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Killing With Kindness

God Save Us All, God Hates Us All

August 3, 2018


“Can you say that again, sir?” Matt barely remembered to add the sir at the end, because he normally didn’t have to. That was one of the perks of running a gang, but he’s not in his territory at the moment. Then again, the man next to him looked a little uncomfortable too and they were in his territory.

“He said that he wants the two of you to look after our little girls,” Meredith Macintosh drawled out while pouring herself a drink. She was sitting next to a large desk, and she raised a brow at the two men as she sipped at her drink.

“Why us?” Gerard asked. Matt looked at him from the corner of his eye, and Gerard shrugged just a little. It was a weird situation for both of them, and Matt was itching to get back home. He couldn’t turn down an invitation from Francis Macintosh though.

“Some animals,” Francis growled and then paused to take a deep breath before continuing, “shot at my girls. A bullet grazed one of my daughters, and my other daughter is cut up from the glass of the diner they were eating at. Do you understand what I’m saying, gentlemen?”

“Yes, sir,” Matt and Gerard said together. Francis’s hands slammed down against the top of his desk as he quickly moved to his feet, and Matt’s teeth locked together as dark blue eyes stared them down.

“Someone hurt my daughters! If anything were to happen to one of my little girls,” Francis trailed off as he straightened up. Matt could fill in the blanks. People said that Francis had mellowed out over the years, but he was a bit of a legend. Mostly for his creative ways of punishing the people who went against him.

“What do you want us to do, sir?” Matt asked. Francis looked away from his wife and back over at them, and Matt hated the way he wanted to tense up. He’d proven himself, more than once, but there was something about the older gangster that put him on edge.

“I want you to stay by my daughters’ sides until I find the person responsible. You will live with them, and you will not let them out of your sight until I say so. Of course, you can always say no,” Francis said as he lowered himself back into his chair. Yeah, they could say no, and they’d have a black mark against them for life. Or worse, Francis could kill them.

Matt looked over at Gerard, who turned enough to meet his eyes, and he could tell that the other man was thinking along the same lines as him. Mostly because Gerard looked resigned, because there was really only one option. Neither of them could risk saying no. Matt ground his teeth together and dipped his chin, and Gerard’s lips thinned for just a moment. They both turned to face forwards at the same time, and Francis Macintosh was looking at them expectantly.

“We’re happy to help, sir,” Gerard answered for them. Francis clapped his hands, and it was only years of training that kept Matt from flinching at the sudden and loud sound.

“Excellent! You may leave to get your affairs in order, and I will see you here tomorrow. How does eight o’clock sound?” Francis asked.

“Sounds good, sir,” Gerard said and got to his feet. Matt stood up along with him and looked over at Francis.

“We’ll see you in the morning, sir.”

One of Francis’s people led them out of the large house situated on the outskirts of LA, and Matt didn’t take a full breath until they were standing outside. His bike was parked next to Gerard’s car, and they walked over to the vehicles in silence. Matt carefully straddled his bike and realized that Gerard was standing next to him, and he looked over once he was situated. The other man looked a little lost, and it was a feeling that Matt could sympathize with. This was not how he expected his day to go.

“Did you know that Francis Macintosh had children?” Gerard asked after a moment.

“No idea,” Matt answered honesty.

“Do you think they’re actually children?” Huh, he hadn’t thought of that. Francis and Meredith weren’t very old, early forties, so their kids could be almost any age.

“I fucking hope not.” Watching kids would be a nightmare. It’d actually be like babysitting, and Matt really didn’t want to leave his territory to look after a couple of small children.

“I guess we’ll find out tomorrow,” Gerard sighed and walked over to his car. Matt watched him get in before starting the bike up, and he was already dreading the drive back to Huntington Beach.


“You’re leaving?” Frank asked first.

“Only temporarily,” Gerard said quickly. Francis was known for being efficient, so the bodyguard thing couldn’t last too long.

“To babysit?” Mikey asked next.

“Bodyguard. He wants someone to look after his daughters until he finds whoever put a hit out on them,” Gerard explained. Then again, depending on their ages, he might be babysitting for the foreseeable future.

“Why does he want you and Matt?” Ray asked.

“He said he wanted someone that would do whatever’s necessary to keep them safe,” Gerard said and shrugged. Francis wouldn’t ask just anyone to look after his daughters’ safety, and Gerard was a little flattered that Francis had thought of him. Matt was known for being violent when he needed to be, but Gerard was a little more under the radar. Usually.

