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The Red Crayon

I Have Faith In You

Normally, no prison guard would let Brian come in twice in one month. But after he’d lied and said he was from the law company that were going to be tutoring Matt until he was released, he managed to work his way into a private meeting, not only with his best friend, but with Tuck too.

After Jimmy had explained his plan, that could not only help him get his job back, but get both Matt and Tuck out of prison for good so that they could take care of their children, he’d reluctantly agreed to go and see what he could do. With Zacky out working all day, it was better than sitting in the apartment watching re-runs of Judge Judy on their oversized TV. His hopes at seducing the guard had been blown out of the water after he’d almost been thrown out, and now he was sat in a cold meeting room, waiting for the two of them to arrive.

The iron door was pushed open and two guards walked in, two prisoners behind them. They both looked up and when Matt caught Brian’s eye his jaw dropped a little and he started to grin, but barely letting it show to the guards. Tuck didn’t say a word.

“Mr Baker, would you like either of us to stay here with you? These two have proved to be extremely violent, and it’s our duty to protect outside visitors” one of the guards said and Brian shook his head, watching as the two men sat down opposite him.
“I’ll be fine” he replied and the two guards walked out.

It was a moment before anyone said anything, and it took all of Matt’s strength not to jump over the table and hug his best friend. He’d been devoid of human contact for weeks, it was nice to see his friend looking so…happy.

“Really? Baker? Seriously Brian, you and Zack aren’t even married yet” Matt smirked as Brian blushed slightly; grabbing the piece of paper he’d scrawled some notes on from his pocket. They wouldn’t let him keep his phone- though the man still didn’t have any understanding why.
“Shut up. I almost had to seduce the guard- be thankful we’re not calling the whole thing off” he grumbled, staring over at this Tuck man.

He and Matt weren’t that different, when you came to look at it. Both had young children that were looked after by their parents, children that they adored so much. They were both in prison, though what Tuck was in here for Brian didn’t even know, and both had wives that had run away at some point. And both had beaten each other up because both of them were as stubborn as two mules. Tuck had shoulder length dark hair and bright blue eyes that pierced right into the side of Matt’s skull as he refused to look Brian in the eye.

For all he knew, this stranger was going to help the other guy beat the shit out of him.

“So…onto why I’m really here. I got a call from Jimmy a few hours ago, he’s got a way of getting you two out of here early” Brian said, and suddenly, he had the full attention of both men, only slightly less of Tuck. Obviously he didn’t trust Brian that much yet.
“How?” Matt asked.

“Why should I even listen to you? How do I know you’re not some undercover jerk trying to see how prisoners bust out of this hell?” Tuck hissed and Brian sent his friend a warning glare as his fists clenched together. If he’d beat up Tuck once, he could sure as hell do it again.

“Your last name is Tuck, right? Well, my friend Jimmy is a kindergarten teacher, and your son is in his class. Alex is his name, right?” Brian said slowly and the growl from Tuck’s face dropped, staring up at Brian with a new found hope for this stranger.
“He knows Lexie?” Tuck said softly and Brian nodded, turning to stare at the two men. They were both such family men, they’d do anything for their children. And for once, it was their children’s turn to do something for them.

“I was suspended from teaching a week ago for being gay; the parents didn’t like someone like me teaching their kids. I’m suing the school for breaching my rights to employment, and I need lawyers. That’s where you two come in. I’m paying to have someone come in and tutor you, and if you agree to be my lawyers- the prison will let you free. That is, if we win.

You will have a contribution to society, proving you’re ready to be put back in it. You can be with your children like a proper parent should- and they in turn, will act as witness to prove that even if you are gay, you can teach just as well as a straight guy”

The two men looked at each other, hearing the footsteps coming back down the corridor. It would be the guards, coming back to take them to their cells. If it gave them the chance to see their children, and be freed early- it would be worth a shot.
“Alright, alright. We’ll do it” Tuck said with a small smile and as the doors behind him opened, the guards ready to take both of them away.

“Good. She’ll be along next week” Brian said as he stood up, pulling Matt into an embrace. It had been a while since he’d hugged his best friend.
“Kennedy misses you, buddy. She and Jimmy prayed for you last night- she’s waiting to hear your reply”

As the guards dragged the two men into the cell they’d found themselves sharing, Tuck couldn’t stop staring at his friend. This guy knew someone who looked after his son, his little Alex. And Kennedy, she seemed like such a good kid, the kind of person he wanted to see marry later on his life.
“Hey, Sanders. I…I don’t know if I can do this” Tuck said quietly as he sat down on the bottom bunk of their beds, feeling the other man sit down next to him.

“I mean…I’m no lawyer, Matt. I’m not like you, I can’t do those kinds of things. I…I get nervous, I can’t stand up in court and talk about law. I want to help your friend, and I want to see my son but…I can’t”

Matt stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say to this man, who had just let himself show for him, showing off the vulnerable side of him.
“You wanna know something? The reason I read all those books, the reason I want to become someone who fights for what they believe in- was all for Kennedy. Everything I do is for her, and I’m there to make the world a better place for her. If you stand up there and think of how you’re changing the world for Alex, it makes everything so much easier. You have faith, you see?” Matt replied, patting Tuck’s shoulder.

And he did see. For once, he saw how much he needed someone like Matt to help him through his breakdowns. To stop him from repeating what he’d done before.

He needed Matt. But not as a friend. As more.


Soooooooooo....an update would be awesome!!!

DHKroeger18 DHKroeger18

Please update it....this is my favorite story ever....I totally ship Matt and Matt Tuck ;)

Awwwwwwe so cute!!!!!!!!!

BabyBat124 BabyBat124

missed this story so much.. glad it's back..

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance

Loveeeee this it's amazing cx

Kanda Kanda