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Welcome To The Family.

Chapter Twenty-One

Christmas came and went and then I went all stupid and got my phone taken away for punishment. We have a month to go and I get to see my girls right now were getting ready to go on stage for a performance.
"Jim get your head out of the clouds we're about to go on." Brian said
"Sorry I want thinking about my girls." I said
"I know. Maddie said that Brayden was safe and okay but she misses you a lot." Brian said
"I can't wait to hold her in my arms again and hold Payson." I said smiling
"Val's in labor." Matt said joining us
"You'll get to see your kid next month." Brian smiled
"I know. It's exciting but nerve racking." Matt said
"Boys show time." Larry came in and said
"Can I get my phone back?" I asked
"No." He said
I whined
"You shouldn't have had it on stage with you." He said
I groaned and we went on stage and played. When we were done we exited the stage and I went to find Larry, he has had my phone since Christmas and it's February. As I was walking I tripped over an amp cord and fell smacking my head on the concrete floor and that's the last thing I remembered. I won't up with beeping noises around me, I opened my eyes and I was in a hospital bed.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled
"Jimmy shut up." Brian said
"What's going on?" I asked
"What do you remember?" Larry asked
"I was going to find you to ask for my phone back because you have had it since Christmas and its February. I tripped on an amp cord and that's where it goes blank." I said
"You tripped and hit your head on the floor and you landed on your right arm funny and now it's broken, you blacked out because you got your head so hard." Matt said
"How am I going to play?" I asked
"You're not. I called you guys off for the rest of the tour." Larry said
"So we're going home?" I asked
He nodded and I pulled the I.V out of my arm and got up. The nurse came in.
"I'm going to have to ask you to get back into the bed and let me put the I.V back into your arm." She said
"I'm fine." I said
"I know but you shouldn't have pulled the I.V out." She said
"We're leaving." I said
We all left and went back to the hotel.
"Eighteen hour flight home." Larry said
He handed my phone back to me and I smiled. He left to go to his room and pack his shit.
"Brian and Jimmy. You two should call and tell Madison and Brayden that we're coming home." Zacky said
"I think we're going to surprise them." Brian said
I nodded and Matt nodded in agreement as well. Johnny and Zacky called Gena and Lacey to tell them we were on our way home an told them not to tell Val, Brayden or Madison. I was literally shaking with joy when we boarded the plane, I wanted to see my baby girls and then explain to one of them why I have a case on my arm, my dominate arm at that. The doc said six weeks at the least that this thing will be on. The plane ride was long and quiet with all of the boys thinking about getting to go home to their girl. Brian sitting next to me.
"I think in going to take Madison to dinner the evening we get back an then ask her to marry me." He said
I smiled; he looked so giddy, I couldn't wait for him to be happily married, he's my best friend and I don't know what we'd do without each other. He laid his head on my shoulder and I laid my head on his.
"Wake up." Brian said pushing my side
I opened my eyes and everyone was getting off of the plane.
"We're home?" I asked
"It's about two thirty we'll go to my house and then you go to yours. You'll be home by three." Brian said
I nodded and we got into the taxi an went to his house. There were no cars in the driveway.
"Either they are at your house or they got kidnapped." Brian said
"Which on is more likely?" I asked
"They go kidnapped!" He squealed
"No you ass-hat they are at my house. Lets go." I said
I pulled him back into the taxi and we went to my house. Madison's car was in the driveway.
"See she's here dumb ass." I said
He smiled and I unlocked the door and we set our bags in the living room.
"To the nursery." I said
We quietly climbed the steps and I went into the nursery first. Brian stood in the doorway quietly tapping on the wall to find the light switch. He moved and there was a taser sound and he hit the floor. I turned around and heard Brayden yelling she got it and the lights flipped on. I froze and looked down at the ground and Brian was twitching. I started to crack up and my laugh turned to a cackle like my A Little Piece of Heaven laugh.
"Oh god. Are you okay Bri?" Brayden asked after Brian had finished twitching.
"I'm fine." He smiled
"Wait!" Madison yelled
It clicked to Madison that we were home, she dropped to the ground on top of Brian. Brayden looked confused and then her eyes lit up and she came over to my and threw her arms around my waist.
"Careful." I said
"What happened?" She asked
"I tripped over an amp cord and broke it." I said
I left out the smacking my head and blacking out.
"Guys crash in the guest room we'll see you later today." Brayden said
She took my hand and dragged me to the bedroom, it was dark and I pulled her into my arms
"I missed you." She said
"I missed you like fucking crazy. I was pissed when Larry took my fucking phone." I said
"Calm down." She said
She touched my cast and I tilted her face up so I could look at her even though it was dark.
"We missed you." She said
"I missed my girls too." I said
I kissed her and then something moved in the bed. We walked over and sat down, I flipped the bed side lamp on and it was Payson sleeping.
"Baby taser." I said holding my hand out
She smiled and handed it to me and I put it away. She picked up Payson and she had red curls, I smiled.
"Baby." Brayden said down to our daughter.
Payson snuggled into her neck and rubbed her eyes. I couldn't wait to see her eyes.
"Your daddy is home." Brayden said
Payson turned to look at me and crawled out of Brayden's lap and stood up in front of me and felt my face looking directly into my eyes. Her eyes were amazing, one my color and one Brayden's color.
"Daddy." Payson said
Brayden's eyes widened
"That was her first word." Brayden said
I smiled
"Daddy." She said again
I pulled Payson into a hug and kissed her.
"Daddy missed you." I said
She smiled and she had four teeth
. "I missed a lot." I said
