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My First Syn

Unholy Confessions


“Ugh….what the hell?” I moaned, moving my body to try and get more comfortable. What was wrong with this bed? I was definitely laying in the most uncomfortable position know to man, not to mention that my head hurt more than it ever had in my life. My back ached and it felt like I was split between two hard masses, not to mention the weight I felt on my stomach. If I moved too quickly I would surely be sick.

I groaned again and slowly tried to sit up, my hand falling on what appeared to be a leg. What the hell? Had I done something extremely stupid again? God I hoped not.

Willing my eyes to open, I peeked out to find myself lying across three bodies with a plate of uneaten pancakes on top of me. What the hell did we do last night and who was I laying on? Okay, my head was on Jimmy’s lap, which was fine—I’ve fallen asleep on him like this before. My feet were on Zacky. Well, we both had clothes on so no harm no foul, right? I noticed that his green eyes were on me but I wasn’t sure if he was awake or sleeping with his eyes open. Either way, I had bigger fish to fry.

Then who was I mostly laying on? I’m in Matt’s lap? No wonder why I was in pain. I was sleeping on top of the majority of the Avenged clan and not in a comfortable way. I mean, I had waken up on top of Brian before but he was so comfortable with his arms around me and my head on his chest. This was nothing of the sort. And speaking of which, where the hell was Brian… and Dice for that matter?

“Relax, he’s on the patio.” My eyes shot up to see Zacky smiling down the couch at me with his hands resting on my calves. So that sneaky dude was awake and watching me. Well that’s a little odd. “And nothing happened besides the fact that you’re still clumsy as every, especially when you’re high.”

“H-How—“ I gapped at Zacky, trying to figure out how he was reading my mind.

“I can read you like a book, Blondie,” he sighed with a frown, carefully adjusting to a more comfortable position on the couch. “I took the time to get to know you and figure out how your mind works, or did you forget that over the week?”

I pinched my eyes shut to stop aid my throbbing head as a wave of nausea hit me. “I didn’t forget,” I whispered a few moments later when the feeling subsided.

Zacky scoffed and shook his head. “Then don’t look so surprised when I answer your questions before you even ask them like I’ve done practically since I met you.” The expression on his face looked slightly hurt and I didn’t understand why. “I guess I just don’t fucking understand,” that bastard must have read the look of confusion on my face.

“Don’t understand what, Zacky?” I sighed, my eyes closed again as I lay on a sleeping Jimmy and Matt. Was this the first time we had actually talked since the incident? I was pretty sure it was and I didn’t want to have this conversation right now. I felt like shit and I wanted to make sure my boyfriend was alright, not to mention Dice, wherever the hell she was.

Zacky ran his fingers through his hair and sighed before he answered. “What the hell is so special about Gates? He treats you like shit when you should be a fucking queen. Honestly, how long do you think it will last before he starts fucking around on you again? What are you going to get with him, maybe a few more months with him before he drops you to go on the road?”

“He-he’s not going to drop me,” I hissed, opening my eyes to see him staring back at me with intensity. Why was he doing this? Vaguely I remembered Zacky and Brian making up, so why was he still pushing the topic and talking smack about Brian.

“Oh, you must have on rose colored glasses, sweetheart,” he laughed quietly. “Synyster Gates thinks groupies are god’s gift to the world and the only way he’ll keep you on is if want an open relationship. And MJ, you’re not that kind of girl.” He was right, I didn’t like to share. I had to have all of Brian or none of him and the thought of him not being around physically hurt. “But you’re not going to see reason are you?” He looked angry as he shook his head.

“What is your problem?” Was he intentionally trying to hurt me? Well it was working. “Of course I’m not going to break up with Brian!”

“Why are you going to put yourself through that torture?” Zack hissed, his eyes burning a hole in mine.

I gapped at him for a minute before I let out a shaky breath. “Because I love him, Zack.”

