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Watch Your Heart

Chapter 19

Jimmy's POV*

I woke up in a haze. There was screaming and kicking at the door. Eventually the door flew off the hinges and landed next to me.

"FUCK. JIMMY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED." Johnny was leaning over me, shaking my shoulders.

"...what the fuck?" I groaned slowly getting up. I turned around and saw no Liv and no Kylie. I felt a wave of anger hit me like a truck.

"WHAT. FUCKING. HAPPENED." Johnny shouted at me. I just back-handed him and turned to walk to the living room.

"Oh shit..." I heard Mattie say as I walked away. Oh shit was right. I didn't mean to hit Johnny. Well I did, but all that anger was pointed toward AA. Sam and Ben especially.

"We're gonna find them and fucking scalp them." Brian spat pulling out 8 pistols, 5 machine guns, and 3 shotguns.

Johnny came upstairs with a purple blotch on his cheek. He seemed to not care. "Move" he demanded walking over to the cabinet where we keep the guns.

"They're at the same house. But they have more cameras, more guards, and lots of weapons." Erin said staring intently at the screen.

"I don't care. We're getting them back. Whatever it takes." I said watching Johnny pull out probably 16 boxes of ammo.

Those girls are my sisters and I will stop at nothing to bring them to safety.
Liv's POV*

I was weak and my body was limp. The room was dark and cold.

"You finally woke up."

"Why do you do this? Why do you torture me and Kylie? Why did you have to kill my family? And Shay? Why Ben? Why?" I asked softly.

He chuckled. "It's your fault Olivia. It's your fault your family is dead. It's your fault Shay is dead. And it'll be your fault when I kill Kylie and Johnny."

"You won't touch them." I hissed. I had anger in the pit of my stomach.

"I will kill them. I will kill them all. And when I do, I will kill you."

"No! You won't! I'll kill you first! I'll kill you all before you even try to kill them! You will kill nothing!" I was livid.

"You better watch your mouth you little bitch."

"NO I WON'T! I have had enough of you and your stupid fucking gang! You're a fucking asshole Ben! You better let me and Kylie go and leave us the fuck alone or we'll fucking hunt you down and kill you all!" Tears spilled down my face as I screamed him. As a result he punched me in the jaw.

"I wouldn't talk like that if I were you..."


"You little bitch!" he advanced towards me.

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed at him.

He slapped me in the face making me stumble back. I uppercutted him then kicked him in the throat. He tried getting up but I put my foot on his neck.

"I am fucking done with you guys." I spit on his face and kicked him in the balls.

He grabbed my ankle and yanked it upwards causing me to fall to the floor. "I have to say that was impressive... but now I have to kill you."

"Whatever, just fucking do it."

With that he twisted my ankle, snapping it. I cried out in pain and he put a knife to my face giving me a Chelsea Smile.


"Fuck you."

He grabbed my left leg and snapped my other ankle making me screech. Then he yanked my right arm out of it's socket and shattered my left elbow. He took a bat and practically broke every bone in my body, except for my spine and skull.

"Time for the fun part." he sneered pulling out a gun.

He shot both shoulders and moved the gun to my stomach. That is where I draw line. With all my energy I kicked him off of me, screaming. I ran out of the room and went to find Kylie. I heard gunshots and shouting coming from outside so I ran down the stairs but halfway down my body couldn't take the pain and my knees buckled sending me down the rest of the way. I hit the floor with a scream. Dragging my body across the floor, I grabbed the door handle and turned it.

"You little whore! You can't run from me!" Ben screamed from the top of the stairs. He had a black eye, a busted lip, and shards of glass stuck out of his arms and back.

I swung the door open and saw the guys shooting the guards. Ben grabbed my ankle.

"Help me!" I screamed as loud as I could.

Johnny turned to face me. His eyes were bloodshot and he had tears running down his face. "Liv!" He ran towards me.

Ben grabbed me by my hair and lifted my head up, only to smash it against the floor. I spit out blood.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" Johnny screamed.

Johnny grabbed Ben and threw him off of me. He kicked him in the face and shot him in the stomach. I couldn't see what happened after that. The pain became unbearable and I ended up blacking out.
Johnny's POV*

Liv was losing a lot blood. And fast. I had Liv on my lap while Matt was speeding on the freeway. Her body was bloody and mangled, She was covered in bruises and her limbs were twisted in the wrong ways. Everything was broken. She had a gunshot in each shoulder and an outline of the barrel of a gun on her stomach. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Johnny, Erin and the twins will fix her up." Kylie smiled weakly at me.

She had a broken nose and a busted lip. Her knuckles had dry blood on it an imprint of a tooth on her index finger. She obviously put up a fight.

"Thanks Kylie.." I looked down at Liv "I just wish I could've protected her."

"We all do Johnny. I was across the hall from her. I heard her scream and cry and beg him to kill her." A tear fell down her face. "I just wanted to get her away from him."

"It must've been heart wrenching..."

"It was... but I know now that she's safe with you." Kylie smiled at me and rubbed my shoulder.

"Were here." Matt said.

I carried Liv bridal style into the house practically running into the room we kept our medical supplies. The twins and Erin were waiting for Liv.

"Oh my god!" Erin screamed at the sight of Liv's mutilated body.

"Holy shit.." Jason whispered in shock.

"Please! Just save her!" I pleaded setting her down on the surgery table.

"You're gonna have to leave." Mattie said stripping her down to her bra and panties.


"I don't have time for your bullshit Johnny. Honest to God, we need you to wait outside like everyone else. Seriously, get the fuck out." Jason snapped at me.

I got up and left a little shocked at how Jason acted. He never gets mad at any of us. I guess the pressure is getting to him.

----- 3 hours later -----

"Johnny. Kylie. She's awake." Mattie said with a smile. I shot up and ran to the door. He put his hand up. "Be calm."

I nodded and walked in slowly. My heart dropped when I saw Liv connected to a bunch of machines. "Liv..."

She smiled weakly. "Hi Johnny."

"Oh Liv, I'm so sorry. I promised they wouldn't hurt you. And they did. I broke my promise. I'm... I'm sorry."

"Johnny, all harm has been done. I'm not mad, this was out of your control." she put her hand on her stomach. "And the baby is okay."

"What about you?" I asked sitting down next to the table.

She frowned. "He broke every bone in my body except for my spine and skull. And, uh, there's some internal bleeding. And my-" Tears spilled down her face.

"And your what?" I wiped her tears with my thumb. "What happened?" She just shook her head.

"Both of her kidneys failed." Jason said.

"She needs a transplant or in 48 hours she'll die." Matt said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"What?" Kylie said in shock. "In 2 days?"

"She can't. She's too young to die!" I shouted out of sorrow.

"We need to find someone who has the same blood type as her." Jason said.

"What type is she?" I asked pacing the room.

"O" Kylie said biting her nails.

"I'll do it."

Our heads turned to the door to see who Liv's saint was.



I've been writing this since 7 and I finally finished. Ugh me and my obsession of writing.
I hope you enjoy my lame attempt at a chapter lol



Omg great story. Would love to know what's going to happen. When or if you have started the sequel, wold love to know

LitaA7x LitaA7x

I've been gone for too long but I'm back and holy shit where is the sequel

MoMo_92 MoMo_92

Oh lord this is gettin crazy can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)

MoMo_92 MoMo_92

Its gettin interesting can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)

MoMo_92 MoMo_92

Thank you we'll have the story updated soon :)