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Chapter Tres

I groaned into my hands as Megan led the five large men into different guestrooms, "Okay, Kelly, we have the idea of a woman, blowing hair and fire." I sighed, starting out the sketch with the woman's head.
"Right, is just the woman's head or the whole boy?" He asked.
I bit my lip before answering, "Just the head, maybe off to the side, but the focus can still be on her. I can put her hands in there somehow as well."
"Yeah, yeah, I like that. maybe she can be on fire." Kelly suggested, I could hear him gnawing on his finger nail and I cringed.
"Yeah, but we don't want the fire to take away from the woman." I said, pointing out the obvious to him.
He hummed, agreeing, "Okay well, I've go to get going but I'll talk to you later about all this okay? Remember to call Cindy."
I rolled my eyes and didn't bother to answer him before hanging up the phone. I next dialed Cindy's number to get her out of the way. She answered on the third ring right as I was about to give up, "Hey, Devon." She said.
"Hey, sorry about earlier," I said, continuing to sketch the project. It was turning okay so far.
"It's okay, is everything okay there?" She asked, shuffling on the other end of the phone."
"Uh, yeah I just had some unexpected company." I sighed, "So what I was saying earlier was..."
"I'm not dropping, I want to stay and try to complete this thing." She said, sounding determined.
"Oh? I mean, Oh! That's great! I'm glad." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Yeah, thanks for calling, I really appreciate it because I know how much you don't really like people."
I laughed, nervously, "Yeah, uhm, I don't but uh, no problem."
After we hung up I stood up and stretched deciding on a shower. I went to my room and pulled out some clothes to wear which ended up being black sweat pants with grey bats all over them, a white T shirt that was cut off and showed my belly. I pulled a towel out of the hallway cabinet and walking into the bathroom.
IN the shower I let the extremely hot water pound against my body as I thought about the events of the day.
"I need to go shopping for food." I said to myself, squeezing shampoo into my hand, "Because we all know that Megan is not going to do it." I sighed and relaxed as I scrubbed my head with the shampoo. "I need to get Kelly and Cindy over here so we can finish the project."
Talking to myself wasn't a strange thing to me. It's not like I have conversations with myself...well not really, I plan things out loud, I tell myself what I need to do during the week. Megan's used to hearing me talk to myself.
"I need to work on the essay I have for-"
"Do you always make a habit out of talking to yourself." A voice asked from outside the shower.
I came to a stop in everything I was doing hearing the voice. My heartbeat raced fast as the anger grew inside of me, "Does nobody every knock anymore?" I hissed through my teeth.
I heard a chuckle, "I did knock. You didn't hear me, Megan said you wouldn't mind. I'm just brushing my teeth."
"Oh." I sighed, continuing washing my hair. I didn't mind that someone came in while I was taking a shower, it's not like they could see me or anything and even if they could see me I wouldn't be embarrassed because I am comfortable with my body. I listened as he brushed his teeth. I still wasn't sure which one of the men it was.
"Who are you?" I asked, rinsing out my hair.
"Bryan." Was all he said. Okay, I still have no idea who he is.
Once he was finished he left the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. It wasn't until after I got out of the shower that I realized the house had four bathrooms. He didn't have to use the one I was in.
I sighed as I walked into my bedroom, pulling my hair into a messy bun. I rubbed lotion over my skin before walking downstairs to find some of the guys and Megan sitting in the living room watching Die Hard with Bruce Willis.
"Devon!" Megan laughed, "Come sit with me and watch this movie!"
I gave a small apologetic smile before motioning to the piece of art on the coffee table, "Sorry, I've really got to work on this."
She pouted before turning to the man next to her and started talking to him.
I sighed and picked it up before walking to the kitchen table and began working on it. I had been sitting there for not even five minutes before someone came in and swooped me up out of the chair into their arms.
I don't scream, I make stupid gasps when I'm surprised or scared. I gasped as the arms wrapped around my waist and my legs, probably to keep them from flailing around. I was carried into the living room and was dropped down on one of the guys' laps. Once the arms left my body another pair quickly replaced them. I struggled to be released and quickly failed as the arms tightened around my torso.
Soon I quit struggling and I relaxed against a strong chest, hoping to trick him into thinking that I had gave in, but once his arms relaxed I wasted no time. I jumped out of his lap and ran back into the kitchen slamming the door shut.
I can NOT be distracted right now. I HAVE to finish my work.
But if course, I can never do what I need to do, for I was soon carried back into the living room and set on a lap, forcing me to watch the movie that was on.



Thanks, I seriously have no idea where it's going though lol

Misery23 Misery23

This isn't bad, this is awesome..

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance

Seems interesting.. i like it

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance