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My First Syn

Back Down South

Dice’s POV

This was by far the worst idea I ever had. I didn’t even know what I was looking for, nor how will I get in the police station... Fine, maybe getting in was easy, but getting out was considerably harder.

We were still in Brian’s car, parked right outside the police station. It was starting to get dark fast and with each passing second the idea appeared more and more dumber. What would I hope to find in Knoxville’s office either way? I figured his computer was encrypted so maybe this was just a bullet wasted without the aim, but I had to be sure I had done everything, even those things normal lawyers avoided doing, just to make sure my friend will stay safe.

„So what’s the plan?” Brian asked, his jawline tense. I knew he was worried about MJ, but surprisingly he was holding up very well.

„Well... I think I’ll start with getting in there...” My eyes were still on the three story house. If I get caught, can I play it off as a seizure? You know – I had no idea what I was doing and ran for the first building? Would they believe me or would the throw me in the cell for some crazy hobo to beat the shit out of me for my non-existent pearls which—That’s it! I opened the car door, „Come on, you’re helping me.”

„What?” He frowned and then shook his head, „I’m not going in there...”

„Oh yes you are,” I stated. Like he had any other options if we wanted to shut Malcolm’s ‘let’s beat MJ to a pulp’ business down. And for good. How that business was up and running until now was a real fucking mystery to me. „Come the fuck on, Gates, get your goddamn ass out of the fucking car!”

„Fine,” He sighed, stepping out of the vehicle, „But that’s only because you asked me oh-so politely.”

That’s damn right I asked him politely, and there’s no need for that roll of his eyes. He wouldn’t see his brain either way, since there was only wind shaking his lonely synapses and nothing more. Getting through one ear in and through the other right out.

„So what’s your master plan?” The car beeped as soon as he locked it and with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, he came closer.

„You have to hit me... really fucking hard.” The reply came out a bit too enthusiastic.

„What?” Don’t look so fucking confused. Like he hadn’t dreamed about it ever since he met me. Everyone wanted to bash the ultimate crap out of my smokin’ hot body at one point in their lives, so there was his chance right here. „I’m not gonna hit you,” He shook his head – no.

„Oh come on...” I pouted, „There’s really nothing to it, just raise your fist up and punch me in the fucking face...”

He graced me with a patient look. „I don’t think Matt would appreciate it.”

„Fuck Matt! This is MJ we’re talking about. And besides, it’s my face...” Earlier I was questioning how Malcolm’s Domestic Violence business was still going, well, maybe because of people like Brian? Right now I started thinking maybe I should send him off to one of Douche Bags lectures so he learns a trick or two to hide under his sleeve and when the moment is right – BAM! A fist in ones motherfucking face.

„Are you fucking crazy? I’m not gonna hit you!”

I sighed heavily. Why does he always had to crash the fucking party, huh? „Fine... You leave me no choice, Gates,” before he could even get to what I had just said, my fist was already in his face. He bent forward, hiding his nose behind his palms, looking like he was in very much pain.

„Again the fucking nose! I will fucking kill you!” Sorry? But that at least did the trick.

We were brought in to the police station in no fucking time. A cop was interviewing me about what happened and of course I spilled the details of it being a domestic violence case and I was just acting like it was self protection. The guy who interviewed me seemed kinda cute even and was so nice to give me the restraining order form to fill out. I don’t know what the hell happened to Gates, either he was in the character or he really was that fucking pissed over the nose, but they had to bring him to the jail cells downstairs for him to calm down.

The station seemed somewhat empty and besides the dude who interviewed me and a woman who was taking those emergency calls, there seemed to be no one else who wasn’t occupied with snorting in the letters of some files.

I took the form I had to fill out and went to sit down by the reception, my eyes immediately landing over the chart of the names of the officers.

Christian Knoxville – Homicide department, 209

When I was sure everyone were a little too busy with whatever the hell they were doing, I sneaked up the stairs, finally being the ninja knife mistress everyone took me for for a very fucking long time. Jimmy would be so proud.

It turned out Knoxville’s office was right up ahead and besides some kind Becky Morgan who was coughing like she had pneumonia, no one was up here. But, man, did I feel sorry for that Becky girl, she should really see a doc about that. Not even I, the walking American nightmare who smokes close to two packs at a good night and an even better morning, have a cough like that. that's just nasty...

I quickly slid the key out from the inside of my bra and unlocked the door, not daring to turn the light on, since I didn’t know if the Douche Bag’s father worked over night’s. I managed my way to his desk, only to see a brownish folder on the desk. Is this my lucky day or what? Was this actually the folder of Stacy Lovelace’s case that was told to be lost?