“What do we do while you’re gone?” Frank asked.

“I’ll check-in as much as I can, and Ray’s in charge.” Frank and Mikey immediately started yelling while Ray sat back with a smile, and Gerard shook his head a little. He needed to go home and mentally prepare himself, because something told him that this assignment wasn’t going to be an easy one.


“Stop laughing!” Matt yelled as his four closest friends fell over each other.

“I hope they’re, like, toddlers!” Jimmy yelled from the center of the pile.

“With pigtails!” Brian added.

“I hope they’re not! Because one of them got shot!” That seemed to sober them up, and they slowly stopped laughing as they moved back into sitting positions.

“Okay, good point,” Zacky said once they were done laughing. Francis said they’d be living with his daughters, so it was possible that they were old enough to live on their own. Or they could just not live with Francis and Meredith, which would make sense considering that no one knew Francis even had children. He was so fucked. He could feel it.

“What do you need us to do?” Johnny asked.

“Keep running things, business as usual. I’ll call to check-in, and I should be back pretty soon. Now I’m going to pack. Try not to burn the city down while I’m gone,” Matt said and turned around to leave.

“Wait! Who’s in charge?!” Brian yelled after him.

“Johnny is!” There was a lot of yelling, someone yelped, and Matt laughed as he walked outside. Yeah, he was definitely fucked.


“You ready for this?” Matt asked. They were standing outside of Francis’s house and waiting for their escort, and Gerard was wishing he’d grabbed an extra coffee before driving over. He didn’t feel prepared to deal with this.

“Not at all. You?” Gerard asked and looked over. Matt and Gerard weren’t close friends, but they’d run into each other a few times over the years. They respected each other and had helped each other out once or twice, but this would be their first time actually working together.

“Never been less prepared in my life,” Matt said with a quiet laugh. The door opened before either of them could say anything else, and the two of them followed behind the old man who had opened the door. They were led up the stairs and towards the same office they’d been escorted into the day before, and Gerard could hear yelling before they reached the office door.

“This is ridiculous, Dad! Tell him, Mom!” a woman’s voice yelled.

“I’m with your father on this one, Lils,” Meredith said.

“We are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves!” a different woman yelled.

“Tell me that when you don’t have a fresh bullet wound, Lon,” Francis said.

“It’s a scratch!” the second woman yelled.

“She’s fine!” the first woman yelled.

“Good luck, sirs,” the old man said and fully opened the office door for them. Matt and Gerard stepped inside at the same time, and all of the yelling inside of the office stopped.

Francis was sitting behind his desk, and Meredith was sitting in a large cushioned chair next to the desk. There was a woman standing in front of the desk, and Gerard quickly looked her over. She had long blonde hair and didn’t really resemble Francis or Meredith, but the dark blue eyes looking over at them were nearly identical to Francis’s. So she had to be one of his daughters. Another woman was sitting on a couch on the other side of the room, and she looked more like Meredith. Her long hair was a dark brown color, and hazel eyes were looking curiously over at him and Matt. Her upper right arm was bandaged, so that must have been where she was shot.

“Are you going to yell at our guests?” Francis asked.

“You should have told us they were pretty,” the woman on the couch said and grinned when Gerard looked over.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t have yelled at you as much,” the woman standing up said and slowly walked backwards until she could sit on the couch as well. Now that they were sitting side-by-side, the resemblance between the two women was obvious.

“Behave, girls,” Meredith said and shook a finger at them. The two women had identical smiles, and Francis waved them in. Gerard stepped forward at the same time as Matt, and one of the women whistled.

“You’ll have to excuse my daughters. They didn’t take the news very well,” Francis said and looked over at the couch.

“Because we’re adults and don’t need babysitters,” the first woman said. Gerard was relieved that they were adults, because he didn’t like the idea of having to look after children.

“And it really is just a scratch. No real harm,” the second woman added.

“Boys, can you tell my daughters who you are?” Francis asked them.

“I’m Gerard Way.”

“And I’m Matt Sanders.”

“Your other names?” Francis was giving them a pointed look, and Gerard looked over at Matt. The other man shrugged, so Gerard went first.

“Party Poison.”

“M Shadows.”

“Dammit, Dad!” the first woman yelled and shot to her feet. “You can’t hire the two best gangsters on this side of the country to babysit us!”

