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A familiar stranger

Maya’s POV

I knew I couldn’t be really mad at the Big guy, at least not for too long. I was just afraid… that was probably it, what if he didn’t trust me enough and that would lead to another break in our relationship, what if on tour something happened and then he would back out?!

I had no idea how I would deal with it. Matt was everything to me, and I couldn’t stand the thought of losing him, not again… not after what we have been through.

Just one more night and the guys would be leaving… Tomorrow we at least had a little time for us, but then they would head out to the tour start, doing festival shows to promote the new record.

I wished to come along, not really feeling good to stay behind, but Ave and I still had a lot to do, not only her wedding, and my still to be planned proposal, no our shop doesn’t manage itself, even though the girls we hired were doing a damn good job.

Maybe in the next days we could even give them some more credit and let them run the show some more, maybe then I would finally have the time to get to work on the bridesmaid dresses and the wedding dress further…
I had no idea how I was supposed to do all this, but when Matt was away, that was probably the best solution in not losing my head.

I tried to calm my nerves and tried not to let everyone see that the guys leaving was doing weird things to me. Even though I knew I really had nothing to worry about, we have been through the worst, it still left a bad taste in my mouth thinking of it.

I pushed everything back and thought that today it was about fun, and about us friends enjoying the last evening together. I was ready and waiting for Matt to join me, so we could finally leave for the party at Johnny’s.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this pre-tour party? We’ve both been out of the game for some time…but I bet we would work some magic and get back into the swing of things,” Matt’s voice sounded behind me but I looked down on my phone again, to see the message that just arrived.

“On second thought we better stay here…” Matt corrected, but my eyes were glued to the phone, not only was it a rare occasion that I got a message from Ben, my ex, because he normally didn’t stay too much in contact, just rare messages now and then. And as James had put it to Ave one time, he was not able yet to keep normal contact with me. Whatever that exactly meant, but I was still in contact with Cam and Sam, so I knew what was going on and so was Ave and James. I read again what Ben had send me and my mouth was hanging open, oh shit… this couldn’t be true. “What is it?”

“I-I…fucking hell…” I gasped, how could they come up with something like that? Where did they get that information from?!

Ben had basically stated that in the last interview they had given for Pitcam TV they had zoomed on the fact that the rumor of the Asking guys having an affair with the current Avenged girlfriends was being hyped. They had directly asked questions about it, and Worsnop, who else, couldn’t keep his big mouth shut, which meant they knew Ben and I had a history together.

He wrote that he broke the interview off but wanted to warn me about the reporter digging up dirt on us. I swallowed thickly thinking back on the time I spend in the UK and been with Ben. I wasn’t ashamed of being with him, but it was private. I liked my privacy and it wasn’t anyone’s business who I had a relationship with or not. And besides I knew Matt was kinda allergic to the topic of my history with Ben, so he wouldn’t be pleased of seeing pictures of me and him, or other stories that could be made up. I shook my head and put my hand over my mouth in disbelief.

“What happened?” Matt asked, I heard concern in his voice. “What does it say?”
“Ben-Ben texted me—” I started we came to an agreement to not have any secrets, when this was concerned, he would trust me more and I wouldn’t keep anything from him. Well, beside the whole proposal thing, but that was different.

I didn’t have anything to hide from Matt that had to do with Ben, he knew what happened, and he knew I didn’t want to fight with the Asking guys. Even though Matt saw the whole thing differently, they were great friends for Ave and me, and I wanted to keep it that way, even if Ben was my ex.

I felt Matt stiffen next to me, he hated me talking about them still, I guess we still both had to work on us. “About-about Asking Alexandria’s interview today…and…fucking hell…”
“And what?” Matt asked, taking step toward me to see the text message. “And apparently the interviewer pressed the topic of our relationship and Danny let some details slip about us…”

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?” Matt raged reading the message over and over.
“So now the whole fucking world is going to be digging up dirt on you two?” I closed my eyes, frustration and anger mixed with sadness washing over me. Not only would this be hard on Ben and me, being pushed back in the limelight, when everything between us was done and over, no it would put Matt and me on a new challenge. Would he read the stories if they made something up, would he trust me? Would he listen to any of the shit the media would be trying to sell the people?!

But at least we had one last shot, I pointed to the end of the message “No not yet. Apparently the video doesn’t release until next week. Ben said he has their manager working to stop that part from being run. Should we ask Larry to step in? I mean the last thing we need is the press flocking us again!”

During our ride to the bar we discussed the next steps and tried to reach Larry without any success.
When we arrived Matt told me to go inside, he wanted to try and reach Larry again. I just hoped he would manage and that Larry could solve the problem, so we weren’t the next big scandal that they want to promote with their added lies.
I could already see the big headlines about me and Ben. I closed my eyes and sighed in frustration, I just hoped that Larry could do something.

“Hey M” Ave waved me over to the bar and I hurried over to her. “Hey Little Gnome” I hugged her to me and frowned, if Ben and I were out in the open, did Worsnop say something about Ave and James as well? Even though they never really… really gave in to the temptation of each other?

“Why the long face?” Ave asked and I looked around searching for the others, Ave seemed to guess my thinking and pointed to the dance floor and a booth in the back where I saw Johnny and Zack, while Jess and Jimmy were dancing close on the makeshift platform and the Berry brother just stopped next to me and Ave.

“Hey Ave, Maya” MB looked us up and down with a smirk on his face “I will fucking miss the sight the next few weeks, that is for sure” He grinned and I slapped his shoulder, while Ave blushed and Jason ordered the drinks.

“You girls will reserve us some dances, right?” Jason asked giving Ave a wink and a raised brow directed at me.
“We sure will” I nodded and the boys took the drinks and headed over to Zack and Johnny leaving us alone, so we could have the private talk.

“Spill it” Ave elbowed me slightly and I signed for Johnny to hand me some of the good stuff. I took a drink and then another. “Maya, what is going on?” Ave asked and eyed me from the side.
“Ben sent me a message” I started and Ave lifted an eyebrow “He did?”

“To warn us that an interview went out of control and they asked them about the rumors of me and him… And Danny couldn’t keep his big mouth shut… Shit, Ave...” I saw Ave’s eyes widen and her mouth hanging open. “Did you call Daddy? Is the interview out yet?” Ave asked pulling her phone out of her pocket and I shook my head. “It should be released by next week… Matt is trying to reach Larry.”

“M, don’t worry. It’s gonna be fine, my Dad will find a solution… He knows enough people in the business” Ave said even though she didn’t look too convinced.
I showed Ave the message and we talked about what would happen, we decided in the end that we couldn’t do much now anyway and had to wait for Larry to react.

Another drink helped me calm down and I looked around for Matt, why was he taking so long anyway, did he finally reach Larry?
I didn’t want this to ruin our last night together, I wanted to have as much time and fun with Matt as we could until he had to leave tomorrow evening.

A guy walked past us and turned around last second, when I saw his face my heart sped up. That couldn’t be, could it?
He seemed to look for a free space at the bar and when he walked in even closer, I was sure it was him.

“Trevor” The word had slipped my mouth even before my brain could really register what that would mean.
Ave frowned, knowing exactly that I only knew one person with that name, and that I haven’t seen him or even talked about him in years.

As if he heard me, he turned around and looked at me, then his eyes widened and his mouth opened and closed. He seemed as stunned as I was until he took a few steps closer.

“Maya?” He stood directly before me and Ave, and I couldn’t look away, I didn’t know why, he had hurt me, he had abandoned me, but still… he was all the family I had left… and now after all these years I saw him here and now?!

Trevor looked me up and down a smile on his handsome face, he looked so much better than the last time I remember to see him, but he was barely a real adult by the time we parted ways.

“Avery” Trevor’s eyes had moved from me to Ave and she stared at Trevor just as I had, had she recognized my brother?
“Is that really you?” I asked and wasn’t too sure if I wanted it to be true or not. I had no idea how he would react, would he blame me again, would he threaten me, would he be able to forgive and forget?! Did I secretly hope for that?!“It is me… I can’t believe that… god… how many years?!” Trevor asked and his eyes moved from me to Ave and back “My god, you girls… you look damn.. I mean… You two always have been beautiful but, you are stunning now” He said a charming smile was on his face.