“You love him, well that’s just fucking great. See how far that gets you in the end, MJ,” Zacky sounded hurt as he stood up, putting my legs back down on the couch. “When he hurts you, just remember who warned you because Synyster Gates doesn’t love anyone but himself. Don't forget who loved you first.”

I shook my head as he stormed away towards the front door, not believing my ears. No that wasn’t true. I was positive that he loved me back, I could see it in his eyes. Zacky was fucking lying again, but why?

“Don’t mind him, he’s just butt hurt. Vengy just needs to get laid and he'll leave you alone. He's like a dog in heat right now.” What was with these guys just talking out of the blue? I looked up to see Jimmy looking down at me with a small smile. “Gates is crazy about you…we’ll except for last night. Last night he was crazy about his eyelids. I wished you would have punched him though. I would have paid money to see that!”

“Huh?” I didn’t remember shit from last night. “Why would I punch him?”

“Uhh…’Cause he passed out when you were trying to get some,” he chuckled like it was the easiest answer in the world, twisting the ends of my hair. Well, I’m glad someone remember what I did last night because I certainly had no clue. “Oh Blondie, you were so hilarious. My favorite was when you made us like twenty different kind of pancakes and Matt had to hold you up because you couldn’t fucking stand you were so high.” Well, that explained the plate of pancakes that I set on the floor. Oh, I couldn’t even imagine the mess we left in the kitchen if that were the case. I guess I would need to go clean that up and check on Brian.

I slowly picked my head up off of Jimmy’s lap, instantly regretting my movement. “Fuck…” I whined but I forced myself to keep moving, mainly because I knew I was going to be sick. Luckily the bathroom was right around the corner and I made it to the toilet just in time for my stomach to empty its contents. “I’m never drinking again…” I muttered, whipping my mouth with my arm.

Oh, and now I’m spinning. Great. What the hell did I drink last night? Kinky, Captain Morgan, Bacardi, Jack Daniels? Yep, pretty sure I did at least of shot of all of those...and Jimmy and Zacky both confirmed that I smoked a Mary Jane. And there goes my stomach again. “Ugh…someone help me…” I hated throwing up and literally turned into a baby in the process.

I collapsed to the base of the toilet and pulled myself into a ball just as a loud knock sounded at the door. Fuck, why was that so loud? Oh, and sound made the little black dots in front of my eyes dance in frenzy. There was that loud knock again. Please just go away. There are at least three other bathrooms in this house, especially since it was bigger than Brian’s.

“MJ?” A husky voice called. Was that Brian? It was hard to tell with the ringing in my ears. God I hoped it wasn’t Zacky again. I didn’t even want to think about what he said. “Are you in there?”

“Mmmhmm…” I moaned just as a wave of nausea hit me light a freight train. Of course the moment my head went in the toilet I felt a hand on my back, rubbing small circles. I couldn’t mistake those calloused fingers as they grazed my exposed skin and sending shivers down my spine. And as nice it was to feel his comforting touch, I didn’t want Brian to see me like this. “You-you don’t have to…be here…” I said, my head still in the toilet.

“You think this is the first time I’ve seen you puke?” he chuckled. Oh, God now I’m mortified. How many times had I lost my lunch in front of him? There was nothing sexy or beautiful about vomit. “Relax, I just came to make sure you were okay.”

Me? What about him? How was Brian not puking his brains out next to me? He drank more than I did and smoked a whole joint himself. At least I split mine with Matt or was it Johnny? I don’t remember. Brian must have some kind of magic powers because I had no idea how he was even functioning right now.

“I’m fine,” I lied, pulling my head out of the toilet before flushing. I hid behind a curtain of blond hair, my face burning from embarrassment. I have to look a huge mess right now. “Really, let me clean myself up and I’ll be right out to make you and the guys some breakfast.” I sounded good—though I really wasn’t sure how I was even going to stand up at this point. My head and face hurt so bad that I could barely see straight.

“You already did,” Brian chuckled, pushing my hair behind my ear. “There are enough pancakes in the kitchen to feed a fucking army.” I picked up my head to look at him with a raised brow, seeing him for the first time today. He looked exhausted but still had a smile on his face. “I was considering—what the hell happen to your face?”