“I’m sure they have more important things to do,” the second woman said and waved her left hand. Francis slowly stood up and looked at his daughters, but it didn’t look like either of the women were backing down.

“There is nothing more important than your safety, do you two understand me? Nothing,” Francis emphasized.

“We’ve already agreed to look after you, and not as babysitters. We’ll just make sure nothing else happens to you,” Gerard said. The woman still sitting on the couch met his eyes and raised a brow, and Gerard tried not to look at the white bandage on her upper arm.

“That sounds awful close to babysitting to me,” she said after holding his stare for a moment.

“Well, we’re going to be around whether you like it or not. Make it easier on all of us and don’t fight it. If anything, you won’t have to worry about someone shooting you with us around,” Matt said. Gerard realized that Matt was looking at the woman standing up, and it looked like they were having a staring contest.

“Whattaya say, sis? Accept the babysitters or fight tooth-and-nail for our independence?” the standing woman asked.

“The way I see it, we’re still independent. They’ll work for us, right, Dad?” the woman on the couch asked.

“Yes, until I find whoever tried to kill you,” Francis said and glanced over at Matt and Gerard. Gerard nodded and he guessed that Matt did too, because Francis looked back over at his daughters. “Now, will you please introduce yourselves? You’re both being quite rude.”

“My actual name is Babylon, but I prefer Lonnie,” the woman on the couch said first.

“And my full name is Lilith, but I go by Lili,” the standing woman said.

“It was a strange time in my life,” Meredith sighed. Babylon and Lilith? It must have been a strange time.

“Girls, Matt and Gerard are going to be living with you until this mess is sorted. Please try not to give them a hard time,” Francis said and looked over at the two women.

“We’ll do our best,” Lili said with a sweet smile.

“Promise,” Lonnie added with an identical expression.

“We’ll be going back to New York today, and I will find who hurt you,” Francis promised.

“And we will take care of them,” Meredith said.

“We have faith in you,” Lonnie drawled.

“Can we go home now?” Lili asked.

“Yeah, we’ve got a workshop on Monday.” Lonnie looked up as Lili looked over her shoulder, and it looked like the two women were talking just by looking at each other.

“Can’t miss that,” Lili said as she turned around.

“Of course, darlings,” Meredith said and slowly stood up. She walked over to give each of her daughters a hug, and Francis looked over at Matt and Gerard.

“If they give you any trouble, just give me a call,” Francis said as he walked around his desk. Matt and Gerard each took a turn shaking the man’s hand, and Gerard looked over at Matt when Francis walked over to say goodbye to his daughters.

“You realize that we’re fucked, right?” Matt whispered. The two younger women were laughing, loudly, as they said their goodbyes to their father so Gerard wasn’t worried about them being overheard.

“Definitely fucked,” Gerard agreed in a murmur.

Matt and Gerard were ushered out of the room by the Macintosh daughters, and all four of them kept quiet as they walked down the stairs and out of the house. Matt was on his car instead of his bike, and Gerard’s own car was parked between Matt’s and a black car that must be Lili’s. She went straight to the driver’s side and opened the door, and Lonnie sat down in the passenger seat and leaned out of the open window. Lili propped her arms on top of the car and looked over at Matt and Gerard.

“We live eight hours north of here, in Northwood. Try to keep up,” Lili said before ducking into the car.

“We’ll stop at the halfway point for gas, bathroom breaks, and coffee!” Lonnie yelled and waved as the car started up. Lili waved before backing out of the driveway, and Gerard quickly got into his own car.

August 1, 2018


“All I’m saying is that we both need to get laid,” Lili said and leaned back in her chair. Lonnie’s eyes widened as she quickly looked around the small diner they were eating in, but the diner was pretty much empty. They were eating a late lunch, so the diner was between the lunch and dinner crowd. It worked for them, because her sister could be such a prude sometimes.

“Last time I checked, getting laid is what normally gets us into trouble,” Lonnie said and pointed at her with a fry.

“Are you still hung up on Hayley? Because that relationship was doomed to fail from the start.” Lonnie’s lips twisted, like she was biting the inside of her cheek, and Lili kicked her shin to make her stop. If she didn’t, Lonnie would complain about her cheek hurting for the rest of the day.

“It was not doomed from the start.” That made Lili snort, delicately, and she ignored the glare trained on her.

