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Jimmy’s POV
I woke to a loud banging on my door. I blinked my eyes open and then heard Matt’s voice.
I groaned and then realized that I was holding a hot little body in my arms.
I frowned down on Mia, her eyes were still closed.
My body must have moved towards hers on its own accord during the night.
I knew that I had turned away from her, that I felt hurt from her rejection and not wanting to tell me something about herself.
I knew this was stupid and I knew I shouldn’t care, she was a one night stand, alright fine, a two night stand and we would probably never see each other again after this but…
That was just me… easy to love and easy in loving… I liked her.. she was fun, she was wild, she was fitting for me.
Why wouldn’t she share some details about herself?
“DAMN IT, WAKE UP!” Matt yelled again and this time Mia stirred in my arms.
“Jimmy?” Her soft voice awakened my body.
I was still mad!
I moved away from her, even if it was hard and swung my legs from the bed.
“We need to get up. Matt’s yelling at us. Time for breakfast.” I told her but had turned my back on her.
I felt her hand on my bare back and had to suppress a shiver.
“Jimmy? Are you still mad?”
“Mad? Hm.. me.. no I am not mad? Why would I be?” I got off the bed picked my boxers and pants of the floor and slipped into them.
I turned around and saw Mia lying on the bed, the sheets ruffled, her hair a wild mess .... damn she looked so kissable.
“Because you were yesterday... I am sorry Jimmy, really. This has nothing to do with you.. I mean..”
“Nah, save it. I’m fine. Come on, let’s go.” I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head.
Mia got out of bed clutched the sheet to her chest as if she didn’t want me to see, but I saw it all, I memorized it.
Now I felt bad about being this cranky, but still… damn it.
Why didn’t she talk…?!

When she was dressed and had combed her hair, we walked down the stairs, the elevator was occupied.
Mia grabbed my hand in hers and I wanted to pull her close, but I didn’t.
I saw all the others sitting at the breakfast table, already with coffee in hand, even Brian and Izzie were there.

Brian had his arm around Izzie’s chair and smiled at her, she leaned over and he took the chance to steal a kiss.
Ah fuck…
I plopped down on a chair and Mia looked at me with a frown, she took the last empty chair next to Zack, while I sat on the end of the table.
“Good morning to you as well.” Matt looked at me with a lifted eyebrow.
“Yeah, whatever.” I grabbed the coffee, which stood in front of me, and took a sip.
“Hey sweetie, you didn’t sneak out this night? Wanted to see me again, huh?” Zack asked Mia and nudged her with the elbow.
She laughed a little, “So it was that obvious that we sneaked out, huh?”
“Oh yeah, we haven’t laughed that hard in a while.” Johnny replied and Brian threw him an angry look.
“You want some coffee?” Zack asked Mia and she nodded at him with a smile.
Maybe I should have been the one to ask her that, but maybe that would have been a “too private question” for me to ask, I thought mockingly.
“Thanks.” He held the coffee out for her and when she wanted to grab it he held it away again.
“Ah… my payment?” Zack asked.
Mia frowned at him and I frowned with her, what does this sneaky bastard want?!
He held his cheek out for her to kiss, and when she pecked him on the cheek, I sat up straight in my chair.
I didn’t like her lips on anything other than me and my body… Wait… where did that thought come from?!

We had our breakfast and were talking about this and that, well… all the others were talking I was staring at Zack hitting on my girl.
“You want something to eat? I can get you some?” Zack asked and laid his hand on Mia’s shoulder.
“Yes, hm.. thanks.” She smiled and Zack went over to the buffet and I got up and followed him.
“What do you think you are doing, Zee-man?” I asked him with narrowed eyes.
“Getting us some breakfast?”
I lifted my eyebrow at his plate with finger food and fruits on it.
“Since when do you eat this?” I motioned at the plate.
“Since I can feed her with it… you are not taking good care of your girl, Jimmy… I will take over.. You already got trouble in paradise? Maybe you give her back to me… I think I can handle her pretty well.”
Zack smirked and I looked over at Mia talking to Johnny and laughing.
“Alright, I say this one time and one time only, get your hands of her or I cut them off.”
“Whoaa.. James what is wrong with you? Are you jealous? I was just fooling around… she is just a one night stand, right?”
I looked away, yes right… and what if I wanted to see her again?
This was a mess.. me and my stupid heart… always got us in trouble!
“Jimmy, am I right?” Zack put the plate away and grabbed my shoulders.
“Yeah.. maybe.”
“Damn, Jimmy… you like her, huh? What happened? Why are you so strange towards her?” Zack asked.
“It’s nothing.. doesn’t matter. Just.. don’t.. touch her.”
“Fine, here bring her this and make up or whatever…” Zack pushed the plate into my hands and went back to the table.

Mia’s POV
Jimmy was mad at me, he said he wasn’t but I know he was. Evading all his questions made him mad at me, ruining our night together. I wanted to tell him all about me, I wanted him to know all about me, and I mean... all about me, but I couldn’t, I liked him, I couldn’t let him get hurt. But now I was hurt, because he was mad... Damn, this got messy pretty fast. Truth was, I got attached to him already and even I knew that was pretty stupid. I looked over to him, I saw him staring into his cup, his coffee must be pretty interesting by the way he was looking at it.

Zack’s arm was resting on the back of my chair. He looked at me “You want something to eat? I can get you some?”
“Yes, hm.. thanks.”I smiled at him.
Talking to Zack was just playing nice. I did a number on him, by going with Jimmy and I felt a little guilty about it. I was just glad it looked like he forgave me. I watched him walk away to get some food for me. Jimmy muttered something about food and followed him quickly.