“Give me a hug, please… Come on. I can’t believe you are here” He said and then pulled me and Ave into his arms, I had guessed for many different reactions but certainly not for this. He pulled me and Ave into a big hug and wouldn’t let go. I had no idea what to think and how to react but it felt strangely good to see him… my big brother was here, who would have thought I would ever see him again.

“Hey dude, would you fucking mind getting your hands off our girls” I heard Matt’s voice suddenly behind me and the hug didn’t stop right away, but was finished with a kiss to my cheek and then to Ave’s which made Brian immediately draw Ave away from Trevor and I chuckled. They didn’t know who this guy was and it was their typical reactions to a stranger approaching Ave and me, I guess you couldn’t get that out of these guys.

Matt pressed himself past Trevor and next to me, so Trevor had to step back from me and Ave. I saw both Brian and Matt eye Trevor up and down.
“You can leave now, as you can see these girls are perfectly fine taken care off” Brian said and his eyes were narrowed. I could see both Matt and Brian were trying hard not to act out of line and I had to suppress the chuckle that wanted to escape.

“Babe-” Ave started but Brian shook his head “Don’t worry, Ave. We got this” Matt nodded at that but Trevor just watched me and Ave, as if he still couldn’t believe that we were actual here.

“Sorry, I guess.. I should introduce myself for your better understanding, because Avery, Maya and I have a history together” Trevor said and both Brian and Matt stiffened and I rolled my eyes.

“Babe, it’s not like you think” I patted Matt’s arm in reassurance. He slung his arm around my shoulders and pressed me firmly into his side.
“What I meant to say is…” Trevor continued stepping up to Matt first, “I’m Trevor… Brandon. Maya’s brother” He held out his hand in greeting but Matt just eyed him up and down in disbelief as did Brian. This first meeting wasn’t off to a great start, but the main question was, what was this really all about and how should I react? While my brain told me one thing, my heart hoped for another.

Trevors POV

I had been keeping an eye on my sister and Avery for days now and was sure it was finally time to show myself. I just needed the right place and time to make my appearance.

I had gathered information, I watched and analyzed them. I haven’t completely figured out the dynamics of the relationships these people had just yet, but the headlines in the magazines were pretty damn straight on these couples being serious. Or as serious as rock stars can be, right?!

I mean I couldn’t really understand, Avenged being so called rock stars… why settle down with one? They could have many different flavors each night, why wanting to stay with this particular one?

What did my sister have that made M. Shadows want only her? And what did little Avery have that could tame the manwhore Gates?!
Or wasn’t it as rosy as it seemed, was the media jumping on some train?

I gathered some more inside information by digging a little deeper that the couples had a rough time, but nothing really stated in the open yet. Must be just a matter of time till the word pops out about that… maybe I could trigger some Information out…
Could be a great second income, if you ask me, but that’s nothing for now.

Now, I had to present myself as the missing piece to Maya’s happiness, and wind my way back into her and Avery’s life. The little blonde had woken a hunger in me since I saw her again, memories surfacing that I had wanted her when we were younger, but she wasn’t ready and now… now I wanted her bad.

Today… yes today was the day of the family reunion. I had to go easy on the first approach, I had no idea how Maya would react after seeing me.
Our last talk didn’t go well, mean words were thrown around, words I still meant, words that never would be forgotten.

She was the reason our parents died, she was always the loved one, I was the outcast. Never would I forgive or forget, but I could… do one thing:
I could step in and show her just how fast her happiness could go down the drain and make her see just how I felt… see how her world would break apart, and take some of the glory and money with me.

I mean I needed money and I wanted a taste of the little blonde Avery, I wanted to see my sister go down, and that… was the plan. She would provide me with money, she was the rich bitch of a rock star, she owned her own fashion store, which probably was financed throughout her famous scumbag of a man.
She was the key to my happiness and I am really wondering how I couldn’t have come up with this earlier.

She was the last straw I had, she would be my way to the top, while I would be her way to the downfall, and she wouldn’t even know what hit her.
I just needed to play my cards right, and push the right buttons. I needed her to feel safe and make up the perfect scenario.

I didn’t know how much those guys were manipulating the girls, I couldn’t get a direct contact with all of them yet, but I bet I could weasel my way in there and get both Ave and Maya onto my side.

And to get them onto my side, I also had to get rid of those guys, but as luck would have it, those guys are leaving soon for their tour, yes, I know that, which would leave me with Maya and Avery alone.

So I had to get rid of the guys, which was a piece of cake, and then I had to convince Maya that I changed and want a relationship with my little baby sister. I want her back in my life, not even a lie… I wanted her back, but for a whole different reason.

I sat in a dark corner watching the entrance, I saw how Avery and Gates walked in, holding hands stopping every now and then kissing, god they made me sick.

Where was Maya and that big guy, they must be here too, I heard them talking about a last goodbye drink or something.
I pressed myself firmly back into the booth so Avery wouldn’t see me while passing, but she didn’t anyway, her eyes were glued to Gates, and I had to roll my eyes.

I had to put an end to that, I wanted a piece of that fine ass, and that could only happen when Gates was out of the picture, but he was soon anyway. I just had to calm down and play the nice and charming boy from the childhood. I had Avery once wrapped round my little finger, I can do that again, might need a little more work than I had when we were younger, but I am confident I could do it again.

When I looked up again, I saw that Gates had left, and Maya was now at Avery’s side. I looked around seeing two guys approaching the girls. They looked them up and down and I heard some flirting and Maya slapping the guy with a laugh. I haven’t seen those guys before, so I didn’t know where to put them, they seemed kinda familiar but no names would surface.

I waited for them to leave and planned my final approach. I looked down on myself, righted my hair and put on a smile. I knew I could melt a girls heard or my way into her panties with this smile but that wasn’t the goal for today, maybe tomorrow. I licked my lips and let my eyes wander to Avery, oh yes… she would be mine some of these days.

I walked over to the bar only a couple of feet away, I stepped from here to there, searching for a free space at the bar, at least that’s what it was supposed to look like, I walked past the girls and looked around until I heard a small whisper.

“Trevor” And wasn’t that the perfect opener?
I slowly turned around to fully face my sister and Avery for the first time since… what 8 years now?

I put on the full show, and it worked like a damn clockwork, the reaction from Maya was so good I couldn’t have imagined it, even though I saw a little distance in her eyes, but mostly happiness, Avery on the other hand was watching me with cautious eyes. She didn’t seem to join in on the joy my sister felt, don’t worry dear. I’ll get you there.

I pulled them into a long hug, until the famous Avenged boyfriends came to break up the happy reunion a little too early for my taste. And weren’t that some jealous and angry lines those boys were pulling, funny huh?! They gonna love the next part.

I was pushed away, but didn’t comment, I had to play the game. And held my hand out to Matt, my soon to be brother in law? Still ridiculous to even think that and introduced myself, let the show begin…

“I’m Trevor… Brandon. Maya’s brother” I gave them a charming smile, letting my eyes wander from Maya to Matt, from Matt to Ave, giving her a small wink and up to a scowling Brian.

“Brother?” Matt replied lifting his eyebrow and I nodded “Yes, we haven’t met before I believe.” I said on my most polite note and motioning to the still offered hand which Matt reluctantly shook.

“Matt Sanders” I nodded with a smile, “Nice to meet you and who is your company lovely Avery?” I asked and directed my attention completely to her now.
“I..uh..” Ave stammered a little and Brian shook the hand, a little too hard, but I didn’t show any sign of stress just reassured him with a nod that I acknowledged his intent of manhandling me, or scaring me away, whatever.

“Brian Haner, Ave’s fiancé” Brian pulled Avery into his side and I gave them an even brighter smile “Little Avery got engaged, woah… Congratulations.” I smiled at Avery again and she frowned a little, she wasn’t buying this, was she?! No problem, I will convince her.

I saw how Matt and Maya were whispering and his eyes were narrowed, those guys seemed to be a lot harder to deal with than I thought, but I had a plan for everything, nothing to worry about.

“I still can’t believe we finally meet again. I mean… It’s been years” I took Maya’s hand as she smiled up to me.
“For a reason as I heard” Matt interrupted and Brian nodded, stepping half in front of Avery blocking my way to look at her directly. What were these guys, sharing the girls or why were they both so keen on protecting the other one, jezz.

