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Take a Look At Yourself

Author's Note

Hey all, I'm just dropping by to let you know that I am still here, but I have had the literal worst 3 weeks. It's like I pissed off a Greek God or something. Usually, I try not to let my personal life invade my writing, but it's just been so hellish, I know I cannot provide you with quality content. I don't want anyone to worry as I am okay. It's just been very overwhelming the last few weeks. Truth be told, I try not to let people into my personal life, but you guys might have read my open letter to the band.

In the last 3 weeks, I rear ended a car while we were both at full stops because my surgery knee slipped off the brake, had to file a police report, had to deal with a second round of sexual assault that triggered all my memories of the first one, slept in my closet for fear that man would somehow figure out where I lived, had my car's spark plug explode and flood my car with the smell of gas, spent over $1300 in rent and my car, got into a minor car crash that has really fucked up my back, and got a UTI.

I assure you all that I am okay, but I know that I cannot provide quality content right now. And you all deserve better than what the last 3 weeks has provided in regards to mental ability. Don't worry, I have ideas for each story, but I am not ready to execute them just yet.



Awww glad to be back! I think I'll be doing weekly updates since I officially have my weekends back!

My Heri is back! *hugest giantest hearty eyes*

HIIII! I've missed you all! Yay gas money! Glad you are all moved down here and looking for job!

Oh don't worry, the boys will think of something.

AHHHH! SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!! Once I get a job I'll have gas money to come see youuuuuu!!! Good to hear your school and health is going well, I really hope that continues!
Also can't wait to see what the FUCK happens to her dad (hopefully something absolutely horrifyingly awful).

@HereticBlood6661 as sad as it makes me having you step away, I know that you will be back, and you can bet your ass I’ll still be, girl! I’m MORE upset about your poor health, honey. Do they have any ideas what’s causing your full body issues? Do they have a plan of attack for treatment? Don’t be a stranger! Sevenfold makes us family ;) <3 I’m wishing you luck with your Masters, I know they can be a a complete mind fuck. What are you doing your Masters in? Remember, YOU’VE GOT THIS! <3<3<3