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Mrs. Haner

Brian’s POV

I couldn’t believe that the day has finally come. Today it was the big day. Today I would officially call Avery my own, she would soon be Mrs. Haner. God, I couldn’t wait to carry her to bed after all the stress of the day was done, when I could finally have my bride to myself. Why did we have to make such a big fuzz out of this, so many people to talk to, so many pictures to make, so many hands to shake, when all I wanted to do was, find Ave, kiss the ever living shit out of her and carry her to bed, and be with her the way husband and wife were supposed to be.

I couldn’t wait till I could rip the dress off her body, what would she look like? Had Maya outdone herself, knowing Maya she did. And Ave would look even more beautiful than ever. Which reminded me, was there a mirror somewhere close?

I had ran my hand through my hair a couple of times, was it still in place? Would Ave like my suit? Was everything as she had dreamt of her wedding day? Was she disappointed in something?

“Haner? Brian!” Zack’s voice sounded from beside me and I looked towards him. “Why are you breathing so heavy? Is everything okay?” He looked confused and I ran my hands through my hair, yet again. Shit!

“Is here a mirror somewhere?” I asked and tried to calm down, smoothing my wet hands on my pants. I knew it was only a couple more minutes, but damn it, I think I might die before the priest would say we could kiss as husband and wife.
Maybe even before I had ever seen Ave in her dress, I swallowed thickly even more thoughts running through my head… what if-

“Here, but everything is fine. Your hair is a perfect mess-”
“Mess? What?!” I grabbed the mirror from Zack’s hands and looked at the reflection. I let my hands glide over my hair and nodded, still good. I looked fine, and tried to breath in deeply.

“Damn, I have never seen you like this before, you don’t need to be this nervous, okay? It’s almost time. Matt will be here any second and then it will start.” Zack commented and I sighed.

“I just… shit I have so many thoughts in my head and I’m afraid something is not the way Ave wanted or that she-”

“Ave will love everything, she and Maya have everything under control, and if not Maya and Matt, me and Jimmy even little Johnny will make it work, don’t fucking worry. It’s only about you and Ave and the love you feel. Now stop worrying. It’s fine.” Zacky finished just as Matt opened the door.

“You ready to go, Haner?” Matt asked and smiled “Everyone is ready, we can find our place at the altar and then its only ten minutes till your bride will arrive.” I breathed in and out and nodded “I’m ready. Let the show begin, huh?” I tried to smile, but still felt a little frozen.

“Come on, don’t look like you will faint any second. It’s just us, family, Ave. It’s all you need, right?” Matt said and looked now ready to faint himself. “Soon you will be the first of us to have himself a wife, I mean… who would have thought that? I guess all the bets were wrong” Zack chuckled and Matt clapped my shoulder, while pushing me forward.

“We will get in before you, you will be right behind us and we stop at the altar just as we were taught. Then turn around and then wait for the bridesmaids to walk in, and then till the music starts and Larry comes in with you beautiful Ave.” I hadn’t noticed that Matt had now pushed me into the main entrance of the church. I looked into the decorated ranks, seeing family and friends sitting on the benches, waiting for the ceremony to start.

A smile formed on my face, realizing that indeed everything looked just the way Ave had planned, everyone was sitting in place. And it was just a couple of feet until I was in place, waiting for Avery to show up. I could do it, I would do it.

“Okay, let’s go.” I nodded and the smile took root on my face as, all my best man began to walk before me, holding the door open, until I moved inside as well.

The people stood and turned, trying to see who was coming and I smiled and winked, even shook some hands of family members while walking behind Matt who was the man in charge today, and I was glad for that. He knew exactly what to do, where to be and what would happen next, I would be completely lost without him and that even with the condition he was in, missing Maya, who would be about to come in within the next minute, standing opposite of Matt.

I pushed the thoughts away, I knew how hard it would be for them, but today it was about Ave and me, tomorrow we could worry about them again.

“Alright, we can turn around. Now, its only a couple of minutes.” Matt said before taking his place beside me again, turning around as well.

The door opened and Jess walked in, followed by Maya. Both women looked stunning to say the least. Maya had outdone herself, the dresses were hugging their bodies just in the right way, they never looked better. I chanced a glance at Matt whose mouth was hanging open and he openly stared at Maya. Her eyes were glued to Matt as well, and maybe there was still hope for them, maybe even today they would finally find their way back together? With all the love flying around.

Jess kissed my cheek and moved to my other side, Maya stepped towards me a small smile on her lips “So today is the day where you will finally chain my little Gnome to yourself, huh? I’m so happy for you, brown eyes. Don’t ever forget how special she is, and that I will murder you myself if you will ever hurt her again. Okay?” I chuckled and nodded, giving her a long hug and a kiss to the cheek “I will count on it, Maya.” I hugged her once more before letting her take the spot next to Jess.

I looked over towards my best man again and saw them all in their suits, laughing, smiling and being happy for me. And well Matt trying to look anywhere but at Maya, while he lost that battle every time.

The organ began to play and I turned around so quick I almost gave myself a whiplash. I stared at the entrance of the church waiting for the one woman I would forever love, the one woman who was able to bring me to my knees, the one woman who-

Who never looked more beautiful than in that moment. The sun was throwing highlights into Ave’s hair, the blonde shining like a holy glow around her head, like the angel that I knew she was. Her eyes were shining bright blue, her perfect smile was shown, her cheeks highlighted by a shade of pink that started to show when Ave’s eyes met mine.

I knew my mouth was hanging open, and I was probably even drooling onto the church floor, but I couldn’t help it. I was marrying the most beautiful creature from the planet. I was the luckiest motherfucker on earth that she thought me worthy enough for her.

“You are so unbelievably beautiful, you blow my mind” I mouthed not sure if Ave would get my words. I let my eyes wander from her perfect styled hair and make up, to the dress that hugged her body perfectly. Maybe even a little too good, because now everyone could guess what my wife- see it was already starting to set in- my wife – had underneath. But that didn’t matter, because soon the whole world would know that this breathtaking woman was mine and mine alone, she would not only be wearing my ring, she would also be sharing my name. Avery Haner, I couldn’t imagine anything better than that.

They walked forward and I felt tears prick in my ear, this had been the moment that I was waiting for. I swallowed thickly and tried to see through the fog, blinking rapidly until my view was clear again.

“Take good care of my babygirl, Haner.” Larry said for my ears only has he handed me Ave’s fingers. I quickly gripped her hand and pulled her a little closer, I couldn’t stand just an inch that separated us.
“I will, with my life” I said and meant it.

The ceremony began and I had only eyes for Ave, I couldn’t look away, I couldn’t think about anything but how lucky I was until the priest announced for us to say our vows.

“Mr. Haner, please” He motioned for me and I saw the panicked look in Ave’s eyes. Matt stepped forward handing me my papers and Ave looked even more ashamed.

I let my hand wander to Ave’s chin and made her look into my eyes, waving Matt and the papers away.

“Ave, it took me hours and days to write these vows. Thinking which way I could describe my love to you so everyone would understand, to show everyone what we have, but I don’t need these written pages. I don’t need to show anyone anything. Because I know that I love you and that I promise to love you forever, that I can call myself the luckiest man on earth that somehow you see something in me no one else ever saw. I will stay forever by your side, in good and bad. You are my life now. I had no idea that I was searching for you, when you stepped into my life. But somehow the pieces fell into place and you are everything to me. I love you, Ave.” I had more words, but I think this was enough for everyone to hear, the rest would be for Ave’s ears only.

I let my hand fall from her chin and Ave seemed to snap out of the trance I had set her in. Tears were slowly rolling down her cheek and I whisked one away with my thumb.

“I-I” Ave started and swallowed thickly “I love you, Brian; from the bottom of my heart. I knew from the moment my father would be against us.” Ave looked at Larry and a few chuckles were heard.
“But I knew that we were meant to be. No matter what others would say, I fell for you right away and I knew, that we belonged together. Because without you there would be no me, I want to build with you a future, I want a family and I can only see this future with you. I will stay with you, in good and bad, stay by your side as long as we both my live. I love you more than words can describe, Brian.”

I swallowed thickly, wanting to grab Ave and pull her towards me, hold her and never let her go.

The priest spoke the final words to the ceremony and I still didn’t hear anything until my name was being said.

“Brian, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?” I looked over to Ave with the biggest smile on my face. It was almost done. “Yes, I will.”
“Then take the ring from your best man and put it onto the ring finger of your bride” Both Matt and Maya stepped forward, meeting just before each other, holding for both of us the rings out while they stared at each other with an expression that I couldn’t pinpoint.