“Matt” Maya chided but I nodded “No, Maya… He is right. And… I wanted to contact you a couple of times before, but…” I sighed heavily, letting shame and disgust play over my features “But I didn’t find the courage yet to actually do it. I was still ashamed of how we parted. I mean… I needed time and I made a therapy after everything that happened, I learned to deal with my flaws and learned to come over the loss of our parents. I mean… shit. This is not really the place to discuss all this, but I would love to spent some time with you and explain everything.” I said and looked up hopeful.

Maya’s eyes showed hope as well, still mixed with a little something I couldn’t pinpoint but the hope seemed to outweigh it so she nodded.
“I would like that” She said and then I moved my head to look at the others “I would welcome you too Avery, I mean you were as much part of this as Maya was, as being her best friend and little sister.” I smiled at her and she seemed still not very convinced, harder to crack than I thought.

“And why now?” Brian questioned suddenly and I swallowed “Well, actually I didn’t really plan meeting Maya now… I mean, how should I know she was here?! I am about to finish my therapy but the final part to it was, going home… Going back to the places I have been to and… finding the people I hurt most with my actions, apologizing and trying to establish, if it is wished, a new foundation of a relationship.” I said and swallowed thickly as if it was a really hard thing for me to say. “I just didn’t expect to run into my baby sister in some bar, I planned to reach her first and ask for a meeting, I mean… God, I’m just so-” I trailed off, and wasn’t that a masterplan right there?!

“YO! MAYA! AVE! We are waiting!” A voice called and I could see the guy that had been standing by the girl’s side a couple of minutes ago yelled and motioned them over, what was this all about, weird dynamics certainly, but I guess that was playing in my favor, too.

“Shut up and drink another beer” Matt called back, his eyes never leaving me. I had to build up a plan to crack these guys, I had to think of some little hints and secrets that I could stray and raise, giving the guys and girls something to talk… and fight about.

Brian’s POV

I didn’t know the full history of Maya and her family, Ave gave me a brief rundown in the beginning of our relationship, but I knew that this guy, who seemed to be the only family well, family by blood that she had was acting kinda weird.

I couldn’t yet say what gave me that weird feeling but maybe it had to do with the way he was looking at Avery, or the way he was trying to shut the girls out from me and Matt. I didn’t like that one bit.

He seemed wrong to me, and normally I was pretty good at detecting liars and false people. I signed for another beer and stayed firmly glued to Avery’s side. I wouldn’t leave her out of my sight with this guy around, not before I knew what really his deal was.

He was talking about reunion of the family, I didn’t buy that… what would make him come out now?!
“I’m going to dance with MB and Jason… we owned them a dance” Ave kissed my cheek and even though I didn’t like the thought of Ave dancing with Jason much, I knew that he wouldn’t ever make a move on my girl again, we were past that, and as far away she was from this new guy the better it was for now.

Ave disappeared and I saw how Trevor looked after her, and wasn’t that lust clearly written in his eyes. Goddamn, I didn’t know if I was just being a dick right now, but something told me, this was damn wrong!

“I don’t want to bother your little get together any longer, how about we meet again in the next days?” Trevor asked Maya and I exhaled a small sigh in relief.
“What? No… Stay, please.” Maya looked way too excited, she was such a clever girl, how could she fall for everything that guy was selling, or was I judging wrong, I mean.. it was her brother.

“I don’t know, Maya…” Trevor looked a little uncertain, but not me nor Matt would give him any reason to stay.
“Please” Maya added and patted the space where Ave had sat before “Sit with me”

I looked over their heads to Matt and motioned him over to me.
We ordered another drink and I leaned in to Matt “Something is off with this guy” I stated the first thing that came to my mind.

“Thank god, I was thinking I was the only one who noticed it.” Matt said on a sigh. “But Maya seems like in trance… I mean, she had freaking nightmares thanks to this guy, how can I happily welcome him back like that, just because he said he done some therapy… my ass” Matt downed his glass and I followed suit.

“Any sign from Larry yet?” I asked, it was bad enough that Maya and Ben were probably pushed into the press limelight together, but I could never stand it, if word got out from Ave and James.
“Nothing, if I don’t hear from him tomorrow, I have to hunt him down, before we leave” Matt rubbed his hand over his face and looked to his side, where no one was sitting anymore.

