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Confession of a King


“Can we start every day like this?” Matt breathed out, re-connecting his lips with mine in a hot, steamy kiss. My hands ran through his hair. His hair had gotten a little long lately, he kept talking about needing it cut, but I was really enjoying it’s fluffiness.

“We need to get to work,” I mumbled against his mouth and moved my hands from his hair down to his shoulders.

“Five more minutes,” he whined and lightly traced his fingers up and down my lower back. His eyes fluttered open to meet mine, and he laid a quick kiss on my forehead. “How long have you been staring at me?”

“Long enough to know that when you whine you furrow your brows and look like a six year old,” I grinned and he let out a small chuckle. I pulled myself off of him, my cheeks heating up noticing the mess on Matt’s lap.

He caught on and looked down, “All over my boxers…”

“You’re the one that didn’t want to pull out for fifteen minutes. Gravity is a real thing, Matthew,” I laughed and threw his pants at him, hitting him in the face. He gave me a dirty look and I snickered, “If we don’t have anything on the tape for today things are going to seem fishy.”

He got up from his position and put himself back in his boxers, then pulled his pants on and walked over to me. He put a hand of each side of my face and pulled it up to meet his, kissing me lightly. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a pain in the ass?”

“Only you, every day,” I laughed and brushed him away from me. I sat back down in my desk chair and pulled my knees up to my chest, “Get something in the books today and maybe I’ll try to get the key to the chair restraints so we can try something more fun.”

Matt’s eyes glimmered with excitement, and he scrambled over to his usual seat and kicked his feet up on my desk. “Press record, baby.”

I rolled my eyes and hit the record button, “Matthew Charles Sanders. The date is March 15, 2007. You are currently being recorded.”

“Thanks for stating the obvious,” Matt laughed. “Do you really have to say that every time?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Do you really have to ask that every time?”

“Touché,” he wiggled his eyebrows at me and smirked.

We talked about his week and what he had been doing in his free time. We didn’t have much time for the discussion, seeing as we had gone for two rounds of hot, steamy, sweaty sex for the first hour we had. Finally it had gotten to the point where we weren’t constantly finishing in five minutes, and it was really enjoyable… now if only it could happen outside of this room. Matt had been doing really well at talking to me as if nothing was going on between us when we were being recorded. A couple times he slipped up and called me babe, and we had to erase those entire tapes and re-do them. Mr. Morgan would have a fit if he knew that I figured out how to erase the tapes, but I needed to save my ass somehow.

We had about ten minutes left together and I pressed stop, so that we could at least have the last ten minutes together be about us and not me being his shrink. An alarm in the prison started to sound and Matt’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. I knew what this meant, or at least part of it. He didn’t fill me in on exactly how Ace was going to be executed, but told me that it was happening on the 15th and everything that happens when someone is murdered in here.

“So, that’s it?” I raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to tell me now?”

“Nope,” he grinned, popping the P. “He’s dead, it wasn’t by my hand and that’s all you need to know.”

I rolled my eyes, “Thanks, Shadows.”

“Don’t call me that, asshole,” he muttered. “And you should be happy right now, that alarm means lockdown so you get extra time with yours truly.”

“The only extra time I want with yours truly is time with you outside of this room,” I grumbled. “Have you gotten a date yet?”

“September 20th,” he stated as if he knew this information forever.

My jaw dropped, “And you didn’t say anything!”

“Sorry,” he laughed. “I found out yesterday and was a little distracted by you tearing my pants off the minute I came in here today.”

My cheeks turned bright red, slight embarrassment taking over me as he smirked. It’s not that I was embarrassed by sex, or how excited I was when Matt came in here today… I just really didn’t like him talking about it after the fact. I took a sip of water and sighed, “We have a lot of work to do now. You either need to make a confession or really make yourself seem like you’ve turned over a new leaf in the last five years.”

“I have no confession to make,” he shrugged. “They’re going to try to go against me for those other two murders. I didn’t do it and that’s the end of it.”

I frowned, “Did you kill them?”

“No, Ivy.”

I pursed my lips, “Then you really are gonna have to have some come-to-jesus moment on tape and then act good until there on out.”

“I’m being good now!” He threw his hands in the air, “How much gooder can I get?”

“That’s not a word. Don’t ever say gooder again,” I tried to contain my laughter, but failed. He looked unamused as I laughed at him. “Okay, I’m sorry for laughing at you, you big baby.”

“Good thing I’m exhausted or else I’d spank you for making fun of me right now,” he retorted with a wink. “I think Brian is going to set up a meeting with you about all the details. As long as you say I’m mentally stable, I think we should be smooth sailing and then we can live happily ever after.”

“Hold on, Walt Disney. Who said you’re mentally stable?” I poked at him. Once again, he looked completely unamused. “Okay. I’ll stop picking on you today.” I walked over to him and pushed his feet off my desk. Then I took my seat on his knee and rested my head on his shoulder, “So, six months until I can finally wake up next to you.”

The alarm sounded again, signaling that there was no longer a lockdown. I knew that any minute Ken would kick Matt out of my office. I sighed and kissed his lips softly, then got up.

Perfect timing as Ken opened up my door, “Let’s go, Shadows. Lucky for you, you weren’t involved in this one.”

Matt smirked at me as he stood up and turned to let Ken put the cuffs on him. “Talk to you later, Ms. Miada,” his hazel eyes burning into my heart as he walked out of my room.

