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Where She Will Stay

***Vi’s POV***

Tuesday morning, work was the last thing on earth I wanted to put up with. I stared over the body splayed out next to me. Zack was on his back, facing me--his arm above him and almost behind his pillow in an awkward move that would no doubt make him sore when he woke up. But right now, he looked so perfectly content, perfectly gorgeous, perfectly mine, and well...just perfect.

His lips were slightly parted as he barely snored. His chest rose and fell, his other hand in the middle of his body. His bangs fell over his face in black silky strands. Dark stubble shaded his cheeks and chin perfectly. I could barely make out the scars where his piercings used to be. I couldn’t believe he was real.

Our weekend together had been nothing short of life-alteringly amazing. A small smile played at my lips and I didn’t stop myself when it turned into a huge, wide grin.

His beautiful eyes fluttered open and he reached for me, pulling me closer. I swept the bangs out of his face and kissed his sweet lips.
“I’m sorry, I gotta get ready for work. But I had to see those eyes when you woke up.” I smiled lightly.

Zack just grumbled as those eyes searched my face, “If you weren’t so damn independent, you could just be here all the time, on tour with me all the time…”

I let him kiss me hungrily before tearing myself away, trying to remind myself once again why the fuck I was so independent….


“There she is! My girlfriend, the enormous slut.” Erin giggled when I walked into work. She was the only one there, so I quickly put an arm around her waist and planted one on her.

“Is that really what they’re calling me?” I chortled as I continued to open the place.
“Yeah. Some say we’re a throuple. Some say you left me for him. Some call you a slut, which is sometimes defended and sometimes denied.” She went on as if we were casually talking about the weather.

I just shook my head. There was a day when that really would have bothered me. But now it really didn’t, and man that felt awesome.

“So how was it?” She asked, just as our boss walked in behind her.
“Yeah, how was it? I heard all about your special Friday night. Spill it.”
I chuckled. Sue got cooler by the day.

“He told me he loved me. Actually, he sang it to me, then told me. Then made love to me. Saturday night was interesting,” I cleared my throat. I’d spare them some details, “The girls all came over to berate me once they found out Zack and I have been messing around way longer than they thought.”

“I knew it!” Sue shook her finger at me.

“We made peace,” I also left out the part where some of us fucked it out, “And we had a wonderful day with Ness.”
“Uh, I’m so jealous. My little ones have left the nest and I don’t see any of them settling down with kids anytime soon! And that boy is just precious.”
I found it pretty hilarious that she was admitting to being jealous of me.

I was still in a wonderful mood by lunch, when I had agreed to meet Meaghan at a place near where I worked.

“You’re in a good mood, as you always seem to be these days,” I winked at her as we sat.
“Me? What about you now? Glad I can see that frown upside down,” She smiled back and I grinned in relief. I had no idea how it would be between us now--both because of my transgressions and our makeout session--but it seemed very much to be back to what it had been. Possibly better even?

“So I realize now you trying to get me to that gala was all a rouse, but seriously, Jake didn’t pull any weird moves?”
“No…” The way her big doe eyes lit up made her look even younger, if that were possible, “There was this moment, right after you guys left, that I thought for sure Jake was going to tell me he loved me--”
“He hasn’t told you that?!” I stage whispered. The way she spoke about their relationship made it seem like they were way past that stage.
“I know, I know. It seems like we should have, right? But I’m glad he didn’t. I heard it for so long without it meaning a damn thing, I’m wondering if maybe we’ll never say it.” She sighed, but the smile didn’t leave her face, “He just looked at me with those pretty hazel eyes and told me I was really special to him.”
“We were a bunch of crybabies after you guys left. You should’ve seen it. Even some of the guys. I’ve never seen Matt that emotional before.”
“Matt??” I smiled at the cute thought.
“Yeah, he was looking into Val’s eyes and she was wiping his tears away. I don’t know what they were saying, but it was beautiful.”
“That’s great. They’ve been together so long, it’s nice to know they still really love each other…”

Meaghan nodded, playing with the straw in her water as she nervously chewed a lip between her teeth, “There’s something...I wanted to talk to you about…” Her voice quieted as her eyes darted away. Was it hot in here suddenly?? What the heck did she wanna talk about that would have her nervous? “Jake asked me yesterday if I’d ever done some of the things we’ve done together recently. I told him of course not, and he asked me why now, if I hadn't before. I had assumed that it was all because of him, but once I thought about it I realized it was all about me and how I’ve changed. Partly in thanks to you.” Her gaze finally raised to meet mine.