“You were dating a mobster’s daughter.”

“We’re mobster’s daughters.”

“Yeah, but we were raised differently. We have worked for everything that we have, and most mobster’s daughters have everything they want handed to them on a platter. They’re spoiled little brats. You should have known that was going to fall through.” Lili had liked Hayley, most of the time. The other woman had clearly been infatuated with her sister, but she’d also been a spoiled brat. Whenever Lonnie didn’t do what Hayley wanted, the woman threw a tantrum and would argue until she got her way.

“Hayley was better than Drew. I couldn’t tell him anything about my life, so he thought I was cheating on him!” Lonnie huffed.

“That’s what you get for dating an accountant.” Lonnie rolled her eyes, but Lili wasn’t backing down. Drew had been a nice guy, but he was so boring! He also didn’t know anything about how they were raised up, or who raised them, so Lonnie had to be secretive about everything around him. It’d been exhausting for both of them.

“Yeah, well, at least I never dated a professional poker player that owed our dad money,” Lonnie shot back.

“Low blow, sis!” Lili said and glared across the small table. She’d really liked Max, and he’d been good to her. Until she discovered that he was only dating her in the hopes that she’d talk to her dad about his debt; Lonnie wasn’t even sure if Max was still alive, and she didn’t really care either.

“I liked Maria though.”

“The same Maria who destroyed my house so that I have to live with you until all of the property has been restored?” Lili asked with a pasted on smile. Lonnie squirmed a little in her chair and then crossed her arms.

“Okay, so she went off the deep end a little, but you didn’t have to rebound so quickly. Ursula had a stare like a doll’s. Cold and lifeless,” Lonnie said with an exaggerated shiver.

“Like Ginger was any better?” Lili countered. The last woman that her sister had brought home giggled constantly and stayed in their kitchen all hours of the day and night baking. Lili was convinced that the woman wasn’t actually human.

“I’ll give you that one, but you’re only proving my point. We’ve both been completely single for over a month, and have you noticed that we’ve had no complaints? Everything’s been super quiet and peaceful. I kind of like it,” Lonnie said and raised a brow. Fuck, Lonnie actually had a very good point. Their lives have been more peaceful lately.

“It’s been boring,” Lili said and gave her sister a pointed look.

“Maybe we’re finally growing up then, because I like—” Whatever Lonnie was going to say next was cut off as the window next to them shattered, and Lili heard her sister yell as they both hit the floor. Lili kicked out and toppled their table over, and both of them scrambled to get their backs against the wood. “Shit!”

“Did you get shot?!” Lili yelled as the shots kept coming. Lonnie’s right arm was bleeding, and Lili watched as she pushed up her sleeve. There was a bleeding gouge across the width of her right bicep, and she could see the muscle ticking in Lonnie’s jaw. The table shook as bullets hit it, and a bullet actually went through the table right between their heads.

“Get down!” Lonnie pushed Lili’s shoulder, and she saw Lonnie diving to the side as she fell onto her back. Glass from the window cut into her back as she hit the floor, but she ignored that as she used her legs to push her to the far side of the diner. Lonnie was across the room and pressed against the opposite wall, and Lili met her sister’s wide eyes.

“So much for boring!” she called out. She heard Lonnie laughing a moment later as shots continued to echo in the diner, and she leaned her head back against the wall as she started laughing. Yeah, so much for boring.

August 3, 2018


Eight. Hours.

Matt drove behind Gerard and Lili for eight long hours, and they’ve finally reached their destination of Northwood. They drove through the small town and towards the outskirts, and it looked like the Macintosh daughters lived in the middle of nowhere. That could make things easier, or it could make things more difficult. It depended on who was after them. The house itself was pretty good-sized, two-story from the looks of it, with a four-car garage. Matt parked at the far end and grabbed his bags from the back seat, and he looked up to see Lili and Lonnie both leaning against the side of Lili’s car. On the other side of Lili’s car, closest to the house, was a blue Jeep.

“You kept up,” Lili said as Gerard and Matt stepped over to them.

“Were you trying to lose us?” Matt asked her. He wasn’t sure how this was going to work, but he was still glad that he wasn’t stuck looking after two kids.

“She’s got a bit of a lead foot,” Lonnie whispered. Loudly.

“Like you’re one to talk?” Lili asked and looked over at her.

