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Back for good?!

Maya’s POV

The double date Matt and Brian had planned for me and Ave had been fun-fucking-tastic. I hadn’t had that much time with Matt since ever; at least it felt like that.

We could talk, cuddle, laugh and all without any interruption, it felt like a blessing, really. Maybe I should propose to Matt the idea of making a date night at least every week, on tour or not, we should try and make that possible, so we could really enjoy the time together.

He made me fall in love with him even more, and then the little information about the song, maybe some women would be hurt, or mad at him for writing something such as personal about them, but I honestly was bursting with love for him.

He had been missing me and our time together so badly, that he wrote a goddamn song about it. Later on he told me, that he talked to Brian about it and did some modifications, because he didn’t want it to be too obvious, but god… how much I loved this man, wasn’t even possible to put in words!

Good was that during the morning apart from the boys, Ave and I were pretty ahead with our planning of the proposal. We decided it should happen during this tour, maybe in just two weeks, I still had to make some reservations, or better Ave had and I hoped she would be able to do that during a time where Brian wasn’t around. Because if that guy would question her about it she would sing, or lie and she was such a bad liar, he would know something was up, talk to Matt and then it would probably go all down the drain and all the planning for nothing.

Ave designed a dress for me, wanting to make me look perfect when I propose, I loved her for that. I would hopefully get some time to somehow prepare it, I could still tell Matt it was for a special customer, or trust Jess with this task to get it done, but I would really like to be part of it myself.

During one night of Matt’s sleep I got the measurement of his finger, to be able to order just the right ring, to show of he was mine. I grinned to myself, he was such a deep sleeper, he didn’t notice a thing. The ring would be arriving at the next hotel in Las Vegas to a secret name at the reception, so I would be able be the only one knowing it was for me, I already called the hotel in advance to let them know and made everything secured.

“You really have to go already?” Matt looked at me with a sad expression and I chuckled “You know I have to… I can’t let the Berry’s pick him up on their own, he would want me and Ave there.” I told him and patted his cheek, small stubble tickling my hands.

“Why the hell not? Let them do the work, they are our-” I pressed my finger to his lips “Ah ah, you would be nothing without your roadies” I said and Matt lifted an eyebrow at me “Who told you that bullshit?! I think you spend too much time with MB, he is planting weird stuff in your head, babe” Matt shook his head a smile on his face and I kissed his lips a final time, I really had to go.

After more arguging from Matt’s part and him trying to distract me and then giving me the lecture about not leaving the Berry’s sides and not doing anything stupid or reckless he finally let me go.

I almost ran towards Brian and Ave’s door, knocking and I knew exactly what they were doing, or at least what Brian wanted to do, because weren’t men all the same?!
“Put your pants on and let’s go!” I called. “The Berry’s said the taxi is waiting! Let her go Gates or I’ll come in there and rip her away.”

I heard some mumbleling and knew he was still trying his best, and I knew that Ave was just as willing to his words, but I had to put a stop to it.

“Don’t start something you don’t have time to finish! I’m warning you,” I called through the door again. “I have your spare key still and I’m not afraid to use it!” I have seen it all already anyway, being on tour and being with Ave for so long, there wasn’t much I haven’t seen, if I wanted to or not.

That’s about it, I opened the door and let myself in, at least I gave them a warning. “Maybe if we get back on time,” I said, “I’ve already had this conversation with, Matt. But we really need to go and yes we wont go out of the Berry Brother’s sight,” While I said that I felt a presence behind me, and I knew exactly who that was and who couldn’t let go. I smiled to myself and then looked over to Matt.

“Fine…” Brian said, looking at Matt out the door before coming back to Ave. “Be careful….and Ave?” Brian whispered something in Ave’s ear that made her red like a tomato and I had to chuckle a little.

“Enough of the sex talk,” I said, grabbing Ave’s hand and pulling her away. “We’ve got to go,” and with that we were off. “See you boys later,” I smiled and kissed Matt as we passed.

We headed down and almost jumped into the waiting taxi, it was a van, so we could all sit in the back. Jason next to Ave, me beside Ave’s otherside and MB in front of me.

