Tammy in his head.
“We could head over to our place? Hang out at the pool, getting some snacks? Some beers? Jimmy and Mei live close enough to head home by foot and Brian and Tammy could… you know sleep in a guestroom?” Matt suggested wiggling his eyebrow towards Brian so Tammy couldn’t see.
Brian was about to reply when Tammy looked at him with a smile “As if you and Kim just have one guestroom, puh-lease… I know that woman like the back of hand, she wanted the biggest house available.”

Brian sighed in relief happy Tammy didn’t seem to notice his inner turmoil, as well as Matt’s stupid remarks, but the truth was, he would give a hell of a lot to share any of the rooms in Matt and Kim’s house together with Tammy.
“So that’s settled right? How about Kim and I go home prepare something, while Jimmy, Mei and Brian and Tammy head towards the 7 eleven getting some drinks and snacks?” Matt asked looking at Tammy again, knowing he would get what he wanted.
“I’m game… You just want me to go, so you get all the snacks I know you like and Kim doesn’t wanna buy, right?” Tammy winked at Matt, who held his hands over his heart.
“Damn, woman I love you… I mean, not like I love you love you, but you know” Matt looking back and forth between Kim and Tammy.
“And he is getting in trouble deeper and deeper.” Jimmy announced looking between them with a smirk on his face.
“No, he is not… I love her just like he does, so that is fine.” Kim announced, pulling her man to her side.
“So let’s go and start that preparation finally.” Kim dragged him out of the bar and the other four followed towards the parking lot.

“Alright, where is the closest store for us to do some shopping?” Mei asked looking around, always loosing the focus on where they were and where to go.
“Babe, you would get so lost without me.” Jimmy kissed her cheek “And I love that.”
“Drive to the right, and then on the next light left.” Brian announced from the backseat sitting there together with Tammy.
“Thanks.” Mei pulled into the traffic following Brian’s instructions towards the store and parking at the side of the road.
“Brian you helping Tammy, right?” Jimmy asked before he leaned towards Mei, “My girl and I are pretty busy at the moment as you can see” Jimmy continued, kissing her but still meeting Brian’s eyes, then pulling away with a smirk mouthing a ‘Go ahead’
“Sure, yeah… Let me…” He narrowed his eyes on Jimmy, his friends really were the worst, they were making this all weird. It had never been weird until now, it wasn’t like this crush only emerged yesterday, it had been going on for a fucking long time and he just couldn’t understand why his friends were this pushy all of a sudden.
“Come on, Brian… let’s get all the stuff we like and only the disgusting stuff for them.” Tammy grinned while climbing out of the car.
Brian was being all gentleman holding the basket with all the groceries, while Tammy was stuffing everything inside and if he was honest he was trying to memorize all the stuff she was mentioning she liked, you never know when you would need information like that again.

2 hours later the group sat around Matt and Kim’s pool, having drinks in hands and enjoying their time together.
The girls gathering together on one side, laughing and talking, the guys on the other eyeing the girls with interested looks on their faces… both into deep discussions.

“Tammy, did you notice the looks Brian is giving you?” Mei asked Tammy who looked very interested at her empty beer bottle.
“Looks? What looks?” Tammy tried to sound not really interested, which was a big fat lie.
“Come on… don’t play dumb, we know you have noticed them, and don’t tell us you don’t like them.”
“Let’s say, if he would be making a move on me, I wouldn’t be the one shoving him off my bed.” Tammy grinned at her friends.
“Why don’t you make a move?” Kim asking matter of factly making Tammy’s heart speed up.
“Well… I don’t… that’s…” Tammy stuttered. She wondered since when she stuttered, damn… She was bad ass, she was hanging out with these girls and guys since forever… what was so different now? Why was everyone having an opinion of her non existing love life all of a sudden?
“Well?” Kim asked again.