“You both live here?” Gerard asked and interrupted their staring match. Matt was glad that he did, because it didn’t look like either woman was going to back down anytime soon. At Gerard’s question though, Lonnie started laughing into her hand while Lili groaned and slumped back against her car.

“I live next door, but my house is currently being refurbished. It won’t be habitable for another few months,” Lili explained.

“Come on in. We’ll show you around,” Lonnie said and straightened up.

Lonnie and Lili led them through the garage and through a door that opened up into a dining room, and Matt decided to pay close attention. It’d be good to know the layout just in case someone came here with the hopes of taking out the girls. The dining room was good sized, with a large wooden table and several chairs around the rectangular table. After that, they walked into the foyer. Across from the dining room, Lonnie said there was a small living room. All Matt could see was a few squashy chairs and a lot of bookshelves. A staircase was next to the living room, and that was where Lonnie and Lili stopped walking.

“Alright, right next to this is the den. That’s where the TV is. Through there,” Lonnie said and pointed farther into the house, “is the kitchen. There’s a nook and this neat little area that overlooks the garden and leads outside. On the other side of the kitchen is a guest bedroom with a bathroom. One of you can stay there if you want, but I’d recommend the upstairs guest rooms.”

“There’s also plenty of stuff downstairs. The best thing is probably the game room; there’s a pool table, some old arcade games, and some old game consoles because Lonnie refuses to come into this decade.”

“I like Nintendo’s,” Lonnie said and shrugged.

“That’s also where we do laundry. Oh, and there’s a pool in the backyard,” Lili said and grinned.

“We can check that out after dinner, if you want. Ready to see the upstairs?” Lonnie asked.

“After you,” Gerard said. Lonnie smiled up at him and then turned on her heel, and the two women quickly walked up the stairs. They stopped in the hallway at the top of the stairs, so Matt and Gerard had to stop behind them. Lonnie pointed to her right and then started the quick explanation.

“My bedroom and bathroom are here, and Lili’s staying in the room next to mine,” she said and pointed farther down the hall. So both of their bedrooms were on the right. “Straight ahead is a guest bedroom with its own bathroom, so one of you can take it. There’s another bedroom and connected bathroom on my left that the other person can take, and the room between the empty bedrooms is an office. No bathroom. Any questions?”

“What’s for dinner?” Matt asked. There were probably a hundred other important questions that he could ask, but he didn’t want to get into any of that yet.

“Well, I’m not really up for much cooking. Probably because I was shot at two days ago and had a doctor dig glass out of my back for an hour. How’s pizza sound?” Lili asked. Lonnie rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything, and Matt looked over at Gerard. The other man shrugged, so Matt looked back at Lili.

“Pizza works,” Matt answered.

“I’ll order it, and we can eat out on the patio,” Lonnie said and clapped her hands. “I’m going to my room to freshen up. You guys pick your rooms, and I’ll come get you when the food’s here.”

“What she said,” Lili said and walked off down the hallway. Lonnie smiled at them one last time and turned her back, and her bedroom door closed a moment later. Matt heard another door close, and he looked over at Gerard again.

“Do you care which room you get?” he asked him.

“Not really. Do you?” Gerard asked.

“I’ll take the one down the hall,” Matt decided and walked off. After he reached the door of one of the guest rooms, he looked over his shoulder and saw Gerard standing outside of the other guest room.

“Do you have any idea what we’re doing?” Gerard asked him after opening the door.

“Nope!” Matt called out and then opened his own door. The guest room was decently sized, and Matt dropped his bag on top of the dark blue blanket on the bed. This was probably going to be a disaster, but he was determined to keep both women in one piece.


He’d just finished unpacking when he heard the doorbell, and he’d left the bedroom door open so he heard when the door across the hall opened. He was across the hall from Lonnie, and the woman paused in the middle of the hallway to meet his eyes. The black slacks and white blouse had been replaced with something that looked more comfortable, denim shorts and a black tee shirt, and her arms were raised as she struggled to put her hair up. It looked like the “small scratch” on her arm was giving her problems, and she sighed with a small smile as she got her hair put up into a sloppy-looking bun.

“You’re taking this bodyguard thing seriously, huh?” she asked and carefully crossed her arms.

“I did promise your dad,” Gerard answered.

