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After All That We've Been Through

Cut Our Losses

Kady's POV

"Okay, let's go back for a minute," Ryn said, leaning back against Zacky. She pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. Well if you think this is hard on you, honey, it's even harder on me. This was my fucking life going up in smoke, its just your job to help me deal with it. At the end of the day, you can go home and crawl into bed with Mr. Vengeance. "Why the hell were you two outside of the car, and kissing nonetheless?! What was so pressing that you couldn't wait until later?"

I looked up after Ryns bullshit lecture, my elbows resting on my knees and my face in my hands. I willed myself not to vomit as the car hit yet another bump. Damn, this had to be some kind of sick and twisted dream and Cal was going to come wake me up any minute. But that moment never came.

"Fine, it's my fault," Brian finally spit out after realizing I wasn't going to talk. "Zacky and I came up with a new plan where you could use the guys bad boy image to their advantage and we wouldn't have to sell out to the press...not that that matters now." Brian's dark eyes turned on me with a look of hurt. I scoffed and locked my jaw as I looked away.

Did he blame me for all this? Fuck no! It wasn't my fault that we got caught! He was the one who came flying out of the car like a lunatic and told me the brilliant plan. I couldn't be held liable for how I acted in that moment of hope; the one moment where I thought everything was going to be okay. Well look how good we're doing now!? Not even an hour into the press and we already have resentment.

"What was this plan?" Ryn's eyes are locked on me but I just shook my head and looked out the window. I was so pissed and I knew I would rip each and every one of them a new asshole if I opened my mouth.

Zacky sighed before answering for me. "Well since Caleb and Fitz have the bad boy name, we thought that you could use that to springboard a live recorded new single. They have a song that is ready and could fit nicely with this situation...but I don't see how we could use that now." I looked up to see those green orbs watching me with a concerned expression.

"Why not? It's the same situation but with a different name," Brian said. "It just the rumor of our relationship that's out there with it."

"What's the song about?" Ryn's eyes are burning a hole in the top of my head.

"What's that got to do with anything? Gates and I are still screwed," I finally snapped. I sat up and put my hands behind my head, not seeing how any of this mattered or was going to help.

"Just tell me, I might have an idea." Well spit it out then!

I sighed and crossed my arms in front of me. "It's a song about escaping bad times and finding your peace and freedom in the arms of someone else..." I felt my cheeks burn as Brian looked at me with his infamous smirk. Whoa calm down buddy, who said that song was about you? "It's called Those Nights."

A small wicked smile came over Ryn's face and she bit her lip. "What if we use that plan and release a video with it?"

"That still leaves our relationship exposed." Brian ran his hand over his face and then through his already messy hair. He looked stressed and exhausted all at the same time. I suddenly felt a twinge of regret because I knew that I had somehow dragged him into this whole mess. This would effect his life too.

"Right..." Ryn frowned and then looked back down at her phone, as if she was studying the picture of us. Great another dead end...that was always the way my life seemed to go.

"Why can't it just be as simple as saying we were shooting a scene for the video and have each member of Avenged in a scene? " I sighed.

"That's brilliant!" Ryn said, moving over to hug me. "That just might be crazy enough to work! We'll do a press conference and say that the whole DUI and Grand Theft Auto thing was just a misunderstanding and there is no relationship." I felt my heart sink in my chest with Ryns words. Having others know about about our relationship made it real and I hated sneaking around at all hours just to see Brian. Though I still wanted to maintain our privacy and keep from hurting and upsetting my band mates.

"The press isn't going to take that story sitting down," Brian said, interrupting my thoughts. "They are going to stalk us until they are sure that there is nothing between us..." The look of pain in his eyes was killing me and I didn't know what I could do to fix this.

"Then what do we do?" I looked Brian straight in the eye, getting lost in their dark depths. My hand gently grazed his face as I tried to read his thoughts but I didn't like the expression on his face. No, please don't say what I think you're about to. It's not going to help anything and is going to make use miserable.

"Do the press conference and tell them the truth about what happened tonight. Say I gave you money to bail out your brother and you hugged me to say thank you," he said, his jaw locking in the process.

"What about u-us?" I asked in a shaky tone. Brian ripped his eyes away from me and took in a ragged breath.

"Let's just cut our ,losses now." No, please don't do this! I felt the tears rising in my eyes as he continued. "We'll tell them the truth....there is no relationship."

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, not understanding how we got to this point. A few hours ago we were happy and having fun and now we're just nothing? I bit my lip to keep it from quivering as the the tears welled in my eyes.

"Brian..." I started in a shaky voice, putting my hand on his arm.

"It's for the best, don't make this harder than it already is," Brian restored coldly, pulling his arm away from me. "It will just be easier this way."

I took in a ragged breath and willed the tears that burned my eyes not to fall. How could he turn into such a cold bastard after all that we've been through tonight? How could he do this to me on top of everything else? I guess I was right in my thinking weeks ago...Synyster Gates was the worlds biggest asshole!

No, you stay in! Don't you dare fall and let him see you cry! I felt a tear drip down on my hand and my anger took over. Damn it! I'm thankful that at that moment we pulled up to the hospital. I quickly climbed over Brian so that he wouldn't see the tears that were falling down my face. I didn't want to give him that satisfaction. How did I go from almost loving someone to hating them moments late?

"I'm sorry..." Brian said, grabbing my hand before I could shut the door. His eyes looked just as sad as mine, but I couldn't let go of my anger. In that moment I hated him and I hoped they're bus was gone when we got back. I never thought he would jump ship when I needed his support the most. Brian Haner Jr. fucking sucked!

"I hate you," I hissed, ripping my hand away from him to wipe away my tears. How dare you make me cry! "Don't fucking speak to me again..."

"Ka..." He sighed but I slammed the door in his face.

I quickly moved over to the drivers door and instructed him to take the boys home and come back for us later.

"Let's get this over with," I said, not even turning to watch the car pull away. I wiped my face with the sleeves of my sweatshirt and moved towards the front entrance, pretending that my heart wasn't broke in two.


Why did Brian all of a sudden decide to jump ship on their relationship? Did he make the right choice?

How ow is it going to effect everyone else in the bands?

What will Caleb think?


I can't wait to find out what the other two presents are! Maybe something else with a diamond in it ;)

SynysterRyn SynysterRyn


SynysterRyn SynysterRyn

Oh poor Johnny! I don't believe that he has a carrot dick ;)

SynysterRyn SynysterRyn

I really don't know if there's anything left to say about this story that I haven't said already. I love it, I'm blown away, I want more, the usual basic stuff I write here in the comment section. Nothing had changed, I still have undying love for this piece of art, so...
And Matt's POV would be wonderful!

Devil Price Devil Price

Thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping Fatal Facade unharmed! That was one of my biggest fear to see them kinda just break up. Finally we see the human side of Caleb, turns out he's not such big of an asshole. Who would've thought, right?

Devil Price Devil Price