“Me?” I couldn’t help but ask, even though I totally understood.

“Yeah. You’ve got this kick ass attitude about sex and while I personally believe in monogamy, I’ve really learned a lot from you about...ya know, the other stuff. And Jake is so perfect--encouraging without being pushy,” She leaned closer, “It’s so much more fun now, sex.”

I threw my head back with a laugh and nodded, “Well, you’re welcome I guess!”

We ordered food and she prattled on, “I know you’ve said you don’t want your own kids, but...I’ve noticed you get along really well with Ness.”

I wasn’t sure where she was going with this, so I just nodded.

“I assume you’re ‘VeeVee’?” She chuckled and my jaw hit the floor. He’d said my name to her?
Megs giggled and gave me a look like I’d been found out, “We were at the grocery store a week ago and he saw a girl with bright purple hair. He started shouting that name and when you didn’t immediately show up out of nowhere, he burst into tears! It was so adorable, and fortunately, he calmed down once something else got his attention--but for a second I was worried we’d have to leave!”

I was shocked at the warmth this brought to my heart. Dammit, I’d totally fallen for the kid, too. This brought up all sorts of other questions I wasn't ready to deal with. I grinned, trying to ignore the slight mist that came to my eyes and also trying not to imagine those wide green eyes welling up with the irresistible toddler tears.

“That is so sweet! I don’t know how you handle him crying. I just give him whatever he wants,” I chuckled lightly and she followed.
“You get used to it.”

I met her gaze again, “Thanks for that. I constantly question if he actually likes me or if I just happen to be another pair of arms that likes to pick him up.”

“No worries. I figured you’d want to hear it.” She winked cutely, knowing the effect her totally adorable son must have on everyone, but especially me.


That night I spent by myself, which was nice. I missed Zack, but also knew how to keep myself mentally healthy after what I’d been through. They’d be home for another few weeks, so I’d have a good amount of time with him.

The next night after work, I should have either gone to his place or invited him over--because by the time I got home I was back to being outrageously, crazy horny. So what did I do? I walked upstairs.

***Zacky’s POV***

Tuesday night, I thought, was going to be a nice relaxing cigar and scotch on Brian’s deck night. Apparently tonight it was us and all the guys. Not that I minded, but I wasn’t sure I should be talking about Violet the way they were going to want me to.

It was like walking into a trap. The second I walked in the door, I was escorted outside, sat down, given a drink. I looked up at all four of them standing there expectantly. Realizing how they looked, they began to sit down and relax a little. Matt started.

“The bruise, dude. Details. Like, copious amounts.”

I took a long drink and shook my head, “I dunno, guys--”
Johnny shoved me in the shoulder, “C’mon man.”
“What?” I raised my hands, “She likes to be dominated. Obviously.”
“So you hit her?” Matt raised a brow.

“She wanted me to! In fact, when you guys were here, right after you saw it, she told me to hit harder next time!” I huffed, a little frustrated now.
“So I assume you spank her?” Brooks asked matter of factly.
“Yes.” I narrowed my eyes at the drummer.
“What else?” Johnny wagged his eyebrows.

“Well, she’s been in a lot of devil’s threesomes, so you know what that means,” Brian smirked and the rest of the guys gasped a little. They all knew about her threesomes, so I wasn’t sure why they hadn’t put this together before.

“Duuuude.” Johnny breathed out, “She digs anal?”

Brian grinned a little wide for my taste, so I smacked him on the knee. He hit me back, “The other night when we were all there? I went into that room at the end of the hall.” His smirk got everyone’s silence and my palm to my face. They all leaned in as I blushed.

