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Expect the unexpected

Its getting serious

Everly’s POV

This night I lay awake mostly, not really able to sleep, and that wasn’t because the couch was damn uncomfortable, it also wasn’t that I wasn’t exhausted enough, no.

My talk and evening with Brian was still running through my head, invading my thoughts. What he said about us acting together. He was right, if I didn’t want to be the cheap fling to make Chris jealous so I would finally get some answers out of him, I had to act the part.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, I never thought I would get into a situation like this. I thought I would be happily planning the last details of my wedding by now, my life together with Chris, and what I really was doing, was plotting together with Brian.

I took my phone from the nightstand and saw the still unread message from Val and Brian. I clicked onto Brian’s icon and saw his message arriving late at night.

Don’t worry about the shopping. I will pick you up from work tomorrow – B

Oh no, he wouldn’t dare-
I knew better, he would. So I quickly shot him a text to prevent that from happening.

No, I’ll come by your house after work. No need for you to pick me up. – Everly

He was probably still asleep, but I knew I couldn’t sleep anymore. So I grabbed some clothes, and walked into the bathroom. I took a long hot shower, dressed and had a little breakfast before heading to work, why bother sitting around here much longer.

The working day went past pretty quickly, and I finally found the courage to read Val’s message as well.
Hey there, I’m glad you decide to come to our party. Is it right, I heard you were spending time with Brian?You gotta tell me all about it! I want details! – Val
Holy shit, how am I going to do this?! I was an idiot to agree to Brian’s plan. This would never work and no one would believe us either.

I let my head fall onto my working desk, sighing loudly. I made my bed now, now I had to sleep in it, right?

I heard some voices outside on the foyer and frowned, laughter and even more female voices. I saw the door to my colleague’s office open up and she ran to the attention as well.

I looked at my phone and saw it was already late. The laughter grew louder and a male voice sounded.

My curiosity finally had the best of me when I got up and walked towards the foyer, I saw Brian in the middle of a group of my co-workers – all female co-workers, of course.

“I know ladies.” Brian’s smooth voice sounded and I almost rolled my eyes “And as much as I would love to spend my time with you here chatting, I came to pick up my girl” I stopped dead in my track hearing Brian say that.

His eyes met mine over the distance and a smile grew on his lips, when he didn’t reply to any of the other women they turned around as well “Hey, there you are. I told you I would pick you up.” He moved forward and stopped only a foot away from me.

“Surprised?” He asked silently and I nodded, what the hell was he doing here, I told him that I would-

His lips suddenly pressed to mine and before I could register it he pulled away already, a smirk on his lips.

“Well, I kinda like you speechless” He grinned and I licked my lips, still having his lingering taste of him in my mouth.

His arm came around my waist and he turned to the women watching us “Nice day for you, ladies” He waved and then guided me back to my office “You done, can we go?”

“How do you know where I am working? And what is this all about?” I asked and Brian winked “I told you I know more than you think. And did you like our first official kiss? I think you have to work a little more on the affection side, while I am doing my boyfriend job quite well. Don’t you take this serious enough?” He asked when he closed the door behind him.

I sighed “I had no idea you would be showing up here and you really don’t have to go shopping with me. I can manage that by myself” But even before I finished the sentence Brian was shaking his head.

“And that’s where you are wrong” He said and pointed to my outfit “You would buy something like this, and don’t get me wrong, I like it. It’s a classy outfit. Show a little, but not too much. But we need the stuff men are all over, and hey, I’m a man, so I can help you pick an outfit. And you will have to get used to wearing it, especially since we are tonight as couple at Val’s and Matt’s place. Coming out for us, if you will” He grinned and I felt panic rise inside of me.

“We will be fine, maybe if you would finally tell me what’s your problem with me in the first place, it would help” Brian looked at me with such intensity that I had to look away.“Alright, then let’s go shopping” I grabbed my phone and purse and walked past Brian.

We weren’t fully out of my office when I felt his arm around my waist, pulling me into him and smelled his cologne, damn he smelled good. I shook my head, what the hell was wrong with me?!

Almost all women of the entire company were now standing in their doorways watching me and Brian walk off together. Well, that was a statement I guess.

When we were in the elevator alone I quickly took a step away from Brian and he just smirked at me.

“I told you.” He grinned and I rolled my eyes “This was really not necessary.” He shook his head “Yes, it was. You know why?” He asked and I frowned “Why?”

“So I could manage that you get the two weeks off for the wedding, babe” He stretched the word babe and I closed my eyes, trying to stay calm and counting to ten.




“Are you freaking insane?!” I hissed at him as the door to the elevator opened for us to go out.

“I don’t know what you mean, love?” Brian replied that smirk still on his face, driving me slowly nuts. How could he be so nonchalant about all this? I was going mental and he had a blast?! What was wrong with this guy?!

“You can’t just take off for two weeks for me. I have work to do… Bills to pay!” But Brian waved me off.

“I don’t even know how to pay any of the new dresses you insist on buying now” I was almost at the breaking point again.

Shit, I didn’t want to admit all this in front of Brian. Even though he knew how dangerous the situation with the apartment was.

