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Shepherd of Fire

Waking The Fallen

Michael left and I broke down again, hugging my belly and burying my face in the pillow as I cried. Crashing down from the moments of ecstasy, the guilt and the shame hit me hard. I couldn’t wrap my foggy mind around letting that horrific angel do that to me. Sobbing, I could only see that heart wrenching look in His eyes when I told Him. Even if I didn’t tell Him, He’d know. After the second orgasm just before, my skin had brightened ever so slightly—to look more like the angel raping me—and that made me want to vomit, which is what I did.

When I emerged from his bathroom, he was back—bloody and battle worn. He stripped naked and closed the door to take a shower without a word.

By the time he emerged, I was in bed with all the lights out. He settled next to me, tucking in his wings, and I had to ask.

“So you can just think about someone you’re in love with?”

Was in love with. And, apparently. That’s never happened to me before. I shouldn’t‘ve used my wings on you, I didn’t think it would be pleasurable for me, so then there I was--turned on. That’s the only way I was going to get off.” Michael spoke softly in the dark.

“Your King just killed three Senate members. I guarantee they will not stand for that.”

A faint smile traced over my lips thinking of my Love—fighting and killing for me.

“Well, you had to know provoking Him would have consequences.”
“Yes. I was counting on it. Now--”

Pain ripped through my body and fluid gushed out of me onto the bed. When I cried out, Michael got up and turned the lamp on.

Holy fuck. I waited for the pleasure to follow the pain, and when it didn’t, I started to panic. Did pain not feel good here???
Shit, I couldn’t do this here, not with Michael and without my Savior.

“About time you popped.” The angel pulled a shirt back on, “Any idea how long this will take?”
My eyes shot daggers his way, “No idea,” I tried to breathe through clenched teeth as another contraction hit and I felt like passing out.

“Don’t you get off on pain?”

“Normally!” I screamed and tried to get into a better position. He actually tried to help, but I batted his hand away. That contraction subsided and I collapsed, “Apparently I can’t enjoy pain in this cursed place.”

Michael sat next to me on the bed, having pity on me for the first time since I’d arrived, “What do you need?”

Another hit and I convulsed forward, grabbing his hand and squeezing as I screamed, “To not be here!!!” The pain and the pressure was overwhelming and I struggled to breathe, going into pure panic mode. What if I didn’t heal the same here, either? What would happen to me?

The angel’s demeanor completely changed as he saw me start to hyperventilate. His eyes softened and he stroked my hair, “I’ll help get you through this, Diem. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have this thing safely and that you and it stay alive. Remember, you’re my bartering pieces.”
Despite his selfish reasoning, it put my mind slightly at ease. I still felt completely alone, though, having no idea how to have a baby by myself. I knew he wasn’t going to involve anyone else in our situation, because he didn’t want anyone to know exactly what he was planning--which I didn’t even really know.

Hours later, I lay back against Michael’s hard chest, his legs around my body. I was exhausted beyond reason. The angel rubbed a hand over my belly and the other through my hair. In between contractions I slept, during them I cried and screamed and yelled and cursed. I had hated Michael with fierce intensity just hours before and now I didn’t care that he was the one holding my hands in his when I screamed, that he was the one helping me through this--as long as there was someone.

“Michael…” I mumbled, “How far along am I….?” I fell back into him after a strong one hit and subsided. He gently got up from behind me and stared in between my legs. Raising both eyebrows, his surprised eyes met mine.
“I think I should stay down here. Should be any time now. You look fully dilated.”
Michael put a bunch of pillows behind me and wiped me down with a cool towel, getting another blanket to wrap whatever came out of me up in.

As he was getting things ready, the air tore like it had in Hell--and in crashed my Shadows.

In full battle gear, covered in blood and sweat, He charged at Michael.

The angel was completely unprepared and the Devil used both hands to plunge His sword completely through Michael and pinned him to the wall.

Michael winced and technically bled, but not much. Shadows got in his face and growled, pointing a long finger in the angel’s face.
“How dare you take her from me!!!” His voice thundered in the beautiful, baritone chorus. His lips curled away from His teeth as Satan snarled at His ex-brother. Ripping the sword out, He began pummeling the angel mercilessly--His rage overflowing as His sword clattered to the ground.
Unable to get the upper hand, Michael finally shouted, “She’s crowning, Matthew!!!”