I looked over to Izzie and Brian. He was giving her little kisses in her neck and she giggled at every single one of them, she looked really happy. I hoped she could let go of him, she was always the sensitive and pensive one. She knew what she was getting into, but if she would remember that when he left soon... I wasn’t so sure.

“Open up”
Jimmy dropped down on the chair next to me and held a strawberry to my mouth. I opened up and he fed me the fruit. I looked at him, did this mean he wasn’t mad anymore? He stared into my eyes, that way only he could.
“Do you want more?” I nodded, not breaking our stare.
He fed me something else. I didn’t even taste what it was, I was just too consumed with Jimmy.

“Ah hell” he muttered and pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.
“I wished you opened up to me” He said softly in my hair, so soft it was only meant for my ears. “I would really have liked to get to know you better”
I shivered, I was always the one chasing guys, always the one who let my feelings out, always the one who got hurt by loving too much and now I found this great guy, that wanted me and didn’t make any secret of it and now I couldn’t. Life sucked balls, big time!

I removed myself a little from his chest and looked at him “You’ll never know how I wish I could do that.” He gave me a confused look “Don’t Jimmy, don’t ruin this moment please?”
“Okay, if you really want that, I’ll give that to you....” He stopped for a second and then came closer again and whispered in my ear “.... because I like you” I blushed and looked at him. I couldn’t take the distance between us and put my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He stroked his tongue over my lips and asked for entrance, which I was happy to give, I wanted him as close as possible, taking in consideration that we were in the restaurant of a hotel.

Our kiss took my breath away and I needed to come up for air. I looked up and saw Johnny staring at us with his mouth open.
“It’s not fair that you and Brian get all the fun on this trip!” He complained.

Brian’s POV
“You must be taller than this to get some fun!” I held my hand up to my shoulders and smirked.
Everybody began to laugh and I kissed Izzie’s temple.
“I didn’t hear you having fun, this night- OUUUCCHH!” Jimmy ended the sentence then glared at Mia from the side and began to rub his leg underneath the table.
“What?! You didn’t hear them either!!! You were the one saying he must not be doing it right!” Jimmy told her and I saw Mia blush.
“That’s not what…” Mia tried to justify her saying but stopped and looked at me and Izzie with an apologetic smile.
“Jimmy! You can’t just say that!” Mia yelled at him and I looked at the bickering between these two and damn I’ll be damned if they didn’t fit good together. Then I turned my glance back to Izzie, begging her to say something to reinstate my pride.
“Well, maybe you couldn’t hear us, because we weren’t in our room the whole evening?! I mean… I normally don’t kiss and tell but… I can tell you these bathrooms are pretty soundproof, I guess…” Izzie said and winked at Mia and Jimmy.
I smirked and grabbed her in for another kiss. Damn, this girl was fantastic…
“Uuhhhhuuu, details… Izzie!” Johnny replied and leaned further over the table.
“I could tell you things that he did to me… but…”
“You gotta be taller than this, to be allowed to hear it.” I finished her sentence and held my hand up to my shoulder again and Johnny banged his head on the table and the others began to burst into laughter.

“Sorry, guys… it’s getting late. We need to move. I looked at the map for our next destination, which would be Portland and we will have at least a 10 hours’ drive ahead of us. So, we better get moving. Pack up your things and we meet back at the Van in 20 minutes?” Matt asked and downed his last bit of coffee and then we all got back to our rooms.
Izzie helped me to pack up my things and we moved down together, meeting Jimmy and Mia in the elevator, who were already entangled into another make out session.
When the elevator door opened and Izzie and I walked out, Jimmy and Mia stayed inside.
“Guys, we are here!” I told them.
But Jimmy just waved the notification away, “We will ride back up and come back down…”
The doors closed and I grabbed Izzie in my arms, pulled her against my chest.
“So.. that’s it, right?” I asked her.
“Yup, that’s it.” She looked a little sad… and I felt the same.
“You know… we had spent an amazing night, but we both knew this was just for one night-” I started with a smirk and Izzie slapped my shoulder- hard!
“BRIAN! Don’t you dare pull that speech on me now.” She yelled but also grinned.
“Just kidding. But we did have fun and we spent an amazing night, two amazing nights.”
“Yes, we did.” Izzie smiled.
“BRIAN? We are waiting, come on get Jimmy, we need to leave!” Matt yelled from the front door of the hotel.
“I’m coming!” I yelled back and the elevator door opened and Jimmy and Mia walked out hand in hand.
“We need to leave, Matt is already yelling for us.” I told Jimmy.
“Damn.. yeah alright.” Jimmy grabbed Mia into a hug and I did the same to Izzie.
“Goodbye.” I kissed her lips let my tongue dance with hers one final time, my hands wandered to her ass and pushed her even closer to me, she moaned into my mouth and I wished I would have more time but this was the last time I could kiss her and then I would have to let go of her. I kissed her lips once more and let go.
“Jimmy... JIMMY!” I pulled him on his belt and he let go of Mia finally.
“You got my number, right?” Jimmy yelled and Mia held up a small note.
“And you got mine.” Jimmy nodded with a smile and we moved to the Van already waiting for us at the entrance.


Comments :)
Pretty please !

It's weekend... Yeaaayyy ;)


Aw, the ending is just amazing! I actually felt like I was on this trip.
Loved it:)

DaphneG DaphneG

Thank you! Just click our names to see more! ♡

Kimmie Kimmie

I loved it. I'm really happy for them. Can't wait to read your other stories.

Holly Holly

Awh thank you! We miss you guys too!
We are writing, but it's going show (My, Kim's, fault), but as soon as we're comfortable enough it will be here, we promise! :)

Kimmie Kimmie

Oh guys I'll miss you, I can't wait to read the other one and this one was AMAZING like really fucking amazing congrats

LVengeance6662 LVengeance6662