Brian’s POV

I really couldn’t remember when I had this much fun with a female company, besides having sex... And since Everly and I didn’t have that… any time soon as it seemed, I was still having a blast.

She was just so damn adorable and my sheer presence seem to confuse and anger her so much that she sometimes just let things slipped, that I guess she wouldn’t have said to anyone else.

“I told you I would take care of the vacation thing. And I did… I spoke to your boss, she was very understanding. And she said as long as you can be available on your mobile for urgent matters, she didn’t see any problems. You still had vacation days from last year, so no harm done. Did you know she was a fan of my band, by the way? That helped a lot too, to be honest.” I smirked and Eve gapped at me so I just continued “And I also told you that you don’t have to worry about your debts.”

I took her hand in mine when we left the hotel Everly was working for and she stiffened just a second before she relaxed, and I had to admit her small hand felt good in mine.

“It was my idea, and I will pay for the dresses. Don’t worry… oh and the bikini’s. You know they marry at a spa resort, right? Pools and all that… we need something new, something that no one has seen, especially not Chris.” I said and Everly looked at me from the side.

“You really get off on this, aren’t you? This is fun for you, right?” She asked and I shrugged my shoulders, I could imagine worse things doing then spending my time with one of my female friends that was damn hot and single now, but I knew I couldn’t point that out to her.

Even though she sometimes let things slip when I was around and had angered her with something, she still hasn’t told me why she was so negative about me as her friend. I had to find out to know what to change, I mean… She wasn’t like this when we got to know each other…

“Hey Brian, come on over.” Chris called and I set my guitar aside. I looked up and saw him approaching me through the group of people around us in the bar.

“What’s up man?” I asked and saw him drag a woman behind him. My eyes met hers, she looked shyly around, her hand was holding Chris but he pulled her forward with might, almost making her stumble into me when I jumped down the counter.

“Oh hey…” I looked her up and down giving her a smile, she replied the action with one of her own, her eyes wide, taking in her surroundings.

“This is Everly, Eve this is Brian.” Chris said and motioned her up and down, making me frown a little, well I saw her good and clear, she was gorgeous, she smiled at Chris with affection and I nodded “Nice to meet you, Eve”

“Everly” Chris corrected me and I frowned, didn’t he just call her Eve as well?

“She is even hotter in real life, right?” He whispered to me and I nodded, because that’s all I could do. He was right, she was beautiful but why was Chris pointing that out to me?

She also was exactly my type, but I would keep that little tad bit of information to myself.

I was already confused when he had shown me pictures of her during our last band practice Chris had talked about his new conquest, I thought it was just some kind of showing off, like dudes do, but apparently he wasn’t, and she meant something to him.

During the evening Everly and I got to talk, and she wasn’t only looking beautiful on the outside, I found different topics I could talk to her about, as well.

She was not just a nice shell, she seemed to be amazing inside and out, and I had to admit, I envied Chris for finding her first.

“You wanna wait outside or what?” Everly’s voice roused me back from our first meeting and I blinked a couple of times, she was pulling on my hand to follow her into the shop and I nodded “Hell no, I need to see what my girlfriend is planning to buy from my money.”

I laughed a little to hide the embarrassment from zooming out so completely.

I heard a loud sigh from Everly but she dragged me behind her without another word. She chose a few dresses and vanished to the dressing room. My phone buzzed and I looked at the caller, Zacky.

“Eve? You gonna be fine for a minute? Zack’s calling” I yelled and earned a death glare from the woman behind the counter, what? This wasn’t a library, or?!

“I’m fine, go ahead” Everly called back making me smile.
I walked outside pulling my cigarettes out and taking the call. “Yo Zack” I mumbled into the phone.

“Where you at? I stopped at your house, you are not there?” He asked and I heard that he was in the car.

“Well, no. What you want?” I asked again and saw the door to the shop open and close, people walking in and out.

“I wanted to know if you were up for some before the party drinks, we could let a cab bring us over to Matt’s” Zacky asked “But I guess you have different plans?” He added and I chuckled.

“That sounds about right” I didn’t want to ruin the surprise of me showing up with Eve tonight. I just hoped she really was up for the challenge of convincing our friends, that we were a couple. Because right now, we were still far from it…

“Is that a secret or what?” Zack asked and I rolled my eyes “I’m with Everly shopping… If you have to know” I said finally, because I knew my best friend, he wouldn’t fucking give up otherwise.

“You and Everly? Why that?” He sounded really confused and I sighed, damn… was this really so hard to believe?!

“Well yeah. You know Zack, I need to go now. We see us in a few hours, right? Bye” I hung up before he could add anything and walked back to the shop, just in time to hear someone familiar say.

“I told you he would leave you…” The voice said and didn’t stop “Everly, maybe you should have believed the rumors”


Because I had such lovely comments, here is another Chapter!

Let me know what u think!
I need the feedback :)


Thank you, good to hear form you!

Oh thats sweet, thank you!

MeRi MeRi

Don't care who disagrees. Most awesome story on here. Period.

synology synology

I loooooved this story !! Such a great ending :D

You know I will! Always!

Kimmie Kimmie

Aww thank you :) And for staying with me all this time!

MeRi MeRi