“Having a good day while the other people work?” MB asked a smile on his lips. “A great day, and don’t start a pity party here!” I teased back and he held a hand over his heart, acting as being hurt deeply by my words.

“Oh poor MB” I touched his hand and he looked at me still wounded making me and Ave chuckle while Jason rolled his eyes “You are such a jerk” Jason said but a small smile formed on his lips.

“What? Shads told me to entertain the women and not leave them out of sight, maybe I should get even closer to make sure they won’t get lost, wouldn’t you like that Jay?” MB shot back to his brother who stuttered over a reply making me and MB burst out laughing while Ave’s cheeks heated up.

I loved these guys dearly, we always had so much fun and if Matt and Brian wouldn’t be able to go, these were a fun and distracting replacement.
“Don’t look so shocked, brother” MB said and Jason flipped him off.

We arrived at the airport, and we hurried to the gate where Trevor would arrive. He wasn’t there yet, but soon should come walking out.
I felt an arm around my shoulder, being dragged into MB’s body and saw how Jason stood behind Ave closely.

It was really funny seeing how awakward those two were still with each other sometimes. Ave’s eyes met mine and she shrugged her shoulders as if to say she knew what I was thinking and didn’t know how to handle it, I mean look at Jimmy and me, even though there was something going on between us right in the beginning, there was no awkawardness around us, but then again.. that was Jimmy and it took some time for Matt to come over it, but Brian should man up a little too…

I opened my mouth to say something but MB was faster “Don’t act all shy now, we all saw you yesterday together, seems like when you guys are drunk this isn’t as hard as now, huh?” I had to hold my hand before my mouth to not laugh out loud, when both Jason and Ave looked at us like deers in the headlight.

“What do I hear there, you were having some fun without me, huh?” Trevor’s voice sounded from behind us and I whirled around quickly.
He dropped his bag and opened his arms to let Ave and me run into them. His hand touched my back lightly and then he pulled away, holding Ave a moment longer.

Trevor looked from us to Jason and Matt standing directly in front of us, and it looked like they were eyeing each other with caution.

“Hey man, welcome to the team” Matt stepped forward clapping his hand, and then walking back to my side, his arm around my shoulder, pulling me away from my brother making me frown a little.

“Yeah, welcome” Jason clapped his hand as well, and wanted to do the same move as his brother, but Trevor wouldn’t release Ave from his side, grabbing his bag with the other hand and starting to walk.

Jason frowned a little and looked over to MB who lifted an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. I had no idea what this all meant but it was confusing, had Matt and Brian told the Berry brothers something, or what was this all about?!

“So, what was that comment about? You had a party? And where are you better halves? Or did you exchange the guys finally?!” Trevor joked and I chuckled shaking my head. “Yeah, I had to exchange Matt for Matt, cause the one gotta be on stage right now, and with all the press they didn’t want to let us go alone, you know how they are, very protective.” I sighed and Trevor nodded “Ah okay, so they are busy and you were left alone with the roadies, huh?” Trevor asked and pulled Ave a little closer.

“We are more than just roadies, dude” MB said and grabbed me suddenly around the hip to lift me up, making me shriek.
“NO no no, not again!” I laugh yelled at him, and he quickly put me down without another complaint.

Trevor eyed me and MB, then moved over to watch Jason who walked closely beside Ave, their hands almost brushing against each other so close.

“And yes, we had a party last night…” Ave said and looked away quickly.
I chuckled “Ave doesn’t remember much” I teased and her cheeks turned red “I do know parts… just not all” She tried to defend herself and I had to laugh at that.

“Well, how about the fact that I found two girls with five men in one bed, you remember that Ave?” MB laughed and Ave’s cheeks turned even pinker and Trevor’s eyes widened “You did what?” Both Jason and Trevor said at the same time sounding surprised and angry, while I laughed loudly and felt a bit offended that apparently they only thought I would be doing something like that but not innocent Ave, who wasn’t as innocent anymore!

“Don’t make it sound like that!” Ave tried to shield her face from the prying eyes and I shook my head, elbowing MB in the side who grunted “Well, they were partly dressed?” MB added, to lighten the situation, but it sounded more like a question, making me roll my eyes at him.

