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Brian’s POV

I knew I couldn’t really say no to Matt’s request to help him with the set-up of the proposal he had planned, cause he was the one helping me too.
And really, to be honest, I wanted to help him too, I just liked to fuck with him and aggravate him a little more, because that was just too fucking easy with Shads.

Anyway, I had to find a way to send Ave away together with Maya, which didn’t sound too stupid or where they looked through right away, so what the hell should I let them do?!

I snatched Ave’s planner from her bedside table and looked into her wedding to do list. Not that I could make much out, since she had scratched through parts, written over them, under them and I had no idea what half of the stuff was that she had written down there.

“Fuck!” I closed it and threw it over the bed. I had to think of something, something that she could do, but would have to take her and Maya at least most of the day away from us, so we could be done with all the planning.

I snatched my phone from my pocket and dialed Zack’s number. “Meeting in Shads room, now. Tell the others” I instructed, not really knowing if Matt was on board with this, but we needed all the help that we could get right now.

I pushed myself up from the bed and headed to Matt’s room, he opened the door with an almost panicked look in his eyes. “What? Did you think of something?” He asked looking at his phone.

“I will think of something, Ave and Maya are downstairs anyway, wanting to talk about some final touches of her wedding dress… and then I’ll send them on their way. Don’t worry.” I said, though I still didn’t really have a plan where to send them, but I wouldn’t tell him that to the face right away.

“I asked the guys to-” I started when Jimmy’s scream was already heard all over the corridor.
“-to come” I finished and Matt held his door open wide, to let the flying Jimmy into his room and the others were following suit.

Matt paced before his bed, while the rest of us found a place to sit on watching him with patience.

“So?!” Zacky asked as first, patience wasn’t really in his nature as it seemed.

“Why exactly are we here now?” Jimmy pulled his phone out, playing some game, until I took it away from him. “Listen, Jimbo” I told him and he looked at me with narrowed eyes “This better be good.”

“Alright, listen… I…“ Matt started then rubbed a hand on his neck looking at nobody in particular.

“I’m planning to propose Maya today.” He finally let out and silence fell all over the room. I grinned knowing, these assholes must have guessed it that it wouldn’t take much longer then my proposal to Ave, but hearing Matt say it was making it much more real.

“Well.. and I need your help to set all up. You know how Maya reacts to changes and all that… I mean… it needs to be perfect, so she cannot say no.” Matt added when still nobody said anything.

“You know, that no matter how perfect the proposal is, its still you asking and that’s a major-Ouch- too early for jokes?!” Johnny rubbed his head, where I slapped him. Matt was already nervous enough, we didn’t need any of this shit to make him more nervous.

I knew he was doing his best to hide it from us, from me, because I was the one knowing, but he was fucking freaking out on the inside. I knew Matt long enough and close enough that he couldn’t put on a show like that.

“Well, congrautiofuckinglations! About time you want to tie the bound!” Zack stood up clapping Matt’s back and hugging him.
And then this went on so everybody could tell him, that they were just waiting for him to finally find his balls and do the deed.

“So what’s set up? What’s the plan?” Jimmy asked “I have some great ideas, I know exactly what the Knife Girls likes and we could-” But Matt held his hand up “I have a plan, Jimbo. Thanks… I need Brian to send the girls off for the day… I will tell Maya via call that I want to have dinner with her later, but until then, I need them as far away from my plans as possible, so Brian will send them on some wedding job. And the rest of you guys I need for the set up at the restaurant. I… I have something written, but I don’t know if it’s good, fuck, I never thought I would be this freaking nervous. I know this is right, but… what if-”

“Don’t worry, Shads. We will make it perfect. Let’s see what you have planned and then we will all put some thoughts in it, and there will be no way she can say no.” Jimmy grinned and I nodded “I mean even Ave said yes to this clown so-” Jimmy quickly went a couple of feet away from me while pointing his finger in my direction and I narrowed my eyes. “Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to include these motherfuckers” I grumbled, should have known this was on my costs in the end.