I took the ring from Matt, and slid it onto Ave’s finger with one swift movement. She had such delicate fingers, it looked as it was made to be there.

Matt and Maya were still standing beside us, and I elbowed Matt into the side who looked at me perplexed like he hadn’t noticed where he actual was right now. He stepped back and Maya did the same, leaving the ring in Ave’s hands now.

“Avery, do you take this man to be your wedded husband?” The priest continued and looked at Ave. She smiled right back at me while she said those magical words “Yes, I will.” And slid the ring onto my finger with easiness.

“Then, Brian, You may kiss your bride” He hadn’t finished the sentence when I had my arms around Ave’s hips already and pulled her in for a searing hot kiss. We heard cheers and laughing but I wouldn’t let go of my bride, not just yet.

“God, Ave… I love you, my wife” I whispered and finally put Ave back on her feet she beamed up at me. “I can’t believe it, husband” She chuckled and we were suddenly overrun by our friends who wanted to congratulate us and soon I had lost my wife for the first time this day.

“Congratulation, Brian. I’m so happy for you. You did just the right thing.” Matt clapped my bag and smiled. “Don’t forget you and Ave will be leaving for the wedding pictures in a bit, so hurry with all the handshakes so you and Ave can sneak in some…private time as husband and wife.” He winked at me and made place for Zack and the rest of the bunch.

When we finally made our way out of the church I inhaled deeply, we did it. Mr. and Mrs. Haner.

“Come here, Mrs. Haner” I pulled Ave close and kissed her open lips “You know. I cannot get enough of you, maybe we should just never show up at the celebration and-”

“Forget it, brown eyes. We put a lot of work into the things that are coming, that you have no fucking clue about. So go get your wonderful pictures and make my little gnome happy and then come right back and let’s start the real wedding ceremony” Maya laughed and pulled Jess along “Shit, I need to talk to Matt.. or maybe… could you-” Maya said towards Jess who started to shake her head immediately. But I was pushed into the direction of the limousine waiting for me and Ave.

“Hmm… clever Mrs. Haner a limousine with tinted windows, I like where this is going.” He moaned into Ave’s ear and she chuckled but slapped my hands away “Picutres first, afterwards… we will see” She grinned and waved at our guests and then climbed into the car “We will see us later… maybe” I grinned and climbed in right behind her, closing the door and enjoying the first few minutes alone with my wife, I guess I wouldn’t get tired ever again of saying this – my wife.
Lucky bastard that I am.

Maya’s POV

I knew when this day would come, my feelings would be divided. I was so happy for Ave and Brian, and I didn’t want to feel anything else. The problem was since the break up with Matt, I couldn’t seem to feel… happiness. I tried, I really did. And the smile plastered onto my face showed happiness and only no probably not even Ave could tell that I was feeling loneliness, regret and anger. For myself for the way it had ended with me and Matt.

How could a small fight escalate that way? Why had Matt been so damn angry and hadn’t even talked to me for real? Why hadn’t he let me explain? When all I wanted was to be with him, but he… he moved on so quickly, pushed us away… had it all been for nothing. For the one man I thought I would forever be?! When all my life I knew this man didn’t exist, until Matt had stepped into my life, and then he easily threw it all away, because I wasn’t on time… and it hadn’t even been my fault!

And I had planned to propose, I still had the ring tucked away in my clothes, wishing for a time travel, so everything would be back to normal, back to before my brother arrived, because, that seemed to be the time when it had all gone down the drain… was it really him? A couple of months ago I would never think this way, defending my brother, but now…knowing what had all happened, he didn’t seem to be the brother I longed him to be, he seemed like the devil himself, but I couldn’t proof it, and who would believe me now anyway, Ave and Brian were on their wedding heading off towards their honeymoon soon, Matt hated my guts, and the other were busy with their life. It was back to being Maya and Maya alone. When I didn’t really feel like Maya anymore, I felt like an empty shell.

Because I had to realize that the real Maya didn’t seem to exist anymore, not without Matt, because Matt had made me feel whole; he helped me be who I really was, he helped me through my fears and then… he dropped me, shattering my soul, heart and existence.

I looked at Brian and Ave standing before the altar, looking at each other lovingly, it was so cute. They loved each other so dearly and I caught myself imagining me standing there, not with Gates of course but with the man standing beside him – Matt.

I never dreamt of a big white wedding, with all this decorations and shit, no I never was this type of girl, hell I never even imagined to marry at all, but Matt he had changed that picture. And even though I wouldn’t need this big wedding thingy, I still looked at him standing there, looking so fine I could take a bite out of him right away… Shit, he must be working out more, even through the damn suit I could see how buff he was. His hair was cut short, but still long enough for me to run my fingers through and hold on to. The jacket was stretching over his arms just the right way, the dress shirt was complimenting his eyes, shit why had I chosen everything so fucking fitting.

I felt Matt’s eyes turn towards me and felt a shudder down my spine, he could undress me with just one look and that certain look was directed at me right now. I guess he still liked what he saw, because his mouth was slightly hanging open and he inhaled deeply as if he couldn’t get enough air into his lungs. Was he thinking the same thing that I thought?

I longed to be back with him, wanted him to hold me, to sleep in his arms, to feel save again. But how? How could we get back to what we had? Why had Matt thrown it all away? I thought he was the one for me, had his mind changed? Had he enough of me of the trouble he went through with me?

I sighed and saw how Brian kissed Ave, they were now husband and wife. They both glowed and never wanted to let go of each other, again before my inner eye I saw Matt and me. “I will” Matt’s deep voice rumbled the words for me to hear, while I looked up at him with such love and repeated the words as well, meaning every one of them.

“We need to hurry” Jess voice sounded beside me as we all waited for the newlywed couple to climb into their limo and move onto the wedding picture locations, while the rest of us would head to the restaurant where the wedding reception and party would take place.

And sadly, when we planned all this Matt and I had of course volunteered to take over the leading role for all the games and action that was supposed to happen. So there was no way Matt and I could act like the other doesn’t exist.

Which I couldn’t do anyway, because Matt was just too present, my eyes finding him without me looking for him. Like a moth to the flame I was drawn to him, though I tried to fight it.

“I know… Let’s go” I watched as the limo drove of and then climbed into the car with Jess and Jimmy, happy those two agreed to let me go along with them.

When we reached the destination the personal was already waiting outside and for our instructions. I walked up to them and told them the newlyweds were at the shooting about to arrive 30 minutes after the guests.

“And you need to prepare something right? You informed us about the balloons.” The waiter asked while the others swarmed out to serve the first round of champagne and orange juice.

“Yes, we-” I looked around this was supposed to be Matt and my job but he was a no-show until now and I sighed. “I mean, I will prepare it. Can you show me where everything is?” The waiter nodded and moved forward when I heard footsteps echoing behind me.

“I’m here.” Matt’s voice sounded and I almost sighed in relief, but then reminded myself that he wasn’t here because he wanted to, just because he had to and he had promised it to Brian and Avery.

“Good, they just wanted to show me where we find the equipment for the balloons and opening action.” I said but didn’t dare look at Matt, afraid to be getting weak and saying something stupid.

“Alright.” He replied and fell into the step beside me. We entered a room behind the bar and there we found everything that we had ordered.

“Perfect” I nodded seeing the heart shaped balloons filling the room. One for every guest, with a postcard at the end, to send their good wishes for Ave and Brian high into the sky.

“Evan? We need you in the kitchen!” Someone yelled outside and the waiter turned to us “I need to leave, but if you need anything just ask for me” With that he stepped outside leaving me alone with Matt, for the first time today.

I swallowed thickly and turned a little to the side, chancing a look over at Matt. Had the room shrunk? And had it been so hot in here all the time?!

I inhaled deeply and regretted that right away, Matt’s perfume, my favorite on him invaded my senses. Making me feel things that I shouldn’t be feeling, we were not together anymore, I couldn’t fucking rip his shirt of and let my tongue glide over his stomach, letting my hands get a hold of his bicep-

“You look amazing” Matt’s voice roused me from my fantasy. I looked at him and smiled “So do you” Maybe there was still a chance for us maybe, if we found a way to talk about what happened without getting into a rage we could-

“Matt, maybe we-” I started and looked at him, just as the door opened and Zack’s head popped in “Guys, almost all the guests are here, you need to hurry. Should I take something out with me?” He motioned for the balloons and I nodded absently, sure, just when I finally was able to talk to Matt and alone, we were interrupted yet again.

“Yeah, here.” I handed him good amount and pushed him out. “We will be there in a second” I turned to Matt, but he had already loaded his arms and was about to disappear as well. I sighed, so apparently I was the only one thinking we should take a moment at talk to each other, great.

Fine, if he wanted to go through with it, like nothing happened, my pleasure, I can play along, too.

I grabbed the rest of the balloons and we placed everything before the staircase leading up towards the wedding locations.

“Wedding guests, may I have your attention please. We would like every one of you to come towards us so we can hand out a balloon to you. And when Ave and Brian arrive, we want to let these balloons fly. On the postcard at the end of the string you write down your wishes for the newlyweds. Everything clear? Fine, then let’s start so we are ready before they arrive.” I grinned and looked over at Matt who was standing next to me, handing out balloons side by side, and this would only be the beginning of the events that we would be doing together.

“Oh love, it’s so good to see you. And isn’t that your handsome boyfriend? What you and Ave like about tattoos some much I don’t understand, but as long as you two are happy” Grandma Jacobsen patted my cheek and smiled at Matt. I stood there dumbfounded, should I correct her about Matt and me or just, I would let it slip, I guess not too many people at this wedding knew that Matt and I weren’t together anymore.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Matt hissed from the side and I rolled my eyes, sure now he wanted to talk. “Do you want me to make an announcement for everyone? So you can hang out with the single ladies later?” I hissed back.

I heard a low growl coming from Matt and something mumbled like “If you plan on hitting on someone here, over my dead body.” But maybe it was just me hearing things.

Finally everything was set and in place and Avery and Brian, the Haner couple arrived at the location.
They got out of the car, looking so sickly in love, it made my teeth hurt. I chanced another look at Matt who quickly looked away from me.

When Brian and Avery were close, Matt stepped forward. “So Bride and groom, I hope you enjoyed your first minutes alone, because now you have to share each other again. We have something planned for you to start of the evening as you may see.” Matt looked over at me and I stepped beside him. “Every guest on this party has a balloon accompanied with a postcard of good wishes for you. We want to let them fly to the sky to celebrate your marriage.”

“Are you all ready?” Matt called and looked around, everyone lifted their arm with the balloon “On the count of three – one, two, three” And the army of balloon were flying high in the sky, Brian held Ave ins his arms, both looking up towards the sky as the white heart shaped balloons were blown into every and each direction.

I smiled seeing how they seemed to enjoy our little start of the evening. When everything was done, we all headed up into the locations, everyone got a drink and it was the first time when Brian stepped into the ballroom that he saw his favorite band ‘Duran Duran’ playing live- just as he and Ave walked in they started to play “All you need is now”

“Oh my fucking god! Who did this??!!” Brian gushed out and looking wildly around, I pointed at Ave and Brian grabbed her, pulling her into his body, kissing her and talking at the same time. “I have the best fucking wife on the planet, are you insane? How did you manage this?!” He gushed on and on and I smiled. Avery really outdid herself, but maybe it was also good having Larry as her father, with all the connections in the world.

“So, before the menu starts and with that all the important talk, we have planned another little game for you.” I said into the mic, when the song ended, and we could Brian from taking the stage, barely.

“This will be a marriage test. And if you are good, you will stay sober, if you are well… bad, you will probably be drunk faster than you anticipated.” I grinned and motioned for Jimmy and Matt to bring the shots to the table.

“Please bride and groom, take a seat, with your backs to each other, and yes brian, I know how hard that is to take your eyes of the beautiful bride.” I winked at Ave who blushed even more.

“Please hand them the signs.” Both was handed a cooking spoon and a beer bottle. The cooking spoon was meaning – Ave, the beer bottle standing for Brian.

“We will ask you some questions, and for not agreeing with the answer, you will both have to take a shot. Good? Fine, let’s start. Matt, will you please.” I smiled at him sweetly, and he looked at me a second longer, than shook his head and took his card.

“Who is the more adventures person of you two?” Matt asked and both lifted their beer bottle, meaning Brian.

“Buh-huh, that’s an agreement, so no shot for the couple, fine but it will be more interesting soon. Next, question.”

“Who is more reliable?!” Matt asked and Brian and Ave lifted both the cooking spoon. I rolled my eyes “We should have taken the sex questions, I told you” I chuckled while Ave looked at me with panic.

“Who is the better cook?” Brian lifted the bottle while Ave lifted the spoon “There we go, take the shot, dear couple.” Jimmy handed the shot to them and they quickly drank it “That’s a good one, so… who needs more time in the bathroom?” I grinned while again, they had opposite answer. Ave lifted the beer bottle, while Brian lifted the spoon.

“Ah that’s how we wanted it, another shot, Jimmy!” I announced and grinned.

“Who is the bigger pighead?” Matt asked while his eyes looked over at me, I narrowed my eyes and hot him a mean look right back.

“Another shot for the couple!” I grinned and Ave waved of “Please, we haven’t eaten all day, this night isn’t supposed to end before the wedding dinner, right?” I grinned “Come on, Ave. We know you can take some more. Only two more questions, I promise.”

“Who is the bigger nighthawk?” Matt asked and both agreed it to be Brian. Came with the job, heh.

“Final question, Matt, will you please?” I asked and smiled again, looking him up and down, damn I could really need one of these shots, too.

“Who will be asleep first… tonight?” Matt asked and Brian and Ave again disagreed so they had to take their final shot.

While everyone was finding their seating arrangement now, I was back in the back room, preparing the next game. I hadn’t realized what an expense it would make, to prepare everything, and therefore miss part of the wedding.

Right now it was Larry talking, telling how he had to let go of his little girl and that he would probably kill Brian if he ever hurt her. I was just thinking that it would something like that, since I couldn’t hear it fully.

“Do you need my help?” Matt’s voice sounded behind me and I shook my head. “No, I got it. Go back, enjoy the party.”
“As if I could” His words were low but I could hear them. “Then we are probably two.” I stood up and took the two bowles with the couple names in it with me.

“This is weird, right?” I asked looking up at him. “What? Brian getting married?” Matt tried to joke, but he knew what i was referring to. “Us” I said anyway.

“Well, not my choice” Matt shrugged and I blinked “Not your choice?” I asked perplexed, he was the one breaking up. “I beg you pardon, but-” I started and felt anger rise inside of me, he was giving me the fault? Like I was the one saying we should end this? But I wasn’t the one!

“Forget it” I turned around and felt Matt’s hand on my shoulder. His hand was warm and felt so strong, I almost felt my knees buckle. A small sigh escaped my lips, then I felt his heat behind me, he must have stepped closer to me. I leaned backwards, just a small moment, maybe that was granted to me.

“Dinner is being served- oh shit, I didn’t-” Johnny interrupted the moment and I quickly moved away from Matt. What had I been thinking, this was stupid, he just showed me that he didn’t think he had anything to do with it, fuck, I should… “We should go.” I walked a few steps and turned to Matt, he looked down, his eyes closed, when they opened he looked like he was about to say something, but then his mouth snapped shut and he followed me without another word.

The dinner was delicious, Ave and Brian had made great choices. It was just so good, I could eat a third and fourth dish, problem was, I hadn’t eaten much these last days so my stomach was full pretty quickly.

I stretched my leg under the table and met Matt’s, his eyes snapped to mine and I licked my lips, it was by accident but yet, it was fun to see him react that way. When I sometimes was wondering if he still had feelings for me, as I had for him.

I pushed with my elbow my spoon down and had to bend down to Matt’s side, giving him a good view on my cleavage, just because I wanted to see if I still had power over him in certain ways.

“Fuck” Matt’s groan sounded barely audible as his eyes followed every one of my moves. His eyes glued to my breasts, his hands white knuckling the table. “I have to, get something to drink” He got up so suddenly he almost threw his chair over.

The smile on my face fell away when I saw that Matt went straight to a blonde woman standing at the bar, they both fell into a talk, laughing and the good feeling I had was quickly washed away.

The music started to play and Ave and Brian were starting their wedding dance. Duran duran was making place on the stage and I wondered what happened now. I swallowed thickly seeing how the Avenged guys except from Brian took the stage and played their slow but sweet ‘Warmness on the soul’ for their dance, I didn’t know this was happening but I thought it fitted perfect.

Avery had tears in her eyes and Brian had a big smile on his face as he glided with Avery over the dancefloor. I again was so happy for my friends, while I was jealous too. I wished my life had turned out a little different, that someday, I would have something like they had, like I used to have with Matt.

I give my heart to you
I give my heart 'cause nothing
Can compare in this world to you”

Matt’s voice sounded so low and beautiful, his eyes were closed and when he opened them, he looked at me, making my heart melt, like he always did when he sang, and then even looked at me.

Everyone clapped and I smiled, clapping along with everyone, the dancefloor was now joined by a few couples. We had already anticipated that something like that was happening, and that most couple wouldn’t feel like dancing right away, that’s why we had another game planned.

“Should we start?” Matt asked standing next to me suddenly “It was beautiful” I said before I could stop myself “You sounded full of emotion and I missed hearing you” I closed my eyes, shit, I shouldn’t have said that.

“You did?” He sounded hopeful and I nodded “I did, and yes, we should start” I handed him a bowl with male celebrity names, while I had the names of the fitting females.

We let the couples end their dance before on the stage. I took the mic “So, pretty party people, I haven’t seen many of you on the dancefloor, and that is about to change. You think no? I think yes. Because, Matt will hand to each of the male guests a small paper with a name on it, and I will do the same to the ladies. Then you will have to go and find your partner, because we have celebrity couple in here. And when you found your partner, you will drink a shot, beer or whatever you prefer together and then when the music starts to play, you will have a dance with him or her. Does that sound good? I sure think so, so let’s start.” I hopped of the stage and hoped that we had enough couples, it went from Romeo and Juliet, to Fred and Wilma Flinstone to Batman and Robin and much more.

After I had handed to each woman a note I smiled, everyone was mingling along and talking, laughing trying to find their partner.

“Who do you have?” Brent, Brian’s brother asked surprising me. “Oh, sorry I didn’t take a-”
“But there is still one left.” He motioned for the last note and I chuckled “So you think, that I might be your partner in crime? Clyde? You want me to be your Bonnie?” I laughed and he shrugged with a smile “I sure hope so.” I looked around and saw Matt standing only a few feet from us, he was unwrapping his note too, so I guess I wouldn’t get around it. His eyes were glued to me.

“Sorry, not your Bonnie.” I said showing Brent my note with the name Carrie on it. So I had to search for my Doug (Heffernan) My King of Queens. I chuckled pretty fucking fitting.

“I haven’t really seen you all day!” Ben’s voice sounded and I turned around “You made it?” I asked seeing the complete Asking group arriving “We could only now made it, had a show before. But Ave asked us to come, and here we are, right?” He pulled me in for a long hug and then looked me up and down “You look stunning, but also thin, are you alright?” I shook my head “Always the charmer, huh? I’m good, thanks.”

“By the way, I am Romeo are you my Juliet?” James grinned saying beside me and I laughed, “No, sorry you have to search some more.”

“So you are also not my Peggy Bundy?” Ben asked and I shook my head again, “Nope, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?” “You reserve me a dance, right? I’ll see if I can find something to drink with my Peggy” With that he walked off and I grinned, it was nice seeing them again, we hadn’t had much contact lately, but they were still close friends to me and Avery.

“So Maya, are you my Cleopatra?” Larry asked and I turned around shaking my head “That’s me, daddy” Ave’s voice sounded and I chuckled “The daddy daughter dance already, huh? Nice” I looked around finding Matt at the bar, but he was still alone. I was wondering which name he had on his note, and who he would be dancing with.

We said it should be a slow easy dance song, little romantic for the feels. I looked around, and only a few people were still searching, so I headed in the direction of the bar, trying to find my partner for the dance, maybe it was someone of our friends, or maybe a goodlooking cousin of Ave.

“Who do you have, Matt?” The blonde woman, Matt talked earlier with sounded and I almost rolled my eyes. Who was she again? I had seen her before, but to which family did she belong, probably Brian’s if Matt knew her so good.

“I’m the King of Queens, Doug.” Matt said and my heart stopped, from all the guests here in the room, Matt and I got each other for the slow romantic dance. Well, at least I could send the woman off now, knowing I was the one Matt had to dance with.

“I’m your Carrie” I said stepping beside Matt, ready to take my drink with him, and him alone.


Another chapter so soon, huh?!
What do u say to the ceremony and do u wanna see more games at the wedding?!
Let us know in the comments :)


Such a fun chapter ;)
Can’t wait to read more!
And, am I the only one who kinda wants to read Jess & Jimmy’s wedding as well?

Holly Holly

So awesome!
also awesome that I subscribed to this story, and got the alert since the site is still acting kind of crazy. I would have been hella mad if I missed this chapter.

Buggaloo Buggaloo

LOVED this! Hopefully the honeymoon will be just as exciting! Can't wait for it!

Finally the wedding, they so deserve being happy together hope nothing can mess this up.

Rach Hell Rach Hell

Yay, Mattaya happened finally!! The vows actually gave me flashbacks about Riptide, gonna miss this!

Holly Holly