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Coming Home


I pretty much kicked out Katelyn and let inner thoughts sink in.

What if she's right?

I grimace and try to stay away from it, but the thought kept popping up like a fly that refused to die. Okay so what if Brian's not full on gay, he still likes guys, right? Why else would he go down on me, or tell me everything. You can't fake a blowjob, can you? My head pounded with so many thoughts I didn't realize I was curled up in a fetal position, staring at the ground and biting my lip hard.

Sighing to myself, I decide to get up and just go for a walk, let myself think for a little while.

"Suzy, tell Brian I went for a walk, I won't be long." I called before closing the door shut.

Hopefully she heard me.

My instant plan was to walk past my house, and just take a look. Perhaps that wasn't the smartest idea but I felt pretty lost right now, so why not. I pull out my lighter and a pack of cigs, lighting up one of the few I had left. I should probably buy some more.

My house was dark, didn't even seem like anyone was home.. maybe there wasn't. I climb over to the tree Brian once climbed to get into my house, falling in through the window.

Once I got inside I took in account how my room was completely trashed. I tip toe my way past everything and pick out my box from the closet, the one thing I left, which seemed to be untouched.

It's not like my father went through anything, he just trashed everything to make himself feel better. I tuck the photos of my family into my back pocket and stare down at what was left. Did I want to throw away something that made me feel so much better? It's not like I could hide it from Brian, he would find out somehow. I give my blades a dirty look before tossing them in the trashed mess, but grabbing all my lighters, I needed those.

My eyes shot up as I heard the click of my doorknob, fuck. I dive under my bed and push stuff in front of me. I hear my father move into the room so I hold my breath. He rummages around but stops to grunt.

"Motherfucker." I see him grimace in pain.

That would be one of the blades I threw into the trashed mess. He angrily pushes things aside and grabs something before taking off, leaving my door wide open.

"Son of a bitch." I mutter.

I quietly maneuver to my window and jump out. There was no way I was going to be caught there. I begin walking away from my house before I hear a car speed behind me.

My eyebrows furrow and I turn my head. It was only a fraction of a second before I felt my feet lift off the ground and tires screeching.

"What the fuck!" I cry out in pain, seeing my dad's old beaten up car in front of me, my eyes move to see my angry father staring at me.

"Get in the car." He hisses.

I bit my lip and move my legs, they hurt like a bitch, but I could walk on them. My thoughts flash throughout my body, did I have enough time to sprint through yards into Brian's before he could turn around and hit me again?

My ankles burn as I shoot up from his car and start running. I bit my lip hard and clenched my fists, I needed to make it. I didn't dare look back, I kept going and jumped over Brian's neighbors fence, tumbling into his yard. My dad's car zooms by and I decide he's left me alone.

After catching my breath and not feeling as if I was going to die, I laughed at myself. Sure it was scary, but I never felt so alive from doing something so stupid. When I thought I was off the hook and care free, I felt someone rip at my shirt and my eyes shot over to my side.

It was Brian, he seemed unhappy with me.



I don't really read stories where the guys are 'together' or stuff like that. But once started reading this, I can't stop! This is really good and I'd love to read more :)

Holly Holly

Welcome back! Oh man I hope Brian isn't going to hurt Zee

SynysterRyn SynysterRyn

This Synacky story is one of the best I've read so far!

MaryV MaryV

Just kidding I found my original account and posting here

@H. Quinzel

Avenged_6661 Avenged_6661

@H. Quinzel

Watch out for the rewrite, Google wont let me sign in anymore but alas! The story shall continue

AvengedS_6661 AvengedS_6661