Syn giggled, “It’s just a man cave of sorts. But theyyyy,” He pointed at me, “Hadn’t cleaned up their mess.”
The three others guffawed and gasped and started asking questions.

“C’mon, Bri…” I shook my head and laughed.
Gates just patted me on the knee--proudly? “There was a neck cuff lying on the coffee table, next to a bottle of lube, fluids fucking everywhere,” He reached into his pocket and when he opened his palm, all of us including me looked, “And these.”

“Brian!” I furrowed my brow.

“Zack! What the hell are those!” Johnny took a closer look.
Matt started laughing and made motions like he was worshiping me, “Dude, I don’t even know what those are, but you’re our new fucking sex god!”

Once we calmed down we realized Brooks hadn’t said a word and we all glanced over to his chair questioningly.

“Amateurs.” The blonde grinned sideways before leaning over and pointing into Syn’s palm, “Those are little nipple clamps, and that’s a clit clip.”

“A what now?” Our singer asked.

The drummer shook his head like we really should all know this stuff by now, “A clit clip. You slide it over the clit and/or inner lips. It’s pretty tantalizing. When you take it off there’s like a tiny blood rush back into those places.” His eyes moved to mine, “She enjoyed it, right?”

My gaze darkened thinking of one of the hottest nights of my life, along with my voice, “It got her to squirt, so yeah.”

The rest of the guys groaned as Brooks nodded and put up his hands towards the objects of desire, “I highly suggest you all buy these.”

They all nodded voraciously.

“Guys, please. That’s enough. I’d like to bring her on tour for a couple weeks, so you guys gotta be cool.”
“Are you serious?” My bassist croaked, “That’s a terrible idea!”
“Terrible?!” Shadz chuckled, “That would be awesome!”

I put my head in my hands, “You guys are literally the worst.”

Brooks chortled, “Yeah, we are. But seriously, if you bring your girlfriend, she’s going to wind up fucking some of us. You have to know that.”
I ran a hand down my face, “Yeah, I guess I have to come to terms with that. 'Cause I really want her there.”

“Just tell her to keep it to me and Matt since she’s already been with us,” Syn laughed and hit our vocalist on the shoulder as they both grinned.
“Hey!” Johnny protested.
“Short shit, you’re the only one of us that’s really monogamous, it’s not like you could anyway.” I looked at Brooks, “Sorry, dude.”

He shrugged with a sideways grin, “You know I get it anyway.”


The following day I spoke with Sue, her boss, who I’d known a long time. I didn’t have to talk her into giving Vi the time off, she seemed more than happy to do it. That evening I made the mistake of wanting to surprise Violet at her own apartment. She’d given me my key back, so when she didn’t answer I just figured she wasn’t home yet and I let myself in.
Just as I was about to turn her tv on, that’s when I heard it.

Moaning. Her moaning. And someone else’s grunting. That huge guy. Had to be. That would explain how she so easily wound up in another man’s arms--both while we were split up...and now.

I should have turned on the tv, left, or gone up there, but of course I did none of those things. It went on forfuckingever and I was an extremely uncomfortable mix of enraged and turned on at the same time. It fucking hurt.

I knew I was supposed to be okay with this, that it was supposed to be totally fine that she fucked other guys--but having it shoved in my face like that without being involved at all...it was awful.

I was boiling over. Pissed the fuck off. Hurt. Fuck, now there were even a few tears. Get the fuck out, Zack, now! I knew I should leave or I’d cause a scene, but my feet wouldn’t budge towards the door. I paced the floor, pulling at my hair as they both climaxed.

Liquor. She had to have some, right? That would take the edge off. I didn’t take me long to find the cheap Scotch stashed in the cupboard and I poured a healthy amount into a mismatched glass, practically shaking. Breathe, Vengeance. She’ll leave you if you make a big deal about this.

Fuck. I just got her back.

I tried to calm down and drank as I heard them walking around, saying goodnight, laughing, and eventually his door closing…..and then hers opening.

***Vi’s POV***

I stopped dead in my tracks once I was inside my door. My keys hit the floor just with the look on his face. He was sitting on my couch, leaned over on his knees, drink in hand and staring straight at me. His green eyes were glistening with tears.

