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As I Walk Along

My eyes snapped open and for a moment I wondered if it had all been a dream. Then I realized I was on the bed where the best sex of my life had just gone down and a smile tugged at my lips. Wait, what time was it?! The sun was had just set, the colors reflecting all over the room. When I sat up suddenly, I found Zacky sitting at the edge of the bed, leaning over on his knees thoughtfully. He was playing with something in his hands. I noticed his ring glinted from where he had put it back on.

He saw me wake and turned, smiling a little, “Hey.” Fully dressed, he stood and dropped whatever was in his hands at my side. I raised a brow at the pink lace.

“Don’t worry. They’re brand new and she’ll never miss them. And I threw your shorts in the drier.” He threw those at me with a smirk, “C’mon. I’ll take you home.” And with that, he left the room, softly closing the door.

Frozen for a moment, I had no idea what to think. I still felt like I was sitting on clouds, my body and mind weightless and content and happy. Even though I wanted to take my time getting dressed--never ever wanting to leave this heavenly place--I knew I should hurry. Why did he wait this late? I pulled on my not soaking wet shorts and sighed. That was so nice of him.

Of course there was something so extremely naughty about wearing his wife’s panties that made me feel bold and sassy.

I went to the bathroom to give myself a quick look before heading out and stopped dead in my tracks. The woman looking back at me made me stop and stare. Cheeks flushed, eyes bright, stance tall but shoulders relaxed. Sexed up bright hair tossed to one side like I was model or something. Well, I had just come from a modeling shoot….I gave myself a wink and a big, haughty smile and left--pep in my step. Was this the Vengeance effect or the Violet effect? I wondered.

His eyes followed me down the stairs as he put on his leather riding jacket. Bounding up to him, I put my arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his neck, inhaling his natural scent.

He giggled, “I can’t possibly smell good right now.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” I chimed happily and picked up my stuff, sliding my shoes back on as we headed out. The ride home was even more beautiful, even if a little sad--the sunlight fading into the beautiful night. My arms stayed tight around him, maybe getting a little handsy now and then.

I got off the bike as he kicked the kickstand down and took off his helmet. Fuckin’ A he was sexy.
I climbed into his lap as he straddled the bike, his eyes finding mine in the fading light.

“You were right, ya know. I will feel satisfied for days after that.” My voice wasn’t teasing, just real. It was an odd feeling--satisfaction so final it’s like it found it’s way to my soul. That weightless feeling--it was so opposite of the constant feeling I’d had for years now of being restless, slightly agitated, ready to pounce. I was chill.

“Good.” Zacky grinned and raised that eyebrow a little cockily, “I had a good time, too, Violet.” He pulled me closer into his arms and then my lips down onto his.

Fuck, he was such a great kisser. It made me weak in the knees and he just tightened his grip on me when I melted into him--which was sexy in itself when I could feel all his arm and chest muscles flex around me.
“Before I forget, can you throw these away for me?” He pulled out a baggie from his jeans pocket that must’ve had all his used condoms in it. How he’d thought of everything kind of made me wonder.
“Sure.” I threw them on the ground next to my bag and turned my attention back to him.

“I know what you mean, though…” He blinked seductively at me and my mouth went dry, “I haven’t been this satisfied maybe ever.” His voice got a little husky and I wondered what the hell he was doing. Zacky’s eyes got a little more serious, a little sadder, “Thanks for the best night of my life.”

My breath caught and my heart tightened. No fucking way he just said that. My questioning eyes just searched his and before I could say anything, he was kissing me goodbye and somehow I knew it.
“Goodbye, Violet.”
“Bye, Zacky.”

And he left me there.

I didn’t expect the tears. There were only a few, but they stained my cheeks as I watched him ride off. Eventually I picked up my bag and threw the bag of his happiness in the dumpster.

While our goodbye had been a little sad, I fell asleep that night with a permanent smile on my face.


I strolled into work the next day like a cocky asshole, high as fuck on my life. Erin was there already, the day just starting as we opened up, and immediately saw it written all over my face.

“You slut! What did you do last night?” Her face brightened.

I sighed over-dramatically, “Only had the best sex of my whole fucking life.”
“And who pray tell was this?” She smirked, “Dude? Chic?”
“Random dude at the bar I went to,” I lied. No one. Could ever. ever know, “Great in the sac.”
“You get a name?”
I shrugged, “I think so, but that doesn’t really matter. I’m not seeing him again.” I tried to keep the edge of sadness out of the line. Erin just cough-laughed at me.

The rest of the week went by and I truly did stay in that constant state of smiling dreamily to myself--mind, heart, and body fully satisfied after a night with the man of my dreams. On our other day off, my new friend and I went to the beach and she even commented on how relaxed I still looked. I told her it had just been that good.

Obviously, for awhile, he was going to be all I thought about and I wondered if the same was true for him. My dreams at night were sometimes sweet and sometimes holy fuck sexy, but they were always of him.

Vengeance had always been my favorite because he was he most like me. Cute but a little dorky and a whole lotta sass. But while I’d always seen him as sexy, it’s not like I’d spent my days fantasizing about him before now. The guys were all good-looking, but that’s not what it was about for me. They were hilarious dudes that happened to make some of the best music on the planet, music that had gotten me through a hell of a lot.

But now, things would be different. I often wondered what would happen when we crossed paths again. It would happen--might take weeks, might take years, but it would happen. Would he give me a cute secret look that said a thousand words? Or would he pretend like it didn’t happen at all? Oh, that thought made me nauseous. But he wouldn’t do that.

Stop thinking like you know him. It was one night.

But what a fucking night.


Thursday my actual boss, Sue, called me and asked me to lunch. I wasn't sure what it was about, but I couldn't help but get excited. I met her in the parking lot of the restaurant she wanted to go to, but before we could walk in, she tugged me in another direction.

“C'mon, I have a surprise for you. Think of it as a thanks for joining the team.”
I didn't know what to think as she pulled me into a high end eyeglasses store. I was still clueless when we both stood at the counter.

“Violet here,” She patted me on the back and looked at the gentleman who asked us if we needed help, “Wants two sets of purple contacts, on me.”
My hands flew to my mouth as my eyes widened, “Are you serious?!?!?” I jumped up and down like a child and then threw my arms around her neck in thanks.

“You keep talking about it and I think it’ll really help you move on. So get on it, girl. In return, though, I want you to start working full time.” She grinned wide and I thought I might faint as my luck streak continued.


By that weekend, I was ready to party again--back to being my agitated, randy self. Erin informed me when I got to work Saturday morning that we'd be going to Johnny's that night. We were flirting very inappropriately when the door chimed.

I put her down and when my eyes lifted I froze and almost fainted. There Zacky stood, Tennessee on his hip.

Also frozen, that perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised at us--bright green eyes surprised but dancing.

I could feel Erin's eyes on me as I flushed a deep red. Just then a tiny, cute blonde stepped in the door behind him and all I wanted in the universe was to fall through the floor.
Meaghan looked up at Zacky as if to say what's going on? and he cleared his throat.

“Megs, this is Violet. Violet this is my wife, Meaghan and my son Tennessee.” He looked down at her, “She's a big fan.”

As I stepped closer to shake her hand, he pointed at my tattoo which was in full display since I was in a tank top. She gave me a warm smile which actually put me slightly more at ease, “So nice to meet a fan!” She nodded at Zacky as if to say go ahead and he walked to Erin’s chair after he handed off Tennessee. We deliberately didn't look at one another.

Meaghan pointed the little boy's gaze at my arm, “Look, Ness, it’s daddy's logo.” He reached out with a tiny little hand to touch the switchblade.

“Daddy!” He chirped and my heart tightened. I leaned in with a huge grin as he made adorable nonsensical sounds as he explored the rest of it. His light eyes raised to mine and I couldn't help but stare. They were an exact copy of Zack's.

“That looks pretty fresh. Is it new? That color is amazing.”
I was broken out of my trance by her nice words. Everyone had the same reaction to it.
“Uh, thanks.” My face brightened. The tension was thick, but easing as her big brown eyes looked over at me, “Yeah it's only a few weeks old. Well, the color is anyway.”
“How long did that take?” She was so pretty and nice, I inwardly sighed--the first pangs of guilt starting.

I giggled as tiny little fingers kept on poking at my arm, “The black outline took a four hour session and the rest was a 6 ½ hour session.”
Her eyes widened, “I don't know how you guys do it. All mine are much smaller.” Meaghan's face suddenly fell, “Can you watch him for a minute?” She offered up her son and I let him climb on my hip as she rushed off to the restroom.

My eyes quickly met Zacky's in the mirror before I turned away, looking down at the beautiful little boy in my arms. I felt sick. My whole body felt like it was in fight or flight mode. I could feel green eyes boring into my back as I held his son. I couldn't help but feel like I was auditioning--which was stupid.

My mouth went dry as he looked up at me with those large green eyes and little fingers reached up for my face. He then went for hair, grabbing some of it, “Petty.”
Instinctively, I raised a finger to him and his little hand wrapped around it and I just about died. Seeing Vengeance carry him in had been hard enough, but this was just insane.

“It's purple, honey, can you say purple?”
“Pupple!” He giggled and I smiled at him.

I never was one to have my ovaries jump or my biological clock tick. I was a month older than Zacky, so already in my mid-thirties I'd just accepted I wasn't going to have kids. But for the first time in my life I was having these weird feelings and I had no idea what to make of them. Suddenly I wanted what was in my arms but for myself--with Zack.

Oh fuck. This was completely out of control and absolutely ridiculous. What was wrong with me? Get ahold of yourself, Vi.

Meaghan reappeared and ripped me from my unsettling feelings. I gave a shy smile and gave him back. When he reached for me, my chest tightened.
“He likes you,” The blonde giggled, “Ness doesn't like anyone.” She caressed his blonde curls and kissed his forehead.
I smiled wide, “Well, the feelings mutual, little buddy. You're just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.” I flicked his nose and he laughed--a light, adorable happy noise.

When Meaghan walked off, I tried to busy myself with tasks that involved being as far away from them as possible. I could hear his deep laugh and voice in the background, making the memories of our night together come to life in my head. Christ, that voice.

Zacky mentioned that he was only home for a little while so he just wanted to get in while he could and that they were spending the next several days in the studio. The studio? I wondered.

Meaghan sat Ness in Zacky's lap and he did his best to talk to the toddler to keep him still while he got snipped here and there. Watching his face light up as he held his child in his own lap made my heart melt. The blonde little thing mentioned she'd be back next week for her hair and I exhaled in relief that they were leaving soon.

I looked busy and as they were headed out the door, Meaghan turned with Ness and pointed his gaze to me, “Say goodbye, Ness.” She waved at me and Ness folded his tiny fingers in a wave like motion and I choked up at how cute it was. Waving back, I blew the little boy a kiss and with that the two turned to leave.
As he held the door, Zacky gave me a quick longing look that ignited inside me immediately. It was quick, though, and soon they were gone.

“Okay, what the ever living fuck was that?”

I jumped at the voice that called me back to earth. I faked innocence, “Whadaya mean?”

“Oh, c’mon. You could cut that that sexual tension with a fucking butter knife.” Erin folded her arms, “Just because she couldn't see it doesn't mean I'm completely blind. Where did you already meet Zacky?” She was at least asking me quietly so the others couldn't hear.
Oh, shit.

I went for the white lie, “He was at the bar when I was doing the shoot for Johnny's. We talked a little when he saw my car and then my tatt.”
Her eyes narrowed and I swallowed hard, “And that's all?”
What was she, my mother?
“Yes! What else would there be?!”
“Maybe nothing happened, but he was eying you the entire time he was here. He's interested.”
“Yeah, well he's married,” I mumbled.

I didn't really appreciate her tone, but I couldn't say anything. I spent most of the rest of the day quietly doing my job and at the end of it, Erin slapped my back and smiled when she said she'd pick me up later.



It builds a little! Can you imagine the tension?!?

More ZV pics in the next chapter, probably! Just wait!!
Thanks again to Larisa, she is--as always--helping me a lot with this stuff!!!!


Thanks for appreciating that little tidbit!! I can't wait to get some one day, I bet it is really fun! Hope you like yours!
RIGHT?!? hahaha

FINALLY! *praise the lord, motherfucker!*

Yaaaaay!! So glad to see them back together, and in a (potentially) more stable situation! I really love the detail of her taking out her contacts for this conversation, it makes the whole thing feel very real and vulnerable. (I wore colored contacts for the first time a couple weeks ago, and dang, they can really make you feel like a different person, lol!)

rizanicole rizanicole

Bahaha right?!? Well, here ya go!

violetvictoria violetvictoria

Bitches (and I use that term AFFECTIONATELY) better be figuring their shit out *shakes fist in a completely non threatening, entirely laughable manner*