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(Love) Contract

Hey Stranger

Tara’s POV

It was Sunday, Brian and I had spent most of our time locked up into our room, only getting out when we really had to.
When we were moving with the tour bus, Brian dragged me to the back of the bus and we spend the time there.
We were talking a lot but still I could manage to not tell him everything from my past, but he was asking more and more and I knew I had to give in to him, just like he gave in to me.
I didn’t like the way Matt was looking at me, he seemed upset or sad…
He wanted to talk to me, but I didn’t want to, didn’t know how to react towards him.
I thought about everything Brian told me and I could totally understand him, I would have reacted the same way.
Sometimes it’s better not to know the full truth, but I was curious about what really happened.
Was Matt really not caring about his best friend? Would he have some affair with Brian’s girl?
Even though Jimmy could confirm that they didn’t have anything going on while Brian was still together with Michelle.

Maybe I should talk to Matt, and ask him about the whole situation, but I didn’t want to do anything behind Brian’s back and lose his trust.
He confided in me and I knew I could hurt him real bad if I was betraying his trust.
I didn’t want that, and during the last days Brian and I were acting more and more like a couple.
Like a real couple and it felt good, we haven’t talked about anything and I guess we would leave this topic untouched for the time being, because I wouldn’t know what to say to that anyway.

I sat on the bed of our hotel room and was waiting for Brian to come back from one of his meeting, it was the last show and he said, they were closing it up with a different set tonight. I really enjoyed their music and seeing them on stage.
And I had someone since the last days to keep me company next to the stage which was even better.
Alessia came for the show, Zacky invited her, and she took her free days to join us.
Zacky and her were cute, Zacky was totally fallen for this girl.

My phone buzzed and roused me from my thoughts. I hoped it wouldn’t be John, I couldn’t stand all his calls and messages.
He was getting more and more annoying these last couple of days, I even considered changing my number, but he wouldn’t give up that easily… sadly.
But it wasn’t John, it was my sister…
I knew I would hear her tirade about not calling her soon, I planned to but then the whole confessing thing with Brian started and I kind of forgot.

“Hey Sis, you alright?” I asked her when I picked up.
“Hey, stranger…” She replied and I chuckled.
“I knew that would be coming. You okay?” I smiled.
“Yes, but how about you? Why didn’t you call me from time to time… Are you so busy being a rockstar girlfriend now?” She asked and I sighed.
“Well, life on the road, you know.” I laughed a little. “No, everything is fine. Brian and I are coming along really good.” I said honestly.
“Hmm…” My sister hummed and I knew she wasn’t convinced.
“What?” I asked and frowned.
“Don’t know… what means come along.. I remember Brian being at my door, wanting to make up for something he did? Did he stay clean? Did you have trouble with him? Babe, I am your sister you can tell me.” Cara said and I sighed, she was right.
“Well, we did have some troubles, but not we.. as in he and me.. but he and Matt, and well it’s a complicated matter. Anyway, so he acted out a little, be he knew what he did wrong, nothing happened. This brought us even closer together… He is such a sweet guy, when you get to know him and get to the core of this cocky attitude.” I smiled thinking about our time together and better not thinking about our sexy times, because damn my cheeks were flushing.
“What do you mean acted out? Does Matt know?” She asked and I frowned why would she bring up Matt?

“He took some pill, but it didn’t sit well with him, he was just vomiting, I brought him to the hotel in time, no harm done. No, the others don’t know. I don’t think it’s necessary that they know this. Brian and I handled the situation by ourselves.”
“I see.. and you and Brian.. is there something more going on? I mean.. I thought you liked Matt?” Cara asked and damn she just knew me too well.
“I.. can’t tell. Yes, Matt and I… we… I thought there was something, but… he… I can’t tell.. It’s not my story. I just feel like he wasn’t the real Matt… I have to tell you this another day, not over the phone.”
I shrugged my shoulder helpless not able to explain the weird situation.
“And Brian?” She pressed.
“Brian and I are getting closer… I don’t know, we didn’t talk about it. We just keep going and it’s good.” I smiled again when I heard my sister breathe in and out heavily, my smile fell away.

“What is it?” I asked knowing she wanted to say something.
“You won’t like to hear it…” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“When do I like to hear things you say like that?” I asked and she chuckled.
“Very well… Don’t you think you have been through enough? I mean, I don’t know everything that had been going on with you and the douche bag of ex-boyfriend, but you ran away from him, which says a lot. I don’t want you to run into another thing like that… your ex had problems… he had issues, with drugs and alcohol and don’t try to deny it… He was bad for you, he hurt you…” I swallowed, was she really thinking Brian would be like John?
“Brian is different.” I said my voice icy.
“I told you, you won’t like to hear it.” Cara said on a sigh.
“I am not telling you what to do, I just want you to watch your steps, Brian is a rockstar, he is a guy who likes to party and party too much, you said it yourself. Don’t bring yourself from one train wreck to another, babe.”
“We better end this call.” I didn’t want to hear her talk about Brian like that. She didn’t know why he was acting his ways, but I did know.
“Tara, listen to me, I don’t say this because I want to hurt you, but-” I interrupted her.
“Message received, I have to go now, pleasure talking to you…” I hung up and stared at the phone.
How dare she say something like that?
John and Brian couldn’t be compared, not in the least.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, I got up and walked to the door, wondering why Brian wouldn’t use the keycard.
“Don’t you have your card-” I stopped when Alessia stood at my door.
“Hey, sorry am I interrupting something?” She asked with a smile and I shook my head.
“No, absolutely not. You wanna come in?” I motioned her inside but she shook her head.
“I wanted to ask you if you like to wait with me at the bar, with a nice drink? I could use one, and having it served from somebody else then myself is always fun.” She grinned and I nodded.
“Good idea, I could use a drink.”
“Or maybe more? You got trouble with Brian?” Alessia asked and looked concerned.
“No, Brian and I are good. My sister is playing ‘Mrs knows it all’, she doesn’t like me being the girlfriend of a rockstar, she thinks it’s all just drugs and betrayal and you know.. sex, drugs and rock’n’roll the whole image.” I stayed as close to the truth as I could.
“Yeah, I don’t even wanna talk to my family about it… They would flip shit knowing where I am right now… I am actually not working in a bar… I am working in a library.” She winked at me and I burst out laughing.
“Library? For real? You found nothing more boring…” I asked and she smirked.
“I could think of some amazing fun you can have behind those book shelves, let me tell you…”
“Whoa.. you can’t just throw that into the conversation, happened or dream?” I asked smiling.
“Dream, but I guess I could get Zacky into making the dream come true.” She winked and I had to admit, that does sound like fun.
We sat at the bar and ordered some drinks, we could have fun waiting for the guys, I was glad I had some distraction after that call.


It's Sunday :)
So here is your update, hope you like it...
Should Tara listen to her sister? :O


Hahaha... thank you ;)
there is a lot more to find :P

MeRi MeRi

Okies. So, you totes need to write more. This was amazeballs!! Now I'm off to find more of your stories!

synology synology

Hi, actually I'm new over here. And I already posted a chap. for my first story. Please read it and tell me how you find it:)

DaphneG DaphneG

Awwnn so nice knowing someone is still reading!
Hope u liked it ;b

MeRi MeRi

I'm so happy for Matt:)

DaphneG DaphneG