Oh my fuck, he’d been here and heard us.

“H-hey, Zack.” I wasn’t sure why I felt guilty. He knew how this worked. I had to admit, though, it couldn’t have felt nice actually hearing us. I felt awful, suddenly wondering if what I was feeling was actual regret.

Vengeance stood up and finished off the drink, setting the glass firmly down on a table before walking over to me, “Fuckin’ the moose again, huh?”

I nodded meekly, not having any idea what the best move was here. After having dropped my gaze, I looked back up into his questioning green eyes. His eyelashes were pointy and stuck together, letting me know I’d hurt him. Dammit, this was not how this was supposed to happen. My heart felt like it was in a vice, knowing I'd hurt him.

“Zack, you know you...weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“But I did.”

I tried to step closer, only to find that wasn’t the right move. He stepped back, his face twisting in anger, “Is that what you like, Violet? Pure size, like Matt?! Big alphas that tower over you and make you feel small?”

All at once, it came into focus. I hated making him feel bad, but he would not make me feel bad for wanting what I wanted.

I narrowed my eyes, doing my best to choose my words carefully, “I am sorry you had to witness this, Zacky, but this is who I am. I like all kinds of men, and all kinds of women. I’ve proven to you that out of all the men on this planet, you’re my fucking favorite and that I do love you. But that doesn’t mean I’m willing to compromise. You know I did that for too long and I’m not doing it anymore. You’re allowed to be hurt, but you’re not allowed to mock my choice in men. Cut the drama, Zack. It’s exactly what I don’t want.

It took everything I had to stick to my guns, but dammit I had fought too hard to get here. The hurt in his pretty eyes broke me, but I just stared back as his eyes searched mine. He did his tongue thing where he licked his lips, opening his mouth several times before he actually spoke.

“Just...why, Violet?” Zack took my hands in his, “Why do you need that when you have me?”

I pulled my hands away and put them firmly on either side of his face, looking him right in the eyes so he’d know how serious I was, “Zack, it’s just. sex." I wiped at his tears and pressed my body to his, “Just remind yourself of that. With everyone else it’s sex. With you, it’s so much more than that.”

With that, his eyes flashed and his jaw ticked, “You’re right. It is.”

His lips crashed onto mine, his arms wrapping around me so tight I almost couldn’t breathe. I hiked my legs up around him and we stumbled to my bedroom. Falling on top of me, we were soon a hysteric mess of clothes and arms and legs everywhere.

It wasn’t until Zack was shoving inside me that I realized this was a terrible idea.

“Zack!” I sobbed, “Stop!”
“We have a word, Vi!” He grunted angrily as he kept going.
“Six! Fuck!” I relaxed a little when he pulled out.

His lips were immediately on mine, before moving to my cheeks as he held me, “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this.”

I immediately saw that was the wrong thing to say as his eyes sparked back up with anger. I threaded my fingers into his hair so he’d look at me, “That’s not...what I meant. I...physically can’t do this. I’m sorry. I’m still interested, if you wanna do...other things.” I moved my hands over his back, attempting to be comforting.

“You’re interested, but you can’t? What the fuck, are you too sore? Did he seriously fuck you that hard?!” He spat before he sat up away from me. Well, this just went from bad to worse, I thought.
“You love to be fucked hard, honey, and I’ve seen how long you put up with it!” He yanked his boxers back on before turning to me, actually waiting for an answer.

My eyes lowered as I covered myself with the sheet, “He’s, um...hung. Like, makes Matt look small kind of hung.”

“Oh jesus. I’m fuckin’ outta here.”

Zack grabbed his jeans, but then just threw them on the ground again, “No, fuck that. You know what?!” He pulled his boxers back off and I wondered what the hell was about to happen, “Turn the fuck over. You’ve got more than one hole.”

The cold glare he was shooting my way should’ve sent me running for hills...instead of setting me on fire. I had no idea what on earth possessed me to think it was alright for him to talk to me like that, but instead of backtalking...I turned over.

