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Our Truth is Painted Across the Sky

I Can't Trust Anyone

Brian's POV
The shower felt good on my tired body. I still had Penny's blood on me where it had soaked through my clothes, conjuring the terrible sight of her potentially dying and me helpless. I put on the clothes Jay gave me and headed downstairs.

He was sitting on the couch drinking a beer, he handed me one.
“I thought maybe you could use one of these.”
“Thanks. Now will you please tell me what happened.”
“Ok, please know first that I had no idea of what Gwyn was up to.”
“Got it, go ahead.” I'm sure he could tell I wasn't convinced yet.

He went on to tell me that he and Gwyn were secretly involved at work. The relationship had to be kept secret because he was her boss. Gwyn was working on her first novel and they were hoping that one of them would find a different position or have the book be successful enough that she could leave the company. They would then be able to be public with their relationship.

“Let me guess, you were still seeing each other when you started seeing Penny?” I asked.
“Yes. Penny and I just happened, we were working on a project together. We were from different departments, we didn't have to be secretive.”
“I'm still confused, what does this have to do with now?” I still didn't understand.
“We never told Penny that we were involved.”
“Why?” I was surprised that he had kept this from her all these years.
“I don't know, I guess I thought it would save their friendship, I was afraid Penny would think less of me. As time went on, it was clear that Gwyn wasn't ready to let go. She hounded me endlessly, especially after her book was a success and she left the company. The longer we kept it from Penny, the more she held it over my head.”
“Did you sleep with her while you were married to Penny?”
“Trust me, she tried but I would not do that. Gwyn moved and was constantly traveling once her book really took off and I didn't hear from her for a couple of years until she heard Penny and I had split.”
“What did she say?”
“She asked me if it were true and how Penny was taking it. I thought at the time that it was concern for Penny. I realize now that she wasn't hoping Penny was ok, she was hoping she wasn't okay. I didn't talk to Gwyn again until Bianca’s wedding. When you had your accident that night, she called me and insisted on going with me to your house to get what Penny asked for. She always said that she wasn't angry with Penny for what happened between us and she didn't act like she was.”

He then told me how Adam had threatened to tell Penny about the affair, losing both of us as friends and most of all hurting Penny. He told me about the conversation he had with Gwyn afterward.
“I should have realized then that she held a grudge against Penny, but I would have never thought that it was enough to do what she did.”
“So, you're saying this was all to hurt Penny?” I couldn't believe I didn't see her hostility toward Penny either.
“I'm guessing it was a mix of wanting you and hurting her. I think to Gwyn, it's all a game.”
“That makes sense, it explains a lot. You know you're going to have to tell Penny, right?”
“Yes, but now is probably not the right time. I will before Gwyn goes to trial and I will also speak to the prosecutor. Are we cool?” He asked.
“Yea, we all made mistakes and Gwyn played all of us. I'm not sure Penny will be as accepting. I wouldn't wait to tell her, you don't want her finding it out from someone else. The biggest mistake I made was not telling her right from the start when Gwyn started to make me uncomfortable. I wish I had listened to Val after my birthday when she called Gwyn out.
“Val knew?” Jay looked surprised.
“Yes, I was going to tell Penny but when I called her she was already crying and I couldn't do it. The next day the picture of Gwyn practically sitting in my lap hit the internet. Gwyn came to my room and apologized, saying that she was sorry that she had made me uncomfortable for so long and that getting so drunk the night before made her realize she was a bad friend.”
“But what happened when Penny saw the picture?”
“Gwyn was still with me and we both said that Gwyn was so drunk she was stumbling around. Penny went into depression after that. Gwyn did change and stopped hitting on me. She helped me through when things came up with Adam. She told me not to worry so much, even when he had crossed lines like throwing Penny in the pool and being at our house at all hours of the day and night.”
“You know what you're saying, right?”
“She was playing the friend while she made sure Adam maintained a relationship with Penny. I'm such an idiot. I should have listened to Val.”
“You know you need to tell Penny about Val suspecting something, right?”
“You're right, I probably should sooner, rather than later. I still can't believe I was so wrong."
“You can't beat yourself up over that.” Jay said, bringing me another beer.
“I don't have to, Penny is taking care of that.” I chugged the beer down.
“Do you want to stay here tonight?”
“I think I'll go ahead and get a hotel room.”
“Do you want to borrow Steph’s car?” He offered.
“That would be great, if your sure she wouldn't mind.”
“I'm sure it's fine.” He said.

When I left, I was so deep in thought that I didn't even think where I was going. I ended up at the hospital, I couldn't just walk away. I asked the night nurse how she was. She said that she had been given a strong sedative and would probably be out the rest of the night. She said I could go in and see her, I didn't want to tell her that I had been kicked out earlier.
I walked in, she was sound asleep. She looked much better than she had when I left. I sat in the chair beside the bed and held her hand but I didn't speak for fear of waking her up. I accidentally fell asleep.

I felt someone squeeze my hand, I woke up realizing I was asleep and had never let go of her hand.
“Brian” she said softly, trying to wake me up.
“Oh shit!” I was ready for her to go off on me for being there. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to see you for a few minutes and I fell asleep. Don't be mad, I'll go now.”
I think she held back a chuckle and said, “It’s okay, I'm not going to have you thrown out or anything. You must have been pretty tired to fall asleep like that, it couldn't have been comfortable.”
“I guess I must have been tired I just needed to be sure you're okay. I’m glad you could sleep. I'm surprised you're awake already.” I held in my relief that she was talking to me.
“I just had the strangest dream, it woke me up.”
“A bad dream about Gwyn?
“It wasn't really a bad dream, it was weird. I heard a baby crying, but I couldn't find it. Then I look down and I'm pushing a stroller, that woke me up."
“You talked about a baby when you first came out of the anesthesia.”
“I did? I don't remember that.” You could tell she was trying to remember.
“Maybe your mind is trying to focus on other things. I just want you to be okay.”
“I’ll heal. Of course, I’ll have a couple of scars to remind me.” Her expression changed and I could tell she was trying not to cry.
“Scars to remind you what a dumb ass I've been.”
“It's not all your fault, we both did some stupid things.” She held my hand again for a moment.
“So, we're okay? You forgive me?”
“I forgive you, but I think our relationship is going to need some time.” She said very seriously.
“I understand that you aren't sure about us. I only ask that you give me a chance.”
“We can't just be the same overnight after being apart for nearly five months and everything that happened.” I could see her tears start to well up again, I tried to change the topic.
“Can I ask you a question? Where did Adam find you? Where were you at for almost a month?”
“Oh yeah, I never got to tell you, I had planned it as a surprise when you got back. I was at my Mom and Dad’s house.” She looked at me, clearly concerned about my reaction.
“But I thought she sold the house.” I was confused.
“Mom did, but I'm the one who bought it.” She said very quickly.
“You bought it?” I asked, not intending to sound like I had a problem with it.
“Yes, with my money!” She was a little touchy about that. I tried to relieve her tension.
“I think that's great, Penz.” I knew by the look on her face I said something wrong.
“I'm glad you're okay with it. Can we just stick to Penny right now and avoid the nicknames?”
That request stabbed right at my heart. “Ok, if that is what you want.”
“I just think it's better right now.” She said. “Are you staying at the house?”
“No, I should be able to go back today but I don't want to stay there until everything is cleaned up and we get new carpet.”
“When all of this is over and you don't have to be here, I'd like to talk about selling the house.” She looked away from me as she said it.
“What do you mean by I won't have to be here?” I realized I was starting to sound upset, because I was upset.
“When everything with Gwyn is over, I assume you’ll have to be in town for the trial etc. I'm not going back to live in that house, so you can stay there when you're in town.”
I was now pissed. “Penny, I can't believe you are being like this! I understand that you don't want to live there anymore. But I can't even call you by a nickname that I have called you since we first met!” She scowled at me and I didn't even let her speak. “You can't wait to sell our house? YOU are the one who pushed me to be friends with Gwyn, to take her places when you were sick. You were so happy that she was going on the tour, never asking how I felt about it!”
“You could have told me what she was doing. I shouldn't have had to ask, maybe you didn't tell me because you liked it!” She was getting loud, so without thinking I did too.
“What about you Penny? If you had just listened to me about Adam trying to get in your pants, this wouldn't have happened either!”
“At least I didn't fuck Adam!” She yelled, I'm sure we could be clearly heard outside the room and probably down the hall. I didn't care at that point.
“You know what, PEN-NEEE, don't worry about me staying at the house! I'll get a hotel room and once Gwyn is indicted, I'm out of here until the trial. I can fly back when I need to. You can fix up the fucking house and sell it yourself! I will get all my stuff out and ship all your things from Huntington Beach to you!”
“That sounds great! The sooner, the better!”
Jay and Chloe walked in as Penny yelled that.
“Hey!” Jay said. “Everyone can hear you, quiet down you two.”
“What's going on?” Chloe asked. Penny and I just glared at each other. “Mom? Brian?”
I had it. “Ask your MOTHER, I’m fucking done with this shit!” I stormed out the door and down to Stephanie’s car. I would just have to get with Jay later to give it back and pick mine up. I wanted to get away from there and from her. I assumed Jay was there to tell her about his relationship with Gwyn. I wondered if he’d be kicked out like I was.