“Alright, teacher’s pet. This way,” Lonnie said and started down the stairs. Gerard followed down behind her until they reached the front door, and Lonnie opened the door without even checking to see who it was. She stepped into the open doorway so Gerard leaned against the door right behind her, and he could easily see over her shoulder. There was a teenage boy on the porch holding a large stack of pizzas, and he smiled when he saw Lonnie.

“Hey, Miss Mac! What happened to you?” the young guy asked. He was looking at Lonnie’s arm, and the shirt she was wearing had short enough sleeves that the entire bandage could be seen.

“Me and Lili were in a small accident, but we’re okay. Mostly just a little shaken up,” Lonnie said and reached into her back pocket. She pulled out a small wallet and pulled out a few bills while the guy took the pizzas out of the carrier.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Miss Mac. Tell your sister I hope she feels better.” The pizzas were passed to Lonnie, who immediately turned around and handed the stack of pizzas to Gerard.

“I’ll pass that along, Alex. Receipt?” The teenager handed over a receipt and a pen, and Lonnie quickly scribbled her signature at the bottom. She held out the receipt and the bills, and the teenager took them with a wide grin. “And here’s your tip.”

“Thanks, Miss Mac. Are you gonna be able to teach?” the teenager, Alex, asked.

“Of course! I’ll be there, and you better be too.” The kid laughed as he walked down the stairs, and Lonnie waved to him before closing the door.

“Teach?” Gerard asked her. Lonnie laughed as she walked around him, and she looked at him over her shoulder.

“You came into this completely unprepared, huh?” she asked.

“Kind of,” was his honest answer. Lonnie laughed again before pausing at the bottom of the stairs, and she cleared her throat a little.

“Lili! Matt! Food’s here!” Lonnie yelled. She waited until they heard footsteps before turning around, and Gerard followed her through the house. They walked past the den and through the kitchen to reach the back door, and Lonnie looked over her shoulder at him again as she opened the back door. “The backyard is why I went with this house.”

“You bought a house because of the backyard?” Lonnie stepped outside with Gerard right behind her, and he stopped after stepping outside. Okay, he had to admit that the backyard was impressive. There was a table set up right outside of the back door close to the house, and the table was big enough to seat at least eight people. A large light blue umbrella came up out of the center of the white wooden table, to provide plenty of shade, but that had nothing on the rest of the backyard.

The patio was bricked with large white stones and extended out to outline the large in-ground pool. At the other end of the yard, on the opposite end of the pool, was a small and open pool house. Gerard could see small couches and a table, and it looked like the back shelves had towels on them. There were reclined lawn chairs next to the pool that looked more comfortable than some beds Gerard had seen, and the whole backyard looked picturesque.

“It’s nice, right?” On Gerard’s left, there was a brick built-in grill. On his right, Lonnie was sitting in a chair at the patio table and smiling.

“She’s such a show off,” Lili said as she stepped outside. Matt whistled as he stepped out behind her, and Gerard slowly walked over to the table to set the pizzas down.

“I’m not a show off, but I’m proud of my house,” Lonnie said as Lili pulled bottles of water out of a cooler.

“Mhmm, whatever you say. Come on, boys! It’s chow time!” Lili sat down next to Lonnie, and Matt and Gerard sat down across from them. The top pizza box was opened, and they all started to eat. They all took turns looking at each other without talking as they ate, and no one said anything until they’d each finished a couple of slices.

“I don’t like that face,” Lonnie said and pointed at her sister.

“I’m just thinking…wouldn’t this whole bodyguard thing be more efficient if we each had a bodyguard? You know, I get one and you get one?” Lili asked and looked over at Lonnie.

“Sound logic, but I worry about your motives,” Lonnie laughed.

“My motives are totally pure! Whattaya think, boys? Doesn’t my logic make sense?” Lili asked and looked across the table.

“It makes sense,” Gerard said first.

“So, who’s it going to be?” Matt asked her. Lili hummed a little and then looked over at Lonnie, who just raised a brow at her sister’s grinning smile.

“It’s your logic, you pick,” Lonnie said and waved her hand at Matt and Gerard. Lili was still smiling when she looked over at them, and she tapped her chin as she looked back and forth between them.

“I think, I’ll take, the big one,” Lili decided.

“That’s me, right?” Matt asked him. Gerard laughed as he looked over, and he made a show of looking down at Matt’s bare arms.

“Yeah, Matt, that’s you,” he said while still laughing.

“No offense, Gerard,” Lili said and looked over at him.

“None taken,” he assured her.