“Where the hell-” Matt and I turned around and saw how Maya, Ave and Trevor were dancing. Trevor was moving closer and closer to Ave, pulling her to him, and I was faster on my feet then my brain could even register what was happening.

“Wait, I have a plan” Matt gave me a wink and headed over to the small dance floor, he took Ave’s and Maya’s hand, when I stepped a little closer to hear what he was about to say to them, I could only hear the end of the words directed at Trevor “Sorry, dude. I gotta take these beautiful ladies away from you, because we have something important to discuss. Family business” Matt added with a grin and that was the first time I saw Trevor narrow his eyes at Matt, but when he saw me staring at him, the smile was back in place and he added “They are yours…for now” Did he really say that last part or was my mind playing tricks on me?!

Matt guided Ave and Maya over to me and into a quitter corner. “What is this about, babe?” Maya asked and looked really confused. I had no idea what this was about either, but I liked the distance Matt had put between them and the guy.

“I told you babe that I would apologize to Ave, which I did…” Matt looked at Ave who nodded with a smile “And I told you I would make up for the mistake I did.” Matt added and I frowned, what was he planning?
“Yes?” Maya looked confused and Matt pulled something out of his back pocket and handed each girl a small envelope.

Both girls hurried to open and pulled the tickets out on the same time, their eyes went wide and they looked at each other squealing excitedly.
“Oh my god! Breaking Benjamin and Disturbed! The shows were sold out! How did… VIP?” Maya stuttered and Ave threw herself into Matt’s arms hugging him, where Maya quickly joined in on.

When the girls pulled away Matt grinned, showing his dimples fully “I mean it… I wanted to apologize, I didn’t want to ruin-, we didn’t want to ruin your party, Ave. We are sorry. I am sorry, I should have trusted you and known better. I do, really babe.” Matt turned to Maya and kissed her “I swear, nothing will bring us apart… nothing”

“What’s so joyful?” The sound of Trevor sounded behind us as if on cue. Maya held her ticket up and showed it, excitement written all over her face. “Oh wow… that’s a great gift” He said and eyed Matt up and down as if to say, what did you do wrong, to give her something like that, but no one responded to that.

“Trust us enough around the guys of Breaking Benjamin and Disturbed?” Maya joked elbowing Ave in the side and I lifted an eyebrow looking at Matt.
“Yes, and the guys know if anyone just looks at you girls wrong they have to answer to me” Matt winked and Maya rolled her eyes, I hope Matt better talked to the guys before, or I would have to do it.

“Would you care to tell us who the guy was that were dancing with our ladies?” Zack came slowly walking over followed by Johnny and Jimmy. Jimmy walked up to Trevor who stood again way too close to Ave’s side, what was with this guy and always seeking Ave’s closeness, he better fucking watch his step.

“Oh… Guys, this is Trevor. Trevor, these are Zacky, Johnny and the guy nearly in your face is Jimmy… Trevor is my brother.”

“He looks kinda familiar, have I seen you before?” Jimmy looked Trevor up and down and I looked at Jimmy in question, did he?!
Trevor shook his head, taking a step back.. “Not really… I don’t think so at least. Even though I know that you guys are pretty known around here, being a band and all” Trevor said acknowledging our band wouldn’t get him any further. Anyway, more introductions were exchanged and I quickly changed the side and pulled Avery onto my lap, better that way.

“Hey love, what you think about us leaving early?” I whispered into her ear. I really wanted to enjoy every second I had together with Ave but with everyone around and especially with this new distraction around, that wasn’t really working.

I nipped her ear and felt Ave shiver in my arms, this was exactly going where I wanted it to go. “Babe… We planned to spend the evening here with the others, we can’t just leave now and especially not with Maya’s brother around…” She added and I sighed, see this guy was already a hindrance for me.

“Why?” I asked whispering in her ear and Ave leaned further into me, her body melted to mine and I loved when that happens, feeling her in my arms, feeling her trust, and us being just one.