My phone rang, it was Chloe.
“Hi Chloe”
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Not really.”
“What happened, you two were practically at each other's throats?”
“We were getting along, then I called her Penz and all hell broke loose.”
“She's very conflicted right now, it’s understandable with all she's been through. You've been through hell too, you're both on edge.”
“She's already talking about selling the house when I don't need to come here anymore.”
“So, she's going to let you stay with her until then at least, maybe you will be able to patch things up.”
“She's not going to live there, I assume she's going to live in your grandparent’s house.”
“How would she do that?”
“I forgot you don't know, I'd better let her tell you or I'll be hated more than I already am.”
“Okay, but I can guess. That explains where she was.”
“I'd better go before she strangles Jay.”
“Hopefully he fairs better than I did, Bye.”

I felt sorry for Jay. She's a loose cannon.

Chloe's POV
Before going back to Mom's room, I called Aunt Tess and filled her in on what had happened this morning. She said she was on her way. By the time, I made it back to Mom’s room I was just in time to hear her yelling at Jay.
“You fucking lied to me all these years! You and Brian are perfect to be friends, you're both fucking pieces of shit!”
“Mom, you've got to calm down.” She had pushed herself up to a sitting position and was starting to get out of the bed.
“I'm going back to MY house, I can't stand this anymore. I'm not staying here just for everyone I trusted to tell me that I've been living a lie!”
“Penny, you've got to get back in the bed.” Jay said.
“Go fuck yourself!” She screamed at Jay.
Mom got on her feet and then screamed. Jay grabbed her and helped her back into the bed. I pushed the button for the nurse. You could tell Mom was in pain.
She looked at Jay, gritting her teeth through the pain.
“Get out of my fucking room!”
“Okay, I'm leaving. I'm truly sorry.”
“Fuck you.” She yelled.

The nurse came in and checked Mom stitches, they were okay. The nurse was concerned about internal bleeding.
I had never seen her so angry in my life, so full of bitterness. She was like a different person.
“I want to go home!” She said to the nurse. “Get the doctor to discharge me now!”
“Mom, you can't go home yet.”
The nurse promised to get the doctor for Mom if she calmed down and stayed in bed. I walked out with the nurse and she said Mom might seem different because of all the pain medicine she was on.
I sat with Mom while she impatiently waited for the doctor. I knew he wasn't going to discharge her and this probably wasn't going to be pleasant. Luckily, Aunt Tess arrived and Mom seemed to calm down.

The doctor examined her and it didn't appear that she had done any internal damage. Then Mom asked him to let her go home.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Haner, but you are not ready to go home today. When you do go home, you will need someone to care for you for few weeks. Will your husband be able to stay home with you?”
“No fucking way.” she replied.
“You’ll need to arrange something with someone, I do not want you staying alone.”
When the doctor said that, I had an idea and I knew what Mom was going to say next.
“I will stay with my daughter.” I looked at Aunt Tess, I knew she was thinking the same thing I was. She shook her head ever so slightly.
“Mom, you know I would love to help out but I've been working overtime and Max has been out of town for work a lot. We've been juggling babysitting for the girls. Before you say it, no you will not be able to stay home and babysit.”
“She's right, no babysitting. You will not be able to lift anything over 10 pounds.” The doctor said.
“Tess, can I stay with you?”
“I would like to help, but I am babysitting my grandkids for the next several weeks.” Tess looked at me and winked so Mom couldn't see.
“We will talk to our family and see if anyone can help.” I said to the doctor.
“Sounds good, I want to know she will have someone with her 24/7 at least the first two weeks and shouldn't resume full normal activities for a couple of weeks after that. If she doesn't, she will have to stay here longer.”
“When can I leave if I have someone?” Mom asked anxiously.
“As soon as tomorrow if you stop trying to jump out of bed. You are going to have to take it very easy, especially the first week or so.”
After he left we told Mom that we would see who could help.

Tess and I had a specific person in mind, but he had to seem like the only option. After this morning, it might be difficult to get him to do it too. Making sure everyone else had a good excuse not to take care of her was easy. Bianca was 7 months pregnant, Grandma couldn't, even if she hadn't just had surgery a month earlier. Allen would be the only other person she could ask and he and Kimberly were working all the time and helping Grandma. We called Allen and he was on board, we agreed Tess would talk to Brian. The toughest part was going to be Mom. We decided that in her current state of mind, Allen would be the best to convince her. He’s probably the only person that she wouldn't tell to fuck off. He was the one person in the family she never liked to make mad. The biggest thing in our favor was her hatred of being in the hospital.



Yes, sorry. I had writer’s block on one aspect of the storyline, I think I have made a decision finally. Should be updated soon. Thanks for reading!

Violet_Gates Violet_Gates

Is this story going to be updated?

Joy1979 Joy1979

AHH, Love this. Aww poor penny and Brian, hope they don't split up. Can't wait to read more.

MrsChristX MrsChristX