I heard him grab the lube and a second later, two fingers were shoved in my ass. It probably shouldn’t have felt good, but it did. I tried to stay quiet, but he was moving quickly in and out and scissoring so much that I finally had to just stuff a pillow to my face and cry into it. The moment the fingers left, his cock pushed in. Oh fuck.

I shook as his thick length thrust into me. My entire being buzzed with so many things at once. Then he grabbed my hair. Jesus.

“Fine. You want really thick cock to ruin you every now and then? Whatever. It’s my cock you really need and I know that. Only mine truly dominates you, makes you come like you only can with me. When I go back on tour, you’re coming with me. See how you like coming back home and being without my cock after having it multiple times a day for two straight weeks.”

If that’s what he needed to say to make himself okay with this, I sure didn’t care--especially in the moment. He was really pushing my limits--fucking me nice and hard--but it was so glorious. Quin hadn’t made me come like that tonight, but Zack was about to. When I started to shake, Zacky chuckled darkly and ran a finger lightly down the middle of my back. Ah, god.
I screamed. I whimpered. I cried. I yelled. I moaned. I came sooooo hard.

“Oh, Violet...fuck yes…come on my cock...” He swatted my asscheek before grabbing it hard. Zack held on as he fucked deep, grunting into his release.

I felt gentle kisses being left across my shoulder blades, a hand caressing my hair lovingly before another kiss was pressed to my cheek. I breathed out a sigh of relief.
He was alright.

Zack pulled out, threw away the condom, pulled on his boxers, and went right to sleep settled in my arms as I petted his hair. His silence let me know he was still a little hurt, but his curling up to me let me know he was dealing with it.


I could feel his eyes on me when I got out of the shower and started getting dressed.

Zack leaned up on an elbow to watch me, sheets tantalizingly just barely below his waist. The look in his eyes, though, wasn’t lust. It was a little heavy. I walked his way and sat on the edge of my bed as his morning eyes stayed trained on mine.

“I was serious about tour. I’ve already talked to your boss about it.”

My brow pulled together and down.

“Don’t give me that look,” He smiled and my heart fluttered a little, “She even said that you could get one week of vacation if you wanted to use it. So how does two weeks on the road with your guylinered rock star sound?”

I plopped down next to him in my bra and panties and a smile, “Only if you promise to actually wear guyliner.”

His handsome smile creased his cheeks, “I think that could be arranged...for a price.”
I giggled before he kissed me, leaning me back into the sheets. Both our expressions relaxed as we looked at one another.

“You really do take my breath away, Vengeance.” I laced my fingers through his so he’d know I was serious, “I’m sorry about last night.”

His viridian gaze searched my face for a few moments before I caught a tug of an almost smile at his plush lips. He kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand, and I knew that was going to have to be good enough...at least for now.



K....so, lots happened there! Yay, Megs is okay! But hey, who wouldn't be if they were being kept happy by "Jake" amiright?! ; )

I don't know why I love writing the "locker room" talks, girls or guys, so much but I think it's funny so here ya go! I finally got laid a couple weeks back and got to do some "locker room" talk last night after the super bowl w/ a friend. She was like "was it good?" I was like "fuck yeah it was good." : )

Anywayyyyy, sorry about hurting Zacky! I can't even imagine being responsible for Zack's sad face. While I'd love to believe I'd be like Violet in her situation, I am TOTALLY ALL TALK and the second Zacky effing Vengeance wanted to be monogamous with ME I'd be totally all over it.

Hope you liked it!!!


Thanks for appreciating that little tidbit!! I can't wait to get some one day, I bet it is really fun! Hope you like yours!
RIGHT?!? hahaha

FINALLY! *praise the lord, motherfucker!*

Yaaaaay!! So glad to see them back together, and in a (potentially) more stable situation! I really love the detail of her taking out her contacts for this conversation, it makes the whole thing feel very real and vulnerable. (I wore colored contacts for the first time a couple weeks ago, and dang, they can really make you feel like a different person, lol!)

rizanicole rizanicole

Bahaha right?!? Well, here ya go!

violetvictoria violetvictoria

Bitches (and I use that term AFFECTIONATELY) better be figuring their shit out *shakes fist in a completely non threatening, entirely laughable manner*