Well I’ll be fucking damned! As for now they could consider it really fucking lost, ‘cause I’m stealing it. I know, I know, under normal circumstances I couldn’t quite use it in the trial ‘cause I jacked it, but knowing these aren’t normal circumstances, because the file was said to be lost. So I’ll just pretend I found it. My word against Knoxville's. What can ya’ do?

Brian’s POV

I couldn’t fucking believe it how fucking easy was it to put an innocent guy behind bars, when a fucking murderer was walking free. I just hoped Dice got whatever the hell she was looking for and one day I’ll be nominated as the best actor for the Oscars. Yes, I’m aware I’m a guitarist. Considered really changing the scene... Somehow I thought actors didn’t get the weekly beating. Why did she always had to go for the fucking nose? What the hell was wrong with her?

„Haner, you’re free to go,” About fucking time. I shot the officer a glare and just walked up the stairs, wishing to get away the fucking place as quick as it was humanly possible. Did Dice drop the charges? Or did she get caught? Would be funny to see her behind bars, but I wasn’t that big of a dick.

But once the fresh air and the cool breeze hit my face, I noticed Dice standing by the car with a rather thick, brown folder in her arms. How the hell does she do it? She had a victorious smirk on her lips. „Now tell me how awesome I am and how I’m your favorite person on the face of earth.”

„Not a chance,” I scoffed, feeling the pain in my nose as I unlocked the car and we both got in.

„What do you mean – not a chance?” She frowned as I started the engine and pulled out on the street, finally being able to head back home and figure out the mess with MJ. „I busted in the fucking police station!”

„Yea, and got my ass in the pokey,” I huffed.

„It was barely a half an hour, Gates...” Yeah, I’d like to see her spent the fucking half an hour in there. It wasn’t like I was a first timer, but hell, ask whomever and they’ll admit the experience is not a walk in the fucking park.

Just then it hit me that it’s way past midnight and MJ is not at home. Where the hell had she gone to? Sure, I still believed me and Dice had a lot rougher night than Blondie, of course, if only Malcolm had gotten to her somehow, but as far as I understood from Matt, she was the one who had left. Why? Had no fucking clue. I got why Dice left a month ago. That’s simple – she’s Dice. She does whatever the hell she wants and people can’t quite be mad with her for it, since she’s really fucked in the head. Just like me. I so desperately wanted to deny that there truly was nothing that I felt for MJ, but there was. She was very close to me and my heart broke in two just imagining she’s spending this cold night somewhere in Central Park, covering herself with a fucking leaf.

I don’t know how we got to my place, but I woke up from the crazy assumptions of what’s happening to MJ at the moment only when I parked my car in the driveway and jumped out of it only to storm in the house with an angry – „Where is she?”

Matt didn’t even reply, he just drooled all over Dice’s hooker look and that’s when I noticed the laptop. And the photo. And I didn’t actually know what the hell should I make out of this. I mean... did Dice even know how bad the situation had been? „WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?”

“We’ve tried everything…even the cops,” Matt sighed and from then on his words sounded to me just plain gibberish. I was imagining, almost tasting Malcolm’s blood... after I’d be fucking done with him the cops won’t even have to worry their little heads wheter they need to free a cell or not. But when I got to reading the letter, I didn’t know what the fuck had I just read. Oh she’s so fucking gonna get it for this... She figured it was a fucking good idea to end the letter with ‘I love you’? Well, sweet-cheeks, that’s not how Brian Haner’s been programmed... And call me a heartless bastard, but I couldn’t give two shits about the heavy beating she’s received in the past, ‘cause she’s gonna receive a lot more when I fucking get to her.

And she did. I dragged her home, I literally kidnapped her from her brother’s house, threw her over my shoulder ignoring all the kicks and hits she so generously handed out and just drove her back home. I don’t really remember much of that night, since the events started molding together – think about it, I found out my girlfriend left me, I got to jail, later I kidnapped her and then we had a really heavy wine treatment session, which ended in us fucking like animals.

So what’s happening now?

Nothing interesting really... Yesterday was the trial and they sentenced Malcolm to 15 years, his father got 5 years for hiding the evidence, I guess they can open their little business up in prison now. So that’s that. Dice’s back in Johnny’s and somehow, out of pure insanity one night when we were walking the Central Park after her shift, yes, just the two of us, of course if you don’t count those bottles of pure, stiff whiskey, I really started thinking she’s one of my best friends. Sure I want to kill her, like now, when she’s so fucking rudely ignoring my empty glass, but other than that, she’s like me but with a slight dusting of Jimmy. No, we’re not sleeping together. We had a deal about it. She fucks Matt or whomever and I fuck my ladies.