“You were just jealous” I shot back and he nodded, “Hell yeah I was, I wanted to be in Jimmy’s place, between the two girls” He grinned boyish and I shook my head“You are so bad!”

Trevor looked completely confused while I saw Jason talking to Ave “What the hell were you thinking?” Jason hissed and Ave lifted her eyebrow “What do you mean?”
“You drank way too much and then end up without even knowing what you all did, Ave! You should be more careful” Jason said and placed a strand of hair behind her ear with a caring smile and Trevor cut between it, when we arrived back at the Van, handing his bag to Jason, so he would break the staring contact with Ave and put the bag into the trunk.
“You two sound like an old married couple, or is that just me” Trevor teased towards Jason and Ave but I heard something in his voice I had no idea to place. “And you sound like-” Trevor turned to me but MB held up his hand “Nope, never were… and not are… just friends, not that I hadn’t tried, but that woman isn’t to crack for me” MB kissed my cheek and helped me in the car.

He was a flirter, but he would never dare make a real move on me, knowing my Matt would rip him a new one, so everything was clear between us, just teasing and innocent flirting, but maybe for the outside- meaning Trevor, that wasn’t so normal?!
“And about the married couple, well.. if my brother would have been a little more persistent, maybe that could have worked out… but then again, Gates was able to pull his head out of his ass finally, and now they are engaged, chance gone, bro” MB said and Jason rolled his eyes “Fuck off, asshat… That’s long time ago, we are good the way it is.” Silence came over our group and Trevor seemed to eye Jason and Ave more closely until Jason broke the spell and helped Ave into the car.

The rest climed into the Van as well and I sat in the middle betwee MB and Jason beside me while, Trevor climbed in the back sitting together with Ave and soon we were headed back to the hotel.

Trevor’s POV

It was finally time to go and work back on my plan, it had been going all too good, now I had lost time and probably lots of my preparation, cause the happy couples could talk it all through, but now I was back and back with new ideas and plans.

I was excited already to walk out the boarding area and see Ave standing there, yes sure my sister would be there as well, but that wasn’t what I really was looking forward, if you asked me, she could be anywhere but near me.

Still seeing her brought back memories and emotions I didn’t want to deal with, it was all her fault… Problem was to get my payback I had to have her close… Have your enemy’s closer, right?! And I would be, I would be so close to those girls they wouldn’t even know what hit them.

I walked out and went to grab my bag, I let my eyes wander over the area and saw a mop of blonde hair standing near my exit and a smile fell over my face. Soon Ave, soon it would be just you and me, forget about Haner and the entire world around you, I would make sure you will.

When I walked a few steps forward, I saw it wasn’t only Ave, not that I dare hoped for only her, but there was also my sister together with two guys. I remembered seeing them before, weren’t those these brothers that had hung over the girls all the time.

What was there deal being here? And why wasn’t their- oh so lovely boyfriends with them?! Already trouble in paradise?! Such a shame…
Maybe my call had worked out better than I thought, or had the girls already exchanged one guy for another.

The way the guy next to my sister was holding her made it look like they were pretty known to each other, and it wasn’t something new that my sister would let almost any men near her, yes I heard plenty of that… just look up thos magazines and shit…

So this wasn’t really shocking, was it true that Matt knew about all this? Her ways with other guys? He must know she was here with him, did he tolerate it? Or was my sister just that good, so he looked over it? I had to get deeper into that topic, I mean only knowing that my sister had something with Bruce said enough, wasn’t he the same as Maya, fucking his way around town? It couldn’t be more between them then that right? They both weren’t the type… but then why back to Matt? Money? Fame?

I rolled my eyes, so many things I had to find out and work on, damn this would be some busy days ahead of me…

My eyes moved over to Ave and I saw the guy standing behind her, he leaned over and I saw his eyes wandering down, while Maya and this other guy were openly teasing and flirting as it seemed, the brother at Ave’s side seemed reluctant, but not less offending if you ask me.

He looked at her with hunger, I could see that right away, cause I knew that feeling all to well myself.

Something familiar seemed to go on between them, Ave looked over to him and gave him a smile, he returned it and he settled her hand on her shoulder.

It almost seemed innocent, but way more intimate then with the other two. What was going on with those guys?