I gapped at him and furred my brow, turning away with embarrassment. What did he mean, what happened to my face? Nothing happened to my face as far as I knew. “Probably just some smeared make up,” I muttered, feeling mortified again. Was Zacky right? Was he looking for a reason to bail on me? No, it has to be just makeup.

“No, I’m serious, come here.” Brian carefully took my face into his hands and forced me to look back at him. His brown eyes were full of concern as they raked over my face, a deep crease forming between his eyes. “Looks like someone beat the shit out of you.”

“Wh-what?” I gapped, wincing when his fingers went over my forehead and my cheek.

“Did you try boxing Shads?”

“Are you crazy?” Though, I don’t know what I actually did. Maybe pot made me really daring and I had challenged Matt to a boxing match. Who knows. “I don’t have a death wish.”

“Well, I don’t know what else you could have done.” Was he laughing now? He had to be kidding. Why else would he be laughing, unless he was in fact a dick? “Unless you face planted on your own accord.”

I quickly got up and moved to the mirror, gasping when I saw my face. I had a nice big goose egg by my right eyebrow accompanied by a large bruise and scrape on my cheek. I did look like I got into a fight. “You think this is funny?” I asked Brian, glaring at him through the mirror as I took a swig of Matt’s mouthwash.

“No, but imaging you boxing with Shads is,” he continued to chuckle, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Besides, we can get you an eye patch or wrap you up like a mummy if you want.” Wow, did he just really say that? What an asshole. Was I really that hideous to look at right now? I spit out my mouthwash, looking at him through the mirror.

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest, now really pissed off. “You’re a dick,” I hissed, pulling away from him. “For all we know, you could have done this!” I pointed to my face as he clenched his jaw.

“Don’t even fucking go there, MJ. You know I wouldn’t lay a hand on you,” Brian shot back. He was glaring daggers at me. “I’m not your psycho ex.” Oh no, love, you don’t get to be pissed off. You threw the first punch here, figuratively speaking. “Besides, if I wanted to hit you, you’d know it.”

I gapped at him for a moment before scoffing. Maybe Zacky was right afterall. “You’re right, but you don’t have to pick on me about it,” I massaged my temples, trying to get my head to stop spinning and pounding. “I already feel like shit and I don’t need you to tell me how hideous I look on top of it,” I said, my tone shaking slightly as I turned to walk out of the bathroom. I needed a cigarette, or at least that’s what I was telling myself.

“MJ,” Brian reached out to grab my hand but I pulled away, heading towards the patio. “Come on, you know I was just kidding,” he said, following me as I pulled out a cigarette and walked over by the pool.

I rolled my eyes as I took in a long drag but the shot of nicotine did nothing to make me feel better. My eyes scanned over the pool while I walked, staying just a step ahead of Brian who was still hot on my heels. “I probably tripped over my own feet and did this to myself,” I sighed. “But don’t worry, I wont make you be seen with me when I need and eye patch or to be wrapped up like a mummy,” I scoffed, my cigarette now between my lips.

“Will you just stop for a minute!” Brian grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into his chest, holding my tightly so I couldn’t get away. “I’m fucking sorry okay. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” He looked genuinely sorry and my anger slowly started to melt away as our eyes locked. “Besides…” his hand moved to trace his thumbs across my cheeks. “There is nothing you could do to look hideous. That’s not possible.”

I felt a blush take over my cheeks as I flicked my cigarette away, even though I had only smoked half of it. I bit down on my bottom lip, my eyes locked on Brian’s. “You are too damn cute and beautiful for your own damn good, now stop being a fucking tease and come here.” Brian grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face to his, kissing me hard. I melted into him, the very last of my anger melting away. He kissed me with a passion that I felt all the way to my toes.

“Where the fuck is Dice?”

