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Seize The Day

1: Fucking Shit Up.

Brooklyn sat in the girls locker room, getting ready for P.E, she pulled her top off and replaced it with a tank top, then she took off her ripped skinny jeans replacing them with a pair of shorts, she could tell she was putting on some weight, the shorts and her top were hugging her tightly, almost too tight, she knew it was because of the comfort eating, she put her feet in a pair of comfortable running shoes and stuffed all her clothes, including her shoes, into her locker.

"Awe, look how cute you look, Brookie!" Val said turning the corner with her posse, the sarcasm was clear in her voice. "I can see that you're putting on weight"

Brooklyn looked down at her feet, "Chase was at my house.. Studying" Val had a smirk on her face, Brooklyn refused to believe her, Chase would never do that to her, would he?

Brooklyn pushed her way past Val and the rest of the cheerleaders, she walked out onto the school field, behind a couple of other girls, trying not to listen into their conversation, she looked to her left, further down the field and saw Chase talking to a couple of his team members, she looked to her right and saw a three guys, they looked as though they were in a heated discussion.

"Alright ladies!" The P.E teacher shouted, causing all the girls to go silent "We're doing laps today!" All the girls groaned, apart from Brooklyn, she let a sigh of relief out, at least she didn't have to talk to anyone.

Brooklyn ran by the three guys she saw a few minutes ago, she looked at them for a few moment, she thought that she recognized them but she shook her head, she must be mistaken. P.E had finished and Brooklyn made her way back to the locker room, she found a piece of paper stuck to her locker "FAT PIG" it said in red pen, she sat down on the bench and held her head in her hands, she got back up, took the paper in her hands and crumpled it into a ball and chucked it on the ground, she opened her locker and got stripped down to her underwear, she swapped the clothes she had in her hand for the ones in her locker, planning on coming back for them at the end of the day, she pulled on her ripped skinny jeans and her Metallica t-shirt, she slipped on her converse and then grabbed her bag, she quickly left the locker room before Val or anyone else could stop her.

The day had went passed quick, Brooklyn packed all her books into her bag and put away her instruments in music, she said her goodbyes to her teacher and then made her way down to the locker rooms, the halls were still packed with people but she knew everyone will soon be gone, she reached the locker room and grabbed her stuff but before she could get out of there, Val stopped her.

"Hey little pig" Val laughed, the rest of her cheerleaders joined in, "I'm not going to explain myself, I mean, I don't need to, not to you anyway, I'll give you five seconds to run, I have the whole team surrounding this place so I know you won't get far" Val let out a sickening laugh, Brooklyn knew what was going to happen, this wasn't the first time it had happened, she learned not to tell anyone, or the beatings would get worse.

Val leaned in closer to Brooklyn's face, and in a soft voice she said "Run little piggy, I'm already counting"

Brooklyn wasted no time, she darted out of the locker and ran down the hallway, she was panicking, she saw an emergency exit lying open, and she almost started crying, she ran out of it, slamming it shut behind her, she let out a sigh of relief but didn't stop just yet, she kept on running, her thighs were burning and so were her eyes, she looked behind her for any sight of the cheerleaders but her vision was all blurred and couldn't make out a thing.

Brooklyn hit something hard that made her fall onto her backside "Dude, what the fuck!?" She heard a male voice shout, she flinched because of it and looked up and saw Matt, she covered her mouth with her hand whilst using the other to push her self off the ground.

"I'm so.." She was about to say sorry but then realized it was Matt Sanders she had smashed into and he was with his friends, she knew she was fucked, she stumbled back, the guys were staring at her but before the said anything she darted past them.

She looked for her car but noticed two of Val's friends standing by it, she decided to sprint towards the sidewalk, just outside of the parking lot, she didn't stop running, she wasn't only running from Val but she was running from Matt as well, if any of them caught her she would be fucked, and she knew she couldn't show up to school tomorrow.

She looked back and saw a guy running after her, she picked up her speed, not giving up, she wasn't ready to be beaten by a guy, "Hey!" She heard the guy yell, she didn't stop running, if anything she gained even more speed.

Brooklyn tripped on something, sending her flying into the ground, her face was the first thing to collide with the ground, she screamed out in pain but she still attempted to get back up and run, when she brought herself to her feet, she tried to run again but failed, she had twisted her ankle, another scream escaped from her mouth, she fell back to the ground, crawling away from the guy who was now only a few feet away.

She gave up, she held both hands up to her head, she heard the guy hover above her panting "Make it quick please" she said, trying to hold back the tears.

"What?" The guy said, confused, a car stopped at the side of the road, "Oh, you didn't think we were going to hurt you, you bumped into Matt big deal" He said, Brooklyn looked up to him, he was tall, taller than anyone she had seen before.