The more they talked and laughed, the closer I moved, they didn’t pay any attention to me, which kinda hurt my feelings, weren’t they here to pick me up and give me a happy welcome, no they were here eyefucking each other, I guess I really should have a talk with Haner and Sanders over this.

I made myself noticed just in a moment where really interesting information fell. I had to find more out about the party they had attended and where Ave had lost her memory. I mean, I had just the idea to plant some seeds in her head… what could have happened, without her even knowing, what could Brian have done, while she was out? Did he do something?! I grinned to myself, I just needed the right moment to talk to her alone.

When we walked outside to the waiting car, I noticed just how weird they acted together. So I spilled my thoughts, I mean, couldn’t hurt to bring something out right away, huh?!
Maya’s company pushed everything away quiet fast, he made everything sound like a joke, but I would know better.
And then look at the uncomfortable silence between Ave and Jason, right that was his name.

“And about the married couple, well.. if my brother would have been a little more persistent, maybe that could have worked out… but then again, Gates was able to pull his head out of his ass finally, and now they are engaged, chance gone, bro” MB said and his brother rolled his eyes “Fuck off, asshat… That’s long time ago, we are good the way it is.” I looked back and forth, well that is fucking interesting, so Jason and Ave had something going on, fuck I already loved the tour life and I haven’t even really started.

I had to get Jason to talk and then I could use all that to plant seeds into Haner’s head, I bet he would be just as pissed off as I felt knowing Ave had let some roadie guy close to her. She was worth so much more than, a cheating rock stars and half class roadies, damn why didn’t she see that?

Silence was our company during the beginning of the ride, but I knew just how to break that. “So what is the plan? We got something fun to do tonight?” I asked looking hopeful around and Maya gave me a smile.

“We wanted to show you the live show, don’t know how much of the show we will still be able to see, it’s late already, but at least a little of the action… and afterwards the party of course.” She said and I nodded “If you rather have it quiet, I can give you the hotel card and you can sit this one out” MB suggested and I narrowed my eyes on him, sure he wanted to take the girls away from me, but that wouldn’t be working.

“Oh no, you think I’m gonna miss out the fun, I just heard the beginning of the juicy stories, I bet there are more, and where else to get to know the real tour life then on party’s like this?!” I said and tried to sound excitedly, when all I wanted to do was drag Ave away from all these guys.

The whole drive they were joking and teasing each other, I listened in closely. I got out some information about the night before and I would use that, but the best information beside knowing Ave’s blackout was that she and Jason were a thing before Ave and Haner came together, that would be just the perfect thing to use.

We arrived at the hotel, we brought my bag to my room and the girls and sadly also the Berry’s were waiting downstairs. The girls seemed to be excited to go to that stupid show, which I could really sit out on, but dang it, I couldn’t make them suspicious the first night already.

“Alright, let’s go. You gonna love the show, all the fire and heavy music” Ave said and I grabbed her hand in mine, she looked at me form the side with a curious look but I just winked at her, quickly grabbed Maya’s hand as well and held it up, to show her how innocent my move was. As soon as Ave gave me a smile back I let go of Maya’s hand again.

We stood beside the stage and the girls began bouncing up and down, I watched Ave move and a smirk spread over my face, look at this beauty. Her tits were outlined by her dress, cleavage showing and I would love to trail my tongue into it.

I moved closer to Ave, when I felt a hand on my shoulder “Gotta bring this on stage, sorry man” Jason pushed past me away from Ave and went to the side of the stage, holding his in-ear. I narrowed my eyes on him, he was doing that on porpuse, I knew it.

But at least he was working and now and gone, but before I could enjoy the thriumph I saw how both the Berry brother always returned to the girls side, then talking to their mic’s and holding their in-ear, something was going on, was this normal? Or a special situation?!

The show went on and on, I got bored, even though it was nice and sexy how Ave moved to the music, but the way she stared at Haner was making me itchy.
I tapped the girls shoulders and they turned around, they had this lusty and star struck image and I was tempted to roll my eyes, they must be used to seeing these guy’s on stage… damn it.