"You're home now." Brayden said
Payson yawned and snuggle into me, I laid down with her on my chest, I waved Brayden over and she laid next to me on my left arm, I pulled her closer and Payson slipped in between us. This was my family and they let me live my dream and they are always here when I get home.
"I love you Brayden." I said
"I love you too Jimmy." She said
We cuddled up and went to sleep.
When I woke up Payson was on my chest and Brayden was curled up to my side, I got up keeping Payson with me. I walked down stairs with Payson resting on my hip and Brian and Madison were sitting on the couch playing with Nathan.
"Morning." I grumbled
"Morning." Madison beamed
Brian was playing with Nathan.
"Bri I need your help." I said walking into the kitchen
"Yeah bro?" He asked
"I can't get the baby food." I said
"Here." Brian said
He got banana baby food and looked at me after I put Payson in the high chair.
"I'll do this. You go to Brayden. I've been talking to Madison and she's been having a troubled time without you. Madison suspects she cut but she's not sure. And we got a picture of you three sleeping." He said
I smiled and saw the taser mark on his neck.
"That's a lovely taser mark." I said
"Shut up. It's going to be fun to explain to the boys." He said
"Are you sure you've got this?" I asked
"Yes." He said shooing me away with his hands
I sighed and walked back upstairs and Brayden was tossing and turning.
"Plane crash." She said
"What plane crash?" She asked
What the hell is she doing?
"Jimmy can't be dead. He can't be the only one that died." She said
Uh oh.
"Jimmy!" She yelled and sat up.
She didn't see me. She looked over to my side of the bed and looked down to her hands
"Was that a dream too?" She asked herself
"No baby girl I'm here." I said coming out of the shadows by the door way
Her eyes lit up and she smiled.
I walked over and sat on the bed next to her and pulled her into my lap.
"I thought it was all a dream." She said
I shook my head and she buried her face into my neck.
"Where's Payson?" I asked
"Uncle Brian is feeding her banana flavored baby food." I said
"Her favorite." She said
"How long are you here for?" I asked
"Until our next tour. Which your coming on." I said
"No in not." She said
"Why not?" I asked
"Because." She said smiling
She played with my cast.
"Why hasn't anyone signed this?" She asked
"There wasn't any time." I said "When I fell I blacked out and woke up in the hospital and Larry told me the rest of the tour was canceled and I was discharged and we went back and packed and left." I said
"You blacked out?" She asked
"I hit my head. " I said
"Where?" She asked
I felt around my head and felt a bump and it hurt to touch.
"Right here." I said poking it and wincing
"Don't poke it.." She said
She laced her hands in my hair being carful not to touch the bump and she kissed the bump.
"Do Katie and Kellie know your home?" She asked
"I don't really care." I laughed
"Baby they're you sisters." She said
"They're used to it. Madison suspects you cut." I said
"I did." She said
"Are they bad?" I asked
"I got stitches." She said biting her lip.
"I'm not mad." I said
"Are you sure?" She asked
I nodded and she looked at me.
"It's healed." She said'
I nodded and she smiled. I kissed her and her phone started to ring.
"Hello? Yes! I'll tell you when we get there. I’ll see you soon." She said
"Val?" I asked
"Get dressed we're going to the hospital." She said
She climbed off of me and I got up and followed her around.
“What?” She asked
“Woman I just want a kiss.” I protested
“Maybe I don’t want to kiss you Jimmy.” She said
“Now you don’t mean that baby.” I smiled
“I don’t because I missed you like crazy.” She said coming up to me
She walked up to me and slung her arms around my neck.
“I love you Jimmy.” She said
“Hey! I’m Jimmy!” I smiled
She kissed me and when we pulled away she smiled.
“I love you to Bray.” I said
She blushed and I looked at her.
“Hey Bray?” I asked
“Yes?” She asked
“I need your help.” I said
“With?” She asked
“Getting undressed and dressed.” I smiled
“I can most certainly help you with that.” She said pulling her shirt off.
She took her pants off and pulled a dress on. She walked over to me and helped me out of my shirt and pants. She walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers and a pair of jeans.
“I feel like I’m dressing a man child.” She said after she helped me in clean boxers.
“Babe he is a man child.” Brian said in the doorway.
“Go.” I said
He left and she helped me into my pants and into a shirt.
“Let’s go.” She said shoving TOMS onto her feet.
I pushed my feet into my Vans and we went downstairs and she grabbed Payson and the six of us left and headed to the hospital. When we got there Brayden led us straight to Val’s room and Val looked up and smiled.
“Hi new mama.” I said
She smiled and I walked over and looked at the small little boy in her arms.
“He’s adorable.” Madison said
Everyone hugged everyone and we all settled in.
“Bri what happened to your neck?” Johnny asked him
“Oh Brayden tased me.” Brian said
“Why?” Zacky asked looking at Brayden
“When you hear something in your nursery you tend to grab the weapon your husband bought you. When you think something’s the door and it moves you tase it.” Brayden said
Everyone laughed and we went over the story of me breaking my arm and everyone signed it.
“We do have a show after Jimmy gets his cast off.” Matt said
“Where?” Val asked
“Here.” Matt said
I nodded and we all sat around and talked. I missed this, I don’t want to go away again


HI! I had to cut this chapter a little short becasue it started to storm here in the middle of me writting it and if the power goes out I'm screwed.

thank you for the lovely comments about my writitng I love you guys

im sorry its so short :)


You Found Me

You Found Me

NC-17 Romance

She runs away and he finds her on the side of the freeway


Completed ✓
9.9 34 Votes


Thank you so much!

Mrs.Sullivan Mrs.Sullivan

Love this story and the first one,You Found Mr

Yayy!! Im going to read it right now!!!
mrsmshadz mrsmshadz
I loved it! It was really cute! I hope there's another sequel!!
mrsmshadz mrsmshadz
Love it beautiful ending I thought her comments during labor was hilarious can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
MoMo_92 MoMo_92