And MJ? Well, mister Synyster Gates appeared around the horizon one night and since then, he kinda appears every other night. Maybe it was because she said she loved me, maybe it was because I was a man-whore, but either way I did warn her about myself. She’s still my absolute favorite, but so is Dice and that little dark headed bartender who finally has learned something more than popping bottles open. What was her name? Oh yea – Amber. She was a natural tease and new exactly how to spice my night up.

„I told you, anyone, but her,” Dice hit a Heineken bottle against the counter. I smirked, switching from the empty glass to the beer. „I swear Gates, either you’re already drunk after your first glass, or you’re getting dumber by each day. MJ’s just outside with Matt and Zack having a smoke, you’re not really thinking about taking her co-worker back home tonight!”

„Back home?” I arched my eyebrow. „Dice, it was a one time thing and I was extremely drunk.” I pointed out to that one time when I stumbled in the house with one of my ladies under my arm, completely wasted and completely forgetting that MJ’s not working the night. You could imagine what the outcome was... tears all over the face, me feeling like a dick and she's the one who's breaking it all up. Yup, she broke up with me, I barely talked her into staying tho, since, let's be a bit rational, where else could she go? Back to her brother? Come on... It's not like she bother's me, I'm actually even grateful she's around the house. Keeps Pinkly from pissing me off, makes food and simply makes the house cozy.

„Whatever,” She scoffed, „Just don’t hurt MJ more than you already have.”

„Come on, Red, I told her who I was and I never said I loved her. I never gave her hope! It’s true that I want to be with her, be around her, she’s my fucking muse and a really good friend,”

„Now I’m hurt, Haner,” Oh now she’s acting like she’s hurt and going to talk to a different dude? That jealous bitch. I shook my head, a silent chuckle falling over my lips.

„What the hell you’re chuckling ‘bout, Gates?” A heavy hand rested on my shoulder. Jesus Christ, it felt like Matt ate the fucking ashtray. What the fuck was he smoking? There’s no way Marlboro had such a fierce smell. I noticed MJ slip behind Dice to make Zacky a drink. Of course I did feel bad for giving her false hope, but I just wasn’t that kinda guy.

„Nothing,” I replied with a small smile, knowing he and Dice weren’t quite the perfect couple either. Knowing that she just flashed one of the regulars? Yea... It seemed like the four of us never meant to be. I noticed MJ looking at me from time to time and with a sigh and a smile, I called her name, „MJ?” She instantly was in front of me. „Do you think you can get me a real drink?”

„So now you’re insulting the drinks that I make?” Dice yelled all across the bar, „You know what? Fuck you, Gates! You can officially cross out our Sunday mornings from your bucket list!”

„You didn’t even make it! It’s a fucking beer, Dice!” I chuckled. She just flipped me off and with a shake of my head I caught those beautiful blues staring at me and the scotch already standing in front of me. I pulled a Franklin out of my wallet and placed it on the counter, „Thanks, babe,” I winked and decided it’s a very fucking great night for a round of pool with very seductive looking girls. „Come on Shads, it starts feeling like our lucky night.”



All I can say is I feel truly astonished that after all this time someone still wants to read something from us. It's a surreal feeling and I'm forever thankful as well as I'm sorry for not being able to give the thing you'd wish from us. Sweetheart, I'm sorry to say, but if @Kwally2 doesn't decide to end all of our pieces on her own, they will be forgotten just like the larger part of unfinished fanfics. Even if I wanted to fool around with fanfics again, I'm afraid my schedule is the way it is and there simply isn't enough hours in the day to do everything I'd like to do. That being said - there is a lot of interesting stuff being written still on this site (the fact that I see life here baffles me) and I'm happy to see some life in here after all this time. Yes, I'm like a ninja, I'm around, sometimes read something, but I just don't have it in me to return to these stories.
Much love,
D. Price.

Devil Price Devil Price

@Devil Price @KWally @KWally2 Please, please, PLEASE come back! I miss this so much :’(


Duuuuudes! You need to come back to me <3 I need to know if the Knofe Mistress gets the help she so desperately needs to deal with her childhood trauma, and make a life with Matt... I need to make sure Gates keeps his head on straight and treats MJ right!

Ok, maybe he's woken up to himself a little... We'll see!