“Should we go backstage and get some drinks? The guys probably need a moment with the fans after, right? I could need something to drink, I’m a little exhausted still…” I tried the guilt route and saw how Maya and Ave looked at each other, back to the stage and then at me. “Sure, why not… we can go back when they come off stage” Maya said with another longing look to the singer, who turned his head to the side, but wouldn’t find the girls now, I grinned to myself.

“Yeah right” I replied, but didn’t plan to let the girl go back here, now was my time and I would damn use it. Let those guys know just how good I took care of them… or at least one of them!

I would start my revenge plan again, and it would get even dirtier than before… believe me!

Brian’s POV

It always felt just right, when I had Ave walk beside me, her dress was made to drive me insane and those heels would have to stay on later…

I could already feel her heels digging into my ass, while I plunged in and out of her in a fast heated rhythm. I knew my fiancé liked it hard and fast just as much as she liked it sweet and slow. She was just the perfect woman for me and on days like this I got more and more aware of it.“Why are you staring at me like that?” Ave asked her cheeks blushing, while I let my hand run up and down her thigh. Not being able to stay away, needing the contact, skin to skin at the best.

“I can’t help it… I need to stare at you, love” I leaned down and placed a soft kiss against her temple, if I would capture those lips, I knew I would be going further and further and the meal would have to wait until I sated a whole different hunger inside of me.

“Why? Do I have something in my face?” She lifted her elegant fingers up brushing them over her lips and cheek and I smiled, such innocence and cuteness combined was bringing me to my knees. “Just that gorgeous smile” She chuckled lightly letting her hand fall down for me to grab it and lift it to my lips.“You make me the happiest man on earth” I whispered in her ear, my lips brushing her shell and she giggled lightly. “I think Matt’ isn’t far behind with his happiness” Ave grinned and pointed her finger to our double date partners sitting before us.Matt leaned in to Maya stealing a quick kiss making her squirm in her seat, but I looked right back to Ave, not wanting to waste just a second of looking at her.

“I’m such a lucky bastard being able to marry you” I leaned over again, claiming her attention back to me.“Yeah you are” Ave said, her stunning blue eyes meeting mine, a playful smile around her kissable lips.
“You think you are funny, huh? Little Ave? I will show you funny, later when I’m off stage…” I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me, Ave’s breathing got huskier and I felt it hot against my cheek.

“I’d rather have you show me, hot and hard then funny” Ave whispered back and I almost moaned, clamping my mouth shut just before it could escape, this woman would be the death of me, all innocence one second, then seductress the next, how would I survive?!

Matt and Maya were the perfect double date partners, you wouldn’t see or hear them if you didn’t want, they were completely lost in their world, while I could just be as lost in Ave’s and mine. “I’m so gald you stayed… I don’t know if I would have been able to handle this tour without you by my side… besides all the trouble with the press and shit… I mean in generally, I just can’t stand being apart… and you know, even if you’re with me, sometimes I feel like checking on you, afraid you will leave me or be gone” I admitted softly and Ave’s eyes widened.“Why would you think that?” She asked looking hurt, I didn’t mean to make her sad.“Because I love you so much, and I never want to lose you again, silly” I captured her lips with mine and Ave immediately melted into my body.
I slung my arms around her to press her even firmer against me, our lips fighting, massaging only to give in to each other in the end.

“We are here, you love birds” Maya announced and we headed towards the restaurant and private area, Matt and I had made a master reservation here, we were secluded, no one could see us or make anything out, this was perfect for us.

No press, no fans, no nothing. Just us four having the perfect time…

The food was delicious and I held my fork up to Ave to guide some from my plate into her mouth, she moaned lightly after the bite and I liked my lips, gods this woman was torturing me… did she even realize that? After the food was gone and we had a little drink together, I stood up and held my hand out to Ave, she laid her hand in mine and I guided her to the little dance floor, where Matt and Maya were already softly swinging to the music.

“How do I come to this honor?” Ave asked grinning up to me. I let my hands run from her shoulders down to her waist, pulling her close to my body and leaning over her, my mouth at her ear, giving a small lick and then a little bite “What do you mean, love?” I growled into her ear, while my hands ran around her waist to her firm ass and I squeezed a little making Ave press even firmer into me, so I could feel her breasts pressed into my chest.