Matt opened his laptop and showed the guys his reservations and what he wanted each of them to do. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Ave. I motioned for Matt that I would be calling the girls now and moved out of the room, so they wouldn’t be hearing what was going on inside.

“Hey babe” Ave’s voice sounded and I immediately felt better, just hearing her voice calmed me down, and I just realized that I wanted to see her even more. But I had to help Matt now, so I had to wait some more till I had my fiancé back finally.

“Hey! What are you girls up to? Is Maya still with you?” I asked nonchalantly. I heard Maya’s voice right away as if she was listening in “Where else would I be, planning your wedding with your fiancé, dumbass”I rolled my eyes at her but had to smile.

“Maya!” Ave laughed “That’s my soon to be husband you are talking to!” I chuckled “It would sound way more real, if you wouldn’t be cracking up like that too, Ave” I said drily and the girls chuckled some more.

“What are you up to?” Ave asked and I sighed “We have some meeting and interview appointments on short notice… we need to still make up for the shitty show at the rock on the range, so we doing as much promo as we can…” I said and hoped she would buy my lie. I was a terrible liar, especially with Ave.

“Ah shit… We are about done with the last ideas on the dress… I thought we could-” Ave started and I cringed, shit… all thanks to Matt I not only had to lie to Ave and bend the truth, I had to cancel a free afternoon with my lady. He better have a yes at the end of the night, for all this trouble.

“Sure, we after all this is done we could- Oh Ave! Wait a second I get another call, stay put!” I put Ave on the waiting line and counted to 20, really really slow.

“Fuck… Ave? You hear me?!” I asked sounding upset and hoping it travelled all over the line.
“Yeah? Is something wrong? You sound angry? Is everything alright?” She asked and I regretted this, but still had to pull through now.

“Actually… no it’s not. That store for the fitting of my tux for the wedding, they called and cancelled. They mixed up some appointments, and couldn’t guarantee that the date, shit… what can we do now? And I forgot the whiskey… you know the one I always drink with my family on special occasions, that you can get only on special stores, from Scotland! Shit! What if I won’t have it by then? What if-” I spoke on and on until Ave finally interrupted me, thank fuck!

“Babe! Hey! Stop! Maya will call the store, just send me over the phone number, no problem we will get an appointment, I can’t believe you let them talk to you like that! We will manage! Maya said she knows someone in the store, and it will be arranged in no time… And for the whiskey, babe… do you really think it’s necessary-”

“That I hold the family tradition? What do you think my father and brother will say?!” I said and Ave sighed. “Send me the name, I will… Maya and I will be seeing what we can do this afternoon, since you and the guys are busy anyway, we will try and find something, don’t worry.” Ave sounded so calm and lovely I hated myself to bring even more stress to her.

“Oh babe, you are the best! What would I do without you… I’ll send you everything in a few minutes. I love you, and will reward you later” I smirked and Ave chuckled “You better!”

Trevor’s POV

Something was happening around here, and I wasn’t too sure what it was. I knew that both Haner and Sanders were eyeing me, but I think they now tried to get their crew members back on their side, which I couldn’t let happen.

The Berry brothers were eating out of the palm of my hand and it was just too easy to get them on my side… I had to be careful now how I treated and what lies I put into their brains, since it seems the boyfriends were getting behind it. Took them long enough to figure out, if you asked me but still…

The whole morning and dinner, the girls had been spending with their boyfriends, and now they were discussing some wedding details, that’s at least what Maya told me when I called her.

I was searching for them for quite a while until I decided not to spend my precious plotting time for nothing and called my sister.
She was giggling and laughing and I heard Ave do the same over the phone.

“You can come and have a look… I mean, maybe a man’s eye can add some important details, what you think, Ave?!” Maya asked and Ave was a little hesitant, and then agreed.