I breathlessly forced myself to pull away from Brian to look towards the house only to see Matt standing in the doorway. He was running his hands over his head with a slightly frantic look on his face. Though at the moment I wasn’t sure if my head was now spinning from my headache or the lack of oxygen from that amazing kiss Brian surprised me with.

“Fuck,” Brian hissed, as I pulled out of his arms to head towards Matt. He had to be upset that Matt was interrupting something yet again. It seemed like it was always him or Jimmy that was crashing our party.

“What do you mean? She’s not in the house?”

“If she was in the fucking house or answering her phone, I wouldn’t be asking you,” Matt snapped. “What the hell happen to your face?” Oh great, there it was again.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, moving to grab my cell phone off the island. “Let me see if she left me a message because I don’t remember shit from last night.”

Matt groaned and ran his hands over his face looking extremely frustrated. “You and me both. Do you know were she is, Gates?”

“Don’t ask me, I woke up in the patio chair,” Brian shrugged, a cigarette now hanging from his lips as he watched me.

I looked down at my phone, waiting for the stupid thing to turn on. “You two didn’t get in a fight last night did you?” I asked, looking back at Matt who was now pacing with his phone in his hands.

“I don’t fucking know!” He snapped. “All I know is that I was texting fucking Val last night and Dice is nowhere to be found and not answering her phone.”

“You were texting Val?” My jaw dropped as I looked up at him, the morning sun burning my eyes.

“Really? And after that whole thing with Vengeance you thought it would be a good idea to stir the pot with Dice? No wonder she fucking left, she’s pissed,” Brian said, smoke coming out his nose as he spoke.

“I don’t know what the hell I was thinking, okay? I was high and drunk off my ass last night and I have no idea what happened after I got to explore her ass,” I furred my brow as I looked at him shaking my head. I never saw the appeal in anal and the thought alone made me blush. “I have to fucking find her and apologize for being a fucking dick. I told Val when she text this morning to forget my fucking number.” He kicked over a patio chair in anger, causing me to jump. “What the hell was I thinking?” he raged.

“Calm down, Shads. Red probably went home to sleep in her own bed or you pissed her off texting Val, either is a reasonable to assume.” Brian snaked his arm around my waist as my phone finally came to life.

“Can you move any faster?! Jesus Christ, MJ!

“Don’t fucking yell at her,” Brian warned as I scanned my texts. The only thing that I saw was a one word text from her at three in the morning. It read Call.

“Call? What the hell does that mean, Dice? Call who?” I said aloud, looking between Matt and Brian.

“Well don’t just stand there! Call her!” Matt raged but I was already ahead of him. I held my phone to my ear, listening to it ring.

“Come on…pick up,” I muttered, stepping away from the guys. After the third ring, I started to get nervous, knowing that she always picked up after three unless something was wrong. When I got to seven, something happened and I prayed that it wasn’t just her voice mail picking up. “Hello?”



All I can say is I feel truly astonished that after all this time someone still wants to read something from us. It's a surreal feeling and I'm forever thankful as well as I'm sorry for not being able to give the thing you'd wish from us. Sweetheart, I'm sorry to say, but if @Kwally2 doesn't decide to end all of our pieces on her own, they will be forgotten just like the larger part of unfinished fanfics. Even if I wanted to fool around with fanfics again, I'm afraid my schedule is the way it is and there simply isn't enough hours in the day to do everything I'd like to do. That being said - there is a lot of interesting stuff being written still on this site (the fact that I see life here baffles me) and I'm happy to see some life in here after all this time. Yes, I'm like a ninja, I'm around, sometimes read something, but I just don't have it in me to return to these stories.
Much love,
D. Price.

Devil Price Devil Price

@Devil Price @KWally @KWally2 Please, please, PLEASE come back! I miss this so much :’(


Duuuuudes! You need to come back to me <3 I need to know if the Knofe Mistress gets the help she so desperately needs to deal with her childhood trauma, and make a life with Matt... I need to make sure Gates keeps his head on straight and treats MJ right!

Ok, maybe he's woken up to himself a little... We'll see!