When this halted Shadows’ assault, fist cocked back in the air and the other holding him by the shirt, he continued, “Or, she’s close anyway. She needs you right now. Kick my ass later.”

Breathing hard, He let go of Michael and hurried over to me, taking my face in His hand and kissing me forcefully. I wanted to bask in the scene He had just made to save me, but I had a being to birth.

Shadows immediately changed into His normal jeans and sleeveless shirt, and I smiled lightly as He put a hand to my large belly and kissed me again.
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I’m so sorry it took me so long, honey...are you--almost there?” He whipped around to look at Michael, who was currently gaping at us, “How long has she been in labor?”
He shrugged, “I’m not sure--hours.”

“Oh, fuck, here it comes--” I grabbed onto my Love and cried as He held my hand. Squeezing my hand back, He then got up to see how far along I was.
Michael rushed to sit behind me again and I grabbed his hands now.
“Wow, honey, you are crowning.”

“I know!!!” I shouted, bearing down as tears streaked my cheeks. I was so tired, but I just needed it to be over, “Please baby, get it out!!” I screamed and tried to take a huge breath.

“One more, D. You’re almost there, baby. You can do this.”

I pushed and yelled one more time and felt Him help the being out of me. Collapsing back into Michael once more, I watched a bright smile spread across Shadows’ face as he held up our baby.

My Dark Angel was about to wrap it in the little blanket Michael had put aside, when the being in His hands burst into a bright light and transformed. A second later, the light faded and a beautiful, full grown female with her Father’s wings stood at the foot of the bed. Her long brown hair lightened, and her caramel eyes faded to light blue. As we all watched in pure awe, her dark, webbed wings stretched out and fluttered as they were covered in white feathers. Her eyes raised and locked on Michael’s. A tear escaped down my Lover’s face. She was the spitting image of Pandora.

Michael scrambled up, jaw on the floor and pure joy in his eyes, “Aphrodite?!?”
The other angel slowly smiled and nodded, clearly overjoyed to see the built, male angel. They suddenly ran to one another, wrapping their arms around each other as their lips met in a surprisingly passionate kiss.

Shadows plopped down next to me, neither of us able to tear our eyes away. The kiss deepened as Michael softly put his hands into her hair and their lips parted. The Dark One cleared His throat, the end of His lips turning up in a little smile when the two looked over at Him.

The two brothers quietly moved towards one another. Michael scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly, “I don’t know what to say, brother. This makes up for everything. Everything over the ages. What can I do?”

Satan’s brow furrowed and He looked slightly down at Michael, hands on His hips, “I should grind you to dust for taking her from me, but….know that I do this for you only so you understand what Diem and I have. I do love her and maybe now you’ll believe me.”

The angel nodded and they shook hands. Shadows pointed in his face, “Apologize.”

Michael grinned wide and walked to me, sitting close. “Thank you.” He touched my hair lightly, “I am sorry for bringing you here against your will. I am sorry for…” His blue eyes fell, “I never should have touched you.”
I could hear Shadows’ wings rustle at this.
“But if I hadn’t brought you here, she wouldn’t be here, so…..again, thank you. I now understand that you two really are in love. I have no idea how, but I believe it now.”

“Michael.” The other angel was holding her hand out for him and he stood up to take it. Her voice was the same as well. Holding her, he looked up at Shadows, “Maybe we put this behind us for awhile.” Satan nodded, and we turned to leave, “And Matt?”
He stopped, turning His head back, “Yes, brother?”
“Take care of my son.”

Michael only got dimples in response, and we stepped through the tear.


Matt demanding an apology:

Michael when he first sees Aphrodite:


A year?! No way! Sooo sorry guys! I do love this story but man am I stuck! Other stories have captivated my attention, plus I'm trying to re-write Blinded into an actual story to try and get printed :)
I will consult with Overneath, she's really great at jumpstarting me sometimes!

violetvictoria violetvictoria

A year, Shade. A whole year. I've been patient. Please?

Buggaloo Buggaloo

It's been 2 months. I'm pouting over here. I need more.

synology synology

Haha, thanks for the reminder! Good to know this is still being read, lol!!

I need moooore.

synology synology