“Go ahead Brian… She is just waiting for you” Jimmy slurred into Brian’s ear and even though the alcohol was making him a little braver, but he was still not at the point of making the final move on Tammy.
“Do I need to have the big brother kind of speech with you?” Matt asking with narrowed eyes.
“What?” Brian asked turning his head towards Matt quickly, intensifying the spinning going on around him.
“About Tammy… duh” Matt slapped the back of Brian’s head.
“What about her?” Brian tried to combine the topics.
“Her brother might not be around right now, but she is like my sister, she is my best friend, she is not just one of many… So you better mean it if you decide to make the move, Haner!”
“Damnit, can’t you just leave me alone? I will make a move if I want to…I’m not going to… She is my friend… That’s it…” Brian looked over to the girls, just like the others did, Matt’s eyes fixed on Kim, Jimmy ‘s on Mei and Brian… well Brian like always locking his eyes on Tammy.

The three men saw the objects of their affection standing up and walking over to them. Mei plopped down on Jimmy’s lap and Kim sat down next to Brian. It was close to midnight now, close to the dates changing to the 5th of February, Tammy’s birthday.
“You can sit with me Tams” Matt padded his leg as a sign for Tammy to sit down on.
“Nah, I’m heading for bed. I have to be well rested to kick your ass tomorrow morning”
“Never going to happen beautiful” Matt chuckled and got up to give Tammy a hug and a kiss on her cheek to wish her goodnight.
“You are such a party pooper!” Jimmy whined “I wanted to be the first to sing you happy birthday at midnight!”
Tammy laughed as she walked into the house “You can do it in the morning, Jimbo, I promise I won’t listen to anyone else sing before that!”
The five still sitting outside watched their friend get into the house and moved their focus to Brian as soon as Tammy was out of sight.
“What the hell was that?! Why didn’t you wish her a goodnight, you could have taken your chance!” Matt shoved Brian’s shoulder and was surprised when Brian pushed his chair back a little too hard.
“Because you are making everything weird! Quit doing that! I’m fucking done!”

Brian stormed off up to the stairs to the room Kim had appointed to him earlier, right across the hall from Tammy’s. He stood in front of his bedroom door, his hand on the doorknob when he heard his watch beep as a sign that it was midnight…. The 5th of February. He turned around and stared at Tammy’s door.
Part of him wanted to knock that door so badly, but the other part was scared. Scared of losing a friend if he would take this to the next level, what if she didn’t like him back? Everything would be ruined. He stood there for a few minutes, still thinking about that woman on the other side of the door when suddenly the door opened, revealing Tammy, ready for bed.

The beers Brian had consumed this night didn’t make him drunk, but did give him the little bit of liquid luck he needed to fuel his next action and step forward, coming nose to nose with Tammy.
“It’s passed midnight” he whispered, looking down on her “Can I be the first to congratulate you?”
Tammy looked at him and shrugged with a smile “Jimmy wanted to be the first to sing to me, but he didn’t say anything about congratulations” her voice faltered with every word, being hypnotized by the way the brown eyes were looking at her, full of desire, for her?
Brian moved his head down to Tammy’s kissing her right cheek “Happy”, then her left cheek “Birthday”, and just before he let his lips softly land on her mouth, he whispered her name “Tammy” making her shiver down her spine.

And as his friends were outside, discussing the fact, that Brian and Tammy might need a little more than just some jokes and remarks… that they might really need a push into the right direction…. Brian had made the first move, and Tammy was realizing that none of the presents she would get during the day to come, would even come close to the one that Brian was giving her now.


So here it is, our little surpise for you... Our little trilogy... One chapter today, the other two tomorrow...

Have an amazing New Year's Eve hun! <3


Awnnn how sweet!! I love this little story over here!! :D
Being taught guitar by Brian...damn ;) and of course...the smut is amazing, as always!! <3

Bravo ladies *claps hands*

Avenged7X_fan Avenged7X_fan

Oh I loved this so much. The lesson, the build to the smut, the smut ;) lol and I got to fuck with Matt hahaha that was great :D This was awesome. You two are awesome. I loved it and I love you ladies too <3 okay thats enough of the mushy stuff frome me :D


Thanks :)

xSilverPearlx xSilverPearlx

Happy Birthday Tammy!!!

Good! That was all we wanted to the... Last chap is up, hope you like your mooshy ending :P

Thanks! <3

Kimmie Kimmie

This is awesome

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance