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The Wild Ride


A few days had passed, and Peyton was out shopping with Michelle. Her doctor’s appointment was in a few hours, and she was growing more excited by the minute. The two women were in one of their favorite boutiques when they were approached by a blonde. “Hi, are you Peyton Baker?” The woman asked. Peyton looked at Michelle and turned back to the other girl, “I am. Do I know you?” “No, you don’t, but Gena does. So you should probably watch yourself before things get ugly. Gena will be back with Zack and there’s nothing you can do about that.” She said before walking away. “What the fuck was that?” Michelle asked, watching the woman walk off. “Do you even know who she is?” Peyton asked her. “No, I’ve never seen her before in my life. Maybe Zack knows her.” Her blonde friend said, turning back to the rack they were shopping on. “Come on, Pey. Don’t let her bother you. If she’s anything like Gena then you know she’s all talk and no action.” Peyton sighed heavily and went back to shopping with her friend, but her mind was racing. Who the hell was this girl and what did she know about her and Zack?

When she got back home from shopping, Peyton decided to call Zack, who was in the studio with the guys. They had enrolled Lincoln in a preschool for a few hours a day, so he would be around other kids his age. She dialed his number and waited for him to answer. “Hey baby, you already back from shopping?” He said, answering the phone. “Yeah, my appointment is in an hour so I’m gonna grab a snack before I go.” Peyton replied, looking at the enormous clock hanging on their wall. “Oh yeaaaaaah. The baby appointment! I’m going to leave here in about 20 minutes and meet you there.” Zack said excitedly. “Zack, there’s something I have to ask you.” “What’s up babe?” “Well, do you remember any of Gena’s friends? Tall, skinny, long blonde hair. Looks like a model?” Peyton asked him. “Peyton, why are you asking me this?” Zack asked nervously. “Just answer the question, Zack.” Peyton snapped, when an idea popped into her head. “Unless, you do know her, but you don’t want to admit it..” She trailed off, hearing her husband sigh on the other end of the phone. “Peyton-“ he started, but she cut him off. “Zee, that’s not even why I’m asking you. But the fact that you slept with a model makes me feel great.” She said sarcastically. “She threatened me today. Said that I should probably watch myself before things get ugly, and Gena will be back with you and there’s nothing I can do about it.” “Like hell I will!” He said loudly. “I fucking hate that bitch. Don’t worry about that, Pey. You know I’m not going anywhere.” Peyton nodded and looked at the clock. “I gotta go, I’ll see you at the appointment.” She said before abruptly ending the call. She slumped down on the couch and put her head in her hands. Why was she getting so worked up about Zack sleeping with this chick? It’s not like he had done it recently, they have been married for almost two years. She sighed angrily and stood up, grabbing her phone and purse and heading out the door, toward her doctor’s appointment.

At the doctor’s office, Peyton didn’t say much to Zack. They were sitting in the room, waiting for the doctor to come in and do an ultrasound when her husband decided to finally speak. “Peyton, don’t be mad.” “I’m not mad.” She said quietly, looking down at her lap. “Then what’s going on with you?” He asked, leaning forward to be able to look in her eyes. Before Peyton got a chance to respond, the doctor entered the room. “Hey guys, good to see you again! How’s that little guy doing?” She asked with a smile. “He’s great! Just turned two and wants to do everything his daddy does.” Peyton beamed. “Oh I bet you are absolutely loving that, are you Zack?” The doctor asked, looking at the green eyed man. “Oh yeah, I can’t wait to add another one to the family.” He replied. “Alright, well let’s see what we’ve got going on here. Peyton you know the drill, slide on down and I’ll check it out.” Peyton nodded and Zack stood to stand beside her head. She grabbed his hand as the doctor inserted the probe and started looking around. A few minutes went by and the doctor still hadn’t said anything, and looked at the screen with a frown. “Peyton, have you been feeling any cramping or had any bleeding today?” She asked, looking up at the woman in question. “Just some light cramps. I figured it was because I was hungry. No bleeding.” Peyton shrugged. The nurse pulled out the probe and had Peyton sit up. “I’m afraid I have some bad news guys. You’re going through a miscarriage. There was no heartbeat.” The woman said sadly, watching one of her favorite patient’s eyes fill with tears. “You’re going to experience a lot more cramping and bleeding, and eventually the baby will pass through. Your bleeding will slow in a few days. I’m so sorry I don’t have better news for you guys. I’ll let you get dressed.” Once the doctor left the room, Zack stood there in shock. Peyton slid off the end of the table to put her pants back on, and grabbed her purse. "Babe." Zack said softly, grabbing his wife’s arm. Peyton looked up at him with tears in her eyes, willing herself not to cry right now. “Zack. I can’t. I gotta, I gotta go get Linc.” She said, leaving the room with Zack on her heels. She stopped at the checkout desk and made a beeline for her car once she walked out of the building. “Peyton let me drive you home.” Zack said, trailing behind her. Before she reached her car she turned around and looked up at her husband, “I’m okay. Just let me go get my baby. Please.” She begged, grabbing her husband’s hands. “I’ll see you at home.” “Okay.” Zack sighed, pulling her to him. “Be careful, okay babe?” Peyton could only nod before she pulled away from her husband before climbing into her vehicle.

Once she had picked up Lincoln and made it home, she tried to make sure he didn’t know she was upset. Once Zack had taken their son upstairs for a nap, she decided that she was going to lay down herself. She didn’t know how long she had been laying there staring at the ceiling when her husband came into the room and laid down beside her. She said nothing, but grabbed his hand and held it tightly. She could feel the tears stinging the back of her eyes, and her bottom lip started quivering. Zack moved closer to her and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as the two of them mourned the loss of their baby. Peyton’s heart was shattered, and she didn’t know if it would ever be repaired.


Okay, don't hate me. It's all gotta fall apart before it can be a happy ending. Thanks for reading and reviewing guys. Shout out to overneaththepathofmisery for commenting!


Oh Veng... I'm so sorry, honey <3 I only hope writing can bring you some relief, and maybe a little smile xxox

I am so sorry for your loss :(

we appreciate you updating! Hopefully you’ll be able to get lost in that to help numb the pain a bit. I know it helped me when my grandfather passed away.

GET HER, PEY! What a fucking bitch! Who says that shit to someone?! *fucking livid face*

@vengenz61 I think it would be really cathartic for you to let your feelings run free in a creative environment honey <3

She has been a smoker for years, but she is determined to beat it. I however, am struggling. I’m on the fence about adding it into one of my stories, writing is how I kind of deal with the shit in my life. I’m just kind of holding it all in at the moment.

vengenz61 vengenz61