“I don’t know what to think of it really… I mean… I don’t know if someone can change that easily… I need to see more of it. Maya said she can already see that he changed, but… I don’t want her to get hurt again, you know. You haven’t seen her at her worst back then, but I have… my Dad and I have… I don’t want that to happen again, Maya is a strong woman, but another drawback like that would probably break her apart.” Ave said and I was glad she was being cautious, while Maya probably saw beside the hope of her only family being back nothing else, maybe we had to make it clear to her, that we were here family, and sometimes this family was better and more important than the blooded family that left you shattered and broken, while we would never do that.

“I’m glad you are watching out for her, love” I whispered in her ear again “Matt and I will be there for her, too. We won’t let anything happen.” I reassured her and Ave cuddled more into my chest, god I loved that feeling, loved that woman.

“No, no no no. Come on, get up” Zack pulled Avery from my lap and away from me “Dude, what the fuck?!” I slapped his arm away, but was too late. “We are here to party, and that didn’t look like party, that looked like you guys were planning to chicken out early. You are not married yet, so have a little fun before the chain is around your ne- ouch Ave! Stop it!” Zack sidestepped Ave’s second punch and I chuckled.

“Good job, love” I grinned and got up pulling Ave back into my body and saw how Trevor approached with a tablet full of shots.
“Well, then to a night full of party, friends and a happy reunion” He winked at Maya with a smile and then clicked his glass to everyone, last to Avery, staring at her and I coughed a little breaking said contact between those two. I really had to find out more about this guy and what his deal was.

Maybe Ave could tell me some more when we were home, or maybe Matt heard something from Maya about their history… I only knew after Maya’s parents died he just left Maya with the blame of their deaths alone and went away, but what was really true and what was before that, Maya never really told.

Zack took Ave’s hand and guided her to the dance floor, I stood back with my drink in hand and watched how my best friend twirled my fiancé around. I had to smile seeing her having so much fun. I dreaded tomorrow evening, where I had to say goodbye and leave her.

“You having time off to plan the big wedding now?” Trevor leaned beside me watching Ave as well. “Actually, no. We are planning while promoting our new album” I answered, not telling him we would be leaving soon, he would probably find out anyway, but didn’t want him to make any plans.

“Oh, damn that’s tough.” Trevor said “I hoped to spend some time with my sister, I have a lot to make up to her… but promotion probably means you gonna head out to tour some time, right?” He asked and damn him for being a smarty pants.

“Yeah… Though Ave and Maya have their own jobs they need to take care off.” I said vaguely and he directed his eyes over at me away from Ave “The girls are not going on tour with you?” He asked in disbelief and I frowned “Well, as I said they have their own jobs, sometimes it’s just not manageable that way. Which doesn’t mean we wouldn’t want to...” I said and looked back at him.

“Well, you don’t know what it’s good for when they are not there, right?” He chuckled lightly but I didn’t comment further, I would love to take Ave with me, and if I could I definitely would, so I skipped his comment and went on with a question of my own.
“So where have you been all those years?” I asked, maybe I could even get some information out of him all by myself.

“Here and there, I had a rough time, you know. I stayed in San Francisco for a bit, but like I already said, for private matters and to find closure I had to get back here. I always loved Huntington Beach, but it was a hard time to know that’s where someone you loved died and to always come across with it and with the memories” He seemed really sad and I nodded not pressing further… for now.

He lifted his drink and went back to Maya who stood with Matt at the bar, but when he turned around he always watched the dance floor with Avery and I was torn in my opinion.

What if maybe my first impression wasn’t completely right of him, but then again, maybe he was just good at acting?


Here it finally is the next chapter!!
Let us know what u think about it!



Such a fun chapter ;)
Can’t wait to read more!
And, am I the only one who kinda wants to read Jess & Jimmy’s wedding as well?

Holly Holly

So awesome!
also awesome that I subscribed to this story, and got the alert since the site is still acting kind of crazy. I would have been hella mad if I missed this chapter.

Buggaloo Buggaloo

LOVED this! Hopefully the honeymoon will be just as exciting! Can't wait for it!

Finally the wedding, they so deserve being happy together hope nothing can mess this up.

Rach Hell Rach Hell

Yay, Mattaya happened finally!! The vows actually gave me flashbacks about Riptide, gonna miss this!

Holly Holly