I smiled to myself as I typed up a quick report on Matt and I’s day today, obviously not putting in any incriminating information. Like me literally pulling his dick out of his pants as soon as the door closed, and dropping to my knees, or him gnawing on my neck and stating that I was his over and over. Just a quick report about what we talked about on tape. I closed my laptop and put it in my desk drawer, then locked up the drawer. I slid my jacket on over my arms and grabbed my bag, ready to go grab a bite to eat with a friend.

It took about fifteen minutes for me to get to the little Italian restaurant that we had decided on the day prior. I already saw the matte-black BMW in the parking lot when I pulled up, so I knew that I wasn’t arriving alone. I stepped out and walked into the restaurant, my eyes floating throughout the tables looking for the right pair of green eyes.

“Looking for me,” Zacky’s voice sounded from behind me, causing me to jump.

I held my hand over my heart, “God damnit, Zacky. Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

He laughed and apologized, then mentioned to the hostess that we wanted a table for two in the back. Things had been friendlier between Zacky and I since the whole Jason assaulting me situation occurred. I wasn’t sure if it was from Matt and Brian’s pressure, or if he really did care about my well-being, but I wasn’t complaining. It was nice to have at least somewhat of a friendly relationship with the guy who is tailing me and watching out for my safety. We didn’t talk about anything gang related until after our food and drinks arrived, prior to that we just spoke about how each others days were going.

“Did you and Shadows sneak fuck in your office again today?” Zacky laughed while taking a bite of his food.

“Maybe, maybe not,” I blushed and took a sip of my wine. He eyed me, “Okay, yes. I have other information for you, though.”

“It happened,” Zacky said as if he already knew. “Ace is dead. Gates should be executing Jason as we speak.”

“How did you know?” I was honestly confused. Matt was with me and it wasn’t like he texted or called Zacky to let him know.

Zacky smiled, “Christ has connections.”

“Ahhhh,” I nodded. “When do I get to meet the little social butterfly?”

“Whenever Shadows says its time to,” Zacky shrugged his shoulders. “You guys will get along, but Christ really does play by Shadows rules. More-so than Gates, and it’s best to keep you away from him until Shadows is ready.”

I rolled my eyes, “Why does everything have to be on Matt’s ruling?”

“He’s our alpha, Ivy,” Zacky laughed. “Only you can defy him or tell him what to do. If we did that he’d skin us alive.”

“You act like he’s so terrifying or something.”

Zacky scratched the back of his head and grimaced, “I know he’s your prince charming, but he does have a dark side. You know he does, too. Don’t let those pretty eyes fool you.”

“Coming from the guy who told me if I break Matt’s heart you’re killing me…”

“I will kill you,” Zacky said flatly.

I just shut up and ate my food, not asking anymore questions until after we finished our meal. I offered to pay for both of us, and of course Zacky refused, but ultimately gave in after I kicked him in the shin a couple of times under the table.

“You didn’t have to do that,” he mumbled as we walked out of the restaurant.

I huffed, “You’ve been spending the majority of your time making sure I’m alive. The least I can do is pay for your dinner.”

“I don’t do it because I want to. I do it because I have to,” he assured me. I rolled my eyes at his forever alive attitude. Sooner or later, his facade needed to go, too.

My phone started ringing and I pulled it out of my purse, Matt’s name flashing on the screen. I held a finger up to Zacky and pressed answer.

”Hey, baby,” I said smoothly.

“Where are you?”

“At dinner?” I spoke, confused as to why he was asking.

“With who?”

I looked over at Zacky who looked confused. Well, what did I have to lose? “Zacky.”

“Why?” Matt asked me, a tinge of irritation in his voice.

“Why are we playing twenty questions, Matthew?” I snapped, now being the one who was getting irritated.

“I wanted to know why the idiot wasn’t answering his phone,” Matt laughed.

“Zachary, your alpha has been calling you and getting no answer.” Zacky looked like he saw a ghost as he pat his pockets, realizing he left his phone in his car. “I’m about to head home. He’ll call you once he gets in his car.”

“Thank you,” I could hear the smile on Matt’s face. “Try to get a good nights sleep tonight… no nightmares.”

“Bye, Matty,” I smiled and hung up the phone.

“I’m a dead man and it’s your fault,” Zacky grumbled as we walked toward our cars.

“Yeah, blame me for you leaving your phone in the car,” I rolled my eyes as I opened my car door. My phone buzzed in my pocket, Brian’s name popping up on a text chain… a photo of Jason with a hole through the space in between his eyes. I cringed looking at it, but deep down I was so happy that asshole was dead. “See you at home, sweetheart,” I batted my eyelashes at Zacky who rolled his own eyes and vanished behind his tinted windows.



I need to know what happens next! Is Jimmy really Behemoth?! Come back! Please!

Buggaloo Buggaloo

I've read this twice. I still love it. It's still amazingness. Please come back!

synology synology

So, I went back and started re-reading, and I just miss this story so much. It is everything I love from a writer. You give us every genre we could want and it's so suspenseful. Do you know how much I miss this story? I understand if you're busy or not feeling the writer's bug, but please know that there are people here wanting to read the rest of this story. I am ready to know the rest of their story. Is there going to be another baby? Is Shadows gonna go back to the crime life? Please, please, update soon. I'm desperate over here. Come back to us soon, if you can.

It's been two months! I need an update on my FAVORITE STORY! PLEASE WOMAN!!!!