“It’s okay. I wanted the pretty one anyway,” Lonnie said and smiled. That made Matt laugh, and Gerard just smiled over at Lonnie and winked.

“Alright! Now that we have that figured out, you should know some important things about us. Like, for example, what we do for a living,” Lili said and leaned back in her chair.

“Teacher?” Gerard asked and looked at Lonnie.

“Oh, yeah, Alex says hi,” Lonnie told Lili.

“I fuckin’ love that pizza boy,” Lili said before looking across the table again.

“He is good at his job,” Lonnie sighed.

“Lonnie’s going to be a high school history teacher, and I’m going to be a kindergarten teacher. We’ve both sat in on classes at Northwood, and that’s where we’re going to be teaching at. Starting next Monday, we’re going to be attending teacher’s workshops. The week after that, we’ll start teaching. We’re not going to let, all of this, stop us from doing what we’ve worked so hard for,” Lili said.

“Think you guys can work around that?” Lonnie asked.

“I think we can,” Gerard said and looked over at Matt.

“Yeah, we can figure it out,” Matt added.

“There is one other thing we should probably be up front about.” Lonnie glanced over at her sister, whose mouth dropped open.

“We are not telling them that!” Lonnie yelled.

“Oh, come on! They’re gang leaders! It’s not like they’re going to judge us!” Lili yelled back.

“Ten years, Lili! Ten years, and we’ve never said a word! And you want to tell two strangers!”

“We agreed to let them look after us! They need to know!” Lonnie clenched her teeth and looked down at her lap, and Lili turned to face them again.

“This is so going to backfire at some point,” Lonnie ground out. Lili thinned her lips, but she didn’t look over at Lonnie. She just kept looking across the table at them.

“Me and Lon, we’re not like those other pampered mobster princesses. Our parents raised us away from the life, and we have worked for everything that we have. We have paid for everything that we have, from our vehicles to our houses. We put ourselves through college. Do you get what I’m saying?”

“You’re hard workers,” Matt said. Lonnie huffed, and Lili smiled a little.

“Exactly. We’re hard workers, with big dreams. So, to bank roll everything, we started working an unconventional job.”

“What kind of unconventional job?” Gerard asked. Lonnie looked up and met his eyes, and Lili bit her lip for a moment before continuing.

“I’m not really sure which word best describes it,” Lili said slowly. Lonnie made a quiet sound of frustration and sat forward with her elbows on the table.

“Assassins. We kill people for money,” Lonnie said without looking away from him.

“We only kill people that we think deserve it though,” Lili added quickly.

“We’re not going to judge you,” Gerard said and smiled a little.

“It’s not like we can,” Matt added.

“See, Lon? They’re not judging us,” Lili said and smiled over at her sister.

“I don’t care if they judge us. We’ve been killing for hire ever since we were sixteen, and we’ve kept it completely secret! Mom and Dad don’t even know about it!” Lonnie said and looked over at her sister.

“Your parents don’t know that you assassinate people?” Matt asked.

“No, because it’s something that we decided to do on our own. Dad would either completely flip out or try to micro-manage us,” Lili said with a roll of her eyes.

“Both of which are unacceptable,” Lonnie said and sighed a little.

“Okay, so you make your money by killing people. Thank you for telling us,” Gerard said. It made Lonnie laugh quietly, and Lili tapped her fingers against the table.

“We told you because there’s a chance that whoever shot at us was because of something that we did. Not because of who our father is. Most people don’t even know that Francis Macintosh has kids,” Lili said and glanced to her side.

“We’re pretty sure that whoever shot at us was actually trying to kill us, not Francis’s daughters. Because we only kill people that we think deserve it, so there’s a chance that we’ve killed someone with loved ones that wouldn’t mind returning the favor,” Lonnie explained a little further.

“So you don’t think that your father will be able to find who shot at you, because he doesn’t know about your side business,” Gerard put together. Both women nodded slowly, and Matt groaned quietly. Gerard looked over at him, and Matt met his eyes head-on.

“I told you that we were fucked, didn’t I?”


New Story! This idea came out of nowhere, but I like it so I'm going to try to run with it. I'll update it as often as possible, but I'd love to know reader's thoughts! I can't improve without criticism, or something like that.

The story titles have nothing to do with the story. I just put my all of my Avenged Sevenfold music on shuffle and picked a lyric from the first song that came up, and I'll do that for the rest of the story.


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