“If you don’t have something else to do… that is…” Maya quickly added and I grinned, as if I would do any work here anyway, I would just tell Jason my sister needed me and that would be it. They were way too easy to believe bullshit like that and way too familiar with each other about all this… but hell if it was to my advantage I wouldn’t fucking worry about it, right?!

“I’ll be right there, which room are you in?” I asked and Maya told me they had a meeting room in the lobby for themselves so the boys wouldn’t find them and barge in.

I hung up and went on my search for the Berry’s finding them outside next to the Equipment bus. I slowed my step and heard MB say “Can you believe he is going to propose?” Excitement was in his voice even though a little worry.

I frowned, who is going to propose?

“Well, it’s about time, don’t you think? Ave and Brian getting married in a couple of days, what better time is then just when they are in the wedding fever, huh? Girls getting all emotional and shit… if she ain’t gonna say yes, now…” JB answered and the both laughed.

“They are perfect, I am just worried with the latest arguments and all that, but hey… they belong together…” MB added and I slowly walked up to them until they saw me.

“Who is going to propose?” I asked casually and both turned around smiling “You didn’t hear yet?” MB asked a smile on his face.

“Should I?” I was getting more suspicious now. Who were they talking about, this couldn’t be about my sister, could it?
She wouldn’t be so dumb to bind herself to that prick?! Well but Ave was so dumb too, so…

“We can only tell you if you won’t tell your sister anything before this evening” JB said and I lifted my eyebrows.

“To ruin the big surprise?! Fuck no! When is it going to be, what’s planned?” I asked trying to sound excited when all I was feeling was disgust. I thought my sister wasn’t the brightest, but to forever bind herself to someone like Sanders, I really thought she was a little smarter, guess I was wrong…but… wait a second, wouldn’t that be the perfect plan to ruin her happy little ever after all and for once?!

I heard Jason blab on about the whole plan, but I honestly didn’t give a rats ass for any of that. I just listened in on the plan to get her to some dinner meeting, not knowing that would lead her to the whole proposing of Sanders.

I just had to distract her so she wouldn’t be meeting him, he wouldn’t understand why she would let that go, he was probably planning for month already… oh this was fucking perfect. And to add to that, I could be sending Maya on a special mission, and share my time with Ave alone…

It was time to step up my game with her, she was planned to marry Haner only in a couple of days, if I wanted that to be ruined and make her see just what she was missing, I had to finally make the move… and why not do that today. I grinned to myself when I went on my way to find Maya and Ave and set my plan to motion.

I had to be careful and not overdo just right away, but still push the girls in the direction I wanted them. And I knew I wanted Ave in a lying position, beneath me, naked and moaning, that would be the perfect outcome.

I spent about an hour with the girls talking about her dress and Maya calling some sorry dude at the fitting shop for Haner and Sanders tux. She was discussing with them until they all realized that it must have been a mistake, and everything was set and ready for the time of the final fitting.

“Alright, that’s settled, who knows what trainee had called and mistaken Brian’s number with someone else” Maya shrugged and Ave sighed “Thank god, there weren’t any real complications.”

“Now, let’s find the whiskey… and then I need to get the… you know what.” Maya smiled at Ave and I frowned. “What do you need to get?”

“Well, Maya is planning something special for Matt… and she needs… a special outfit.” Ave grinned sheepishly and I frowned. “Is it your anniversary or something?” I asked accompanying the girls towards the waiting cap outside.

“No… way better” Maya smiled so brightly, I could almost vomit, these girls were way too happy, I had to do something about that, that was sure.

I pressed myself next to Ave into the cab and laid my hand onto her thigh, she looked at me from the side, but didn’t say a word, though her eyebrows ceased together in confusion.

“What is better than?” I asked again and Maya smiled “Alright, I’ll tell you, but only if you promise not to say a word, to nobody!” She looked at me over Ave’s head and I nodded, rubbing my hand slowly up and down Ave’s thigh.