“The dancing, I thought you didn’t like dancing that much?” She breathed out and I felt a small lick at my throat. “Hmmm.. you taste so good” Ave sighed out and I almost lost it.“For you, I’ll always dance, and feeling you this close reminds me of last night” I teased. Ave pulled a little away, her eyes meeting mine, confusion written all over them.
“What do you mean?” She asked a frown knitting her brows together and I chuckled, while I let my hands run up her back and down to her ass again, rubbing the firm globes lightly.

“Don’t you remember, what I did to you… what we did, love?” I teased again and Ave’s eyes widened, “What did I do? What did you do?” A little panic sounded in her voice, making me chuckle, she really didn’t know, did she?!

“Brian, what happened?” She asked but I put a finger in front of her lips silencing her “Maybe, if you’re a good girl, I will tell you later and then you can make it up to me… but right now, I just wanna hold you, and feel you close to me, love”

“GATES?! HELLO?! SOMEBODY’S HOME?!” A voice roused me from my daydream. I frowned, looking around me finding myself back on the after party.

“You okay?” The voice again, and I zoomed my eyes on the person standing beside me, Johnny.“Here?!” He held a red cup out to me and I took it gladly drinking it all at once, making Johnny lift an eyebrow at me.

“You okay, bro?!” I nodded and gave the empty cup back, turning my look around to where I thought I had seen Ave last. She had been just a few feet away talking to Jason and Zack, hadn’t she? Where was she now? And why wasn’t she at the side of the stage when I walked down, she normally always waited there with Maya for Matt and me, but this time, both girls weren’t waiting.

Was I being a fool to have noticed that and felt anger pulsate towards me? Maybe, but could I put that anger away easily, nope I couldn’t.

I had seen Ave and Maya standing there about the mid through the set, with who else than that asshole brother of Maya and then.. suddenly gone! I don’t know, but that guy was rubbing me the wrong way, I didn’t know what to think of him, but the way he was standing there, his arms around both girls, but standing way closer to Ave then he was to his sister was leaving me thinking there was something off with him.

Maybe they have known each other from their childhood or teenageyears, whatever, which doesn’t give this douchebag any right to my fiancé, if he comes to think of that, he was definetly wrong. I narrowed my eyes and tried to see over the crowd of people where my other friends had vanished to when I felt a presence in front of me

“What?!” I almost barked seeing Johnny was still hanging around me. “You searching for someone?” He asked and I rolled my eyes “What does it look like to you, short shit?” I growled back and he chuckled, he dare chuckled, asshole that.

“Ave is out for a smoke, but don’t worry, she is not alone” And with that Johnny vanished in the crowd and I frowned, what does he mean, she was not alone?! I marched forward, determined to grab Ave and bring her back to me, just because that fucker was now around, didn’t give him any right to hang around our girls all the time.
They had enough time catching up during their 40 minutes of driving from the airport to the hotel and coming to the show, apparently they had also used the time after the show, because it took me and Matt a while to find the girls afterwards.

I was just glad that Matt had told the Berry’s to not leave the girls alone, I mean… not even alone with Trevor, we gave them strict orders to always have someone around, we didn’t trust that guy and so wouldn’t any of our men. He could act nice all he wanted, we wanted to see proof of his good intentions and right now, I was only seeing him, taking my girl away from me, and hindering me to spend time with her, and that was about to stop, right fucking now…

If I found her, because when I stepped outside and opened my mouth already to claim her back, the spot was empty, and she was gone…


Sorry for the long wait...
but here it is the next chapter!! :D

Tell us what you think, and we will try to hurry with the next chapter ;)


Such a fun chapter ;)
Can’t wait to read more!
And, am I the only one who kinda wants to read Jess & Jimmy’s wedding as well?

Holly Holly

So awesome!
also awesome that I subscribed to this story, and got the alert since the site is still acting kind of crazy. I would have been hella mad if I missed this chapter.

Buggaloo Buggaloo

LOVED this! Hopefully the honeymoon will be just as exciting! Can't wait for it!

Finally the wedding, they so deserve being happy together hope nothing can mess this up.

Rach Hell Rach Hell

Yay, Mattaya happened finally!! The vows actually gave me flashbacks about Riptide, gonna miss this!

Holly Holly