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(Love) Contract

Coming home...

Tara’s POV

“For distracting me…” What else could I say, I knew what was to come, so I tried to give us both an easy way out of the situation.
I saw Matt looking at me confused, and then he narrowed his eyes and looked angry.
I didn’t want him to tell me the ‘This was a mistake and never can happen again’ Speech, so I thought why not me give him the chance to agree.
I saw his jaw muscles work and him breathing in deeply.

“No problem. Are you good to go out again?” Matt voice sounded ice cold and I suppressed the need to shiver.
I was still a little dazed from the amazing orgasm he gave me with his, oh so delicious fingers.
And was still fantasizing about his chock, I mean damn, I have seen a few men parts before but his was definitely one of the extremely fine species.
And I couldn’t stop thinking of how mind-boggling the orgasm would have been if we would have actually had real sex.
But he didn’t make a move, he just slipped his hand in my pants and when he had kissed me and I heard him murmur with his sexy deep voice all rational thought left my mind and didn’t leave any place for thoughts beside pleasure.
“Tara? Are you ready?” Matt asked and I shook my head a little trying to sort through my thoughts.
“I.. yes..” I nodded and Matt was about to open the door then turned a little to the side looking at me again.
“This… situation…” He began and I shook my head, no please, don’t.
“It’s okay, I know why you did it, we won’t speak about it any further, alright? No one needs to know.” I finished and put my hand on the doorknob, opening before he could reply anymore.
I went out first and saw that we were unwatched so I slipped out and motioned Matt to follow me.

We walked back to our seats, I tried to act casually and hoped that no one would noticed my flushed and heated cheeks… maybe they would think I was still having problems with the flight, and was not having …well… sex with my soon to be boss. Because technically it wasn’t really sex…
I sat down and saw the glass of wine standing on my place, oh hell yeah. I took it and gulped everything down.
“Thirsty?” Jason leaned towards me smiling, while Matt still stood in the corridor talking to one of the other passengers.
“Yeah… I hope not to fly so soon again.”
“You will wish to fly soon again, after you spend a few hours with these guys and their band mates in the piggy bus.” Jason said seriously.
“Piggy bus?” I laughed loudly.
“That’s how we call the bus, when no girl is around.” Jason clarified.
“Huh? I don’t get it…” I frowned.
“When no girl is around and these guys are on tour, they give a shit about the messy condition of the bus.”
“OHH… wow.. You mean hotel room like?” I asked and Jason nodded “Yeah… maybe worse.”
“Oh come on Jason, as if you and the guys are not part of it…” Brian leaned towards us and smiled at Jason, who shrugged.
“It’s your bus, man. We are not there to clean up your mess.” Jason replied.
“Sorry, can you give me some space.” Matt finally pushed his way beside me and we saw the sign that we would land soon and have to put the seat belt on.
I buckled up and tried to ignore the fear I was feeling again.

Matt’s POV
Was she freaking kidding me? She thanked me for distracting her?
Was she really thinking I just touched her and damn… fucking kissed and fingered her because I wanted to distract her?
Was that really what she was thinking?!
But I couldn’t talk to her about it now, I couldn’t tell her that I wanted more, that I didn’t go in there just to distract her. I went in to check on her, and because I wanted to… what?
I wanted to do what I did, but I didn’t plan on it… Honestly I wanted even more…

We walked towards the exit and I stopped there, we were here with 2 cars so we had to decide who would drive with whom.
“What are you waiting for?” Jason looked confused.
“I will bring Tara home and you will drive Brian home, after that I will come to you and we will talk about some details.” I said and tried not to look at Tara too close.
How her shirt was stuck between her pants on one side, but the other side was hanging over it, and I knew exactly when that happened.
How her right shoulder was showing skin, where I had kissed her and nibbled on that skin, but her left shoulder was covered…
“Matt? Did you hear me?” Jason looked at me frowning.
“Huh? What?” I blinked and tried to focus again, so much to fuck her and be done with it, but technically I didn’t really fuck her, well not the right way.
“Are you kidding me? MATT!” Jason waved a hand in front of my face and I saw Brian chuckle.
“Come on, babe. We walk to the car and give Matt some time to snap out of it.” Brian laid his arm around Tara’s shoulder and they walked towards my car and I frowned.
“Damn it, Matt… Third time now. My brother picked my car up, so we all have to drive with yours. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Jason looked at me with narrowed eyes.
“I just… didn’t sleep that well, that’s all… nothing more and nothing less. Okay, then let’s go.. I will drive Tara home and then we will move to Brian’s, did you call the lawyer already? Oh and reserve a table at our restaurant.” I walked to my car, and without looking at Brian and Tara, I sat down in the driver seat and started the engine.

I didn’t know where Tara was living but she could guide me the way as soon as we were out of the airport parking lane, which was pretty crowded and took us nearly 20 minutes to finally be back on the main road.
“So Tara, you gotta tell me how to drive to your-” I started when Brian interrupted me.
“SSsshhhhh…” I frowned into the review mirror and saw Brian holding his finger before his lips to motion for silence.

I frowned even more and when I stopped at a red light I turned towards him, “What the fuck, how do I-” I looked at the sleeping Tara.
Her head was leaning on Brian’s shoulder her breathing even and she must be completely out.
Brian had his arm around her shoulder, holding her upright and against him.
“Green” Jason said beside me and I turned back around not liking the feeling in my stomach.
I went back to driving “How do I bring her home now? I don’t know where she is living?”
“I know.” Jason said quietly beside me.
“How do you-” I began but then I remembered that Jason helped her cheating to get to the airport earlier, it felt like that was weeks ago and not only one day.
Strange feeling, “Alright, then guide the way.”

20 minutes later we stopped at a nice little house, I parked and got out of the car.
Jason handed me her small bag and I slung it around my shoulder.
I opened the backdoor and Brian already climbed out with her in his arms.
“I can-” I motioned for Brian to lay her in my arms, but Brian shook his head and climbed awkwardly out of the door.
I rolled my eyes at him and we walked to the front door. I saw just the name ‘Hall’ on the doorbell.
So this was where her sister lived, she had told me that much at least. I pressed the doorbell and we waited.

“I really wanna hear the story of your disappearance-” Even before the door opened I heard the female voice through the door.
“Oh shit, what happened? Give her to me” It definitely was Tara’s sister who stood before us.
She looked a little different, but she still had the same features Tara had, so you could tell these two girls came from the same family.
“Don’t worry, nothing happened, she just fell asleep in the car.” Brian tried to soothe her sister, which earned him an angry glare.
“Yeah, right, because you – a totally stranger- tell me that I will believe you. Now set her down.” Her sister sounded pissed and I chuckled.
“Something funny, big one?” Her sister glared at me and I stopped laughing, oh shit, tough one.
“Nope, nothing.” I tried to hide the smile on my lips and her sister walked into the living room and we followed.
Brian softly set Tara down on the couch, and her eyes snapped open as soon as her head was meeting he pillow.


Comments, my lovely readers :)


Hahaha... thank you ;)
there is a lot more to find :P

MeRi MeRi

Okies. So, you totes need to write more. This was amazeballs!! Now I'm off to find more of your stories!

synology synology

Hi, actually I'm new over here. And I already posted a chap. for my first story. Please read it and tell me how you find it:)

DaphneG DaphneG

Awwnn so nice knowing someone is still reading!
Hope u liked it ;b

MeRi MeRi

I'm so happy for Matt:)

DaphneG DaphneG