When she moved her leg a little, I moved with her, she would be in for a treat, that was clear, she wouldn’t know what hit her by the end of the day.

“I promise, sis. Don’t worry.”

“I’m planning to propose Matt. I know he is the right man for me, and since he would probably never expect anything like that… I know it’s right.” She smiled even wider and I saw Ave smile just as much and I rolled my eyes, but then quickly masked it and put a smile on my face as well.

“That is amazing! I mean, wow… you are the first Brandon to get married, who would have thought… it’s wow! I’m so happy” I reached over Ave to hug my sister, squeezing Ave so close in the process that I could feel her breasts pressed into my side.

“So he has no clue?” I asked and Maya shook her head. “He knows nothing. I want to do it before the wedding. I have the ring, I have the words… I made a reservation on the day before Ave’s wedding for a nice dinner, and then…” She trailed off getting a dreamy expression on her face and I almost laughed out loud.

She had no idea what was waiting for her, what she was about to miss tonight, and that wouldn’t be easily forgotten from Matt, I was sure about that, because Maya, wouldn’t have a clue what he went through, while my sister would be dancing and drinking away the evening, that was fitting right?!

Maya’s phone beeped but she didn’t seem to hear it. While the girls headed into the store for drinks I held the bags for them, pulling out Ave’s phone and shutting it off. And then I took a look at the message, seeing Matt had written her a message:

Missing you, be at 7 at the following address, wear something spectacular, I have plans for you gorgeous! It’s important don’t be late, Love Matt

I deleted the message and then took the battery out of Maya’s phone and closed it again, so her not to be fiancé wasn’t able to reach her all day.

We headed to three different stores to find the stupid drink for Haner, the girls were relieved and happy when they found it, and I took a look at the time. It was 5 so we still had quite some time to kill, and Maya wanted to get her outfit, I sighed, this was a long day, if I wasn’t rewarded accordingly I would probably go crazy!

While Maya was finally trying on dresses for the “big occasion” I sat next to Ave on a lounge couch. My leg was pressed to hers and even though she still looked a little irritated she didn’t back away from me.

“Do you remember, when we were younger and my parents were out of the house, how much fun we had back then?” I asked innocently, while I let my eyes roam over Ave’s body.

Her cheeks grew a little red and she shook her head “Long ago..” She smiled, but didn’t look my way.

I reached my arm around the headrest, and pulled Ave closer to me “We used to do movie nights, and all cuddled on the couch. Such innocence back then… and look at us now. All grown up, you are a gorgeous woman… you always had been so beautiful, but look at you now..” I said and Ave’s eyes widened a little.

“I.. wow.. I don’t know what to say, I mean… Thank you, but you make me uncomfortable, Trev…” Her cheeks grew even redder and I smiled, my arm landing around her now, pulling her into my side, this was the first move, and I would make sure, my sister would be busy the rest of the evening, and even better, she would be far away from me and Ave.

Maya’s POV

While Ave and I had worked on the dress all noon and we were almost done, I just had to add some final stiches and then we were good to go with that.
It wasn’t our only topic that we were talking about, even if the guys were thinking that.

I had talked to Ave about my upcoming proposal for Matt, I had planned the final touches and then the evening before the big day of Ave and Brian, I would pop the question, and with everything I planned, he couldn’t say no.

I mean, there was just no way in hell.

Though, I was still nervous, with everything that happened these past month, damn even weeks, we were just sometimes so pigheaded, especially Matt of course, that… we were running in the wrong direction, ok fine… me too. But still…

I knew Matt was the right man for me. He was my life and I wanted him to be part of it forever, to wear the ring, to wear his name, and be his as he would be mine.

I looked at the notes that I made for my speech, for the words, that I hoped I would be able to get out when I would ask him to marry me. They weren’t perfect yet, but I wrote down what came to my mind when I thought about him – us.

Dear Matt,

you make my life complete. Before I met you, I didn’t know what love and family was standing for, but with you by my side, I know I never want to let it go…

We had good and bad times, we had troubles and fights, but we always belong together. You belong to me, and I belong to you, forever.

This might surprise you but I am so sure of my love and about the fact that I want to share my life with you, that I am asking you now, will you marry me?

Some more notes were scribbled from me everywhere in between, I tried to make it short, afraid I wouldn’t be able to get anything out, being too emotional, but normally that wasn’t me, but still I didn’t want to take any risks.

It was a good coincidence that Brian was sending Ave and me on a mission to find his family’s favorite whiskey.

Because that way I didn’t have to find an excuse to get Ave and me out of the hotel this afternoon for my planned outfit shopping for the big day. I had a dress in my mind, and wanted to have a look for it.

I knew I didn’t have time to change much on it, at least not without Matt knowing, so I had to settle for something that I could buy and not design myself.

Also it was nice of my brother to accompany us, a males touch to some of our ideas weren’t bad. And he seemed really happy to hear from the plans that I had, to ask Matt to become my man.

I liked the sound of that, and possessive as I felt about Matt, I was waiting for the day he would be mine officially and I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when I told him, that I would share his family name and be his.

“Maya? Are you even listening to me?” Trevor asked from beside me and I frowned.

“Yeah, sure… why?” I shook my head slightly to get a grip on my thoughts. “I said, after you have the final version of your dress, we should head over to some restaurant or bar, and have a drink, I mean to celebrate the amazing news of your soon engagement, and Ave’s marriage.” Trevor said and I grinned, seeing how he looked at Ave with a smile.

I was so happy that Ave was still getting along with Trevor so good. That at least she was on my side, or well our side, since the tension between Matt, Brian and Trevor wasn’t bearable much longer.

I don’t know why they thought so bad of him, he didn’t do anything wrong, and he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardy our good times. I mean he was always helping out, he was getting along with the Berry’s just fine. He was helping them, he was helping the tour, maybe there was a misunderstanding at some times, but I don’t know why Matt and Brian were so hell-bent on the fact that Trevor was “bad”?!

I nodded at Trevor’s idea “Sounds good to me” I said and saw Ave looking at her watch “I don’t know, I mean, shouldn’t we be back to the hotel by the evening?” She asked and Trevor shook his head “Come on Ave, like old times, just a drink? That won’t hurt anyone. And I didn’t see or hear anyone complaining that we are gone, they are probably still busy with the interviews or fan works or whatever it is they are doing… They will call you if they had the time, I believe” I nodded, that made sense.

Matt told me he wanted to see me later, and I couldn’t wait to be back in his arms, we could have a nice dinner, but he also said he will be busy all evening, so he would call me when he was ready, that much was sure. He didn’t give me a time, and if he didn’t call yet, I bet it was taking them longer than they thought.

Trevor laid his arm around Ave and pulled her close, then his other arm around me and smiled. “I really enjoy having some time with my… sisters. I mean, when do I get you two alone? You are mostly working or spending time with your men.”

I felt guilty at his words and saw Ave was looking the same “Okay, why not, one drink won’t hurt anyone, right?! So let’s find the perfect dress and then we will head over to some nice bar?” I asked looking from Trevor to Ave, who smiled at Ave lifting his eyebrows in expectation of her answer.

“Sure, the boys will be busy anyway, so… why not?!” She grinned and Trevor pulled her closer putting a kiss on her cheek, while I pulled away to try on the final two dresses. I saved those last, because those were the ones I liked the most.

When I stepped into the bright red dress, shoulder free and with a nice cleavage, hugging my body like it was made for me, I smiled at myself in the mirror. Matt would love this one. It’s just the way he liked it… and I looked good in it, I felt good in it.

I didn’t need to hear any other opinion, I stepped out of the dress, took my bag from Trevor and headed towards the counter.

“What is going on?!” Ave asked. And I smiled “I got it. It’s the one. You will see it on the day!” I grinned even more and Ave rolled her eyes “You making a secret out of it? Now?!”

I took the bag and handed my credit card over to pay “Yup” I grinned and Ave sighed loudly. “All this fuss and then you don’t even show it, I am disappointed”

After I heard enough of Ave’s complaining and we were back squeezed into another cab, Trevor was searching for a fitting bar to celebrate. I thought it was really cute of him to want and celebrate my upcoming proposal, when we entered the bar, he even paid us a VIP section and got us the first round of drinks.

We sat together and listened to the music while drinking the first glass, enjoying the evening, the cab drive had been about a good 30 minutes and I lost track of where exactly Trevor had taken us. I pulled my phone out when Ave was in the restrooms but the battery was dead, not even a single lamp or any sign of light.

“Can I burrow your phone real quick?” I yelled into Trevor’s ear, his eyes were directed onto the dancefloor and the direction Ave had vanished. He seemed like he wasn’t really listening to me, but then answered nonetheless “Why?” he barked back and I frowned a little.

“Just wanted to check in with Matt, my battery is dead.” I yelled back and Trevor rolled his eyes “Can’t enjoy one evening with your brother and best friend, I see. Don’t you think someone would call you if you were wanted or needed? Or they would call Ave, or me?!” He snapped back and I shrank back a little, guilt washing over me, and I sighed.

Fine, I could still later on burrow Ave’s phone and call. Everything would be okay, Matt told me he was busy all afternoon and evening, he would tell me when he would have some time, right?!

“Ave, is taking pretty long, why don’t you get us some drinks… I think there in the back of the other room was a special cocktail corner, why don’t you ask for their best drink, and get us some of it?” Trevor looked at me finally and I frowned at his sudden mood change “I will have a look where Ave is, so she is not lost… okay? I didn’t mean to be harsh, Maya. I just want to enjoy the time with you, and not always hear about the boyfriends, you will be spending your rest of your life with him, why not spare an evening for me?” He touched my cheek and I nodded. He was right, I should grant him more time, and he was also right when Matt and I were in the wedding planning and he said yes to the proposal, I would have even less time for my brother.

“Okay, I’ll get us some drinks. And you go look for Ave.” I stood up and headed towards the other room as Trevor had suggested, but wasn’t able to find the cocktail bar he had been talking about.

I pushed myself past all the people on the side and dancefloor and rounded the area about two times, until I finally found what I was searching for. The bar area was packed and it took me quite a while to finally talk to someone on the other side.

“Hey beauty, can I get you something?” A guy beside me asked and I smiled at him sweetly but declined. “No, thank you. I’ll handle my drinks alone” I motioned for the barkeeper who still seemed to ignore me. When I glanced at the watch of the man standing beside me I frowned.

It couldn’t be after eight-thirty already, could it? We haven’t been here that long, right? I should really go find Ave and Trevor and then call Matt, to at least let him know that I was fine and ask if he was done, too. Really weird, he hadn’t tried to call us yet…

I grabbed the drinks set before me, after what felt like hours, and tried to push myself through the mass of people around me, without spilling all the drinks over myself.

When I neared our table I looked around, damn it Ave and Trevor weren’t at the table…

Where the hell have they gone now? And why was Ave’s bag missing?!


Updateeee :D
Let us know what u think :)))


Such a fun chapter ;)
Can’t wait to read more!
And, am I the only one who kinda wants to read Jess & Jimmy’s wedding as well?

Holly Holly

So awesome!
also awesome that I subscribed to this story, and got the alert since the site is still acting kind of crazy. I would have been hella mad if I missed this chapter.

Buggaloo Buggaloo

LOVED this! Hopefully the honeymoon will be just as exciting! Can't wait for it!

Finally the wedding, they so deserve being happy together hope nothing can mess this up.

Rach Hell Rach Hell

Yay, Mattaya happened finally!! The vows actually gave me flashbacks about Riptide, gonna miss this!

Holly Holly