A car pulled up at the side of the road, stopping at Brooklyn and the man, "She can run, dude" Brooklyn looked up and noticed that it was Matt talking.

"Jimmy, help her up" Matt said and Jimmy done as he was told, Brooklyn's face came into full view and Johnny leaned over Matt "Holly fucking shit, look at your face" Brooklyn knew Johnny because he was in the same classes as her, she helps him with most of his homework but that's it.

"I need to get to my car" She said, nervously, just as she said it she saw Val and two other cheerleaders walking with her.

"Come here little piggy!" She yelled with a harsh tone, Brooklyn ducked down beside Matt's car, pressing her hand against it and peeking out from behind it.

"Oh no, she's coming" Brooklyn said, biting hard on her lip, Jimmy had no trouble picking her up and putting her in the car.

"So that's why you were running" Matt turned back to face me, aviators covering his eyes but she could still see his eyebrow raise, Brooklyn nodded her head, "I really need to get to my car, before they do some serious damage to it" She told the guys.

"I hate to ask favors but could.." Matt huffed and looked away from her.

"Don't ask then" He said in a harsh tone, now it was Brooklyn's turn to huff.

"Okay, I won't, but just so you know, I am not scared of you Matt Sanders" before Matt could reply she stepped out of the car, and headed towards the school parking lot, walking with a limp, her face was burning and a bruise was forming around her cheek.

Brooklyn had her arms crossed over her chest, she saw the same two cheerleaders sitting against her car but they were now joined with two more, Brooklyn noticed she was in bad shape "Fuck it" she muttered to herself "Come fucking fight me Val" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

The cheerleaders at her car turned to face her, shocked, son enough she saw Val walk up to her "Excuse me little piggy?" she said with amusement in her voice.

"Fucking fight me Val, I don't want your dumb bitches to do it for you, I want you to beat me up." Brooklyn stood there staring at Val, who was in utter shock with what she was saying.

"Oh I'll fight you" Val pulled her hair into a high pony tail and pushed her chest against Brooklyn, Brooklyn took this as an opportunity to grab Val's hair and she did, Val let out a shriek but Brooklyn only tugged harder.

"I fucking hate you, you slimy bitch!" Brooklyn said as she straddled Val's hips, driving a fist in her face. "I've fucking had enough of you" She drove another punch in Val's face.

"Help!" Val yelled but everyone was staring in shock, a few even had there phones out recording.

"I'm not a fucking pig, you whore!" Brooklyn yelled as she stood up, ignoring the pain in her ankle, she brought her foot up and rammed it into Val's stomach, winding her, everyone knew how serious this was, people put away there phones and helped Val to her feet.

"Stay away from me or I'll end you" Brooklyn spat at Val's feet, Val looked at Brooklyn in horror "Consider this a warning" Brooklyn pushed past everyone and walked to her car, the adrenaline pumping through her body, she sat inside her car and started blaring music through the speakers.

Once Brooklyn got home, she noticed no one else was in, her mum and dad's cars were not in the driveway and neither was her brothers but that wasn't out of the ordinary, she unlocked the front door and made her way in, locking the door again and making her way up to her room, she shoved on music and screamed out in pleasure, this was the first time she ever stood up to anyone and it felt good.

She logged onto her Facebook and saw that she had a lot of friends request and she was tagged in several videos, she knew exactly what they were, she clicked on the first one, the one with the most likes, shares and comments, she watched the video once and all the adrenaline filled her veins again, she scrolled through the comments and read some of them.

She fucked her uuuuup!!!!

Val, you stupid bitch! Don't fuck with the quiet ones, everyone knows that.

She's a fucking machine! Go Brooklyn!!!

Most of the comments were in her favor but the ones from Val's friends were telling people to take the video down, Brooklyn scrolled through the friends request and saw one from Matt, she clicked accept.

A sound came from her computer, a message, it was from Matt.

I saw the whole thing, you're a pretty good fighter, apparently everyone thinks so

It took her a minute to reply, she didn't know what to write and she even debated on whether to ignore him, before she could write anything else Matt had already sent another message.

Come hang with us tomorrow, I'll keep you safe ;)
Talk later.

Brooklyn was surprised with the request she just got and simply came up with the message 'cool' and sent in

She liked that she went from the 'loser girl' to the 'bad ass girl' in one day, something about it all made her feel alive.


First story.
Feedback would be appreciated!

And if anyone has anything they think would be good to add to the story just tell me in the comments!


Oh my god.., please tell me they never get caught :(. Such a good story

Avengedlover Avengedlover

Brooklyn is going insane. Shouldn't Matt be angry at her for killing his girlfriend??

Holly Holly

Ohh, I love where this is going!!

Holly Holly

Please keep going with this story!

rebelteaparty rebelteaparty

Soooooo cute, please continue

forREVer-A7X forREVer-A7X